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Comment Re:Kinda (Score 1) 77

Caffeine is definitely addictive, physically speaking. It's not nearly as bad as other substances, though.

My rule of thumb is: if I feel like I can't "get going" in the morning without caffeine, then it's time to lay off it for a while. (It's likely masking some other problem that is going on and needs to be debugged/fixed).

Comment Re:"Busting MY food budget" (Score 0, Flamebait) 169

Do you think production has actually decreased

Irrelevant. Prices can go up for many reasons.

or did they just raise prices because they could

Prices are ALWAYS raised "because they could".

and then kept them there when supply came back online?

You seem to have a profound misunderstanding of both economics and business.

1. Inflation is a rise in prices. When it ends, prices stop rising. They don't "go back down".

2. Businesses exist to make money. They aren't charities. They don't lower prices to be nice guys.

3. Oats are grown by millions of farmers and processed by thousands of mills. If you really believe that many people are colluding to raise prices, you should have a mental health evaluation.

Comment Re:Why do they trust the results? (Score 2) 50

if they can verify it, then we didn't really need AI to read it at all, did we?

Verification is not the same as creation.

You can verify the factors of a 200-digit composite number in a microsecond, but finding those factors may take longer than the lifetime of the Universe.

Verifying a decoded message is easy because the resulting plaintext is grammatically and semantically valid. But finding the key is far harder.

Reading a charred paper is very similar to cryptanalysis.

Comment Re:Two sides of the coin (Score 1) 102

If you think a rule is important, you should stand behind it, eve if a star objects. If you suddenly don't think it's important, it's like admitting you were an idiot in the first place.

That's what they admitted. They decided it's less important than Magnus. And that is true.

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A guinea pig is not from Guinea but a rodent from South America.
