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Comment Re:Give priority to human consumption (Score 1) 268

If the area has a drought then priority for water should be given to human consumption and hygene usages.

If the area has a drought, water should be priced at market prices.

Industrial users will be more sensitive to price increases and will decrease use faster than people who just need a few gallons to take a bath.

And if the price goes up high enough, expensive water reclamation and desalination plants will become economically effective. Or people may start driving in trucks full of water. Free market FTW!

Comment Re:The best part about Slashdot... (Score 3) 180

The best part about Slashdot for me was really the people who visited it. This site had one of the most intelligent communities around. This is how the site was successful IMO. Really good people massed together behind it. Finding and promoting articles was one thing but the commentary was where it really took off. Almost every time I viewed a story what I found more interesting was the story that developed below it. I really didn't know of another site where I could have attempted to follow a debate about nuclear fusion, and found a debate about Apple only a page apart. This was taken away as the best and brightest around here left when they were fed up with these beta changes, and Slashdot as a quality site died. The new site took away from the comments and the user driven atmosphere and plastered it with pictures and wasted space. This protest may have seemed futile at first to the bigwigs at the top here, but like I said the best part about this site was the comments. Therefore, if the only comments left were ones complaining about beta, it was going to be a very accurate view of the future of Slashdot from here onward when the beta continued.


What I think is hilarious is that they can spend resources building the betabomination, but we still use markup from like 1991. Hey guys, there's better forum code out there, where you can even EDIT POSTS! /noveltyshock.


United States

Fracking Is Draining Water From Areas In US Suffering Major Shortages 268

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes "RT reports that some of the most drought-ravaged areas of the US are also heavily targeted for oil and gas development using hydraulic fracturing — a practice that exacerbates water shortages with half of the oil and gas wells fracked across America since 2011 located in places suffering through drought. Taken together, all the wells surveyed from January 2011 to May 2013 consumed 97 billion gallons of water, pumped under high pressure to crack rocks containing oil or natural gas. Up to 10 million gallons can go into a single well. 'Hydraulic fracturing is increasing competitive pressures for water in some of the country's most water-stressed and drought-ridden regions,' says Mindy Lubber. 'Barring stiffer water-use regulations and improved on-the-ground practices, the industry's water needs in many regions are on a collision course with other water users, especially agriculture and municipal water use.' Nearly half (47%) of oil and gas wells recently hydraulically fractured in the U.S. and Canada are in regions with high or extremely high water stress. Amanda Brock, head of a water-treatment firm in Houston, says oil companies in California are already exploring ways to frack using the briny, undrinkable water found in the state's oil fields. While fracking consumes far less water than agriculture or residential uses, the impact can be huge on particular communities and is 'exacerbating already existing water problems,' says Monika Freyman. Hydraulic fracking is the 'latest party to come to the table,' says Freyman. The demands for the water are 'taking regions by surprise,' she says. More work needs to be done to better manage water use, given competing demand."

New Zealand Spy Agency Deleted Evidence About Its Illegal Spying On Kim Dotcom 222

An anonymous reader writes "The latest news in this: GCSB appears to have deleted key evidence in the case in a ham-fisted attempt to cover up its illegal activities. Even more ridiculous, GCSB is trying to cover this up by claiming that the material had 'aged off' — implying that it was deleted automatically. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key claims that they had to delete the information under the law. Of course, there are a few problems with that. The first is that under New Zealand law, like most countries these days, parties have an obligation to preserve documents likely to be necessary in a legal case. But, even more damning is that there's video of John Key in the New Zealand Parliament trying to defend against an earlier claim that GCSB had deleted some evidence by insisting that GCSB does not delete anything ever:"

Comment Re:One can only hope (Score 1) 206

Until corporations are muzzled, nothing will change.

I'll copy-paste a section from another of my comments in another thread and article that addresses this point.


The US doesn't have a Left/Right, (R)/(D) problem as much as it simply has grave, ongoing, massive and broad civil rights violations being committed by the government against the entire population under both major political parties.

If the government can be reined-in and brought back under the people's control and end the massive corruption, then corporations and banks, etc would also be brought under control, once you have a government that will actually prosecute corporations/banks/financial institutions and their heads who violate the law, and without any favoritism.

I believe that two of the things that *must* be included in any proposed solution for it to have any credibility whatsoever are term limits for all in Congress to end "career politicians" and strict rules with criminal penalties for going from a government post/office/position into a private sector job/position for any entity over which/whom you had power/influence, in order to stop the revolving-door corruption in D.C.

"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." - Mark Twain


Comment Re:Common sense? In MY judiciary? (Score 1) 457

I bet some police officers are mighty pissed off about this ruling, but as someone who frequently drives with the lights on to warn fellow motorists of speed traps, I am pleased.

I was amazed because I thought this issue had been settled long ago as a free speech issue (warning others of a speed trap, etc) back in the 1970s when practically everyone who drove and many who never drove had CB radios, and "bear" warnings were standard road etiquette.

I remember it went through almost the same thing when officers actually entrapped a few CB'ers by getting on the radio and asking for a "bear report", and attempting to locate & arrest whoever responded. That shit didn't fly with folks of any political stripe back then.

Do we have to keep re-deciding every civil right for every single medium and situation? You have freedom of speech on foot, but we have to go through crap to decide that you also do when driving as well? WTF?

Sounds more like a way to attack civil rights by retrying and retrying the same rights and their principles under every situation possible until something sticks, and that can then be used to disassemble the rest of that right, and then on to others, rinse & repeat.

And now there are secret courts and secret rulings, mass domestic surveillance and data-mining, "Halt! Ihre papiere, bitte! Vhere are you goingk, vhere haf you been?" ICE/BP roadblock checkpoints 80 miles from a border, and nobody has 4A rights anymore? Again, WTF??

The US doesn't have a Left/Right, (R)/(D) problem as much as it simply has grave, ongoing, massive and broad civil rights violations being committed by the government against the entire population under both major political parties.

If the government can be reined-in and brought back under the people's control and end the massive corruption, then corporations and banks, etc would also be brought under control, once you have a government that will actually prosecute corporations/banks/financial institutions and their heads who violate the law, and without any favoritism.

I believe that two of the things that *must* be included in any proposed solution for it to have any credibility whatsoever are term limits for all in Congress to end "career politicians" and strict rules with criminal penalties for going from a government post/office/position into a private sector job/position for any entity over which/whom you had power/influence, in order to stop the revolving-door corruption in D.C.

"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." - Mark Twain



Second World War Code-cracking Computing Hero Colossus Turns 70 110

DW100 writes "The Colossus computer that helped the Allies crack messages sent by the Nazis during the Second World War has celebrated its 70th birthday. The machine was a pioneering feat of engineering, able to read 5,000 characters a second to help the team at Bletchley Park crack the German's Lorenz code in rapid time. This helped the Allies gather vital information on the Nazi's plans, and is credited with helping end the war effort early, saving millions of lives."

Comment Valuable Whitespace... (Score 1) 2

Beta is just recognizing our value as cherished site readers, by giving us more of that delicious empty space, tasty thumbnail images, and comforting large-type fonts, for the consumer on the go who doesn't have time for focusing on tiny letters in today's busy world.

Comment Re:Devils Advocate (Score 1) 385

Simple, Microsoft is by far the largest and most well known target. XP is by far the most used example of an old OS. 10 years from now, XP likely will still have more users than Linux does today.

And frankly, does Linux really support the old kernals for so long? Is what was released in 2001 still getting active support and monthly patches?

Comment Re:Devils Advocate (Score 1) 385

The requirement to support a car for 10 years is enshrined in law. Are you suggesting you'd do the same for computers? If so, fair enough, but keep in mind that it will raise the price a bit for all electronics, someone has to pay the cost of it and that is always the end customer.

It is also worth considering that something called the NTSB exists for cars, no such agency exists for computers, so it is one thing to say "you must support your computers for 10 years", it is another to actually make HP put out patches for 10 years. Maybe they say, "yea, we found and fixed all the problems, anything left is minor".

Comment Re:Classic Slashdot (Score 2, Insightful) 131

I said the same thing. I have no idea what drug the people were on when they considered redesigning nbcnews.com, but if ever there was a drug that needed to be outlawed, that is the one.

Who in their right mind could possibly think that making a web site look like Windows 8 was a good idea?

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