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Comment Re:What problem does this solve? (Score 1) 77

There is no static code analysis that can find all potential overrun bugs

That's not what you want Lint to do. You don't want it to say "This is proven unsafe," but "This can't be proven safe".

If the code isn't clearly safe, then it should be rewritten so it is.

If you think otherwise write a white paper and collect your nobel prize in computer science.

There is no Nobel Prize in computer science, but you would get a Turing Award, which would likely be renamed in your honor since you proved Turing wrong.

Comment Re:Nuclear fission inside of the earths core. (Score 1) 72

About 4/5ths of geothermal heat comes from radioactive decay.

4/5ths comes from radioactive decay in the crust.

The other 1/5th comes from radioactive decay in the core and mantle.

Most heat is created in the crust because uranium, thorium, and potassium generate the most heat and all form oxides rather than dissolving in iron.

Goldschmidt classification

Comment Re:Meh... who cares? (Score 3, Insightful) 227

And?! It’s called Profit Motive. America was a country hell-bent on abusing family doctors to sell cigarettes as a benefit

The CDC doesn't need profit. If you want to allege that they are doing something improprietous, it could be true but you need a thing called evidence.

"A chorus of natural beings who live ineradicably, as it were, behind all civilization and remain eternally the same, despite the changes of generations and of the history of nations." --Nietzsche. Ever do people make allegations without evidence.

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A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
