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Journal Journal: The 1619 Project is racist, as are Dr. Kendi's books 11

We send our children to school to learn from people who have expertise in that
No we don't. We send our children to school *because we are required by law to do so and for the free babysitting*.

Experts, as a rule, are awful.

Take Ibram X Kendi, for instance. The Doctor of Anti-racism, or is he? I would argue that everything he has ever proposed as anti-racism, would produce *unequal results* along racial lines, and thus is racist *by his own definition*.

Just as the 1619 project, by the very nature of its generalized racial genetic stereotyping, produces *unequal results* along racial lines, and thus is racist by the very definition of the anti-racists.

Perhaps Thomas Sowell is right instead, and no two cultures were ever meant to be equal to begin with.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Climate Change Requires Adaptation, not Fear and Destruction 76

I've long said that Climate Change requires Adaptation, not destruction of our economy and our way of life.

I've said that since 2004, when we crossed the Tundra Methane Threshold and the most influential greenhouse gas today became a positive feedback loop, accounting for 95% of all greenhouse gases released now and likely in the near future.

Now Senator Dan Crenshaw shows just how dishonest the Green New Deal is in relation to an adaptation vs cancelation strategy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: RICO 17

Just Remember, if an Sicilian Immigrant encouraged rioting every time a criminal was killed by the police, and then sold signs to small businesses to put in their windows to prevent damage, RICO laws would be brought to bear on the protection racket.

Maybe it's time we judged people on the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fiscal Libs, Sexual Libs, Drug Libs, Conservatives 42

Just leave us alone.

What motivates liberals and progressives:
1. Addiction to change for fiscal profit
2. Addiction to change for sexual abuse
3. Addiction to change for new drugs

But the natural divide on the other side is CONSERVATIVES- the need to conserve. Change addicts have many things they want to change. But Change Skeptics have nowhere to go in the storm.

User Journal

Journal Journal: What almost all Marxists and socialists get wrong 1

It is extremely true, and I still hold it to be true, that for social justice to occur the excessive wealth of the rich needs to belong to the poor.

  But how do they belong to the poor?

I say the principle way they belong to the poor is as wages. That the wealthy man with excess, has a duty to invest that excess in businesses that create jobs. Not create return on investment, though doing so enables more excess and thus more job creation, but rather create living wage jobs, which the poor can profit from.
The church does not seem to have much experience in this, sadly. Employment with the church is invariably lower than a living wage and unprofitable.
I still have to wonder if Eisenhower was smarter than Kennedy on this, however.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Recommendations: Intercom applications 9

Due to extended WFH (until June 2021) and online schooling (Until November 14 which will likely get extended to punish Republicans after the election) I find myself in the situation of a special needs child needing help from time to time in a different room.

Does anybody know of a good Intercom-over-WIFI-on-the-LAN solution? I really don't want this sending traffic through my overworked firewall, so many of the game intercom systems are not really what I'm looking for.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Censorship is NEVER valid 11

An ethical hacker point of view of the cancel culture:

First they came for the conservatives- banning their posts and videos, canceling voices they could not stand.

Then they came for the statues and paintings and works of art- the Iconoclasm. Every hint that the past ever existed, must be destroyed.

Next they will come for the books, burning any that give a hint that any other way of life than theirs existed.

After that they'll be writing memory hole worms to edit the internet to their liking so that no post can be made without approved speech and thought codes applied.

At what level of historical revisionism are you comfortable with?

Because I am not comfortable with any of it.

If you must practice historical revision, add data, don't delete it.

Write your own point of view on a plaque to attach to the base of a statue or the frame of that painting so that future inhabitants of the city can get both sides.

Don't burn books, write books!

Don't edit the internet, start your own web page or social media service.

Censorship is NEVER valid.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
