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Journal Journal: Siri

I've had an Apple IPad foisted on me at my company. I wanted Android tablets, but all the C level positions have Apples. (There might be something about that; I wonder what the correlation between intelligence, Android and IOS is.) Anyway. I'm playing with this App called Siri. It's pretty good about recognizing NFL, MBA stuff. It is fairly atrocious though at pulling soccer information. It needs help distinguishing the Champions League, The FA Cup, The League Cup, etc. It's also pret

Comment Re:Live free or DIE (Score 1) 687

Those fuckers in Chicago pretty much fuck up everything they see. I had the misfortune of living in Cook County. The entirety of the county officials should all be put up against the wall and shot.

They've polluted the Illinois River enough. Now it's going into Lake Michigan.


Submission + - U.S. House Science Committee Member calls Evolution a lie from the "Pit of Hell" (bostonherald.com) 2

badford writes: Representative Paul Broun (Georgia Republican) said that evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of hell" meant to convince people that they do not need a savior. It would not be quite as shocking if Broun did not sit on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. What impact could this have on policy? What impact could this have on STEM education not just in Georgia but all over the U.S.?

Submission + - Mozilla To Bug Firefox Users With Old Adobe Reader, Flash, Silverlight

An anonymous reader writes: Mozilla today announced it will soon start prompting Firefox users to upgrade select old plugins. This will only affect Windows users, and three plugins: Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, and Microsoft Silverlight. Mozilla says Firefox users will “soon see a notification urging them to update” when they visit a web page that uses the plugins.
The Internet

Submission + - The Internet accounts for 5.1 million US jobs and 3.7% of GDP

lpress writes: "A Harvard Business School study sponsored by the Interactive Advertising Bureau shows that the ad-supported Internet is responsible for 5.1 million jobs in the US — two million direct and 3.1 million indirect. They report that the Internet accounted for 3.7% of 2011 GDP.

The research, development and procurement that launched the Internet back in the 1970s and 1980s cost the US taxpayers $124.5 million at the time — not a bad investment!"

Submission + - Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Jailbroken (paritynews.com)

hypnosec writes: Amazon’s latest Kindle Paperwhite is now officially jailbroken giving users the ability to do things like turning their eReaders into weather station display and connecting serially to Raspberry Pi. To jailbreak the Paperwhite, the user would need to copy a file over to the root directory of the e-Reader and restart the device. The Kindle Paperwhite jailbreak is based out of a previously known hack used on the Kindle Touch.

Comment Re:I can only assume (Score 1, Interesting) 547

Them Englishmen aren't so big on justice either. For the country that really made the enlightenment a reality, the English have very strange notions about what constitutes a free society. Look at the atrocious mess they routinely make out of free speech cases. And then the anti-cosmopolitan mess that is English "justice". As an obvious example, the vile job done to Luis Suarez for using a word in a foreign language that happens to sound like a naughty English word. And even worse, look at the John Terry suspension (4 games for using obvious racially abusive language) in comparison to the Suarez suspension (8 games for speaking in a foreign language using a word that sounds like nigger). In England, the real, systematic, government and media supported racism is against immigrants. The FA and English newspapers make all good men ill.

Comment Re:Model M (Score 1) 341

The IBM Model M is the best keyboard for typing and fighting! It's heavy weight and tactile feed back make it a pleasure for writing a length document, bashing in the skull of your foe, or tossing out a quick e-mail.

Comment Indulgences (Score 2) 295

There goes my plan to sell indulgences. I was looking forward to being able to forgive sins by proxy. There is a long tradition in western culture of fiscal forgiveness. I fail to see why E-Bay gets to decide what is right or wrong. They nailed a 95 Theses into the door of my plans for material success.

And I am firmly of the opinion that black indulgences is an underdeveloped market. Why limit yourself to merely helping people? With a black, or anti-indulgence, you can take the battle to your enemies. Surely, he who laughs last laughs best, and what could be better than to see your foe's unshrivened soul burning with sins he didn't even know he possessed.

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