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Comment "Offenders" (Score 1) 234

Studies have shown that as many as 90 percent of campus rapes are committed by repeat offenders.

Do those studies take into account so-called victims who make multiple false reports of rape and sexual assault? Do those studies take into account imaginary offenders? Do those studies tally up "offenders" like "Haven Monahan" who exist only in the mind of their demented accusers?

But some argue that having the ability to report someone with just the click of a button may not be a good thing.

You're damned right. I understand that rapes and sexual assaults do take place, but we've seen a number of verified false reports over the past year. It's bad enough that a woman can file a false police report and ruin someone's reputation or even send him to jail; the ability to do it at the click of a button is simply absurd.

Comment Re:A first: We should follow Germany's lead (Score 5, Informative) 700

Yes, pretty funny story.

A local church that has been hosting naked paint parties and slumber-party Sundays with the "sexiest ladies on the beach" will now have to pay taxes on the property as officers investigate the church's practices, authorities said Tuesday. [...] Sheriff Frank McKeithen said it is a "blatant slap in the face" to taxpayers and law enforcement. "They're trying to get around the laws, and they're using the church to get there," McKeithen said.

On the plus side, if that's enough justification to strip this church of its tax-exempt status, maybe it'll work on the scienos, too.

Comment Re:Free advertising (Score 2) 218

It's much more efficient now. Everybody is owned by the same megacorps so there doesn't have to be any "corruption" to make sure only your artists get airtime.

Considering that they specifically mentioned IHeartRadio, which is what ClearChannel has become, I'm certain that you're correct to an extent. There's still corruption, but it's been redirected. These days instead of labels paying the stations, the labels are paying politicians. And ClearChannel's campaign contributions have apparently dwindled to the point where the music industry is outdoing them. I figure all this proposed legislation will do is cause ClearChannel, or IHeart, or whatever they call themselves these days (funny they change their name around, sort of like Gator/Claria or Blackwater/Xe/Academi) to send more sacks of cash. The politicians will benefit and everyone else will get fucked.

Comment Free advertising (Score 5, Interesting) 218

For decades, AM/FM radio has used whatever music it wants without paying a cent to the musicians, vocalists, and labels that created it.

That's because radio is free advertising for the artists. Now they want the free advertising and to get paid for it, too? In decades past, the labels would bribe radio station PD's to get their music played; I wonder if they'd rather return to that model where it costs them money (and coke, and cars, and plane tickets) to get their artists some airtime?

Speaking of payola, it should come as no surprise that "TV/Movies/Music" are among the top 3 industries donating money to both Mr. Nadler and Ms. Blackburn.

Submission + - Chinese Government to Put 3D Printers in All 400,000 Elementary Schools (3dprint.com) 1

InfiniteZero writes: Education is probably one of the areas that will benefit the most from 3D printers in the long run. The problem though is getting the machines into the schools in the first place. The Chinese government has a new policy to install a 3D printer in each of its approximately 400,000 elementary schools over the next two years.

Submission + - Solaris 11.3 Onwards Will Feature OpenBSD's PF Packet Filter (blogspot.no)

badger.foo writes: In his most recent article, Solaris Admins: For A Glimpse Of Your Networking Future, Install OpenBSD, Peter Hansteen points to leaked information (via a patch to a mailing list) that Oracle's Solaris from version 11.3 (expected this year) onwards is joining the ranks of OSes using the OpenBSD PF firewall. From version 12 onwards, PF will be the only packet filter, replacing the legacy IPF system. Which was the software PF was designed to replace, due to performance and rather nasty licensing reasons.

Submission + - Doctors and others reject UK 'Let's protect the children' moral panic (independent.co.uk)

Bruce66423 writes: The NSPCC, a large child protection charity in the UK, recently produced a report with the headline claim that 10% of 12-13 year olds reported themselves to be addicted to pornography. This prompted a Conservative Party pledge to block internet access to such material. This article is a letter challenging the moral panic and its scientific basis, going as far as to suggest that greater porn use is correlated with reduced sexual violence!

Submission + - ESA Says Preserving Gaming's Past Is Illegal Because It's "Hacking"

An anonymous reader writes: A major game industry trade group is fighting back against a proposed DMCA exemption that seeks to give gamers the right to modify games with abandoned online servers in order to restore online gameplay and functionality. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), with support from the Motion Picture Association of America and Recording Industry Association of America, argues that the proposed exemption would amount to 'enabling—and indeed encouraging—the play of pirated games and the unlawful reproduction and distribution of infringing content.' The argument centers on a proposed exemption to the DMCA's DRM circumvention rules for games whose publishers have abandoned the online servers that represented the only official way to access online gameplay or authentication services. Last November, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) formally requested that users of such games be legally allowed to modify software and hardware to get around those dormant authentication server checks or to restore online gameplay through third-party servers. In a 71-page brief, though, the ESA says that these kinds of workarounds can't be separated out from the wider piracy-prevention functions that the DMCA protects against. To add third-party server support to a console game, for instance, the ESA argues that a user has to first get around access controls built into the software and the hardware itself to modify the code. 'Consequently, the proposed exemption would, in effect, eviscerate virtually all forms of access protection used to prevent video game piracy.'

Comment Re:Hand slap, LOL. (Score 2) 92

When a company says that they'll protect your data, can they really speak for every one of the employees or contractors they hire?

Especially when they offshore so much of their workforce in order to pay shit wages. Some guy sitting in a boiler room in Colombia has very little connection to his parent company and is outside the jurisdiction of the US. I'd say that gives him more incentive to steal and sell corporate data, or at least less incentive not to, than a happy US-based employee.

Comment Re:Traceability? (Score 1) 50

I use the free tracking service preproject.com and it places my laptop within 300ft no matter how I try to hide it. HOW?

I'm pretty sure Prey uses a database of known wifi networks and their locations. For example, the Google Maps cars don't just take pictures, they also record a fingerprint of every 802.11 network they encounter; SSID, coordinates, the router's MAC address. There are public crowdsourced databases that do this, too. If you power up your computer and you're in range of a wireless network that's in one of these databases, Prey will locate you that way.

Comment Usually just harmless fun (Score 1) 290

There's a corporate website I worked on that (still, years later) sets a cookie named "Flavor" with a value of "chocolateyChip." It passed code review without objection, so why not? Things like that are harmless and I don't really think they're unprofessional. A lot of companies could probably stand to lighten up a little.

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