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Comment Re:I'm one of those engineers... (Score 1) 341

Weird, I've never seen it with an S in there, only as LOC and xK LOC. I though maybe it was something different than the LOC counts I'd seen before. Of course, I've never dealt with projects that were in the millions either, so maybe that's why I've never heard the S variations.

Comment Re:I'm one of those engineers... (Score 1) 341

Let's take the simplest of all the detection problems. How many lines of code does it take to reliably and safely detect the lane markings of a road? Nobody knows, because nobody has done it yet. Yes, there are prototypes that can handle some sub sets of all cases. The best I've seen handles 90% of the cases. That takes 1 MSLOC and still counting.

What's an emslock?

Comment Re:Erm (Score 1) 9

Inertia mainly - I stopped writing JEs regularly, and lost the drive to write them. Not sure what (if anything) would kick me back into any kind of regularity on them again. Though I suppose once every 18 months isn't too aggressive of a schedule to shoot for!

Submission + - The first stars in the Universe were invisible

StartsWithABang writes: You'd think it would be enough to form some stars, and "let there be light" would be a reality. But these stars don't become visible for literally hundreds of millions of years until after they form. It's not that they don't emit light — they do — but rather that the Universe is opaque to that light for up to half a billion years after those stars form. While modern telescopes like Hubble are inherently limited by this fact, the James Webb Space Telescope, which will observe in wavelengths that these dusty particles ought to be transparent to, might be able to finally probe the true light from the very first stars.

Submission + - A fish makes a tongue out of water (

sciencehabit writes: Using a group of high-speed cameras and x-ray videos, the scientists observed the strange way mudskipper fish feeding in the laboratory. Their analysis showed that the fish carry mouthfuls of water up onto the land and then expel the water at the moment they lunge at their prey. The water allows the fish to form an airtight seal and generate enough suction to move the water and their meal back toward the esophagus. Furthermore, the motion of a bone in the fishes’ throat, known as the hyoid, closely resembles that of other terrestrial animals, especially newts, which use true tongues to eat. The authors suggest that the mudskipper’s “hydrostatic” tongue may serve as the evolutionary bridge that allowed our aquatic ancestors to begin feeding on land.

Submission + - Methane leak unlocks potential for revolutionary graphene production (

An anonymous reader writes: Caltech scientists have published a new technique [] for producing graphene at room temperature — ushered by an accidental methane leak — which could be critical for future commercial production of the material. Manufacturing graphene has often been problematic, with scientists required to ‘grow’ the material in furnaces reaching 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, frequently resulting in strain and deformation. Today researchers at the California Institute of Technology have revealed a method which will enable a faster and cooler production of high-quality graphene sheets. David Boyd, who developed the technique following a 'lucky' failed experiment in 2012, said of the technology's potential: “You could imagine something crazy. You could wrap a building in graphene to keep it from falling over.”

Submission + - Elon Musk On Autonomous Cars: Could Human Drivers Eventually Be Outlawed? ( 1

MojoKid writes: One of the highlights of the opening keynote at the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference in San Jose (GTC), was NVIDIA CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang's special guest, Tesla CEO, Elon Musk and the "fireside chat" the two participated in. With NVIDIA's focus on deep learning and machine vision technologies for cars, much of the talk centered around autonomous vehicles and the notion that someday they may be so reliable, that they're actually safer on the road than cars operated by humans. Think about it. Is the idea of a vehicle that recognizes distance, velocity, weather conditions and real-time changes, faster than a human can, all that far-fetched? In the interview shot here, Musk even thinks we may get to a day when human drivers could be outlawed in favor of an all autonomous driving society.

Submission + - Gates: More Agility Needed to Deal With Large Epidemics ( 1

jones_supa writes: Of the recent Ebola crisis, Bill Gates says that this disease has awaken the world to the fact that we are not properly prepared to deal with a global epidemic. Even if we signed up lots of experts right away, few organizations are capable of moving thousands of people, some of them infected, to different locations on the globe, with a week's notice. Data is another crucial problem. During the Ebola epidemic, the database that tracks cases has not always been accurate. This is partly because the situation is chaotic, but also because much of the case reporting has been done first on paper. Then there's our failure to invest in effective medical tools like tests, drugs and vaccines. On average it has taken an estimated one to three days for test results to come back — an eternity when you need to quarantine people. Drugs that might help stop Ebola were not tested in patients until after the epidemic had peaked, partly because the world has no clear process for expediting drug approvals. Compare all of this to the preparation that nations put into defense, which has high-quality mobile units ready to be deployed quickly.

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If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
