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Comment Re:This is the climax of a century of Progress (Score 1) 24

I've told you that I'm for liberty, on federal Constitutional issues.

  I wish you were around in the early 1800s. That would put you in favor of slavery as a matter of property rights. Prohibition (and the present one is far from constitutional, but it's no better when the states do it) is very similar, prison being the new slavery that it is. Arguing states rights puts you right into that camp. Qualifying liberty the way you do means you're not for liberty, except for some. You remain in favor of privilege. Try being for what's right, not for what's constitutional.

Would I not be taking the liberty from the residents of the other 56 states if I forced them to adhere to MY definition of liberty?

Heh, that's how MH42 likes to frame it also. You have a right to your liberties even if others find them morally offensive. They have no right to sanction you for it. Neither you or the state have the right to meddle with those who cause no harm to others. You must show evidence before you even attempt it.

Comment Re:Independent World Interchange Currency (Score 1) 634

Therefore, no country would be able to just print money to buy new resources.

With a strong enough military they can. That is what backs up one's currency. And that is why the US still dominates that market. That is why it is at war with the Middle East. Lead is much more persuasive than gold.

Comment Re:the affordable care act (Score 1) 24

Can we, you know, *learn* from that?

Yes, that's why we have to demand Medicare for all, unconditionally. Flash a card, get fixed, less paperwork, boom, done. It can be very simple and much better for everybody... except the Wall Street crowd and the government bureaucrats who make rules to justify their existence. People can still buy their own insurance if they want more channels on the cable TV in their rooms. We will all be much prosperous for it.

Comment Re:This is the climax of a century of Progress (Score 1) 24

Redistribute power, not wealth...

Even though I'm talking to the hand, I will remind you again that that is impossible. They are the same thing.

As to the question, where I could not have been more clear, I will have to take your non answer as a "no" to any referendum for abolition (to be even more obvious, specifically something similar to what was passed in Colorado and Washington), and thus the only logical conclusion is to say you are only for the liberties you personally approve of as dictated by your bible. This is how I know it is you that stands tall for the status quo and powerful, coercive social hierarchies with abundant privileges for specific groups at the expense of others, the very same thing you project upon me.

Comment Re:mmmyeah..... (Score 1) 23

What you call "entitlements" (notably you conveniently don't consider corporate welfare AND the military machine's bureaucratic promotions for the careerists as "entitlements"), The rest of us near retirement call earned, fully paid for (and stolen by, or given to Wall Street) benefits. And military spending is not decreasing, it's merely being contracted out, again, to cook the books. The money still comes from our labor.

Comment Re:the affordable care act (Score 1) 24

Hey, kill the bill, I say, though there are better ways to do it without the theatrics to distract us from the pension heists. It only exists for the benefit of the insurance industry. Replace it with medicare for all, and cut back on the attempted world domination. Problem solved for the rest of us. It will be cheaper for me just to pay the fine for not carrying at this point.

Comment Re:Why isn't this libel? (Score 1) 229

Who cares if I'm insulted? That makes no sense. The right to offend is sacrosanct. Feeling insulted is strictly personal. Everybody reacts differently, regardless of what's in your dictionary, so whatever your point is, it is baseless.

I feel it's a factual statement...

Yes, you feel... That's a personal issue. You're trying to use a book to tell people how they should feel. Culture, DNA, and experience define how people react to words. The words themselves carry no intrinsic value one way or another of any kind, and nobody has any right to determine, legally or otherwise, how they are used. Educate or sanction the listener, and nobody else. Like they say about the idiots on talk radio. it's their followers you should be afraid of, not the blabbermouth. Only there will you find the real danger. You're just trying to tell me that I can't say "fuck" on TV.

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