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Transmeta Unveils 256-bit Microprocessor Plans 229

nam37 writes "PCWorld has an article about how Transmeta has outlined its initial plans for a new 256-bit microprocessor dubed the TM8000. They claim it will offer significant advantages over their current TM5x00 line of chips. The processor will be a switch to a 256-bit VLIW (very long instruction word), allowing twice as many instructions in one clock cycle and greater energy efficiency." The article also touches on the popularity Transmeta enjoys in Japan, noting that 92% (CD: corrected from 55%) of the company's revenue comes from there.
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Transmeta Unveils 256-bit Microprocessor Plans

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  • by Utopia ( 149375 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:11AM (#3615500)
    92 percent of Transmeta's net revenue came from Japan, a figure which is up from 55 percent in the year earlier.
    • I hope everybody realizes that this number says absolutely nothing about the health of the company, just where its current customers are.

      Generally it has me a bit worried - being so dependent on Japanese customers is not a perfect state of the union for a Californian company...
  • Who knows when this will be available... could be years, this might just be a way to boost stock value temporarily without consequence for several years.

  • by Geek Boy ( 15178 )
    From the article:

    In the first quarter of the current fiscal year, 92 percent of Transmeta's net revenue came from Japan, a figure which is up from 55 percent in the year earlier.

    In other words, in the first quarter, 92% of their revenue was from Japan. Last year during the first quarter, 55% of their revenue was from Japan.

    That could mean anything, btw.
  • by JebusIsLord ( 566856 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:13AM (#3615503)
    Could someone please explain to me how you can make an energy efficient comparitively simple chip with 256-bit data paths? I thought increasing the bits made chips much more complex, which kind of goes against exactly what Transmeta has been all about up until now. Please explain to me as I assume they know what they are doing.
    • I'm curious about this as well. Is this the type of thing that could make people forget about Itanium, or is this case where an insane # of bits means it's not practical for anything useful?

    • Unlike an Intel processor, the Transmeta chip is based on a RISC architecture. If you take a look at a CISC processor, like an Intel chip, there is a ton of work that just goes into decoding the instructions. Some instructions are one byte, others are two, some have data imbedded in various bits of the instruction, etc. This makes the decoding and dispatching of instructions quite complex. On a RISC architecture chip, certain bits always indicate the instruction, others are always data. Decoding on these chips is simple.

      Now, if you were to double the number of input bits on a CISC processor - you would have to duplicated some fairly complex (read power hungry) circuitry. On a RISC processor, doubling the input bits simply doubles some simple hardware.

      Still, that doesn't explain why 2x the bits yields an energy saving... The reason for that is that the concept of doubling the circuitry is a simplified explanation - some of the hardware can be shared. Really, they're just going to be feeding two instructions through in parallel, so for example, you only need to go through one power hungry bus cycle to get the data. You only need to run the dispatch unit once per two instructions, etc.

      Much like an automated car wash that uses a bunch of water and electricity. If you changed the design slightly, so that you could run two cars through at once instead of only one you'll use more water and electricity then one car but not as much' as if the two ran through seperately.

      • AFAIK, the itanium processor is essentially a RISC architecture.
      • This is basically completely wrong.

        The Transmeta machine is a VLIW machine, almost the antipathy of CISC. It is closer to what is called "superscalar" machines than anything else.

        The idea is that you have a 256 bit INSTRUCTION, not data path. There are several different functional units. Maybe one is a multiplier/divider, another is a floating point unit, another is an address calculator. Maybe you double up each of these resources when you go from 128 to 256 bits. The idea is that each functional unit gets it's own part of the instruction. VLIW stands for Very Large Instruction Word after all - not very large data path!

        Next - you need fancy compilers, in this case it's the Transmeta just-in-time compilation that can schedule use of as many as possible of these functional units on a computation thread. Thus as the number of functional units goes up, the potential computation done per clock goes up.

      • RISC uses a reduced number of instructions. It gets it's speed because the decoding of the instructions can be done with a hardware decoder very quickly.

        CISC uses a relatively larger set of complex instructions. Those instructions are typically decoded using microcode. Intel takes the approach of decoding a large quantity with a massive hardware decoder, which is faster, but takes up a lot of silicon.

        VILW uses a very long instruction word. The instructions typically have to be decoded by microcode, because a hardwired decoder would be prohibitivly huge. It gets it's speed by taing a single instruction that can define multiple task which the processor can perform in parallel. The instruction set is designed to take advantage of the different types of opperations that can be performed in parallel, and a very complex compiler is required to create the most efficient machine code. The end result is a processor that gets a lot more done per machine cycle and can therefore run at lower clock speed and still perform well.

        It's the lower clock speeds that really help the power disapation. Heat is produced by resistence to the flow of electrisity, and the resistence in a capacitor goes up quickly as frequency (clock speed) increases. Even though a VILW processor is doing more and creating more heat per clock cycle, they can end up with less heat at the same performance level.
      • CISC vs. RISC is a red herring. Today's RISC machines are as complex as today's CISC machines under the hood. The real difference between VLIW machines and current ones is that the VLIWs are statically scheduled whereas other current desktop and workstation CPUs are dynamically scheduled.

        Statically scheduled machines rely on compiler software (in the case of Crusoe, the code morphing software) to take a sequence of instructions and determine what order they'll be issued in and what instruction-level parallelism is available.

        Dynamically scheduled machines take a serial sequence of instructions, and use large amounts of complex hardware to detect dependences between the instructions. From this, it determines the instruction schedule on the fly.

        Statically scheduled processors benefit from greatly simplified instruction decode and dispatch (since no dependence tracking and no real decision making is required aside from conditional branches). Dynamically scheduled processors have some performance benefits insofar as they can make opportunistic scheduling decisions with the additional information that's available at run-time, and not available to the compiler.

        On traditional VLIWs, the compiler is usually only able to statically analyse a program and so it may have to schedule conservatively. A typical example is that the compiler may not be able to tell when two different pointers point to the same thing, so it must serialize accesses via the two separate pointers. Crusoe is able to do a couple things better: First off, the instruction set and hardware provide some mechanisms that allow the machine to speculate sequence of instructions (that is, essentially, make a programmatic guess that a given optimization is OK and check it afterwards, discarding the result on the off-chance it's wrong). Second, it can instrument the code and get on-the-fly branch and function profile data so that it can re-optimize the hot spots more aggressively. Both of these can allow the statically scheduled Crusoe to approach the performance of dynamically scheduled CPUs in the cases where it would've fallen behind. In a sense, embedding the code-morphing software on an otherwise statically-scheduled device makes it a "blockwise dynamically scheduled" device.

        Spelling aside on dependences vs. dependencies . The correct term is dependences when talking about how one instruction depends on another's result. This link [] gives a primer on the types of dependences that can exist between instructions.

        As for energy efficiency: If you're able to get your work done in fewer cycles, you can power the clock off sooner or run it at a much slower rate. Power consumption is linear with respect to clock over lower clock speeds, but as you get to higher speeds, various effects cause non-linear increases in power consumption.

        Also, keep in mind that energy efficiency is computational work per Joule. The absolute power consumption may are may not be lower with a more energy efficient part. In this case, they're saying 3x faster and 47% more energy efficient. I read that as meaning approximately, if you compare TM5800 to TM8000 at full-tilt-boogie on a given task, TM8000 will probably dissipate 2x as much power (Watts vs. Watts), but do so for 1/3rd as long.

        Another thing to keep in mind is that TM8000 will probably be on a newer semiconductor process node than TM5800.

    • And while you're at it would someone kindly explain why 256bit would only double the efficiency over current (64bit) chips? SHould it quadruple? One last question, since the article was mighty skimpy on details, why doesn't Intel/Sun/Amd/etc make a processor > 64 bit?

      I am assuming that their are a ton of technical challenges to overcome, as well as the fact that such chips probably couldn't run at very high clock speeds. Any other reasons?
      • The tranmeta chip was 128 bit.
      • I think the current Transmeta chips are 128 bit.

        "Conventional" CPUs (like Intel/Sun/AMD/etc) wouldn't benefit from 128 bits, but the Transmeta chips are VLIW, meaning they cram several instructions into a single word. Doubling the number of bits doubles the number of instructions that can be crammed into a single word. Of course this assumes that you can extract that level of parrallelism from the code.

      • There is a big difference between a VLIW processor and a CISC processor. VLIW is basically a way of carrying out processing more efficiently than CISC, trading off instruction word length and a kind of nanocompiler which works out how to rearrange instructions (and uses a cache of external memory for the rescheduled instructions, btw) for complex decoding hardware and logic for identifying register and pipeline status. So a 256 bit VLIW processor is in no way comparable to a 256 bit CISC processor.
        In fact, I seem to recall that the original VLIW work in the 80s was done on 512 bit and 1024 bit designs, using bit slice components of course.

        Large processors need large data and address buses, which means a lot of power hungry transistors on the periphery of the chip, as well as the longer array of the various bus gates inside the chip. The technical challenges in doubling the bus width are enormous.

        In fact, a major feature of the Transmeta design is the way the internal compiler reviews code, rearranges it and caches the streamlined code for repeat execution. It means that, just like JIT compilation in Java, the first time through a loop is slower than subsequent accesses. The wider the instruction word, the greater the opportunity for this kind of rescheduling, but also the more cache memory is needed and the more the initial performance hit. Great for playing DVDs or database searches, not so good for office work.

        • Wouldn't this type of processor type carry a huge hit if like a JUMP command or something to interupt the pipeline was encountered? I remember hearing this was a big problem in Pentium chips with it's long pipeline stages - it would have to be worse in a system like this... unless the compiler/branch prediction is really, really good I suppose.
        • Just for the record - the Cydra 5 was 128 bits. I know, I helped wire up every one of those registers ;-)

          The Trace architecture was extensible to 256 if memory serves.

          Both machines were available in the mid 80's.

          The fact that you couldn't grow these architectures and remain binary compatible was there achiles heel - consequently they were dead -ends both architecturally and commercially. It's the JIT application the problem that is revolutionary.
    • its actually very simple... you just say you are going to make it, then don't.

      then enjoy all the publicity and sell more of your simple 8 bit processors.
    • I think they are referint to 256 bit INSTRUCTIONS - it's a VLIW after all and they want to be able to issue as many ops per clock as possible.

      Given that TM's JIT-recoding to VLIW's been around for a while i guess they know by now if they can get usefull ILP out of such a wide instruction word.

      Their approach to low power - basicly gating every clock in sight even though it plays havoc with the tools most other people use is becoming more common (and the tools are evolving too). It works because they only turn on the parts of the chip that are being used at anyone time and a very small granularity - in the past people like Intel tend to do things like stopclk duty cycle modulation (stops the clock to everything for some percentage of the time) - this still means you're wasting energy when you are running
      • WHOA! Intel would never do this as it increases IPC, so Transmeta either have to decrease their MHz or drum into the public somehow that "MHz has nothing to do with performance". In other words Transmeta advertising vs. Intel advertising []. Obviously Transmeta will fail unless they debase their packaging by hiding the MHz like AMD by showing something like Athlon 1500+ e.g. Crusoe 800+, or some crazy marketing like Crusoe 400x2+, or maybe kick-ass Crusoe 400TwinTurbo

        Intel has made GHz cool and increasing IPC uncool. Transmeta is trying to blow this away. If they are succesful, Intel's marketing hype will unravel and the company will consume itself like Jabba the Hut with a banquet just out of arms reach (Jabba is immobile methinks).

        Or maybe killing Intel's marketing will just cause MSOffice+email people to be happy with their PCs instead of constantly upgrading when Intel tells them to, resulting in a crash in the tech sector. Correction: been there, done that.

        • In EpI he his seen moving forwards onto the balcony overlooking the pod race, apparently under his own power.
        • IPC vs. MHz in Transmeta's world view is even more confusing - remember they are recompiling x86 instructions into their own native ones (somewhat) on the fly, assuming their code is doing good stuff (and I guess they are if they think it's worth upping the VLIW instruction size for future chips) - so an x86 instruction is being broken down into 1-3 micro-ops which are being packed spread over several 256-bit vliw instructions ....
          • an x86 instruction is being broken down into 1-3 micro-ops which are being packed spread over several 256-bit vliw instructions ....
            You are correct. In that case they should definitely call it CrusoeVLIW 800+TwinTurbo because everybody knows that turbochargers have lag. This way the customers would know that the CPU needs time to "warm up" and could be used by Sales to explain why benchmarks, etc. need to be run multiple times. Cool!
    • by cartman ( 18204 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @02:31AM (#3615719)
      Transmeta chips are VLIW and therefore the bit width they are referring to is not width of the data bus, but the number of instructions that can be executed simultaneously. At present the transmeta chips are 128-bit (four 32-bit instructions), and the new ones will be 256-bit (eight).

      Since transmeta chips are VLIW, they do not have to schedule instructions, and do not have to determine (at run time) which instructions can be executed in parallel. With VLIW, both of those functions are performed by _software_, statically, all at once. A singificant amount of the complexity of a cpu is dedicated to performing these functions, which are offloaded to software by transmeta in their "code morph" phase.

      Furthermore, the conversion from outdated x86 microOps occurs in software during the "code morph" phase, further offloading functionality that otherwise would exist in silicon.

      For these reasons, the transmeta CPU is dramatically simpler than comparable x86 cpus. Unfortunately, it did not perform as anticipated. However, since the die size is so small and the cpu so simple, it does offer some advantages (low power consumption, low heat dissipation).

      • Here's what I don't understand. VILW uses a large set of complex instructions. Those instructions contain multiple opperations that can be performed in parallel by the processor. They can't just pack in any group of operations into an instruction word if they want them to be handled efficiently. It's up to the compiler to create machine code that breaks down the program into these complex instructions that the processor can handle in an optimal way.

        My confusion comes from the fact that the Crusoe is rarely dealing with code that was compiled for it. The code is usually compiled for X86, and then "code morphed" into instructions for the Crusoe. That seems like you'd lose all your efficiency because even if the compiler takes a long time to figure out the best instructions, it's time taken once and not while the application is running. Code morphing is interpreting the x86 into Crusoe instructions and then running them on the Crusoe, and the code morphing is done while the applicatin is running and on the same processor. I just don't understand how this can be efficient.

        Is the current X86 processors which take CISC instructions, convert them into a reduced set of instructions that it can handle quickly, and then shove them through at really high clock speeds equally inneficient that a horribly non optimized VILW processor can compete? If that's the case, why isn't the Itanium which is VILW blowing us away with it's performance?
        • The whole strategy hasn't worked out that well. Neither transmeta nor itanium blow anyone away with their performance.
        • Fisrt of all, VLIW instructions aren't complex. They're a bunch of RISC instructions taken together as a block. You could make a non-supersclar RISC CPU to run the TM8000 instructions, it'd just take *almost* 8x as long. (It's hard to find 8-way parallelism. I think superscalar x86 CPUs pretty much max out at an average of 2.5 way parallelism. Maybe the TM8000 is using SMT to run two threads on the same chip. Maybe tehy dedicate one of the threads to code-morphing and runtime optimizations)

          It does hurt them that they code morph on the same chip that they run the x86 software on. However, they can get away with it becuase they can cache the translated code segments. Self-modifying code and stuff with "debugger bombs" in it may destroy performance and/or prevent proper execution. In general, though, they get saved because, on average, 90% of the time is spent in 10% of the code. This means their translation cache gives them a huge performance boost in most applications. The P4 also uses an on-chip microOp translation cache, probably creating huge savings in terms of power usage due to the x86 decoder unit.

          In it's purest form, VLIW would be like taking several MIPS chips and giving them the same cache and register file and demuxing the instructions out to the different chips. The chips would trust the compiler and not check for data dependancies.

          Itanium doesn't know what it wants to be. Intel doesn't call ia64 VLIW, they call it "EPIC : Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing". It's a beast with lots of registers (RE: really long context switches. The ia64 Linux porters decided to cut down on the number of user-space avalable registers in order to shorten context switches.) and register windowing (windowing didn't help SPARC very much, and eats up a fair number of transistors). On the other had, they neglected to give it a full floating point unit, so any floating point op causes an FPSWA (floating point software assist) interupt. Furthermore, the decided not to match the instructions to the bare hardware, but instead made the CPU pretend to hav infinately many execution units and inserted some flags in the instructions to indicate where the parallelism breaks. This is needlessly complex. Don't ofrget on-chip slow-ass x86 emulation. Do a google search for Elburus, or look backa couple of days on /. They've gotsome good arguments about why EPIC (and Itanium, in particular) is worse than VLIW. They also say their approach is better than the Transmetta approach, but say Transmetta is onthe right track. Basically, they would like to see a partiall static and partialy dynamic recompilation solution rather than an all-dynamic solution used by Transmetta. I think the Elburus approach is better for geeks, but may be hard to make seamless for the general populace.

    • It is very complex but from what i grasp, by using very complex instructions, you archieve multiple simultaneous tasks with unrelated data easly. With other platforms, to do that, you must allow for the processor to do the thinking of that and coach the internal instructions to flow the correct way.

      The chip design can be thrus much simpler. On the other hand, by using a code-morph as it's "public" layer, the chip can be adapted to almost any requirement, making it very popular for... yes... making gadgets... and that is life and blood in Japan.

      [how i liked to have a devkit for transmeta... but here in Europe, that is not only hard to find, but not a *must* for this market]


      P.S.- Can someone pls add a JVM inside the new transmeta processor? Why run x86 when you can run bytecode directly?
  • Well... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by coene ( 554338 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:13AM (#3615506)
    Though I dont think Transmeta has had the kind of success that everyone expected they could have, its great to see that they are continuing to innovate.

    It would be great if they came out with more mainstream ways to use their products, such as real viable ATX style boards. It would certainly let their products be used in more mainstream areas. Who wants to develop/search for a custom mainboard, which (due to lack of volume) costs more than anything comparable Intel/AMD. This may in fact be a large contributor to why Asia is such a huge market for Transmeta, they are more friendly to manufacturing custom boards/systems to use the chips efficiently.
    • Re:Well... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by moonbender ( 547943 )
      There is no "real viable ATX style" board for the Transmeta processors, since there is just no need for them in the desktop segment. The main advantage of the Crusoe, low power usage, is no advantage in desktop computers which can draw a (more or less) arbitrary amount of energy. The very low generation of heat would also be an advantage, but there are already low-performance-low-heat Via chips which run on existing hardware and only need passive cooling, so why bother with even lower heat gear.
      You don't see desktop computers based on a Transmeta just as you don't see desktops based on StrongARMs.
      • I mean more for servers actually... If i am looking to fill a 42" rack with shiny new 1U servers, it would be great to build a bunch of of transmeta boxes.

        I know that the worlds full of better solutions, but this is still a way for Transmeta to get their stuff into the oem market. To get a rack full of transmeta CPU's, the only solution I know of is RLX System 324 (not to say there arent others -- pardon my negligance of the market).

        I guess what I'm saying is that for a company developing a proprietary CPU, they really need to do a better job of making sure that there's technology to work around it (I can see a low power utilization cpu/mobo/powersupply for 1U being a decent seller). If they had a few partners developing mobo/powersupply stuff that was accessible through normal oem/distributor/retail channels, they might have better success in america + western europe.

        EEK! When did I turn into a marketing head. I would used to be talking about the technology instead of how to sell it :/
    • I think the problem is that everyone's decided they can live with conventional processors on ATX. If you are building a desktop, there is simply no reason to use this processor other than possibly to reduce the noise (not a small consideration for some, but small enough for most).

      I really like the trend towards smaller devices though, and as the engineering gets tougher, it would be nice to throw the fans out and make the heatsinks smaller. Small computers like the SS50 are attractive to me, but not quite enough for me to take the tradeoffs needed. However, if I could get a computer with the functionality of the SS50 that was just a tad larger than the CD drive, and had rougly P3 400MHz kind of performance, and didn't cost much more than a good white box PC, I'd jump at it.

      The problem isn't fitting this device into the mainstream, it's changing the mainstream so people see the need for this device.

  • Sony's got quite a few Transmeta-based PCs in Japan. My favorite is the thumbpad PC, but I digress...

    Transmeta has been promising a lot of things since they were formed those many years ago. Nothing of substance has ever come out, though. Sure we've now got a low-power processor, so what? It comes at the cost of serious lack of speed.

    Now they promise 256-bit processors. That's great, but it's completely worthless when any chip that it is attempting to emulate maxes out at 64-bits. Hell, the 64-bit chips haven't even come out yet.

    Transmeta is dying. Especially if they've hitched their horse to the floundering Japanese economy.
    • "Hell, the 64-bit chips haven't even come out yet."

      Now, you may be referring to 64-bit x86 chips, but that is not implied.

      Just to correct your statemet, here's a small list of some 64-bit CPUs:

      Digital/Compaq Alpha
      Intel Itanium (well, I'm not entirely sure if it's available)
      SUN Sparc
      SUN Blade
      IBM Power 4
      Power G4
      IBM AS/400 (and many other in the AS-series)

      I'm not entirely sure about all of these though, so if some of them aren't 64-bit, please correct me.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Is 256 bits really enough for everyone?
  • Low power consumption is becoming a bigger and bigger issue as chips become smaller, denser, and faster. This design may be an indication of the type of chip to expect in the future
  • Chandler: CEO (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by banky ( 9941 )
    From the article:
    Ditzel and Matthew Perry, the recently appointed chief executive officer of Transmeta

    Well, it's good to see he's got work lined up now that Friends is almost over.
    • Yeah, and in 1854 he also managed to open up Japan after 250 years in isolation. This Matthew Perry guy is pretty accomplished (not to mention old).
  • I seriously doubt that the internal datapath of this machine will be 256 bits. I think it is safe to assume that only the instruction bandwidth will be 256 bits and the data bandwidth will be 32 or 64 bits or some combination.

    I don't think this will be a real 256-bit processor.
  • by jukal ( 523582 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:23AM (#3615549) Journal
    partly covering the subject, is here [].
  • A very nice processor indeed, however I wonder what kind of speeds these things will soon be able to achieve? The thing that really blows me away is when you compare a Transmeta Crusoe TM5400/TM5600 728mhz which on can do about 1,966,230 keys a second, with a Power PC 7450/7455 G4 1600mhz that can do a whopping 16,991,648 keys per second! I understand that alpha is far superior, but the question that begs asking is why does'nt everyone go to alpha, especially considering the raw speed that can be achieved?
    • I understand that alpha is far superior, but the question that begs asking is why does'nt everyone go to alpha, especially considering the raw speed that can be achieved?

      Well, the people who can greatly benefit from Alpha AND can afford to buy them in quantities (scientific research institutions and CG render farms) *do* buy Alpha. But it's almost a maxim: the sexier the application, the less of a sustainable market there is. If you want to succeed in the computer industry you have to aim at boring sectors like secretaries who want a simple word processor.

  • by nweaver ( 113078 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:31AM (#3615574) Homepage
    This is the size of the INSTRUCTION which is encoded, not the datapath.

    Unfortunatly, transmeta is hampered by several factors.

    The first is that 256b will require the translator to discover 8 translated instructions (assuming a 32b instruction size) which can be executed in parallel to get good performance. This is a TOUGH barrier, the reality is probably closer to 2-4. Also, the way to get more instructions to issue is through speculation, but too much speculation really hurts power.

    Secondly, the transmeta cache for translations and translating code is so small that it hurts quality. Transmeta would do better with OS cooperation, giving a larger hunk of memory to store more and better translations, and to enable more sophisticated translating algorithms. But that breaks the x86 compatability model.

    Third, they have lost the battle on performance, and power doesn't matter: Intel can outfab them and if REALLY low power was required/useful in the x86 world, Intel could crush them by simply dusting off the old Pentium core, process shrinking it to .12 uM, and shove it out the door. Remember, if you shrink the processor power to 0, everything ELSE still burns alot: screen, drive, I/O, even in an ultrasmall notebook.

    Fourth, transmetas claims in the past have been so full of hot air, so why should we believe anything they say now?
    • by bentini ( 161979 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @04:30AM (#3615988)
      A) Because Transmeta is VLIW, they don't speculatively execute. That's the whole point, Instruction Fetch/Decode (two of the bottlenecks in traditional architectures) have been more or less eradicated because it's so simple. So, really, that point is completely not true. At the moment, my lab group has a chip whose instruction size is about 5-600 bits (I can never remember). Impressive, until you realize that it isn't.

      B) The translation doesn't have to be that great. They're still performing fairly competitively with Intel chips.

      C) Pentiums don't play well enough. Transmeta can simulate fairly well a several hundred megahertz (probably about 4-500) Pentium III. Also, Intel is notoriously bad at doing such things. Their memory is not written down on how to make such chips, but only remembered in the minds of the workers. It would be VERY hard for them to do that, actually.

      D) Transmeta based solutions have often employed other cool ideas in terms of power consumption: Better LCD's that don't need backlights, e.g. Not perfect, but getting there.

      E) Transmeta's solution is so amazing that, even if it hasn't revolutionized the world, it has changed the course of Intel's strategy non-trivially. Plus, it's awesomely cool.

  • ...but does this mean the new Transmeta chip could effectively emulate a 4-way 64-bit processor system? Or is my Sega-like addition of bits incorrect? I guess, though, that by starting with a 256-bit processor, Transmeta can emulate processors for years to come...
  • by Taco Cowboy ( 5327 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:32AM (#3615577) Journal

    First there was that 4-bit microprocessor, then it went to 8-bit, then 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit.

    When Transmeta announced it's 256-bit microprocessor, I'm not surprise.

    However, I do have a question ....

    Is there a theoretical limit on the maximum
    bit-path for microprocessors ?

    Or in other words, will we see microprocessors with giga-bit (or even exa-bit) path ?

    • I am not, by any means, very well educated on this topic. I would venture, though, that the number of bits is not limited by anything other than practicality. I have a difficult time imagining that a 1024-bit machine would be useful today.

      But who knows? Maybe when volumetric holograms come into play we'll see a need for numbers that big.

      I do think we're due to move off of silicon soon, though, and move to something organic. I'm really curious what'll happen when we replace bits with neurons. ;)
    • Hopefully quantum computers [] will have taken over long before we get anywhere near terra/exa-bit processors, however I could possibly see getting into the giga-bit range.
    • > Or in other words, will we see microprocessors
      > with giga-bit (or even exa-bit) path ?

      Using current technologies (DNA&Quantums excluded) the main problem will become the size. At some point, the barrier will be hit - there is a limit for the number of transistors you can fit in certain size

      My quess is, however, that we will see a true 1024 bit processor by year 2008. I also quess that at this point we have seen the best the current technology can offer, and we will start shifting away from transistors. Majority of our computers will be based on these alternative technologies by year 2015.

      Save this for future reference. :)
      • What's a "true" 1024 bit processor? What does it mean that a processor is 64 bit? From what I understand from the other posts, this transmeta proc is not 256 bits in the same sense that Intel's current chips are 32 bits, but what does that even mean? What can a 128 bit proc do that a 64 bit proc can't and a 32 bit proc can't? Please explain, I'm very curious. Or point me to somewhere that might explain.
        • In my definition, a true 1024 bit processor would be a 1024 bit chip optimized for 1024 bit code, must have address size of 1024 bits and 1024 bit databus, natural word size must be 1024 bits.

          correctify my mistakes :)
        • Since you're the first person I've read tonight that is confused AND honest about being confused, I'm happy to take a stab at answering some of your questions. I am not a Crusoe expert, and my field isn't microprocessors. Just a warning.

          1) What's a "true" 1024 bit processor?

          You have to make assumptions to answer this question. Probably the most useful "bit"ness to know for a particular processor is the number of bits it can use for a "normal" memory address. For Athlons, that is 32 bits, and the same for the Intel P4. Some Intel chips have a 4 bit extension, but it's a pain to use and should be ignored (and mostly is). There are a handful of mass produced cpus with 64 bit addressing; the DEC^H^H^HCompaq^H^H^HIntel Alpha, some version of the Sparc lineup, and certain varieties of IBM's POWER family come to mind. Since memory addresses on typical cpus refers to one byte, having 32 bit addresses allows you to uniquely reference 2^32 (~= 4 billion) bytes with a single memory address. How much of that "address space" you can map to physical ram is an entirely different issue. Being "64 bit" typically also means you can represent every integer between 0 and 2^64-1 exactly.

          In my experience (I do scientific computing, not enterprise stuff), the ability to address tons of ram from a single cpu is what really counts 99.99% of the time. We have a machine, a Compaq ES40 Model II, with 1 cpu and 14GB of ram. It can grow to 32GB of ram -- and the new version goes up to 64GB of ram (and the machine's a steal at $20K with educational discount -- I'm being serious, but things will change with AMD's 64bit x86 "Hammer" stuff at the end of this year). You can't do that in any sensible way on a 32 bit cpu.

          2) From what I understand from the other posts, this transmeta proc is not 256 bits in the same sense that Intel's current chips are 32 bits

          True. The "instruction word" on most modern (RISC) cpus == "word" size == integer size == memory address size. In fact, this was one of the big simplifications propounded in the RISC paradigm. Note that modern x86 cpus are RISC based, even though their instruction set is CISC (you can look up CISC and RISC and the web; note that CISC was the right thing to do under certain conditions). The Transmeta Crusoe is *not* a RISC cpu. In some ways it is simpler. However, it requires *very complicated* software support, unlike RISC cpus (take this with a grain of salt). So when someone says that the Crusoe instruction word is 256 bits, you shouldn't make any assumptions about integer or memory address sizes (I don't know, but I assume these are 32 bits on the Crusoe -- 64 bit would be silly for the Crusoe's target applications). A single "instruction" for a Crusoe will (evidently) be 256 bits in the future. However, it will (evidently) be guaranteed that this 256 bits will be broken down into 8 smaller 32 bit instructions by the cpu. That is, 256 bits are fetched from memory (don't ask which memory) at once, which the cpu will interpret as 8 different things to do at the same time.

          I'm not mentioning a lot of stuff, like variable width instruction encoding in the x86 instruction set, or how software converts files full of x86 instructions into files full of 256 bit Crusoe instructions, and certain efficiencies and inefficiencies of 64 bit cpus versus 32 bit cpus. My main point is that you shouldn't get hung up on the "bit"ness of a cpu unless you are writing software for that cpu. FWIW, 64 bit cpus is nothing new. I talked to a 70 year-old who claimed to work on experimental 64 bit machines in the 1960s or 70s for the military (I don't recall which military =-).

          Since 2^64 is a *really* big number (where are those stupid "number of atoms in the universe" figures when you need them?), it's unlikely that we'll need memory spaces larger than 2^64 anytime soon. Same goes for integer sizes. Improved floating point precision from wider floating point types would be much appreciated by folks like me who are tired of working with crappy 64 bit doubles and can't afford to take the performance hit of wider fp types on 32 bit architectures.

          As far as optimal width for instructions, I have no idea. If you want to make a big fat instruction, you better have a lot of good stuff to do at once. And that depends not only on the compiler that converts C (or whatever) into the cpu's instruction set, but also how the human chose to use C (or whatever) to implement her idea.

          Computer history is full of people wanting to do something, computers catching up by removing performance bottlenecks, humans adjusting to the new machines, and then the whole thing repeats. Heck, at one time it wasn't clear whether digital computers were really a better idea than analog computers (however, I think this argument is over for general purpose computing), and analog computers don't have any "bits" at all.

          Like I said, don't take anything I wrote above (at 5am while waiting for some code to produce output) as fact without double checking somewhere else. If you really want to get your head screwed on right, take an architecture course or (if you're really disciplined) work your way through something like Hennessy and Patterson's "Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach". You can get a lot of good info from 'popular' texts like "The Indispensable PC Hardware Book". A big warning about that book, though -- when the author writes "PC", he almost always means "PC when used with MS-DOS or Windows" -- often this is subtle, for instance when discussing the boot process or how memory is organized.

          -Paul Komarek
          • Yeah, there was some post higher up which seemed a little silly: "are we gonna have gigabit or exabit cpus one day?"

            So what are you saying exactly, that the number of bits that a CPU is rated only means the total number of RAM bits that can be addressed? In other words, a 32 bit CPU can only address 2^32 bits of RAM? Is that the only real difference?

            If it is, I can't imagine any computer in the 60's and 70's being able to address 2^64 bits of RAM.

            By the way, there are 10^81 atoms (supposedly) in the Universe, which is somewhere between 2^269 and 2^270 (to be precise, it's 2^269.07617568587635017749587378908).
            • Yes and no.

              On RISC cpus things are supposed to be simple (by definition). They have a word size which is also the address size and integer size. When someone says "32 bit cpu", they're probably talking about the word size of a RISC cpu. The lab group I work in is mostly interested in large memory attached to a single cpu, hence our desire for a 64 bit address space. I recently needed 64 bit integers for exact arithmetic, but that is the first time that happened for anyone in my lab group.

              And a word of caution. A 32 bit RISC cpu has 32 bit memory addresses, but that doesn't mean one can address 2^32 bytes of ram. Modern operating systems use "virtual memory" for a variety of reasons, and one of the side effects is that the virtual memory system "steals" some of those 2^32 addresses, and hence not all 2^32 addresses are available for mapping to physical RAM. There are many other things that "steal" addresses from the address space. In the "simplest" scenario (in some sense), you can only have half as much physical RAM as you have addresses. Thus only 2^31 bytes worth on a 32 bit RISC cpu (2GB).

              The folks using the IBM Stretch in the 1960s (thanks to tri44id for his post about this) probably weren't really concerened with having lots of RAM. They were probably more interested in making calculations concerning nuclear tests more accurate. Furthermore, RISC cpus (on the market) didn't show up until the mid 1980s, and saying that the Stretch was a 64 bit computer would be very misleading. Parts of the cpu handled 64 bits "simultaneoulsy", but which parts? You'd have to do some research to find out.

              If you're interested in computer history as much or more than computer architecture, I recommend "A History of Modern Computing" by Ceruzzi (curator of the Smithonian's Air & Space Museum). I recommend only glancing at the Introduction, as it is isn't nearly as good as the rest of the book. Overall, I love this book.

              -Paul Komarek
          • Bits of address space are not, repeat not used as the standard for determining what-bit a CPU is. It's the length of the instructions, AND the length of the GPRs.

            For instance: a MC68000 chip is a 16 bit CPU, I think we've all accepted that at some point in our lives. However, it has 24 bit addressing.

            • Is the MC68000 considered to be a RISC cpu? If so, I'm surprised about this difference in word size. Is it targetted at some market besides gneeral purpose computing?

              -Paul Komarek
              • AFAIK the MC68000 is CISC. It's used everywhere; Embedded systems, palm pilots, et cetera. It was the basis of the original macintosh and amiga computers, which eventually moved on to the 68000's descendants (68010, 020, 030, 040, and 060. The '010 is a very slightly upgraded 68000, which executes some operations in less cycles. The palmpilot uses a motorola dragonball processor, which is based on a 68000 core.)
            • What a great troll. GPRs are a reasonable measure of CPU size; they tend to serve as a proxy for address space as well. But GPRs are the main justification for labeling the 8080 an 8-bit chip, even though you can use HL to address 16 bits of memory.

              But instruction size is just silly, and why I think you're trolling. The Athlon in this box uses variable-length instructions; most are 8 bits long. The Alpha, normally considered a 64-bit machine, uses 32-bit instructions. The Itanic puts three instructions into a 128-bit bundle, making its instruction length about 42 bits. The NEC Vr4181 in the Agenda VR3 PDA in my pocket has a 16-bit data bus and modes for both 32- and 64-bit GPRs.

              Oh and the Vr4181 has both the standard 32-bit MIPS II instruction set and the 16-bit MIPS16 set, with instructions to switch between them.

              From a programmer's point of view the data bus, physical address pins, and the size of instructions are just implementation details. What's important is the instruction set architecture, and the computing model defined by it. In both MIPS II and MIPS16 modes, the Vr4181 has 32-bit GPRs and a flat 32-bit address space. (With a little kernel hacking, it'd be 64-bit GPRs and addressing, but that would be silly.) When I take my code to a Vr4131, which has a 32-bit data bus, I don't have to change anything.

              That's why I consider the 68000 to be a 32-bit architecture. Except for performance, my code will run identically on the 68008, 68000, and 68020, with their external 8, 16, and 32 bit data buses.

              For the new Transmeta chip, this evaluation strategy says that it's still a 32-bit chip. Programmers outside of Transmeta don't directly program the device, so it makes no difference what the internal ISA is. The externally visible ISA is still the variable-length 8-bit IA-32 architecture, with its 32-bit GPRs. I'd bet they aren't implementing the cheap hacks to get 36-bit physical addressing...

    • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @02:20AM (#3615700)

      > First there was that 4-bit microprocessor, then it went to 8-bit, then 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit. ...will we see microprocessors with giga-bit (or even exa-bit) path ?

      No one should ever need more than 640 bits.

    • *sigh* Slashdot headline misleading... Film at 11.

      Here, the 256-bits refers to the instruction word, not the data-word size. These are completely different things. If you're going by this, then your x86 could be considered up to a 48-bit machine or so. The TMTA chips are still 32 or 64 or 48 or something like x86 is. this is just going to mean that because it's VLIW, it can do 8 ops per cycle per pipeline stage instead of 4. Cool, but not any more revolutionary than anything else TMTA has done.

  • Ok so who's coding 256-bit linux? :)
    • IMHO, Linux should bite the bullet and become word-independent. We don't want the same hastles as we had when it took ages to get the kernel 64-bit clean, all over again, every time a new word length comes out.

      There is absolutely no reason I can think of that all the size dependency issues (for data, address, etc) can't be shifted into a layer between the kernel itself and the underlying processor support. If you were to do that, then someone could come along with a 4096-bit (data), 256-bit (instruction), 512-bit (address), 8192-bit (register) processor, and you wouldn't need to give a damn. Just copy an existing header file, shove in the new constants, and the kernel would support such a layout from day 1.

      Is this possible? Sure! There's nothing magical about the sizes used for data structures - they're just sizes used because they are. If a kernel pointer took 1K, would it really change the logic any? No. It would just mean that the pointer took that much RAM, and could point to 2^1024 definable points in memory.

      The only times you actually NEED to know the size of a data structure are when you're checking for out-of-range conditions, or when you're streaming in/out. The first just requires a pre-defined set of constants (eg: MAXINT) to reflect the bit-lengths. The second is more complex, as byte ordering becomes important. If you're putting a 32-bit number into a 64-bit structure, and the endianness isn't the same, you have to first convert the 32-bit number to 64-bits, in order for the endianness to convert correctly.

      This doesn't work too well, the other way round, though. 64-bits can hold more data than 32-bits, so if you have code which assumes you've the full 64-bit range, it'll break.

      BUT, this is the crux, what happens if you don't assume, but ask? What happens if the kernel interrogates the hardware, to find the bit-lengths? What happens if user-land software doesn't assume specific ranges, but enquires at run-time? (eg: Things like sizeof() become system calls)

      Sure, things will run slower on any given hardware platform, because none of the software would be making assumptions about the nature of the hardware. Any hardware-dependent optimizations would need to be made at run-time. (eg: when loading an application, it would be "linked" with the hardware layer, unknowns would be resolved, and the code tuned to the bit-lengths in use.)

      All of this is certainly possible, and certainly practical. The only real question is whether it is even remotely useful. At any given time, is there so much diversity that hardware-independent layers would have any actual value to anyone? If not, then although you can do it, why bother? It would be easier just to hand-tune the system each time you moved it.

      (X is a classic example of a system that could be hardware-independent, but is actually heavily hand-tuned. Manufacturers who want a performance better than that of a slug do some intense work on tuning X for specific hardware/software combinations.)

  • by jukal ( 523582 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:38AM (#3615593) Journal
    See IBM's research [] on the VLIW subject.

    "We developed an experimental prototype of a VLIW processor, capable of performing multiway branching and conditional execution, which is currently operational. The prototype has helped us investigate some of the hardware constraints in building VLIWs.
    This processor executes tree-instructions within a ``classical'' VLIW architecture, that is, fixed-length VLIWs with preassigned slots for the different operations. The register state consists of 64 32-bit general purpose registers, 8 single-bit condition code registers, 4 memory address registers, program status word register, and some special registers. Each Very Long Instruction Word is 759 bits, which include..."

    Now, when we know the relationship [] between IBM and Transmeta, can you combine the results of these two 'projects'. :)
    • IBM is a BIG company, they not only have a research arm (who it seems do VLIW research - like many companies and universities - ILP research has been very popular the past decade or so) - but they also own fabs and build chips for people - I'm pretty sure they were building TM's first chips and that's what that article was really about.
  • windows 256.. due out in 2256.
  • This is not memory addressing, it's just the width of the instruction pipeline -- I'm inclined to think this chip will probably have 32-bit addressing to be IA32 friendly, but of course, I don't know for sure.

    There's nothing too spectacular about 256-bit instruction paths in VLIW processors, but I'm not sure this will offer the caliber of benefits they claim it will: VLIW instructions (which are usually bundles of smaller, discrete instructions) are by nature very complex beasts, and trying to shove two down the pipeline without the instructions stepping on each other's toes is a difficult process.

    But, of course, I'm not working at Transmeta, so I really can't say what wonders they're working over there.
    • (clicked the submit button on accident .. argh)

      By "pipeline" I meant instruction size. It can't be said for sure if it's a 256-bit wide datapath, but it seems that anything less would make the chip even harder to build.

      Later when I referred to shoving "two down the pipeline", it was in consideration of size of the previous 128-bit VLIW instructions, not that they were attempting to parallelize the execution of the previous VLIW instruction set.

      .. just trying to clarify what I meant. Heaven forbid it be misinterpreted .. ;-)
    • Umm, actually, Pentiums and their later brethren ahve 36-bit physical addressing off-chip. Logical addressing-wise, I'm not sure. I never understood x86.
  • I think Transmeta is really missing the boat on not having any OEM motherboards available for system builders and hobbyists. You could make a case for this market being the reason behind AMD's success with the Athlon.

    I'm speaking out of self-interest, of course. I'd like to build a home, rack-mount style server with ultra-low energy requirements. As it is, I'm thinking about going with an iMac motherboard and Darwin, but I'd much rather use a Transmeta system with a standard Linux distribution.
    • Transmeta Crusoe TM5400/TM5600/TM5800 5.25-inch SBC

      They've got more Transmeta motherboards, including a CPU PCI board.

      I bought the first one that came out and I like it. You'll have to find a way to mount it to an ATX case since it's one third the size.

      Other Transmeta Products: fm
  • I never thought they could compete effectively in the competitive x86 market. But here's where they really could, instead of trying to emulate other peoples software, build an OS tweaked to that processor so tightly that the lack of general speed is negated. Proprietary systems have the potential to be very very fast, because their developers know all bits and pieces of that specific system. For example console systems (and I use this as my example because I've done gameboy and gameboy color programming) which are in general very much slower than a comperable pc but because the system is designed for a specific purpose and the developers are well versed in all the ways to squeeze a couple extra juice of it they are hard to compete with in terms on games. Transmeta should imho, focus completely on embedded systems that use their own OS and software to really shine.
  • by HiKarma ( 531392 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @01:47AM (#3615622)
    While it's all very interesting inside, if all they ever do with these chips is emulate a Pentium, then all they are to the market is a low power pentium.

    Thus all the market will care about is how much does it cost, how much power does it use and how fast is it compared to the offerings from Intel and AMD.

    Is that a battle Transmeta can win? Intel can always pretend to have a better low power pentium around the corner, and they might not even be pretending.

    Now, if they could use it to make a machine which can run both Mac PowerPC and x86 software are high performance, that might be something that would bring in users.
  • Great... (Score:1, Redundant) we can have 64-digit hexadecimal constants! This is certainly a much-needed advance!
  • 256 bits (Score:1, Redundant)

    by akuma(x86) ( 224898 )
    This marketing-speak is silly. They will fetch a 256 bit VLIW word. I guess the Itanium is a 128 bit machine since it fetches a 128 bit word. By convention, when someone says they have a 64 or 32 bit processor, they are referring to the datapath. The width of the ALUs and the number of bits used to address memory.

    If a really low power processor was useful, then Intel or AMD would already have an ultra-low power product out the door to fulfill the market need.

    Transmeta claims they can get equivalent performance at much lower power. This is a dubious claim given that their past products have fallen far short of this goal. Their customers are few and far between and the stock price has reacted accordingly.
  • by Mortenson ( 188681 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @03:33AM (#3615861) Homepage
    I have a Toshiba Libretto with a 800Mhz Crusoe chip in it and love it. You can actually run the thing for a few hours. Every other notebook has always said 2.x hrs but usually runs out in around 90 minutes.

    But the best thing is the low amount of heat that the thing kicks out. Anyone who has ever sat with a P3/4 notebook on their lap for any amount of time knows how hot they get. These get a little warm after an hour or so, but not hot.

    Bought mine in Japan, not sure what is available elsewhere.

  • I don't get it! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Dr. Spork ( 142693 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @03:41AM (#3615884)
    It looks to me like Transmeta chips are on absolutely tiny dies and use very little energy. For all those compromises, the performance seems acceptable. Now, I'm not a chip designer, and that may be reflected in my next comment... but I'm asking myself why don't they just stick more transistors onto the die, and maybe more cache? I mean, if a Crusoe were scaled up to the die size/power consumption of a P4 or an Athlon, it seems to me it would kick their asses, even with the code-morphing handicap.

    Now I know it's more complicated than just adding more transistors. Still, though, they seem to have a good design, and it seems to me like they should just add more horsepower to each part of the chip. It would have the potential to be a great server chip, and if my wildest dreams came true, it would outperform the Motorolla's best chips by such a margin that Apple would pay Linus to write a code-morphing routine to have the chip emulate a PowerPC. It would be a seamless transition for Mac users, and it would make Macs competitive again for price-conscious performance users.

    • Re:I don't get it! (Score:2, Informative)

      by slittle ( 4150 )
      Cache is huge. Find some closeups of processor cores, and you see that the cache of an average desktop processor covers up to half of the space, maybe even more.

      That's not cheap to make, and no doubt power hungry, which is the reverse of what the Crusoe does best. Besides, there's no guarantee more cache will help given it's current design - if you want a smokin' processor with lots of cache, use one that was designed for that purpose.
  • I don't care about mobile.

    I don't care about power efficiency except as a means to an end.

    And that end is a passively cooled machine of sufficient performance to run a desktop workstation or server. I'd like to replace my aging PPro200 with a passively cooled machine, and Transmeta seems to be able to deliver that.

    So why don't they do that? I think there's a market there, too. A Transmeta mobo and processor is all that is needed, yet in the Netherlands, I can find neither...

    Of course, 'cheap' would be a nice property of such a system too, though I don't know if Transmeta could deliver that.
    • You ought to look into the C3 from Via. It only needs passive cooling and runs off of a stock Socket 370 motherboard which wouldn't be that hard to find with passive cooling of its own. A well mounted quiet hard drive and a good power supply and you'd be hard pressed to tell if the PC was even on.
  • Doesn't Transmeta use a software instruction translator to translate x86 instructions to their processor? That means it's transparent whether you write your code for 32 or 64 bit x86, doesn't it?

    I have this funny feeling that the one company who could really get the most out of Transmeta's technology is the one company that won't: Apple. Given Apple's constant problems with Motorola and G4 deliveries, this is one processor that could give them a boost. I have no idea though. This is just a question.
  • by Graymalkin ( 13732 ) on Friday May 31, 2002 @05:28AM (#3616081)
    There's a very interesting difference between gadget production in Japan and in the US. One important aspect besides pure technolust that drives the production of all forms of technological toys is the expected return. In Japan a tech product needs to only sell about 25,000 units in order for a company to see it as viable. In the US that prospect is ten times higher at 250,000 units. Ergo, Japan sees far more keen little toys because there's no impetus to sell hundreds of thousands of them which allows for a much larger number of what the US would see as production failures. The logic stems from the fact there is far more techno toy demand in Japan so a minimum demand product that just barely sells out its 25,000 unit inventory might be succeeded by a subsequent product that outsells production capability driving the price up through increased demand. There's also a ton of local intranational production facilities as well as a close proximity to Taiwan and Korea which vastly lowers the cost of all the microelectronic components because they don't need to be shipped across the Pacific. I know the pangs of technolust well, I want one of those Sony PCG-U1 in a way I'm not entirely comfortable with feeling about a computer. In short that is why Japan sees so many damn cool toys. The increased demand allows for smaller successful production runs and more product variety.
  • ...I've looked at some Transmeta-based notebooks when I was over in SE Asia this spring, which was almost exclusively Fujitsu Lifebook series. These fill a niche, being the smallst of the Ultraportables and I'm sure it fits right in between the Palm and the standard notebook as a tech toy, but I don't think it's an expanding marked in Japan or any viable marked outside Japan.

    Quite frankly, the reason I didn't get one is that it ran like a limping turtle. Then again I'm rather picky and ended up getting a Toshiba Portégé 2000 instead, but that's just me. Chokes out after 90-100 mins with primary but lasts a good 6 hours with the included secondary, sitting outside, screen to max brightness and using the built-in WiFi. Everyone but my wallet and a few jealous friends are happy :)

  • When you include the total cost of operation (TCO), a TM computer cluster is a third of the price of alternatives. TM clusters have smaller footprints because you can pack the cooler CPUs closer together. They use considerably less power.
  • transmeta's income statement [] this was released on the 16th. i think it has some interesting numbers. if you look at net income (loss) at the bottom and add all 4 quarters up, thats the loss for the past 12 months. ouch, $179,432,000
  • If you buy a computer with that new fangled Transmeta chip, where the hell are you going to find 2 to the 256th power bytes of RAM you need to max out your machine?
  • Now we can look forward to a Y82,136,525,314,815,442,306,154,117K problem.
  • This is gonna be good.

    Between Matrox and Transmeta, It's a very good time to be waiting patiently for processors and video cards, since the next generation looks like it will be sweet!

For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
