PetrOS - NT alternative? 315
Anonymous Coward writes "Trumpet Software, the company well known for its Trumpet Winsock package has been quoted in the
press as having their own version of a Win32 platform operating system, called PetrOS.
They are working out if they can release it without affecting MS's API intellectual property, from the
" They claim to have a 100kb microkernel, and run native NT executables. Anyone have more details?
People buy that stuff? (Score:1)
The masquerading program for Windows is $160 for 20 client boxes. My lord. I could throw together an old 486 for hardly a penny more and have it performing the same task with a _real_ OS.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
Total: 22,392K
Paged: 14,624K
Nonpaged: 7,768K
On a WinNT server in the next room, SP4:
Total: 18,556K
Paged: 14,556K
Nonpaged: 4,000K
I suspect that these numbers vary a bit from machine to machine, and the numbers on the server were changing as I was trying to get them.
Michael Koehn
-- I'm working on my boss. Already got permission to set up one Linux box as a print server (Yay!)
NT clone: Already been done. (Score:1)
Linux is still a better choice even for this kind of application for many reasons. I've worked with both and I'd choose Linux in a heartbeat.
Re:Clueless about NT Operating System as usual. (Score:1)
NT's design. (Score:1)
NT's kernel is ntoskrnl.exe. The microkernel itself is just a small portion of ntoskrnl.exe. (I think it's about 60k.)
Some other stuff that's not actually part of the microkernel is bound into the same file, for example the namespace manager, and the security manager.
hal.dll contains the Hardware Abstraction Layer. This contains most of the processor specific code in the system. The NT kernel sits on top of this.
ntdll.dll is a user mode DLL that contains the syscall interface for user mode programs to invoke the NT native interface. It's mainly a bunch of wrappers that do an int2e, which invokes NT's syscall handler. Parts of Win32 sits on top of this DLL. This DLL is not part of the kernel.
kernel32.dll, user32.dll, and gdi32.dll are the user-mode client side DLLs that implement Win32 itself. They're not part of the kernel at all, and kernel32.dll sits on top of ntdll.dll.
csrss.exe is the user-mode server-side process that implements the Win32 subsystem and parts of GDI. This is not part of the kernel either.
win32k.sys is the kernel-mode part of csrss.exe that implements the GDI graphics engine and some other stuff. This is not part of the kernel, though it does execute in kernel mode.
NT's design is not all that bad in my opinion.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
Putting the Win32 API directly into the kernel is short sighted, and implies that Win32 API is all that this kernel is capable of running. That means it's already nearly obsolete before it's even out the door.
In a sense, it's the equivalent of calling a kernel which has the BASH shell (and almost nothing more) directly into a lightweight kernel and claiming that it is a new lean-mean Linux.
I wonder if the doj could open win32 (Score:2)
After this the win32 will be everwhere though and be bad for possix.
But we would have choices and if all these different distros of windows (linux, be, ect)and if posix is included perhaps win32 would die.
Another great thing could happen with apple. Apple would relise that win32 is the thing after this new wave of windows clones and would add win32 api support into mac osx so non computer people could have access to a stable OS thats way easier and supperior to use then windows.
I truly hope that the doj will force ms to release the win32 api.
WinNT API != Win32 API (Score:1)
On top of this there are various drivers which allow executables with different `personalities' (not sure if that is the correct terminology). Win32 is one of these personalities, POSIX is another - or would be if the driver was complete and correct. Presumably the Win16/WindowsOnWin32 stuff is another.
So have these people implemented the WinNT API (probably a realistically small task), or the Win32 API -- which is huge and constantly expanding?
Re:Linux is real POSIX (Score:1)
Re:Why not WINE? (Score:1)
They could still sell support, a la Red Hat...
Alex Bischoff
Re:WINE works for me... (Score:1)
WINE is certainly not useless. I've been running Quicken 6.0 for the past four months via Wine for all of our home finances. Sure, there are rough spots and some missing functionality, but it works fine for us.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank the Wine team for their great work. I do agree with you about the suckitude of Windows command line apps.
Re:quicken and wine (Score:1)
Well, I am running 16 bit Quicken with a version of Wine from March 1999. I have found that newer vesions made 16 bit support worse but 32 bit support better. Versions of wine after March 1999 tended to crash and burn upon Quicken startup, but this might have changed in the past month with all the progress the Wine team has been making.
Using -managed and -winver win31, I am able to run all the basics and create charts and graphs. Loans and auto-completion work correctly, if slowly. I have not tried the net functionality (don't need it), and I haven't configured wine for printing yet so I don't know if it works.
Of course, I back up every time, but I have not had corrupted data yet, and I use Quicken/Wine several times per week. I even have a Windomaker dock app configured so that my wife can run it easily.
PetrOS... for games? (Score:2)
Re:eat it, Bill (Score:1)
Re:Believe it when you see it (Score:1)
Re:eat it, Bill (Score:1)
Why is it that you M$ moles are so easy to spot?
Re:eat it, Bill (Score:1)
>Anybody who doesn't leap right into the gang rape is a Microsoft mole?
The attitude is what gives it all away. Characterizing this as a gang rape bolsters my position that M$ moles are usually easy to spot.
M$ is the most powerful corporation in the world. Pointing out their anti-competitive and often illegal practices is NOT a gang rape.
It fits in the cache! (Score:1)
In my experience, the fastest code can be the biggest code, at least in independent testing. Code that requires looping can often be sped up by unrolling the loop when there is a fixed small number of iterations.
But this leaves out what may be the most important part: the cache. If your kernel is big, then regardless of how optimized it is, it will waste clock cycles getting into the CPU to do its stuff. Any OS that takes several MB between kernel and needed services will always take a huge penalty. The whole point of a 100K kernel is that even on the most pathetic systems it will remain continuously in the cache. It would almost be like having the kernel embeded in the CPU. If the services (disk, net, etc.) don't take much room, then you get another huge boost. It's really cool that memory is cheap now, but even a gig of ram will never make up for a small cache. That's why Xeon processors cost so much.
(of course if your machine is doing any disk swapping to make up for not enough memory, then you're dead meat
Yes, the versions of Unix that have huge kernels can still get fantastic performance, but at what cost: they don't have 512K caches, they have several MB. Ouch!!! I'll take a small kernel and small services (thus a _much_ cheaper machine with the same performance) any day.
Three cheers for Trumpet Software! (assuming it works and they can get past Microsloth)
Re:eat it, Bill (Score:1)
>Microsoft is most assuredly NOT the most powerful corporation in the world.
It's possibly the most powerful corporation in the geek-world that so many Slashdot readers inhabit.
M$ controls the OS of approx 90% of the world's personal computers. M$ makes over 33 million dollars per day. M$ is in a position where they could control the way most people access the internet. To control the exchange of information is power. You know it, I know it, and Chairman Gates knows it.
>Some of us, who might be attacked as "supporters of Microsoft" are really just people who can't stand it when we see the losers trying to take down a successful business because they can't compete in the market.
M$ needs to play by the rules, just like everyone else. You can't do certain things which M$ is accused of doing. It's dishonest to steal someone else's idea and pretend that it was yours all along. You can't steal the source code for someone else's compression program and pass it off as your own. You can't use your position in the market to force people to not use your competition's products. It would be like GM designing their cars to break if you attempt to install after market products on them from a certain manufacturer.
We don't want to destroy M$, but we do want them to play by the rules.
Re:eat it, Bill (Score:1)
>You're taking this just a BIT too seriously...
Not at all, this is a serious issue. Whoever controls the way we exchange information, coltrols everything.
>Windows is popular, but if MS tried to do something REALLY f'd up with it people could either use Linux or not upgrade to the latest version.
Like intentionally holding back bug fixes to their old OS so that people are pressured to buy the new one?
The average computer buyer today doesn't even know that linux is. They know what windows is. I've had people who were thinking about buying a Macintosh come up to me and ask "So, does this run Windows 95 or what?". The average consumer is buying a computer to keep up with the Jones', not because they want a new tool or toy to use.
If M$ decided that to use windows you were going to have to pay them a $100 per year renewal fee for your software license, most people would have no choice but to pay it.
There are morons out there who would pay anything as long as they got to use AOL and M$ Office.
You think NT is so great? (Score:1)
You think NT is so great?
Just try changing the permissions on a file from the command line.
The greatest OS in the world is worthless if it is built in such a way that you can't use it.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
Using VMWARE, I tried installing Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with varying memory settings. Here's the results.
8 MB = Refused to Install
12 MB = Refused to Install
16 MB = Installed, ran slowly
32 MB = Installed, ran much better than 16MB.
Then after I installed with 32MB, I started reducing the RAM on the already installed NT.
32 MB = Booted fine, as expected.
16 MB = Booted fine, but slower.
12 MB = Booted fine, but really really slow.
8 MB = Blue Screen of Death on bootup.
I thought it was interested that the installation program wouldn't let you install with 12MB, but that NT would boot with 12MB.
Re:api (Score:1)
Anyone who had a Win32 clone would probably be more than happy to devote however many programmers were necessary to maintain compatibility with MS releases, because the market for a Windows clone is HUGE. If you've already got one, then you're looking at a not-small slice of a multi-billion-dollar market, which can pay for ALOT of programmers verifying every single MS API call for every single MS release
An interesting approach... (Score:3)
It sounds like he's concentrated on getting the command line programs working and doesn't have a GUI yet. Since (I'm guessing) the GUI is the bulk of the work, this hardly counts as a Windows clone.
But, I actually like the approach. I wonder if the Wine folks wouldn't have made faster progress by following the same strategy. As it is now, there are lots of programs that "sort of do something" under Wine, but few useful ones that really work 100%. If the command line stuff worked WELL it might draw more developers to finish the job.
Re:An interesting approach... (Score:1)
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
Re:Don't get too excited (Score:1)
Re:Speaking of NTFS... (Score:1)
What does bug me is the inability to boot "single user" off a cd. MS has to do something about that.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
For example, the Mach microkernel is not an operating system in and of itself. It provides services such as network and disk access. Operating systems such as BSD, Linux, and NeXT were built to utilize its services. There is one thing one can not say about the Mach microkernel -- it is small.
Neither PetrOS nor NT are microkernels, although, they may utilize a microkernel-like architecture by creating Ring O level services. In this case, the folks at Trumphet have usurped a computer science concept for marketing purposes.
X for an Interface? (Score:1)
Re:An interesting approach... (Score:1)
Re:I thought the Win32 API had GUI in it (Score:1)
Re:An interesting approach... (Score:2)
Although I'd love to see _anything_ that got Wine working better than it does now - right now it's completely useless. VMWare is going to kick it's butt all over the shop.
perl -e 'print scalar reverse q(\)-:
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:3)
perl -e 'print scalar reverse q(\)-:
Re:Kernel size has nothing to do with being slow. (Score:1)
Re:Why not WINE? (Score:1)
Re:They obviously misspelled the name... (Score:1)
quicken (Score:1)
Re:VMWare vs Wine. (Score:1)
2) Resources: the only real hogging that VMWare does is memory, and most of that is the memory given to the guest OS; it's a simple tunable trade-off. It only hogs CPU when it's actually doing something.
3) Second box: I can't afford to do that. What I *will* do is add another 128M to my existing box and give NT 96M insted of 64.
I have yet to try WINE, so I will not comment, except to say that I think it's a wonderful project and exactly the kind of thing that shows that there is no great mystery to Windows.
Best of luck.
Re:hmm.. i wonder if it will be open source? (Score:2)
A more accurate comparision would be from a fresh boot what is the graph of memory consumption of each OS while running this script in SuperWizzyWorks 2000?
Re:Clueless about NT Operating System as usual. (Score:1)
I think that this is embarrassing for NT...
Re:People buy that stuff? (Score:1)
Re:Clueless about NT Operating System as usual. (Score:1)
Re:yup, no UNIX equivalent of WaitForMultipleObjec (Score:1)
But maybe I use threads threads more easily because I mainly work in Java, and Java makes it very comfortable to work with threads...
Re:yup, no UNIX equivalent of WaitForMultipleObjec (Score:1)
Actually... (Score:1)
The Win32 API is a patchwork quilt of conflicting, broken APIs strung together by one OS implementation- it's why Wine's not quite as far as it could be and TWIN got open sourced... It's far, far better to start writing apps using something other than the Win32 API.
Re:GUI (Score:1)
Re:This is a great Idea!!!! - score this down NOW (Score:1)
Barry de la Rosa,
Senior Reporter, PC Week (UK)
Work: barry_delarosa[at]vnu.co.uk,
tel. +44 (0)171 316 9364
Clueless about everything as usual. (Score:1)
[API's listed]
the core of the OS is amazingly well thoughtout and designed by experienced software engineers.
- ...and then come back and feel embarrassed...
I wouldn't think of it! Please, the embarassment is all yours.Kook of the year (Score:1)
Too bad you don't have a clue subsystem in which to install a clue.
Re:The market votes with their wallets. (Score:1)
So what is your point exactly?
I've seen an NT box crash. I've never seen a Linux box crash. I've seen OS/2's GUI lock up (face it, who hasn't?) but I've never seen the machine actually go down. My point? NT sucks.
You said OS/2 didn't have a security subsystem. It does and it's flexible. That's the argument. OS/2 is more scalable than NT in a variety of ways as is UNIX. In terms of security, they are less flexible architecturally. That may or may not be a problem.
NT does suck, though.
sphincter? (Score:1)
Trumpet Software (Score:3)
Re:I wonder if the doj could open win32 (Score:1)
Even with Win32 APIs out there, it would be a major challenge to develop a OS from scratch. Since the Win32 APIs don't make any programs up, you would have to write a whole new desktop enviroment from sratch.
For one, it would be usless in Mac OS X, since Mac OS X is big endian PowerPC OS [mainly], while the win32 API is are mainly oriented to little endian x86. (Yes there was a Windows NT 3.5.1 port to CHRP PowerPC [running in little endian mode] a few years back, but it failed in general, because x86 binary programs could not run on the PowerPC.
Would it kill posix?:
OF Course NOT. Posix is a set of APIs for *nix-like systems, designed for scalblity, power, and stablity. Win32 APIs are designed to bring Windows a stable set of 32-bit APIs. Most *nix-like OSs rely heavly on posix APIs, so they will be in use for year and years and years.
At any rate, the main benfit of releasing win32 APIs, Windows would be more stable, faster (since everybody knew about the APIs). Also it would greatly help out projects like WINE.
ANd the obvious joke would be... (Score:1)
You mean there's a multiuser mode?
I wish! (Score:1)
I'm not using any extravaganza funky applications, but rather mostly MS office suite and Visual Studio, but after two 8h days of usage, the kernel takes almost 100M of my 128M memory, which is almost unusable.
This problem has nothing to with bloat in the applications, but rather somewhere deep inside the kernel.
Re:But IBM and Sun would love some windows clones (Score:1)
Re:The space shuttle (off-topic) (Score:1)
I was under the impression that the shuttle uses 6502's (well, later models) because they were the only CPU's that are currently manufactured to withstand the heat generated by reentry.
But it's been a while, and I could be wrong.
Yeah, that's a lot worse than windows (Score:1)
which won't let you do any of the above when a game crashes and takes the keyboard/screen with it.
you get real warm and fuzzy with the reset button. If your POS brand-name machine even has one anymore.
But that was a design feature, right?
Re:The obstacle to Microkernels (Score:1)
Goodness gracious (Score:3)
If this is legal (and you can bet MS will be trying hard to prevent it from being) then we may just have hit the point where even OS-specific software and drivers aren't OS-specific any more.
Of course the obvious MS response is to immediately make some incompatible API changes that break this new micro-OS, and patent them so far up their asses that a programmer couldn't extract them without reaching down their mouths with a plumber's snake. We'll have to see how the legal side of this evolves.
Re:Score 1? (Score:1)
But he's down to negative one anyway (and that was a moderating point well spent).
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
Now get in line.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
... spammage
[/usr/src/linux]# ls -al vmlinux
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 1278562 Jul 8 17:11 vmlinux
That's a very much modular kernel too without any extra gunk my hardware doesn't support, or things I don't use, like routers. That aint tiny either.
They obviously misspelled the name... (Score:1)
mark "sorry, too much userfriendly, I s'pose..."
Re:Goodness gracious (Score:1)
VMWare vs Wine. (Score:2)
1) You need a copy of windows to run. To do it legally costs $$$, especially NT.
2) Running a whole second OS is a serious resource hog.
3) It's effectively running on a second (virtual) computer, in its own little sealed box. Why not just get a second computer and a monitor/keyboard/rat switch?
Wine provides the Win32 system calls to a Linux process, allowing things like a windows CGI program to do credit card validation to be spawned from Linux' Apache. It may never run every windows program in existence, but:
1) Neither does any one version of Windows.
2) I don't own every windows program in existence. I only care about the ones I have (which these days, are mostly games, half of which actually run under DOS.)
3) This is legacy support. 50% of the legacy windows programs out there aren't Y2K compliant anyway, and an amazing number of people are limping along with "good enough for now" 3.1 installs left over from the 1980's for their daily word processing and checkbook balancing/payroll. (Sheesh, last year I helped a friend of a friend copy his comic book store inventory system from an old 386 SX with a 100 meg hard drive to an old 386 DX with a 200 meg drive. Only reason he left the old system was he'd tried Dos 6 doublespace and the drive started to eat itself.)
We don't HAVE to support the latest and greatest Windows apps, those companies are still around and we can lobby for a native version as we penetrate farther and farther into "grandma" land and our usage numbers go up with drool-proof interfaces like Gnome and automatic install/configuration and pre-installs. And we ALREADY support a lot of the old stuff, and creep farther every day.
The Wine people are adding new APIs faster than Microsoft is. They're better at it. Someday, they'll catch up.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:1)
Re:PetrOS - Server OS, not desktop. (Score:1)
(Don't even think of mentioning that web server test...my desktop machine is not a webserver. And I don't have multiple T1s to handle that bandwidth anyway. Or four network cards. I knew which is faster, I used to run Windows on this overclock PPro with 32 megs of RAM.)
Re:Hey moderators. Lets test the new moderation he (Score:1)
My last moderation point was gobbled up. so it should have docked him another point...
(I'm posting as AC because, of course, I can't post to a topic I've moderated...)
Re:Hey moderators. Lets test the new moderation he (Score:1)
Wake up... (Score:1)
VC sucks in comparison. Linux IS a better code development enviroment I have to admit. I hate UNIX, but I had to leave NT for sane developement.. Give it a try. Your code will be better (partly because egcs 1.1.2 is a better standard C++).
You obviously.. (Score:1)
functions in it
hmm.. i wonder if it will be open source? (Score:1)
now if we all can convince them to open up the dev project this would be damn cool.. expand wine to run native nt products alongside reqular windoze apps.
"Linux is not portable" - Linus Torvalds
Re:Speaking of NTFS... (Score:2)
I haven't seen it yet, but apparently NT5 has a "single user mode" that's command line only.
Re:People buy that stuff? (Score:2)
Much less troublesome than the Trumpet Winsock was the Microsoft 32-bit winsock built in to Windows for Workgroups. (It's essentially the same 32-bit networking that's built in to W95).
Re:An interesting approach... (Score:2)
My understanding is that this is a different approach than wine is taking. wine is trying to emulate the entire sprawling Win32 API, whereas this thing only emulates the "Native" WinNT kernel API.
One can imagine a project that translates native WinNT kernel calls to POSIX/Linux API calls. (Another Poster mentioned that there are only 40 or so native API calls, so this is probably several orders of magnitude easier than emulating Win32.) Then you just get all the DLLs, etc from your "licenced" version of WinNT, and bam - Windows programs are running on Linux. The only problem I see is that the graphics wouldn't be over X, but that maybe could be solved with a Win Teminal server client approach.
Playing it straight (Score:2)
Actually, there is (WTS).
Why not WINE? (Score:1)
I dunno... (Score:1)
Re:People buy that stuff? (Score:1)
Back in the old days (before 1995), Trumpet's Windows 3.1 stack was the best thing going in the market. Even if it's been surpassed since then, it was good stuff, it fit on a floppy, and it did the job. Most, if not all of the other Win31 stacks were serious payware, less flexible, etc.
Re:They obviously misspelled the name... (Score:1)
Re:Speaking of NTFS... (Score:2)
The times I've dealt with video capture on NT, I've given the capture software/hardware a raw AV scsi drive to play with... anything less really isn't worth your time unless your just fooling around.
NT Native API (Score:3)
Inside the Native API [sysinternals.com]
Inside Native Applications [sysinternals.com]
Just out of curiosity, I took a look at native.exe (from the applications article) - the only dependency is on NTDLL.DLL, which weighs in at 347kb on my NT4 SP4 machine. Keep in mind that ntdetect.com, ntldr, hal.dll Though I have to admit the exports for it look a little weird... it looks like it implements a good chunk of the standard C library, and I want to know who thought exporting functions like "PropertyLengthAsVariant" were absolutely vital to the kernel...
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
This sounds a lot like saying that Linux is capable of running a web server, X windows, Netscape, Emacs, yadda-yadda, and it can fit on a floppy too. Note, not at the same time, but it can. The floppy sized piece is a small part of the whole that can do wonderful things. I'm sure that the Trumpet people rely on other kernel mode services to provide a system that can run anything at all.
To their credit though, the Trumpet people couldn't take functionality OUT of the mukernel to reduce it's size to ~100K, so that size is a result of tweaks. But then again, we don't know how large that functionally comparable piece of M$-NT is per their distribution of it.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
I've used/developed for QNX in a real-time environment, and I was very impressed.
But, the thing to remember is that small size comes at the cost of functionality and performance. After reading your link and some of the ones from there on, I'm under the impression that beyond a bootable POSIX, browser and web server, there's not much there on that floppy. And I noticed that it uses a two stage boot process to get going. Step one bootstraps a decompressor, and step two loads the decompressed system into memory. That OS, off the floppy, is probably on the order of 4MB+...
The QNX installation I worked with included a full OS (complete with those bells and whistles like grep, awk and vi), the full Photon windowing system (not just the GUI support for the browser) the developer support for TCP/IP, and Photon, and a nuts-to-the-wall C/C++ compiler from Watcom.
The install was about 100MB+, and still wouldn't run Quake.:) It's nice to have a 45K mukernel, but it is more important to have the code for the whole system efficient and fast. Even if the mukernel is half a meg, it must be fast before anything else - except where size trully matters, like on a satellite.
Re:100kb Microkernel? MS kernel size numbers. (Score:2)
If anyone is interested in learning about the NT kernel go to www.sysinternals.com. Learn more about our enemy....
Close, but no cigar.. (Score:2)
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
The coolest thing about this is that with a 200kb NT, it would be possible to use it as an NT emulator, making it possible to load NT device drivers under other OS's. A little linux-NT bridge could easily be built, where the drivers would get all of the NT services they expect.
This would be very helpful for getting "alternative" OS's like BeOS, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, (and now, PetrOS) etc. running on currently unsupported hardware.
Kernel size has nothing to do with being slow. (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:4)
Don't get too excited (Score:2)
CreateFile, CloseHandle, etc. - Minimal file operations
VirtualAlloc, GlobalAlloc, etc - Minimal memory management
Plus a half a dozen misc functions. They state in the article that they haven't even started on the GUI, perhaps the hardest part. You can't just clone a few bits kernel32.dll and winnt.dll and say you have a windows clone. They also make no mention of how they plan to implement DDK which, IMO, would be the whole point of making a windows clone. Without device drivers what good is an OS?
The WINE project is *way* beyond this. Also WINE benefits tremendously by having a linux core and thus a solid device driver base behind it. Having said that, there are 2 problems with Wine. The first will probably never be surmounted, and that it will never be able support hardware that has win32 only drivers, and many of the APIs Microsoft has developed don't exist under linux so even if someone was willing and able to port, they couldn't. Take Direct3d for example. The best you could hope is to make a D3D->GL layer inside WINE, but it's not a very good mapping. Then there are weirder things like : CryptoAPI, Telephony API, etc.. where there is nothing at all like it under linux.
The second problem with WINE is that it is a single process solution. It makes no attempts to emulate the entire system, just the current process. This means you can't : debug a process, drag and drop, and other forms of IPC that many programs depend on. I believe this can be fixed, but will require a fairly big change to WINE.
Another project to look at that is very interesting is the FX!32 system by DEC. This system actually runs under NT, so they didn't have to write APIs except to thunk from 64->32->64. But it can run native intel binaries with very little slow down by doing dynamic code translation.
(wow, I just noticed "Linux" is not the Microsoft Spell Checker)
100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
NT's Kernel is fine...there are no problems there. The bloat comes in at the interface and application levels, for the most part.
That is why NT fared so well in those benchmarks against Linux...they didn't install crap like MS Office on those boxes, it really was OS vs. OS.
As to the size of the Kernel 2MB is about right.
As to what you can install it on ?
I installed Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 on a 486/33 w 8MB!!! I had to turn off networking during install, and then install networking after I had NT running...but it ran.
I installed NT Workstation 4.0 on a Compaq P90 with 8MB. It was unusable but ran. I later upgraded that machine to a second HD which I used solely for the swap file...it was usable barely with MSoffice 95. Things were much better when I moved the machine to 24 MB and upgraded to 2MB video memory.
I find the NT 3.5x OS to be VERY stable, much more so than pre 2.0.x Linux. NT 4 is as stable or more stable than Linux as a workstation. When something goes bad you can kill services and restart them. Just like any reasonable OS
If the GUI goes though...you have to reboot. That said the GUI is much more stable than X/KDE or X/Gnome.
NT is NOT as bad as Linux folk think. NT is MUCH worse than MS thinks. NT bears NO RELATION to what MS marketing says.
NT is the best general purpose workstation available right now. I have great expectations for MacOS X. [See Mac OS Rumors [macosrumors.com] for why. if you don't already know.]
Linux is really coming along here, way ahead of even a year ago. It'll be a while yet. I think MacOS X will give a good example of what to aim for/above in the future of Linux interfaces.
Sun is the best enterprise server solution.
I use Linux for small and medium business sized servers and light database applications. The availability of Oracle and IBMDB2 is making me think of using it for larger databases, maybe I'll ask the next client to try it out.
I use Sun and Linux for special purpose workstations. I always prefer Linux for this if the application is available. (Sometimes they really want Autocad OK ?)
I ran into a bank that needs a supercomputer, I still don't really understand thier application. I am going to try to fit the app to Beowulf.
I know this went a bit off topic, nonetheless I hope it was thoughtful, if not neccessarily useful.
Re:Clueless about NT Operating System as usual. (Score:2)
Afaik that doesn't do more than waiting for multiple objects to finish. In Unix, you could simply wait for each single one to terminate without much overhead (pthread_join).
A design mistake (of Win32)
man aio
You do know how to use message passing or other forms of IPC? The event functions could be easily replaced by pipes, for example.
Yes, I admit that Unix wasn't designed with multithreading in mind. In contrast, if you look at the recent standards formulated by POSIX and implemented by many vendors, you will notice that developing your application will not be limited by the API. In practice, being used to work with Microsoft "solutions" becomes a limiting factor.
Clueless about NT Operating System as usual. (Score:2)
ReadFileEx/WriteFileEx (async i/o)
PulseEvent (some of the event stuff is really cool)
and then come back and feel embarrassed for being an ignorant Linux would be all your life.
The applications may or may not be poor in your opinion. However the OS is fantastic. Some subsections of it are problematic (I don't like the registry as a device for instance, and it's support for multiple consoles is poor, and networked GUI), however the core of the OS is amazingly well thoughtout and designed by experienced software engineers.
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
That said;
"She's a witch - throw her in the river, if she floats she's a witch, if she drows, she's not!
Well, Ducks float...
So? So do other things... wood
So, witches are made of wood?"
- A summation of a Python sketch. Proving that 2+2 doesn't always equal 4. On this logic, we could say (using simple chaining methodology...) that if a: In order to know something, you must experience it (Win kernel, big), otherwise, no matter how valid the source, it is only assumed/presumed. Therefore, people are just assuming that NT has a hideous, huge kernel - when in fact it may be gorgeous and petite, with the "bloat" being caused by all the other stuff...
Long winded I know, but I'm simple...
* Paul Madley
Re:100kb Microkernel? (Score:2)
moitz: i used to be somebody
ReactOS (was: Re:WinNT API != Win32 API) (Score:2)
There is also a GPL'ed implementation of that microkernel: its name is ReactOS. It is planned a Win32 server on top of it and probably a POSIX+ one in the future. This project borrows some code from Wine [winehq.com]. You can download the pre-alpha code (no GUI yet!) from www.reactos.com [reactos.com].