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.Net:... 3 Years Later 906

Ashcrow writes "EWeek has posted an article on Microsoft's .NET initiative. It's been three years since we were first introduced to .NET and virtually none of the promised advantages have come true. Is it time for Microsoft to move on?"
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.Net:... 3 Years Later

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  • Well... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Bob McCown ( 8411 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:55AM (#6390112)
    Is it time for Microsoft to move on?

    Yes, its time for them to move on. But they won't. They have an idea, and will force it down everyone's throat until they get their way.

  • by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:57AM (#6390123) Homepage
    The marketing hype surrounding .Net evaporated, true. However as a means of developing for Windows in virtual machine which supports multiple languages, the actually technology is still going strong.

    And so it should - it's better than the alternatives which preceded it. It's just important to divorce the .Net marketing cloud from the actual technology on the ground.


  • Only 3 years... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by sc00ch ( 254070 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:57AM (#6390125)
    I'm not pro .net at all and i don't really know much about it to be honest.<br>
    But i think its crazy to judge something is big as .net in this way.<br>
    If something doesn't 'take off' in 3 years time it's now a failure? Lets not be silly...
  • by mekkab ( 133181 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:59AM (#6390145) Homepage Journal
    GM's Scott issued a strong warning to Microsoft, Sun and the other players in the Web services industry, that enterprises will not tolerate the standards wars of the past. "We have no appetite for it," he said

    Exactly, so he and everybody else is sitting back and waiting for a clear winner with mature functionality to materialize.
    In other words, he's saying "Screw .net, let some other schmuck take the cost of developing it. WE got screwed on ISO networking and Token ring! Twice bitten, 3 times shy!"
  • by Sheetrock ( 152993 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:00AM (#6390161) Homepage Journal
    Very few of today's Internet standards were recognized even within three years as standards. Usenet took seven before it became ubiquitous, IRC took at least four (with DCC still not part of the spec), and even the WWW took six. Remember, it was fundamentally a revision of Gopher technologies, which in turn were an iteration of something else (Archie?)

    Most of .NET was puffery, to be sure (I read a piece on MSDN more or less admitting this), but that's largely because it was a working title given to a number of next-generation technologies that may or may not pan out, many of which haven't been released. You can't really consider C# or Hailstorm to have been around and competing for three years, can you?

  • fun with fud. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by x0n ( 120596 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:00AM (#6390163) Homepage Journal
    Woe betides us once more: brace yourselves for another flood of misinformed, biased and downright incorrect assertions from both sides of the fence. Please, no "c# is java", ".net is slower than java" or other such empty statements. If you've worked with .NET for 6 months plus (remoting/, great. We welcome your comments. Perl monkeys need not apply.

    Likewise for you "java" programmers out there who in actuality have only ever compiled one applet, and it was a recompilation of a decompiled shareware scroller that you removed the copyright notice from. Well done. On the other hand, if you've solid experience developing beans, rmi and other such projects, we also welcome your comments.

    The rest of you shut up and learn.

    Rant over.

    - Oisin

  • What about Linux (Score:5, Insightful)

    by fudgefactor7 ( 581449 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:01AM (#6390171)
    All the Linux vendors out there pretty much said that they were going to take over about 3 years ago it time for them to move on as well?
  • by AssFace ( 118098 ) <> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:02AM (#6390178) Homepage Journal
    say the words "dot net" and you get to add so much to the cost of projects that it immediately makes it worth it to switch over.

    that is the only reason I could see why .NET might ever catch on.
    I'm not saying it is a useless bit of technology, I'm just personally partial to using any number of existing technologies that do the same thing and are cheaper to implement.

    my current employer is retarded when it comes to computers and they paid someone to do a very basic web project in "dot net" because there was a general misunderstanding in the difference between the domain and the programming structures.

    In the end it cost them a ton and now it is costing them more to maintain. I am trying to get them to port it all over to a much lighter system (php on linux or freebsd), but they are currently not interested.

  • 's GOOD (Score:3, Insightful)

    by joynt ( 686645 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:02AM (#6390180) Homepage
    I'm not afraid to admit it, I like .net. My job has become a whole lot easier, taking projects that could have taken weeks and turning them into days. ADO .net was my best friend last month and c# was my mistress. My company is re-doing just about everything as a web service and .net is making it that much easier. The fact that Visual Studio makes everything so easy just takes the load off of our extremely tiny R&D group which is relied on for every single technical question/project/advice. Maybe .net isnt all that it could have been, but it is great tool for any developer... unless you dont have windows, then I guess your just screwed.
  • by tanguyr ( 468371 ) <> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:03AM (#6390191) Homepage
    .Net was (and still is) a marketing ploy to counter the sudden gains in mindspace being made first by Sun with J2EE and later by "web services" in general. Judging from the fact that most PHBs have heard about it it seems to have worked quite well - the fact that they (or, it seems, almost anybody) have no idea what it does it besides the point. As long as MS is still getting column inches ("comparing .Net to Crack Cocaine" or whatever) then it's working for them just fine, thanks. This isn't anything new - MS practically invented the word "vapourware" back in the 90's. I'm not saying .Net does nothing, i'm saying that the engineers got there after the marketing department and the advertising budget.

  • by ClubStew ( 113954 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:03AM (#6390195) Homepage

    The only problem is that they've made the damn IDE too simple and now every Tom, Dick, and Sally thinks they can program. Writing code and actually developing applications are vastly different.

    With XML Web Services (granted, not MS proprietary) and Remoting, .NET make remote procedure calls somewhat easier.

    If Mono ever finishes, the platform-specific CLR can run most code. Even though Java's done it for a long time, you're tied to one language: Java. The .NET class library can be used by any language that targets the CLR - and that's quite a few; so any developer can write for .NET.

    If the industry could actually start hiring good developers again instead of brain-dead code monkeys who's jobs at McD's got too tedious and their sole purpose for coding is more money, the field of .NET - not to mention a lot of other projects on any platform - would be much better. Who's to blame is all those middle managers out there that hire two code monkeys for the price of one good developer. At least they get what they pay for.

  • by linuxci ( 3530 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:07AM (#6390226)
    Sounds like MS Marketing BS, but 1 and 2 are possible on most UNIX systems, Linux and versions of Windows, so that's not new.

    Why would .net affect ping times? If it did, was this compared to older versions of Windows, Linux or Solaris?

    A few weeks uptime is nothing to brag about [].

    As for total cost of ownership, it's always a case of your mileage will vary, it depends on where your staff has most skills. Personally I consider maintaining unix systems a lot easier and a lot less effort so that would cut down the TCO in that case. Get a bunch of McSE's and the results would be different, as would getting someone with an equal balanced knowledge in windows and unix.
  • by m00nun1t ( 588082 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:07AM (#6390230) Homepage
    As a pretty experienced web developer, I've worked at some level (some more than others) with most of the popular platforms: ASP, PHP, Cold Fusion, JSP and ASP.NET (very little perl, which I've always regretted if just for completeness).

    From that perspective, ASP.NET just totally rocks my world. I can debug more easily. Performance is better. It encourages good architectural practices. And my productivity has gone through the roof - I haven't done any formal tests but based on personal experience I'd say I can develop at *least* 30% faster with ASP.NET compared to any other platform, possibly more. The difference is most pronounced in more complex systems where it really shines. For less than, say, a thousand lines of code it probably doesn't save as much time, but I rarely work on that anyway.

    So, maybe .NET has "failed" and maybe not, but for me, ASP.NET has improved my working world radically. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
  • by cait56 ( 677299 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:07AM (#6390237) Homepage

    Three years in and I believe it is fair to say that most people do not understand exactly what .Net is -- other than a vague "trust me" monolithic solution.

    Which I believe is the core of its problem. While there are some fools who will buy anything that fill in the name of their favorite supplier offers, more of the market wants to make decisions for themelves.

    From the little I've had time to study .Net, there were a few aspects of it that were indeed superior to what had proceeded it on the market. But the information to make a cohesive strategy was just missing. What if I liked the characteristics of the run-time engine, but needed to stick with CORBA interfacing?

    The most telling flaw in the strategy, for me, was that you could find entire racks of books on .Net. But absolutely none that explained the basic wire protocols used. They were all "How to Program a .Net application inside one box using language Y".

    When I'm designing a system, the language used on each box is the last detail that I consider. I want to understand the interactions of the remote systems, how dependent they are on each other, how they evolve seperately, how the failure of one will affect the others, etc.

  • by Michael Hunt ( 585391 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:10AM (#6390265) Homepage
    You, Sir, are a troll :)

    Albeit, a very good troll in that you ALMOST had me going until I read point 4. Upon rereading your other points:

    1) 'Single-source logons' are a function of AD/Kerberos under 2000/2003. In a corporate environment, they give you all the benefits you're claiming that .net does. The '.net passport' stuff hasn't really taken off (is anybody apart from hotmail and msn using it?)

    2) How does this have anything to do with .net? Remote access is a function of authentication (AD/KDC as above in a 2000/3 environment) and security (leased line or 'VPN'.) .net has nothing to do with the latter part of the equation.

    3) Since the various .net RPC mechanisms use a more verbose protocol than traditional MS/DCE RPC calls, I fail to see how this could be the case, unless you're using the 9/10 of your TCO saved in (5) to buy bigger pipes.

    4) My windows 2000 servers at work usually only get a reboot when someone installs a hotfix. Since the patch lifecycle is test->uat->production, we have ample warning for this. Uptime, on average, is around 5-6 months. These machines are everything from AD controllers supporting thousands of users, to RDP/MS TS boxes with 50-odd users each.

    5) correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't .net more expensive, being subscription based? I realise that this isn't the whole of the TCO equation, but windows servers are windows servers, and no amount of point and click window dressing is going to reduce the amount of manpower required to run systems well.

    I'm no Windows apologist (check my posting history,) but surely your argument is bunk :P

  • by cloudscout ( 104011 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:13AM (#6390285) Homepage
    Remember when Windows CE had been out for a couple of years and everyone was declaring it a failed technology? Look what happened after that...

    Now, I'm not saying that .NET is still bound to be a success, but it's still too early to count 'em out. We're not talking about BOB here.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:14AM (#6390308)
    .NET has little to do with anything .NET. It's a new Windows API designed to turn Windows into a virtual machine like Java so it can be architecture independent. That's what CLR and C# and all the rest of that stuff is about. It's about MS getting off x86-32 and into a larger world of ia64, amd64, and maybe even ppc64. CLR is the new Windows runtime. Once the move is complete, Windows will be able to run on anything and apps will not have to be recompiled at all. This will make Windows more portable than *nix.
  • by Troed ( 102527 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:15AM (#6390319) Homepage Journal
    ... so, you complain about people not knowing enough about the CLR - but you show your own ignorance and lack of knowledge regarding JVMs.

    Ehrm. Point not taken.
  • by wukie ( 684014 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:16AM (#6390327)
    If Apple didn't implement Xerox's windows would Microsoft have created a version?

    If Apple hadn't invented multi-media for micro-computers would Microsoft have it's own implementation?

    Microsoft haven't done any (apart from Word for Mac, then later Windows) inventing of their own, and what they have done, has always been a poor copy! .NET is a perfect example.
  • by chia_monkey ( 593501 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:17AM (#6390337) Journal
    Think about it...for three years they've been talking about this amazing .NET thing. And every year the masses go "what the hell is this?" and each year it gets a feature here dropped and a feature there dropped. And yet, after three years, people still talk about it. People still want to develop for it. People are still holding out from developing with any of the other options because of .NET. may not DO anything just yet, but in terms of stalling development on other platforms and continuing to put MS in the news, I'd say it's a success.
  • by Ooblek ( 544753 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:25AM (#6390399)
    I would have to agree. One of the problems is that even Microsoft is still releasing products that are based on BizTalk and Commerce Server, which seems sort of counter-intuitive. If you look at some of the new products being released by Microsoft Business Solutions (aka Great Plains), you have to wonder what they were thinking. Their business portal product is based on BizTalk, their .NET CRM application talks to the financial application through BizTalk, and they still have their e-commerce packages that are based on plain-old ASP and COM+.

    I will say though that I have recently been working on a project to allow a unix legacy system talk to a web service to do real time credit card authorizations from a COBOL application. Using GCC 3.3, libxml2, libxml++, and libwww to post to a web service, it appears to be transacting quite nicely. I can see a lot of legacy application adapters being developed in this manner in the future. Now if only some of the documentation of these libraries were better....

  • Re:Only 3 years... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by tlianza ( 454820 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:25AM (#6390407) Homepage
    If something doesn't 'take off' in 3 years time it's now a failure? Lets not be silly...
    I agree with you, and I would also argue that .NET hasn't been around for even close to three years. They just released the server platform for .NET a few months ago. I personally wouldn't start the clock ticking when the first person uttered the word ".NET". It takes a while to get the development and platform software built before you can get the rest of the world developing with the stuff.

    The birth of an idea and the release of a platform are two different things. Although if you think life begins at conception, then maybe this 3-year viewpoint is consistent :)

  • by Badgerman ( 19207 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:27AM (#6390435)
    The results are really odd. .NET adaption went slower than I expected. It was crammed down our throats . . . and no one really seemed to care.

    Then, recently (last year) I've seen a real explosion in .NET. Literally I think 75% of Microsofts pushing the tool was useless or even backfired. Time seemed to be needed.

    As a developer who has worked in a variety of languages, OVERALL, .NET has some good ideas mixed in with some unexpectedly lame ones. In general I'm able to develop faster and more efficiently (In some cases I've developed ASP.NET applications over twice as fast as ASP, yet with far less ASP.NET experience), but there are moments of strange and odd roadblocks.

    Do I think .NET will rule the world? Not really. It's just one of many options. Web development and related technologies seem to be in a phase that's a mix of overcautious and overenthusiastic, and I don't think anyone is sure where things are going right now.

    Will Microsoft give up on .NET? I don't expect they will - too much of an investment, too much behind it. It'll get altered and poked and prodded and integrated, but it'll be around in some form for awhile.

  • by truthsearch ( 249536 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:27AM (#6390438) Homepage Journal
    Other than Cold Fusion I've also worked with all of these. The largest learning curve definitely goes to ASP.NET. My overall preference is easily PHP. One factor is many things can be done with far less code in PHP than ASP.NET. The only advantage ASP.NET has over anything else is the tool, VS.NET. It's not the technology that's saving development time. It's the tool helping to write the code and debug that's the real time saver. So from a business point of view it may be the right choice since the tool's good enough to make up for some overly complex platform requirements. But if you get good at manually typing PHP it's far and away superior based on my experiences and from others I've read.
  • by johnmckeon ( 633892 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:28AM (#6390443)
    Three years in and I believe it is fair to say that most people do not understand exactly what .Net is -- other than a vague "trust me" monolithic solution.

    It seems to me that this has been a problem whenever MS introduces a new technology (COM, COM+, ActiveX). I can find plenty of people using these terms, but no one can give me a two or three sentence summary of what they are. Unfortunately, it seems like .NET is having the same problem.
  • by Badgerman ( 19207 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:31AM (#6390473)
    First, let me note that I actually do develop in .NET and feel there's a lot of good things there.

    However, I think you're onto something here. By pushing .NET, Microsoft really did get everyone to pay attention. Even if people wanted to move on, if they weren't sure what to move on to, they at least stagnated and didn't move on, maintaining some status quo.

    I think they got the best of both worlds - a decent product they paired with FUD. That's a pretty tough combination.
  • Word was preceded by WordPerfect, WordStar, and probably dozens of others. Microsofts innovations have always been and will always be in the arenas marketing and licensing.
  • by RoLi ( 141856 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:40AM (#6390606)
    Three years in and I believe it is fair to say that most people do not understand exactly what .Net is -- other than a vague "trust me" monolithic solution.

    No matter what the MS-bootlickers say, .NET can be summed up easily:

    .NET is like Java, only incompatible with everything other than Windows. The only added feature is language-neutrality (you can use more than just C# to code .NET objects) although that exists under Java, too, although to a lesser extent (There are many compilers that take many non-Java programming languages as imput and put out Java bytecode, however those are not very widely used and supported)

    To sum up, there isn't a real reason to use .NET over Java. The Microsofties who have overrun Slashdot already will crucify me for doubting the invincibility of Microsoft, but Java is *the* standard programming language, and the only language that runs on every major and most minor platforms.

    75% of webservers don't run Windows. 100% of cellphones don't run Windows. 60% of PDAs don't run Windows. Let's face it: .NET is just a desktop solution, nothing more.

    Using .NET and artificially chaining yourself to one vendor and platform and shrinking your target market is a stupid idea.

  • by FatRatBastard ( 7583 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:40AM (#6390607) Homepage
    Agreed about technology vs marketing hype, but there's something about .NET that has bothered the hell out of me. They technology (or at least the hype around it) is at odds with the business reality at MS.

    MS claim that .NET will be open and cross platform, but the only way this can happen is if cross platform means "across *our* platforms."

    Currently MS makes the bulk of their money from the OS and Office. If they truely made .NET cross platform (or let something like Mono take hold) then that starts to eat into both their server and desktop base. I mean, why would anyone pay MS $$$ for each desktop / server if you could choose between *BSD / Linux / VMS / Un*x / et al? For instance, if I had cycles to burn on an IBM mainframe it would make sense to host my .NET services on it, assuming it was truely cross platform.

    So basically I fail to see how MS could inplement a businees plant such that .NET would generate more money than the potential loses from the hit they'd take on server / desktop licenses.

    Again, MS makes (prints???) money by selling OSs and Office (everything else is just a rounding error). You can be damn sure they're not going to do anything to threaten that cash cow. The interesting thing will be how MS ties .NET to its own OSs. The big draw about web services is that they're supposed to facilitate easier communication / data sharing between disparate systems.
  • Re:Yes (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mingot ( 665080 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:43AM (#6390632)
    Without a doubt, the latter of the two was far superior in every aspect, INCLUDING EASE OF USE. PHP has got to be the easiest freakin language ever

    A lot of things are "easier" than ASP.NET/ADO.NET coded using an OOP language. For simple things you're better off using something like PHP or ASP/VBS. Of course when project complexity reaches a certain point you'll start to find real advantages to going with a modern approach that seperates the presentation layer from the business layer. Of course taking this approach can make writing a simple application seem daunting, but in the long run it pays off.

    It has a lot to do with simply knowing what sort of application you're going to be writing and picking the proper tool for the job.

    Apache trumps IIS with the ability to do the majority of configuring with one file, instead of having to browse through a maze of tabbed windows with options, checkboxes, pop-up boxes, etc.

    Totally. 100% agreed. Much easier to administer Apache via it's text configuration IMO.
  • by Simon Hibbs ( 74836 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:47AM (#6390675)
    For a start, the article itself isn't as negative about .NET as the slashdot post blurb implies. Yet another example of a slashdot post missleading us about the article beign referenced.

    The fact is that the .NET is a developer thing, not realy an application thing. This automaticaly means it's goign to take several years longer than an application level technology to make an impact because all those developers need to get skilled up before they can even begin developing the apps.

    Microsoft's own apps are only just barely beginning to integrate the core .NET technology of the .NET VM and the associated web services and XML capabilities it enables. The core Longhorn services are all being built on .NET so anyone who thinks it's time to Microsoft to move on from .NET fundamentaly has no clue about Microsoft's development strategy.

    The best comparrison is probably Java. How logn did it take before Java rocked the world, er, well some of us are still waiting for it. Actual it did have a big impact in some areas, but generaly not the areas it was orriginaly aimed at. Where are all the Java thin clients now? Perhaps the same will happen with .NET and it's ultimate destiny may lead it in different directions than Microsoft or anyone else can currently imagine. If Mono realy takes off, that could be one of the catalysts for disruptive technological change.

    Simon Hibbs
  • by Trolling4Dollars ( 627073 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:49AM (#6390695) Journal
    To misquote David Byrne, its, "...same as it ever was..."

    Microsoft is simply taking what they already have and making some changes in the way these components work together and within the context of the internet. The end result should be a computing experience that is fairly smooth to the end user and provides a lot of what's already out there but with different names and faces. This is why they claim to "innovate". Innovation is taking existing "stuff" and using it in new ways. That's not exactly what they do though. Instead they take existing stuff and use it in the same ways they are already used but call them something else.


    In UNIX we have daemons
    In Windows they have "Services"

    This provides enough of a distinction that the less technically inclined person is going to thing Services are somehow different. But they are really no more than daemons or backgrounded apps.

    In X Window System we have "Window Managers"
    In Windows XP they have the "Theme Service"

    Don't believe me? Go stop the theme service in XP and tell me what changes. Just the Window widgets and borders and the look and feel of the Start bar.

    In UNIX we have "mount points" for file systems.
    In Windows 2000/XP they have the ability to mount a drive in an empty NTFS folder.

    Microsoft is very good at taking these existing concepts, renaming them and then claiming them as their own innovations even though they haven't changed how the technologies are actually used. They've only renamed them. .Net is no different. It will be internet services integrated into the OS with all the "new security" that Palladium will bring and a big happy Microsoft smiley face on the front.

    Unix = Here's the internet. Go learn some stuff and have fun.

    Microsoft = Here's .Net. It's all ready to go... have fun! :)))

    Personally I prefer the Unix approach, but that's just me.

    Oh, I almost forgot:

    In Soviet Russia we only had two TV channels. Channel One was pro da. Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: Turn back at once to Channel One.

    -- Yakov Smirnoff
  • by uradu ( 10768 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:51AM (#6390722)
    > it's better than the alternatives which preceded it

    From Microsoft! Because there have been better alternatives on Windows for a long time--both in terms of MUCH more flexible and expressive frameworks for C/C++, and in terms of different programming languages. But as far as Microsoft products for developing for Windows are concerned, yes, .NET is their best effort so far.
  • by goodviking ( 71533 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:55AM (#6390763) Journal
    If Mono ever finishes, the platform-specific CLR can run most code. Even though Java's done it for a long time, you're tied to one language: Java.

    I'm not sure how many times I've seen this single point refutued, but your not tied to a single language to use the the JVM. Want proof, here you go []. That's COBOL to Eifel with all the good bits in the middle.

    The question is, what do you mean by "Java". There is the programming language "Java". There is the Java Virtual Machine. There is the set of standard class libraries, etc... This is where I think the confusion comes in.

  • by cait56 ( 677299 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @09:57AM (#6390772) Homepage

    On a point-by-point comparison, .Net frequently is superior to Java. It falls short on the fundamental points you raise: interoperability, and more importantly seperability. Using Java you know exactly which technologies you are embracing, and which you are leaving out. Java/XML, Java/RMI, Java/Corba... It's all your decision.

    The other feature that .Net has is superior native execution, it was designed to be translated to native code. The .net virtual machine is better defined than the JVM is. But I agree that on whole, the tradeoff is not worthwhile.

  • I have to agree (Score:5, Insightful)

    by uradu ( 10768 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:00AM (#6390800)
    I don't know how much platform independence has been a consideration, but they probably just got sick and tired of plain old Win32 and MFC. If nothing else, it gave them a chance to finally bring out a decent framework, just like everybody else already has. Must be so liberating for them to finally be able to code a dialog box dynamically without having to fool with resources and message map macros. Microsoft have finally discovered proper OOP and class frameworks. Welcome to the '90!
  • Re:Yes (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:01AM (#6390809)
    .NET is not about all those programming languages on which Microsoft put the .NET tag on. Its about writing code and applications that can use components distributed all over the network and written in completely different languages - without having to cope with stuff like CORBA. I like the whole concept a lot and have to admit i was really impressed of the whole thing after i tried not to turn down a good idea just because it came out of the realms of the evil empire. Check the docs on the Microsoft web site about what you can do with .NET before starting another ASP vs. PHP flamebait.
  • by m00nun1t ( 588082 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:01AM (#6390811) Homepage
    You are right about the IDE being a big part of the advantage of ASP.NET (and I should have mentioned it), but it certainly can't take all the credit.

    IMHO the biggest thing in ASP.NET that leaves PHP for dust is the separation of code from layout. The other big one (and closely related) is easy componentisation. These two make life so much easier, and speak to much of the architectural niceties I mentioned in my original post. Not only can it be done, but it's easy to do and the flow *encourages* you to do it. I love a tool that makes it easy for me to do things the right way.

    I do agree ASP.NET has a steeper learning curve than PHP (or any of the others listed, with the possible exception of JSP). Based on my experience, it's a price well worth paying.

    For a small project, PHP would usually be my first choice, but anything medium to large, IMHO, ASP.NET is just miles better. Not trying to start a religous war as I do respect PHP, but I thought this was interesting, a comment from a respected member of the PHP community: l
  • by pmz ( 462998 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:04AM (#6390835) Homepage
    Their business portal product is based on BizTalk, their .NET CRM application talks to the financial application through BizTalk, and they still have their e-commerce packages that are based on plain-old ASP and COM+.

    This is one big problem with Microsoft. Each time some VP gets all horny for an idea, it seems whatever preceded that idea becomes somehow irrelevant from marketing and, eventually, support standpoints. I would bet there are many many millions of lines of commercial code out there tied by thier guts to COM, BizTalk, and whatever, leaving those Microsoft customers mystified about why they put forth all that effort only to have their vendor spit all over them and push them into the mud. Microsoft has absolutely no sense of being committed to their customers, which, IMO, is a big no-no in pretty much every other industry ever dreamt up by humans. This three-to-four year turnover in technology from them just needs to slow down (hell, the last major inventions elsewhere, UNIX, the WWW, Lisp/Java/VM-stuff etc. are all pretty darn "old", now, but evolving rather than getting uprooted and mulched).
  • by Inf0phreak ( 627499 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:10AM (#6390893)
    Consider this: Microsoft's EULA states that you may not publish a review of .Net's performerance without their explicit written permission. Now tell me if you really think that there will be any negative reviews of it?

    MS knows it's a dog. It's as simple as that.

  • Re:So much... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Mr_Silver ( 213637 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:11AM (#6390898)
    The main problem with .Net is that it ties you to a specific OS which makes it a pain from a business economics point of view

    The main problem with Office and Exchange is that they also tie you to a specific OS. Yet they seem to have done rather well.

    I'm sure .Net has many failings, but only being tied to one OS' is probably not the vast majority of companies lists. There are plenty of places out there that are happily MS-centric.

  • by buckinm ( 628185 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:13AM (#6390911)
    Let's take all the cellphones, PDAs, and webservers that run java... that's less than the number of windows xp boxes Dell sold in the last half a year. Now who's looking at a small market?

    Two points here:
    (1) The overall size of the market is different from the actual opportunity in the market. So, yes, there are a bazillion windows desktops. On the other hand, everybody else, including Microsoft, is writing software for them already.

    (2) The possible future size of the market is important too. pda's, cellphones, and webservers usage is growing. The pc market is starting to drop off.
  • Re:Yes (Score:2, Insightful)

    by RoLi ( 141856 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:15AM (#6390928)
    I'm quite pleased to have been able to move from ASP to PHP in the past three years

    Seems like you are not the only one:

    stats []

    Also, the only company I know personally which did use IIS for something more complicated than static pages went belly-up 2 years ago...

    If you look at some countries like Germany [] or Japan [], IIS is already de-facto dead there. In those countries it's already quite hard to find a hoster that will even offer Windows, either you have to go to one of the few and very expensive hosters who offer Windows or you would have to do everything yourself.

    In the USA, Microsoft's strategy to make their products as incompatible as possible might help them because there are enough MS-brainwashed people there, but everywhere else, their "designed for incompatibility" strategy is starting to hurt them a lot.

    In many countries, a server equals Unix, so choosing .NET is just plain stupid because you won't find a good hoster for it. The same scenario is coming along with cellphones everywhere including the USA: Java runs, .NET doesn't. If you might ever want to do anything with cellphones, .NET isn't an option because Microsoft isn't even able to get a foot into that market.

    If you choose .NET, you have significantly limited your possibilities and your flexibility. (Do you really know for sure that you won't do anything outside the MS-world in 10 years?)

    With Java on the other hand, you have all your bases covered: Desktops, servers, browsers, PDAs, cellphones, embedded systems.

    In the long run, Microsoft's refusal to cooperate with other technologies will hurt them also in the USA. In case you haven't noticed, the computing desktop isn't the hot thing anymore. A lot of new stuff comes out for cellphones, embedded devices and PDAs, which means no .NET, sorry.

  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:16AM (#6390941)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Re:Well... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by telstar ( 236404 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:16AM (#6390947)
    Is it time for Microsoft to move on?
    • Yes, its time for them to move on. But they won't. They have an idea, and will force it down everyone's throat until they get their way.
      • Umm... That's called business. When did expectations of a private company become parallel with those of a non-profit?

  • by HeadDown ( 639182 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:23AM (#6391003)
    The language-neutrality is just a lure. MSIL is essentially highly-compressed C# code (much like Java .class files are pretty much highly-compressed Java source files). Any language other than C# must go through awkward hoops to match its model.

    Multi-language is not all it's cracked up to be -- would you allow people in your team to just pick the language of their liking 'because it all compiles to MSIL anyhow'? Of course not. You'd have a humoungous support problem, peer-review would be a mess, etc.

    What is going to happen is that people will get on board because they can keep their fav language, and after a while everyone will migrate to C# because it will simply be better supported, and hey, it's a pretty decent language.
  • by FatherOfONe ( 515801 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:31AM (#6391125)
    Seeing that you posted Anonymously, I doubt that you would be willing to provide any proof of your data. A heck of a lot of cell phones have been sold... Most families I know have multiple cell phones but only one computer... (Even our family follows this, 3 computers, 2 cell phones, 2 pda's)

    Now more to your lack of a point. Java runs GREAT on Windows 95-XP. Hmmm how does .NET run on win95, 98 or Me? So the previous poster who said that Java is THE standard is mostly correct, however here is what I see.

    1. All Microsoft shops will use ONLY Microsoft solutions. It comes from Bills mouth to their hands. They will live and die by that motto. Unfortunately there are quite a few shops like this, and these types of morons is what allows Microsoft the time to correct major flaws in products.

    2. Everyone else will use the best of breed approach, or what their developers currently know or whatever cost the least amount.

    Currently Java does a great job of running on multiple platforms, but in my opinion it isn't the language for complex math, or very simple scripting apps. It is also bad at very simple apps that can only use a small amount of memory.

    Microsoft's biggest competitor isn't so much Java with IBM or SUN or BEA or Oracle, but it is Linux+JBOSS+FREE_DB. Microsoft has made a bundle, by offering similar products at a significantly lower price-point. They have been able to do this because they have a monopoly on the desktop, and can allways count on that profit; but they will have a near impossible time of undercutting FREE. Some people base their entire decision on cost! So they are starting to loose that marketshare now. They also have a major issue in that the desktop market is FLAT now. The growth that they came to love is gone.
    I am by no means supprised that they want to go to a leasing agreement now! They need those consistant revenue streams!

  • Silly (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Overly Critical Guy ( 663429 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:33AM (#6391145)
    It is far from time for them to move on. Longhorn will be entirely .NET based. The latest betas already have explorer.exe running as .NET managed code. The old, crufty Win32 that Slashbots loved to bash is finally being replaced, and all Slashbots can do is find new ways to complain.

    This is just Slashdot getting its weekly naysaying in. .NET is coming and will be here to stay with Longhorn, and enough people like .NET to have started work on a version for Linux.
  • by LiberalApplication ( 570878 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:34AM (#6391164)
    I feel pretty much the same way. I've been in the industry and absolutely inundated with marketing-speak, advertisements, and all manner of evangelical whatnot, but it never seemed like anyone was attempting to sell a well-defined strategy. No matter the source, it seemed that the "monolithic" aspect of their sales-push was so pervasive as to make all of the information presented seem hokey.

    In the end, that's fine with me. I'll not support any switch to a .Net framework. Hokey is hokey. If they maintain this approach with promises of e-panaceas and superbright futures, then it will only encourage the skeptics (largely, "us") to stand their ground.

  • Re:J2EE (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Get Behind the Mule ( 61986 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:35AM (#6391179)
    If its time from Microsoft to move on from .NET then its time for Sun, IBM, Oracle, etc to move on from J2EE.

    That's one company with the one technology, and three companies plus "etc." with the other. Wouldn't it make more sense for Microsoft to drop .NET and join everyone else with J2EE?
  • by RoLi ( 141856 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:45AM (#6391310)
    Let's take all the cellphones, PDAs, and webservers that run java... that's less than the number of windows xp boxes Dell sold in the last half a year. Now who's looking at a small market?

    First of all, while there are surely more desktops than Java-capable devices, the figures are not as out of proportion as you suggest. There are millions of Java devices already out and soon almost all cellphones will run it which means BILLIONS of devices.

    Secondly, for desktops, allmost all the software already exists and there isn't really that much to develop. So for a developer, Java sure as hell is the more interesting platform than .NET.

  • by blakestah ( 91866 ) <> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @10:54AM (#6391411) Homepage
    It's a new Windows API designed to turn Windows into a virtual machine like Java so it can be architecture independent.

    That statement is a laughable sham, and I am sure M$ is glad you brought it up. Windows controls the hardware, and not the other way around. It has been this way for a long time - Windows killed Alpha, for example. .NET is all about providing a web programming interface that fits better with Windows than Java, to force lock-in on the operating system AND the network interface. It is like Java without platform independence, so that Microsoft can make even more money. Predictably, the developer tools are so simple even a Visual Basic monkey can make a web application. Predictably, the bytecode interpreter is buggy and insecure - this is not what will win the battle. Microsoft will make life REALLY easy for developers, they will make development costs low for web companies, and .NET will attempt to throw Java out the window.

    I wonder if Redhat and Sun's attempt to open source java [] will have any impact on this emerging battlefield??
  • Re:Yes (Score:4, Insightful)

    by alext ( 29323 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:01AM (#6391482)
    Gosh, sounds like XML-RPC [].

    Guess which came first?
  • by jpu8086 ( 682572 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:08AM (#6391557) Homepage
    I agree with most of the things you just said. However, I whole heartedly disagree about Microsoft's biggest competitior being Linux+JBOSS+FREE_DB.

    I am so sorry, I am not completely sold out on the Open Source mechanism. I mean the solutions are good, but they aren't great (yet). Before you flame me, the above mentioned triad solution do not provide many features found in other enterprise level software. They are also quite slow (overall). The only Open Source solution that performs at an enterprise level is Apache.

    When you are a BIG-ASS, Inc. you care little if you save a million on licensing fees, if your software is guaranteed to work. i.e., Oracle, IBM, BEA. (And yes, if they could save money and get 8 sigma uptime...they'll use Open Source software) Plus, there are a billion more folks who know this stuff then the ones who know Open Source solutions.

    Yes, these alternate ideas are great for small companies, but, they don't contribute to the massive licensing profits.

    And, please let's not go over this one more time: Open Source software is good. And, CTOs aren't all dumb. They *do* want to save money -- you know.
  • Re:java (Score:3, Insightful)

    by toriver ( 11308 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:08AM (#6391562)
    The controversial Java extensions ... otherwise known as "breach of contract".

    And history is irrelevant to the current state.
  • Re:Yes (Score:4, Insightful)

    by johnnyb ( 4816 ) <> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:21AM (#6391761) Homepage
    The fact that it's a marketing bullet point means nothing. When I talk to people actively using it and it making sense and working for them, I'll believe it.
  • Technical Stuff (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Joe U ( 443617 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:38AM (#6392004) Homepage Journal
    Just to clarify, win32, posix and os/2 are not kernel archetictures, they are API's for the kernel. (There's a document somewhere I read about 6 years ago that explains it better)

    x86, alpha etc are the platform archetictures. At the moment, x86 is the only one in use since Alpha, MIPS and PPC seem to be non-viable, at least to Microsoft, but I expect to see some new ones as time goes on.

    My point was that .net should be a native API in the next rev of Windows. .net on Win32 will only be around until the older Windows revisions become obsolete.
  • Windows95 all over (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MGrie ( 676464 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:43AM (#6392064) Homepage
    Did anyone else get the idea, that Microsoft is in effect pullig the same management/technology stunt it did with Windows95/98/ME all over?

    E.G. Win95 mostly served the purpose of creating a middleway between DOS and the Windows Api. All DOS apps ran more or less, and all apps build in the "new" windows api worked a lot better (ofcourse). Then, after 5 years, when even the last software vendor had switched over, they could introduce Windows2000, that ran these Apps better than anything before it, and was build upon actually usable technology.

    So... think about .NET and it's primary feature of machine independent code.
    Could MS be planning to have programmers create all of the smaller, not that speed dependent frontend apps to the .Net runtime, so they can finally drop the ever aging 80x86 architecture sometimes down the road?
  • by shodson ( 179450 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:57AM (#6392250) Homepage
    If you've been building Windows apps for a while you have welcomed .NET because it makes building Windows apps much simpler than the complexities of VC++ and rescues us from having to deal with the hoakiness of VB. As a long-time Java developer as well I am glad to have a full set of OOP features in a VM-like environment like there is in Java available to me. If Java supported the Windows desktop more elegantly and efficiently then .NET wouldn't matter as much, but Swing is dismally slow and cumbersome for Windows apps, though JDK 1.4.2 is supposed to be better. But look at the rift IBM's SWT has caused in the Java/desktop community.

    And I don't agree .NET is just about desktop apps. It makes building distributed apps easier as well, if you want to use web services. I do believe, however, J2EE is still a stronger alternative for large-scale distributed apps. But let's face it, nobody cared much about web services until .NET. Not that a lot of people care too much now, but it's seen as the future of distributed computing, from an internet-scale basis, by just about everybody. What else is there, CORBA? RMI? EJBs? Puhleeze. Firewall unfriendliness is the biggest challenges for these protocols. And the Java camp has been working feverishly to add web services support to their platform and developers have been demanding it. See J2EE 1.4, Apache Axis, Sun's WSDP, BEA's "as-easy-as-VB" WebLogic Workshop IDE for building web services, etc.

    The best thing .NET has done perhaps is light a fire under the pants of those in the Java camps. Since .NET's release Sun and the major Java vendors have been scrambling to "answer" some of the advantages of .NET and the cool features of C#. The JCP is trying to respond more quickly. The upcoming JDK 1.5 will have most language changes since 1.1 (generics, foreach iterations, attributes) in an attempt to meet or beat some of C#'s strengths over Java, etc. And the prospect of open-sourcing Java is becoming more of a reality as Sun's stranglehold on the standard has slowed the pace of Java's improvement and started to cause some splintering among some previously strong supporters of Java (aka, IBM, creating SWT, not showing up at this year's JavaOne, etc.)

  • by reverendslappy ( 672515 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @12:17PM (#6392461)
    No, it's not a cheap shot. It's the truth. Though I can agree with you about the world not wanting to standardize on proprietary web services, the standardization efforts behind web services have been an absolutely assinine circus.

    The issue is evidenced here [], and here [], and here. [] (I think /. might have had a article on it too, but I can't find it...) Those are just the first articles I was able to find, and I recall reading many others. This has been a pretty widely-reported and well-known issue.

    You can debate who's to blame, but the SOAP standard has taken a long time in coming. Version 1.2 was FINALLY released like a week ago, but the W3C has been running around like idiots with it for half of forever. I can tell you from personal experience that corporations want to use web services now but are really hesitant to start using web services to build enterprise apps without real standardization. What it comes down to, in my view, is that as a developer, I need these tools now, and I've been waiting for them for far too long because Tim Berners - Lee has been stroking his Semantic Web [] pipe dream for more than like 3 years.

    What Mr. Helms had to say wasn't a cheap shot at open standards. It was a shot at some serious problems with the drafting of these specific standards, and he has a lot of well-documented history to back him up. IMHO, calling the web services standards "immature" was pretty gracious of Mr. Helms.

    You should really read up on the topics you post about so you have some better knowledge of what you're saying before you start taking "cheap shots" at someone simply because of where they're employed.

    (Mods: "Interesting"?!? Come ON...)
  • by sheldon ( 2322 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @12:19PM (#6392481)
    Without using frames I just wanted to dynamically change the controls within a page.

    Huh? There are multiple ways to do this, at the simplest level you throw a number of controls on the screen, possibly grouped with panels, and then change the Visible tag accordingly to display the one you want.

    On a more complex level, you can create a number of controls which all inherit from a base class, and then instantiate the one you need into the main page. I've been working with the Dotnetnuke framework, and this is the entire basis of how it operates, as custom controls inherit from PortalModuleControl and are loaded dynamically at runtime according to database criteria for the page.

    We gave 3 others a chance at it, two of them full time and true Microserfs.

    Microserf? What is this, a contest to see who can act most like a child?

    Since then I've tried other things and come to the same conclusion.

    I guess it's nice that you came to a conclusion, it's just unfortunate that you are trying to extend your technical incompetence onto others.

    ASP.NET has rocked my world as well, and I am barely even scratching the surface of functionality.
  • by ClosedSource ( 238333 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @12:37PM (#6392648)
    "One of Java's strengths is that it doesn't allow multi-lang other than JNI. Sure, there's a learning curve, but language standardisation is good."

    Isn't that a bit like saying that one of the strengths of VB is that it doesn't allow you to run your applications on different platforms so you can standardize on one?

    There is always a trade-off between standards and flexibility. This issue isn't exclusive to Sun or MS.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @12:42PM (#6392695)
    This will make Windows more portable than *nix.

    For shame, everyone is misunderstanding your comment. This doesn't mean that Windows will run on anything you want it to. It means that Windows will run on anything Microsoft wants it to, with minimal effort.

    You see, before .NET, if Microsoft wanted Windows to run on a new machine, they have to recompile the whole OS, then recompile all the apps. Now it's just the base OS and the CLR. Half of the OS and all the apps would run unchanged.
  • by AstroDrabb ( 534369 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @12:45PM (#6392723)
    1) We have single-source logons for all users, even if they migrate workstations.
    Been there done that without .net.
    2) Users can access their apps and data from anywhere on the network, even offsite.
    Same here. This has been a feature of Unix/Linux for many years.
    3) Ping times have halved.
    Man, you must have had a really bad network. I don't see how just switching you applications to .not will increase ping times. Also, Linux with samba surpasses MS at their own SMB game.
    4) You wouldn't believe our uptime, sometimes we go for weeks without rebooting.
    Umm, come into the world of Solaris/*BSD/Linux and YOU won't believe our uptimes.
    5) The TCO is 1/10th of what it was and we've been able to reduce our IT staff
    How does using .net decrease your TCO? I guess you are not factoring in all the application fees, OS license fees, retraining costs, etc. The license fees alone will completely offset ANY benefit of moving to .net.
    (maybe this is the real reason the /. readership hates .NET?)
    Why would someone on /. hate .net if it truly is a great product? Most people hate it because of WHO it comes from. We all know how that company works and their main goal is to be the ONLY provider of all OSes and appliactions and they use every means possible to lock you in and ensure NO migration paths.
    Sorry, all .net does is lower the bar for sub-par programmers to produce mediocre solutions that will put you on the "MS Path", which is a path of constant updates, upgrades and expenditures that MS tries to keep at an 18 - 24 month cycle. MS's main goal is to have you upgrade your solutions every 18 - 24 months. They are not in business to provide you with long lasting solutions, otherwise where will there revenue stream come from if everyone doesn't upgrade every 2 years or so? The only thing you get from MS is a band-aid to be applied for an average of 18 - 24 months.
  • by Jinmoti ( 687800 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:12PM (#6393008)
    Unlike earlier Microsoft languages/environments, .NET is properly engineered. It obeys all the usual rules of OO programming, and it has a class library which is consistent and makes the programmer much very productive. Compare this to the ugliness of Microsoft's earlier C++, with macros everywhere and a totally illogical class library. I like the fact that .NET uses much that is best from other object oriented languages - it means that it is very easy to learn if you are familiar with the best practices in software engineering.
  • by dacarr ( 562277 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:14PM (#6393023) Homepage Journal
    You know, nobody has made it totally clear on what exactly .NET was. To this day, my boss thinks it's a programming language and is the greatest thing since sliced bread - but then that's why he's the boss, because he knows how to sell.
  • by Viduliya ( 39839 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:16PM (#6393044)
    For everyone that thinks .Net is the best thing since sliced bread, here is a reality check: .Net IS NOT Gods gift to programming! (unless, you consider Microsoft to be God?)

    How can anything that requires MS Windows on both client and server possibly hope to replace Java ever?? I am not saying that Java is perfect, there is no such thing.

    Can you really make a .Net application to work on anything other than Windows?? And No, the whole world is not using Windows and IE nor do they want to.

    Yeah, I know about Mono but it's not ready and will not never be given any real support by Microsoft to become usable every time they change .Net, Mono will have to try and play catch-up. Have Microsoft ever made a truly platform independent software? It is not in their interest. It is in our interest to NOT support such things. If Micro$oft is involved in something sooner or later they will try to own and set the standards for it (Example: HTML/DHTML W3C or Micro$oft?).

    I would not want to work/develop on any system where Micro$oft dictates all the standards. I'd rather stop using a computer and resort back to using an abacus for computing and carrier pigeons for networking. If I am not alone then .Net days are numbered and Java or something better is surly going to replace it. In the meantime if you are out of a job pick up a .Net manual and do some light reading and try to make some money off it.
  • Re:Yes (Score:4, Insightful)

    by TheLastUser ( 550621 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:28PM (#6393168)

    It's just easier to use a gui - not faster but certainly easier.

    Maybe for you it is, personally I find a nice clean xml config file way easier to deal with.

    I remember one incident trying to get iis to serve up a file. I had to alter the "security" settings in no less than 3 different iis menus befor the frickin thing would serve it up.

    The menus are like a maze that one must climb through. The feature that you want could be anywhere in that maze. With XML and a decent editor you can just do a find.

    they fall somewhat short on some of the advanced features businesses need for enterprise apps

    Or perhaps just think they need after a bunch of marketing mumbojumbo. There are pretty big sites on the net that use Apachr/PHP, [] comes to mind, you could probably find others at [] I don't use this setup personally, but I see a quite a few large sites that do, and they seem to be making money.

    it's java for windows basically

    I will never understand why people would write in a "java for windows" when they can write in a Java for all operating systems. C# seems to me like a less sophisticated version of Java that has the added drawback of locking you in to a single platform.
  • Re:Yes (Score:2, Insightful)

    by iantri ( 687643 ) <(ten.xmg) (ta) (irtnai)> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:33PM (#6393227) Homepage
    As far as IIS goes... it's alot easier to administer a web server from a gui if you're not an expert which 99% takes care of 99% of the people administering web servers. It's just easier to use a gui - not faster but certainly easier. Please don't come back with, "well if you're not an expert you shouldn't touch it yadda yadda." That said... IIS has to runs on Windows which is a train wreck for a server. Don't get me started on security either.

    I'm going to come back with this anyway. You have siad that "Windows... is a train wreck for a server", and that the security is bad too. But you are saying it is okay for someone who doesn't know what they are doing to use the pointy-clicky tools to administer the server? They'll get r00ted inside of a week. I'm not saying GUI tools are bad -- I wouldn't mind some good GUI tools to configurate the more annoying Linux configuration such as SysV init and network interfaces, but if you have to use a GUI tool to run the server because you don't understand what you are doing, you HAVE no business running it.

  • by maraist ( 68387 ) * < ... tsiaram.leahcim>> on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:41PM (#6393299) Homepage
    Sorry to be a repeat post. But a quick summary:
    1 MS wants to be a monopoly on software

    2 MS needs to squash all other forms of hardware (including hand helds) to accomplish 1.

    3 Cross platform stands in the way of 2. Thus must be squashed.

    4 In accordance with 1, MS buys/recreates most/all forms of software especially compilers.

    5 In accordance with 4, there is a MS java compiler/environment. To facilitate 3, the MS environment squelches cross platform capability through market share of ms-specific tweaks for applets / java applications.

    6 SUN doesn't allow MS to enhance the java language (instigated by 4), thereby thwarting MS's efforts to obliterate cross platforming.

    7 MS realizes some benifits to a common API (a la MFC / java.*), and sees a benifit to customers if they only have to learn a single API, but can share code between different developer types (simple ASP / VB, corporate C++). Moreoever, COM is too complex on the C++ side. MS's particular solution to a common environment was to literally have a shared execution space between differing programming widgets. This makes a simpler replacement for COM.

    8 MS already has a working and somewhat industry proven java-engine, so only a few minor tweaks are needed to make it CRL/.NET. It is likely that the decision to make CRL was in the middle or possibly even the beginning of the MS java initiative.

    9 With the release of .NET, they now have a new product with which they can innovate to the same degree as COM/DCOM, or any other nifty MS technology that I've happily ignored for over a decade.

    10 .NET will run slower and consume more memory than well written c/c++ code, and with .NET (a la java.*), it's likely that people will write highly inefficient C# / VB code which will formulate the bulk of our future application bases on the windows platform. Thus hardware requirements will go through the roof, thereby instigating hardware upgrades. All of which require new licences of MS Windows and all other MS software, thereby continuing More's law.

    So there you have it.. A completely logical motivation chain. As you can see, cross-platform is in violation of some of the steps, so you are very likely to see frustrations in the independent porting process. Moreoever, with somethink is centralized as .NET, it's even more likely to have back-doors known only to the MS camp which provides unfair competition. If you make a good IDE (to compete against Visual Studio), or a word process, but use C# (I'm assuming we're not crazy enough to consider VB.NET), then MS can easily add to the next version of .NET some purposeful slowdowns for the competing software... Unlike some previous issues (DR DOS having issues with win 3.x thanks to explicit breaks in their code), .NET can simply forget to activate certain optimizations for competing software at intermittant times with hardly a notice to the developers.

  • by Sanction ( 16446 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @01:51PM (#6393415)
    I think I can comment very easily, with or without using it. How about: I have enterprise customers, I need to deploy on Solaris or AIX, .Net is not portable, therefore any other perceived advantages to .Net are irrelevant.

    For a lot of people, there are legitimate reasons for dismissing it out of hand. It is an incredible environment for developing apps on Windows, but beyond that problem space, it is not particularly useful.
  • by Chester K ( 145560 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @02:17PM (#6393696) Homepage
    They technology (or at least the hype around it) is at odds with the business reality at MS.

    MS claim that .NET will be open and cross platform, but the only way this can happen is if cross platform means "across *our* platforms."

    .NET is about interoperability, not cross-platform execution. The big reason Microsoft is behind .NET is to get Windows a foothold in shops currently based around Unix.
  • By the same token (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @02:49PM (#6394050)
    It's been over a decade since we were first introduced to GNU Linux and virtually none of the promised advantages have come true. Is it time for the Open Source Community to move on?
  • It doesn't matter (Score:3, Insightful)

    by NullProg ( 70833 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @11:34PM (#6397699) Homepage Journal
    Not that Microsoft has done anything wrong,(IMHO I think the language neutral VM is great), but has anyone besides myself looked at the object files the compiler creates? My mother codes in VB (Excel) it doesn't make her a programmer, just a accountant who uses the tools provided.

    It all still boils down to x86 machine code. With .Net you may loose the ability to choose the best optimizations for your program. Of course thats true with any assembler. Has anyone besides myself look into the MS IL layer? Good, but not great.

    From a embedded programmers perspective, .Net stinks. Too much overhead on low CPU/Memory systems to be usefull (Although Microsoft is selling the licenses dirt cheap). HP's Chi (tea) comes close, but no cigar. IBM's Java offering also comes close, but again no cigar. With embedded computers you still can't beat assembler and 'C'.

    Not to start a flame war, but as developers I hope most of us realize that .Net still wraps around my favorite API, Win32. Just look at the DLL's that are loaded when you lauch your IL hello world program My test program loaded (GDI, GDI32, CTL3D, WIN32DLL, etc) and are all win32 libraries.


FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
