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Comment Re:Hydro (Score 5, Insightful) 152

The EU market has been flooded with Chinese solar panels in a successful campaign to destroy the EU solar industry.

People were saying the same thing 20 years ago: That the Chinese were flooding the market to drive everyone else out, and then they'd jack up the prices.

Well, here we are after 20 years, and Chinese panels are cheaper than ever. There isn't a jacked-up price anywhere.

Protectionists have cried wolf on this too many times.

Comment Re: Hydro (Score 2) 152

That is not the case for solar farms, which have economies of scale.

Indeed. The future of solar is vast arrays in the desert, not bespoke installations on rooftops.

One problem is that some places have too much solar, eg. California

We need better storage so solar energy can be used 24/7.

Sodium batteries might fix that problem.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 43

Best to keep wars on someone else's soil.

Best to stay out of wars.

Why should we care what happens in the Mideast?

It mattered back when we got our oil from there (although the wars didn't seem to help), but we are now self-sufficient in oil and gas.

America's military has a reverse Midas curse: Everything they touch turns to dust.

Comment Re: Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 66

you say this as though we haven't been privatizing everything for the past 50 years.

when did we agree that private ownership failed? what do you think we've been trying economically since the 1950s?

my personal theory is that liberTARDianism is just blowback from the government trying to convince latin america that selling their natural resources to US corporations is a good thing actually LOL (and btw you don't have a choice, we'll change your government if you don't).

Comment Re:Brave pilots (Score 1) 45

When you fly, which thing do you pick first, Price, or safety?

My point is, we the consumers are almost monolithic in picking the cheapest option first. I call it the Harbor Freight option. There is a reason there is no SnapOn Tool
or MacTool store in every city.

We're flying in Pittsburg quality airplanes, because that is what most people want.

Comment Re:Marketing (Score 1) 36

I already fail to understand why you need a different app for different webpages.

1. Some apps work offline, but that doesn't work if they are webpages. I use my compass app when I am far from any cell tower.

2. Many apps use on-device databases, credentials, or other local storage.

3. Many apps use the camera, microphone, tilt sensor, or neural engine.

4. Users feel secure seeing a dedicated icon on their screen and less secure about searching for a website and then remembering their login and password.

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