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Comment Re:Why didn't they do this earlier? (Score -1, Troll) 393

Words inspire actions, and actions can hurt you. So some types of speech actually are harmful â" specifically the kinds of white supremacist speech that we're talking about here.

Words are merely the placeholders, the packaged-up and transferable version, of ideas

What you're calling "harmful" are *ideas*, thoughts that you find offensive.

You advocate for thought-control. Sorry, but that's Dystopian as fuck and bound to end in violence, death, chaos, and mass suffering.


Comment Re:FUCK Republicans. (Score 1) 299

If Republicans were actually as murderous as the Marxist Left say, you and your friends would already be dead.

All the murders in the riots and in the so-called 'autonomous zones' were committed by murderous Leftists the same as every other time Leftists have tried to grab power in other places.

Communism and Socialism have killed vastly more people in their own countries than have died in all the wars of the 20th century combined and far, far more than this 'plandemic' has or will ever cause.


Comment Re:Absolutely nuts,even FreeRepublic quarantines t (Score 1) 207

Why hasn't the MSM grilled Trump publicly about knowledge, involvement, approval, etc. of Q?

Probably for the same reason they haven't questioned him about his ties to Bigfoot and orthe rumors about his romantic involvement with the Loch Ness Monster.

Hey now, there could be some plausibility to those ties!

After all, it's obvious that Nessy is a Paleo-Con.


Comment Re:Tesla Shrugged (Score 1) 359

If by "plague" you are referring to the Corona virus

No, he means the actual Plague, the Black know, the one the Monty Python "Bring Out Your Dead!" skit was based on. The sanitation problems from the enormous numbers of homeless has caused the rat population to skyrocket and rats are the vector for the Plague. California has actually at least partially succeeded in regressing back to the medieval Middle Ages. Serfs living in ramshackle tents and improvised shelters while the rich & powerful live in luxury off of the backs of the common man while seeking ever more power and control while the Black Plague and fuck knows what else metastasizes and spreads in the decaying filth of the cities.

The covid-19 virus panic and overreaction is just icing on this cake of massive corruption and virulent, toxic partisan Leftism that's been slowly baking for many decades. Shit, just add some metallic-appearing clothing, some weird hairdo's, and some sci-fi visual/lighting effects, and L.A./San Fran are damned film sets for a Dystopian sci-fi movie. At this point I don't see how California could possibly remain viable as a place for large scale auto manufacturing.

It would not surprise me in the least if Musk follows through on relocating. He'd be a fool not to in my opinion, before the corrupt politicians have time to come up with some way to try to force Tesla to stay somehow.


Comment Re:Isolation works nicely. (Score 1) 240

Deaths are concentrated among the old and sick. The most logical course of action is to isolate them. Let everyone else loose.

But that doesn't advance the dystopian authoritarian agenda to remove civil rights and personal liberty. Comments like that are likely to harm your social credit score, Comrade.


Comment Re:Mental and Financial Wellbeing (Score 1) 560

...the government could simply print that much money and give it to the people

They tried that already back in the former Wiemar Republic and it resulted in hyperinflation, the rise of Hitler and the Nationalist Socialist Party, world war 2, and the Holocaust.

Wasn't a once-through enough for those horrors? I'm fascinated by history but I have no desire to repeat those parts.


Comment Re:PCR Tests don't distinguish between live and de (Score 2, Insightful) 218

The alleged U.S. administration's culture accelerated the propagation of the coronavirus within the U.S.

"Hug a Chinese person!"

"Go out to eat in Chinatown!"

"China travel ban is racist!"

Those unbelievably-irresponsible bordering on the criminally-negligent public statements putting the public in danger and almost certainly causing unnecessary deaths did not come from the administration.

Physician, heal thyself!


Comment Re:Nope. (Score 1) 127

I can understand the privacy concerns but lets face it: if you have a phone, the network and by association the TLA of choice in your country knows *exactly* where you are when it is logged on. It *has* to be like that, in order for the phone to work at all.

If you dont trust your phone manufacturer or service provider, then you shouldnt have a phone and stay in the basement wrapped in tin foil.

To go off grid, get rid of your bank account and credit card, your car, your house, cash in your savings, wear a balaclava, stop seeing friends and family and hike out into the hills. With a gun.

Alternatively, accept that the track and trace initiatives around the world are being implemented for very good reasons to protect people and jobs and, as described, do not alter the privacy threat surface much, if at all.

There *are* more than 2 choices. One could simply carry their phone in a Faraday pouch/case and only pull it out when you want.

Well, unless the plan is to go full Orwellian dystopia and make it a crime to be without a smartphone tied to you or to prevent it from being tracked/monitored 24/7 and/or made essential to obtain basic survival and economic needs. In that case fuck that, all bets are off and those responsible at the top will get what they fucking deserve first.


Comment Re:Global Heath Officials? (Score 0, Troll) 324

Won't someone look out for the poor Trump bootlickers?

If Trump is so bad then why do you want to give him and the government he runs more power over individuals' lives?

"Orange Man Bad--Give Him More Power!"

Incoherent nonsense at best, straight up insanity at worst. Especially when everyone knows at this point that Trump will get a second term and the Republicans will almost certainly become super-majorities in both houses of Congress.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


Comment Re:Of course.... (Score -1, Troll) 221

I can opt to not install that app, buy at Target and pay 5 cents more.

Do I get that option with the Apple/Google app?

Yes, of course!

You'll just be forced by law and uniformed enforcers with guns to have a tracking/ID device with your vaccination history, biometric data, and DNA code surgically implanted if you refuse and/or won't carry a smartphone. You refusal will also be penalized against your 'social credit' score, preventing you from participating in various aspects of society including travel, communications, 1A/2A rights, association with others, and commerce among others.

Ranchers don't give livestock the option to refuse.


Comment Re: The reason these things are secret... (Score 1) 123

... who come forward to provide evidence that is used to successfully convict

Yeah, let's reward greed and provide a new attack vector at the same time. I'm sure the spiteful would never attempt to frame anyone in a position of authority. Also, I'm sure these magical new agents of balance will be operating on complete information and not drawing wrong conclusions.

I think you need to re-read my post. No payoff without a conviction.


Comment Re:The reason these things are secret... (Score 1) 123

This needs to stop. Oversight needs to be by everybody that cares to look (some _limited_ delay is fine).

Make ratting on the corrupt in government extremely profitable.

Form a non-profit organization to solicit donations for a fund to pay huge rewards and cover the legal costs for those in government from local street cop all the way up to POTUS who come forward to provide evidence that is used to successfully convict those in government who violate civil rights and commit other crimes and violations of the law and the Constitution.

Make them fear that any of the people they must work with might expose their corruption for a fat check at any time, never knowing who they can trust or for how long with having facts and evidence about their corruption.

Greed is a thing, make it work for good.


Comment Re:Torrents (Score 5, Insightful) 122

The result was Federal government lacks the authority to waive a US State's sovereign immunity Not just on the copyright act, but over any matter, except where a constitutional provision allows for it.

Might have had better luck suing under the "due process" and "takings" clauses of the 5th Amendment.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

There was no due process performed by the State nor was the taking fairly (or even unfairly) compensated. States (and the Federal government) have successfully been sued under these clauses many times.


Comment Re:Everytime its 'FOR THE CHILDREN' (Score 1) 176

"CHILD PORN" is the root password to the US Constitution

Circumvention of Constitutional civil rights appears to be their method of making children safer.

And since "the children" can never be "safe enough" then it's essentially "rm -rf /".

These kinds of attacks on Constitutionally-protected civil rights are not limited to only one of the major US political parties. But hey, just keep voting along traditional "establishment" Party lines and getting your news from mainstream establishment sources and echo chambers at FB, Twitter, etc and your ideology from radical Leftist ivory-tower establishment college professors that fantasize about collapsing Capitalism and Western civilization, or Alex Jones-like nutcases trying to incite civil war. What could possibly go wrong, eh?


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