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Comment Exercise is the key, young man. (Score 2) 384

Young Man,

There are 3 things you need to do to become an exceptional college student and I will not charge you a dime for this extremely valuable information. Let us begin:

1. Begin a disciplined exercise regimen that consists of sustained aerobic activity every day. Cross-training is fine and even preferred. Run, bike, swim, walk, climb, engage in a bit of hanky-panky, etc. Read the book "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" by John Ratey for inspiration. Sleep is a natural side-effect of vigorous exercise. Exercise is good for the brain.

2. Learn MindMapping (The Buzan way) and begin to take notes in this fashion. Mindmaps use a basic ordering idea and radiate out from the center. It is an efficient and very effective way to capture important points. More importantly, it helps to instantly cull away non-essentials. MindMap the textbook. Mindmap the lecture.

3. Cure your addictions. Whether it be nicotine, Alcohol or even processed sugar. Read Allen Carr's "EasyWay" to quit smoking/drinking/overeating. A 25 year old is resistant to the self inflicted poisons of youth (Beer, Cigs, etc) At 35, your body is spending a lot of it's precious energy dealing with toxicity and withdrawal. There is no morality play here. Simple Science. Alcohol, for instance, is a highly toxic poison. let that go. You will be much happier.

This will make you stronger, smarter, sexier and wealthier and will probably make you live longer.


Comment Your Homeland Security Money At Work (Score 1) 835

DHS is militarizing local police in a "use it or lose it" typical way.

smalltown USA now has a local office of homeland security that helps gives police tanks, drones, tactical weapons and other military gear.

how soon before we start turning in our neighbors for reading 'bad' books?

Comment Oculus Rift is not like your fathers VR eyewear. (Score -1, Redundant) 69

I have not seen it and I am actually intrigued by it. Thought the history of VR Googles was kinda funny though:

it's different than Sega VR, Nintendo Virtual boy and Google Glasses.


in ways I don't even dream of knowing how. it is special in wonderous, magnificient ways. ways beyond human understanding or comprehension.

it RIFTS your OCULUS and other some such.

when you look from your own eyeballs it makes you think you are in DOOM LAND (or mario land or some other land that is not your own plain-old boring land)

VR land is better than reality because we all know that immersion is the name of the game here.

please don't reach out and touch OCULUS land for it is covered in magical patent juice and will make your children bleed money.

Comment This is Great News! (Score 4, Insightful) 92

Perhaps now, someone in the ivory tower will see how vulnerable we really are.

This is not a 'china is bad' story but rather a 'US Corporate Security Sucks' story and it should be.

There will always be baddies trying to get in. We need to be the best in the world at stopping them.

Right now, I am sad to report, we are not.

Comment Gas points (Score 3, Insightful) 323

They will track your movements with facial recognition cameras.

Insurance company will know how much butter, beer and beef you are buying.

Your car will track your driving habits and your TV will track your entertainment.

They will know when you are happy, sad, indifferent or lonely and will provide a product or service that will hit the spot.

Just relax. They have your best interest firmly in mind

Comment It's the story! (Score 1) 436

special effects are always supplemental to story.

the bar for what 'dazzles' the film-goer raises over time but regardless of technique (3D, Stop-motion, green screen, CGI) a bad story will not become better with 3D.

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