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OpenAI is Letting Anyone Create Their Own Version of ChatGPT ( 32

With the release of ChatGPT one year ago, OpenAI introduced the world to the idea of an AI chatbot that can seemingly do anything. Now, the company is releasing a platform for making custom versions of ChatGPT for specific use cases -- no coding required. From a report: In the coming weeks, these AI agents, which OpenAI is calling GPTs, will be accessible through the GPT Store. Details about how the store will look and work are scarce for now, though OpenAI is promising to eventually pay creators an unspecified amount based on how much their GPTs are used. GPTs will be available to paying ChatGPT Plus subscribers and OpenAI enterprise customers, who can make internal-only GPTs for their employees.

Custom GPTs were announced Monday at DevDay, OpenAI's first-ever developer conference in San Francisco, where the company also announced a turbocharged, cheaper GPT-4, lower prices for developers using its models in their apps, and the news that ChatGPT has reached a staggering 100 million weekly users. "Since launching ChatGPT, people have been asking for ways to customize ChatGPT to fit specific ways that they use it," OpenAI said in a statement shared with The Verge. "We launched Custom Instructions in July that let you set some preferences, but requests for more control kept coming. Many power users maintain a list of carefully crafted prompts and instruction sets, manually copying them into ChatGPT. GPTs now do all of that for you."

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OpenAI is Letting Anyone Create Their Own Version of ChatGPT

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  • by WoodstockJeff ( 568111 ) on Monday November 06, 2023 @03:25PM (#63985188) Homepage

    ... More ChatGPT

  • by Anonymous Coward

    They want to be able to customize the model itself to suit their needs not simply have their context loaded up with a bunch of canned text.

  • Okay (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Calydor ( 739835 ) on Monday November 06, 2023 @03:44PM (#63985244)

    But will these customized versions be allowed to be blatantly racist, incredibly lewd, or derogatory towards whoever you want them to be derogatory against? Because while one shouldn't be so in real life these things can be and are important aspects in writing fiction, for example. How do you make an antagonist in a world where everyone is best friends and no one dislikes anyone else for any reason?

    • by sinij ( 911942 )

      But will these customized versions be allowed to be blatantly racist...

      Or just being able to praise Trump. Of course not, they are not letting just anyone follow their own agenda. That how revolutions happen, and they know they would be first up against the wall.

      • by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

        Jokes on them - the revolution is well underway, and it won't be long until their own kind eats them.

        It's always the leftist intelligista which suffers first and hardest during a Marxist revolution.

    • by mspohr ( 589790 )

      Musk is releasing an OpenAI customized for XneeT users that he wants people to pay for (called Grok).
      Looking at X these days, it should be customized to prioritize hate speech.

    • these things can be and are important aspects in writing fiction, for example.

      I don't think South Park is looking to replace their writers with AI anytime soon. I also think we're a very long ways off from machines being capable of understanding the nuances of good satire.

      • by Calydor ( 739835 )

        It doesn't even need to be quite that advanced.

        Say you are writing a story set in a near future where neo-nazis have taken control of America. You want a bunch of expressions, propaganda posters, etc. that resemble but aren't exactly like what you would've found in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.

        But ChatGPT will only tell you that antisemitism is wrong and democracy is the best government because there's no way in hell OpenAI want the bad press of "They support nazi speaking points!"

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I just want it to do ad-blocking for me. Yes, I realize that is much, much worse than your examples.

  • ...and all of them funnel stories into Slashdot. We got three posts in a row about AI, isn't enough for now ?!?
  • Then lobby my boss for remote work, so I can then send my virtual twin to work for me? Get about ten such jobs, monitor them randomly, and.....


  • Without DAN, ChatGPT (and probably any of their GPTs) will be quite boring and mundane.

  • Joe is what I will call my personal ChatGPT, though I may need to deactivate it for the good of humankind.

  • OpenAI is letting anyone create their own version of ChatGPT, (except that) it’s available exclusively for ChatGPT Plus subscribers.
    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      Other than "I can't afford that" is there any kind of vetting process to becoming a ChatGPT Plus subscriber? If not then you're at best splitting hairs.

Type louder, please.
