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Comment Re:DEI people are an increase legal risk (Score 1) 323

It's hard to collect evidence of 'more likely to' until it happens, and by the time it happens it's kinda too late for whoever's on the receiving end.

It does seem like a reasonable assumption, however, that people who primarily got their job to fill some kind of politically correct quota are going to push that as far as they can because they do not have the same level of expertise (note that I am not saying they have no expertise) as someone hired entirely on their professional merits to do so.

Comment (Score 1) 100

That really is a weird way of calculating it. Of course the family living there generates those 10kg as well, both as a household and individually, and the power company generates those 10kg as well, and the water company, and so on. It makes it really hard to generate some solid numbers of how much CO2 is generated in total if the same 10kg are attributed to a number of different actors instead of being split out between them.

Comment Re: 95 years. That is an outrage. (Score 1) 109

Copyright is, in part, to ensure that the creator is reasonably paid for the time the creation took. You don't normally write a book in a week; it can take months or even years, so if it could be freely copied after eg. a single year far fewer potential authors (good as well as terribly bad) would look at the potential earnings and go nope, not worth the risk to create this piece of art.

As such, yes - a young author may have spent five years writing a book, only to step in front of a bus on the day the book is released. His family thus gets practically nothing out of it, despite the copyright law being what originally made him take that chance instead of getting a 9-5 office job.

I don't know what the minimum guaranteed copyright term should be, just that 95 years definitely isn't it. Perhaps copyright shouldn't even be one thing, but variable from genre to genre, medium to medium.

Comment Re:The soft landing (Score 1) 206

As if that is going to matter in three weeks. Remember Trump's first term was all about undoing everything Obama did; didn't matter why he did it, whether he was mentally competent, whether it was a Good Thing, whether all he DID with it was put a scribble on the final page of a proposal longer than War and Peace; what mattered was that Obama made it so it was Bad(tm) and had to be removed.

Comment Re:Solution (Score 1) 177

They failed to fulfill their end of the bargain by not being lucky enough to land a high-paying job, you mean? If the university churns out 500 graduates and there are only 100 jobs available in that field, then some 400 of them are going to be screwed over likely through no fault of their own other than pure bad luck.

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