Microsoft Invests in Inprise (aka Borland) 182
Stephen Legge writes "
Inprise (formerly Borland, makers of Delphi, JBuilder, among other things) has established a strategic agreement with Microsoft.
Microsoft has bought $25 million (10%) worth of Inprise preferred stock.
Read the the press release here. " Only eight years ago, this would have been unthinkable-odd how much the world shifts. Of course, then again, WP5.1 was the de facto standard.
Re:You're quite incorrect. (Score:2)
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.
My dear AC, I believe you've answered your own question. No, it isn't supposed to be "right off the bat". They were pushing for 64 bit in W2K, which is why none of the windows 95/98/NT applications would be compatible with it, as I recall. That changed when they switched codebases.
DNA/COM+ (Score:1)
This is a bad thing (Score:1)
Attempting to consolidate the market by controlling their most credible development tools competitor.
Attempting to control the market by being able to influence what platforms Borland develops for.
Hedging their bets by investing in a competing technology as they have done with SCO and Apple, for example.
Insuring that while effectively controlled, a competitor will not outright cease to exist in order to keep the feds off their case.
Insuring that their R&D (which is mostly done by their competitors) doesn't dry up.
This is just another example of business as usual for Microsoft.
Re:This is a bad thing (Score:1)
So companies are just supposed to let someone cheat and not say anything? I don't think so.
Let's be real here. Good business is competetive.
Which is why Microsoft is bad. They eliminate competition through dirty tactics instead of legitimate competition.
Government intervention is almost never good for business.
Almost isn't always. I am not a big fan of government intervention, but in some cases when a market shows it is incapable of correcting itself (which generally only seems to result from gross abuses by the largest player(s)), then unfortunately, government intervention may be the only alternative.
Crybaby companies who rely on government intervention because they're losers will always cry 'cheat' if they can.
You might have a point if it was just one or two companies, but it is just about the entire computer industry against Microsoft this time, with the exception of the few companies that are completely in Microsoft's pocket. One or two companies might be believable as crybabies, but companies like IBM hardly can be categorized that way.
Even if it was just a couple of companies complaining, it still wouldn't make it right for the biggest player (who doesn't need to cheat) to use such tactics. It only shows that Microsoft is morally and intellectually bankrupt, and that tends to taint anyone who defends them by association.
Re:Antitrust defense (Score:1)
Re:Antitrust defense (Score:1)
Re:Well... This Sucks.... (Score:1)
The big news here is about CORBA, not C++ (Score:1)
Visigenic came late to the CORBA party (Orbix was there much earlier) but in the last 3 years, Visigenic has been responsible for most of the new developments in CORBA. Visigenic basically wrote the specification for IIOP (the Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) which is the vendor-vendor interoperability specification for CORBA over TCP/IP. Visigenic also defined the Java bindings for CORBA, with everyone else playing catch up. Orbix might be a bigger company, but Visigenic has been redefining the CORBA marketplace for the last 3 years.
Last year Microsoft cut a deal with Orbix whereby Orbix would integrate DCOM into their CORBA Orb; now Microsoft is buying a good-sized chunk of the most important CORBA vendor to come along in years.
The Microsoft Way: If you can't beat them, buy them.
Re:I disagree... (Score:1)
I wouldn't count on Linux or CORBA technologies coming from Imprise in the future unless there is some sign showing otherwise. This would have to come from action or from Imprise official statements.
I see this as a last gasp of breath for Imprise. COM, COM-, CaptiveX and other Microsoft pseudo technology copies will be priority ONE over more open and interesting technologies like CORBA, Java, Linux, and others. These are just my opinion based on how Micros~1 has done business for the past 10 years or more. Tit for tat and Windows is the focus. "Anybody remember Windows?" is still Bill G's battle cry.
Re:ARGH! Open eyes! (Score:1)
The assimulation line is now forming at 100 Micros~1 Way room #42.
Re:A double edged sword (Score:2)
Re:Well... This Sucks.... (Score:1)
"All resistance is futile, you'll be bought"
Re:You're quite incorrect. (Score:1)
Re:Whoa! Lets not jump to any conclusions. (Score:1)
>tools is rather spotty - anyone remember
>Borland C++ for OS/2 - an orphaned product.
That was really the beginning of the end. After AppBuilder (Novell?) failed in its crossplatform development promises, Borland had to backtrack. It was going to bring OWL to OS/2 and then UNIX via AppBuilder. IIRC. By supporting OS/2 it was now the target of Micros~1. MFC marketing increased, its price was kept low, then the brain drain, etc. Tough road with some damn good technology again a viscous competitor.
Funny how a development tool vendor becomes a competitor when its products become crossplatform....Do you think Micros~1 feels Windows is THE most important product it has?
Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
Re:Well... This Sucks.... (Score:1)
not in management.
But I will bind myself to do anything in my
power to prevent it.
Eight years ago... (Score:1)
Now Windows is the dominant platform, I'm writing in SVGALIB/C, and Linux is huge! Borland may die, but their legacy will live on.
P.S. My favorite Linux programmer's editor is RHIDE. The Turbo Vision interface is so comfortable after years of programming in Turbo Pascal.
Re:NEVER see Delphi for Linux - check out Omnis (Score:1)
Omnis Software announced their next generation 4GL cross platform RAD tool a month ago.
I'm psyched to use Omnis Studio on Linux. In the meantime a trial version on Win32/Mac PPC is available for download.
-just an Omnis developer
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
Re:Calm down everyone, M$ is not that powerful (Score:1)
B: There are only three reasons for MS to invest in another company :
the other company has bigger margins than MS (very unlikely) or expects bigger (monopoly-like) margins in the future
the company has something that MS wants. (patents, technology, shipping product)
the company poses a threat to MS's software monopoly.
Inprise qualifies on no 2 and maybe on no 3.
Anyway, as a customer of a company the only thing that is worse than a MS buy-in is a Computer Associates take-over (your product will be put on the back-burner , milked for all its worth and tossed aside)
bye bye OWL (Score:1)
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:1)
"C++ Builder - competes with Visual C++"? Sort of.
"Delphi - competes with Visual Basic (Bill's first and favorite)"? Hardly. Pascal and Basic are not the same language.
"Visibroker - competes with DCOM"? Nope. The technologies are not compatible.
"Turbo Assembler - competes with MASM"? Possibly. Do Borland still make it? I thought it only shipped as part of C++ Builder.
"DBase - competes with Access/ SQL Server"? Irrelevant. DBase is no longer a Borland product, and Paradox existed long before there was an Access.
"Inprise just got bought out!"? No, they just got some more money. Why are you reading so much more into the press release than is actually there? Are you going to boycott schools which Microsoft have donated money to as well?
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:2)
I've found JBuilder, VAJava, and the Symantec products to be equally stable under NT. The issues for choosing between them have more to do with your work style:
1. I'm not a Mac user, and don't care for the Symantec interface. Maybe there's no correlation between their Mac work and their interface, but I found their interface inconvenient. Other users with different habits will have the opposite opinion.
2. VAJava has it's good points, but when you're trying to modify a base class it's really irritating and time consuming to have it flag errors all over your class hierarchy when you modify a method or member, knowing ahead of time that those issues will crop up. It's nice to have them tracked, but it would be far more efficient if you could control when those evaluations are done. Once you've got a few hundred derived classes, you can end up waiting several minutes for VAJava to "save" changes to a method while it updates it's dependancy/error trees. If you're working with stable base classes (purchased?), this same "problem" becomes the biggest benefit of VAJava.
3. JBuilder walks a nice line between the information analysis of VAJava and traditional IDEs that just integrate "make" style tools with an editor, error highlighter, and source debugger.
Personally I prefer JBuilder, but that's not to say the other environments are "bad". They've all worked comfortably with project in the 80-100K line range, provided that they have enough memory.
I'm just hoping M$ doesn't leverage their investment to cancel the Linux port of JBuilder -- it's one of the few key products that force me to keep a WinNT box around (other than customer demands for WinXX development.)
I disagree... (Score:1)
just my $0.02
MS-Embrace&Extend v2.0 (Score:2)
This way, if the industry doesn't buy into the Microsoft method, Microsoft buys into the industry method.
I'm sure there are more 'strategic partnerships' like this on the horizon. Look for M$ to enter into such a partnership with a major PC vendor in the near future.
Re:Antitrust defense (Score:1)
Now we'll NEVER see Delphi for Linux. (Score:1)
Not that Delphi for Linux was ever more than a pipe dream anyway. VCL was always too Windows-specific.
I wonder what this means to Interbase for Linux? Will Microsoft kill that too?
Strategic acquisitions (Score:1)
First, Mr. Maritz claimed that he expected that cable owners would in the future have a big say on what software is distributed. Well, this opportunity for "competition" has been disappearing through the many billions of dollars that Microsoft has sunk into cable ownerships during the last two years.
Second, Microsoft claimed to be under competitive pressure from platform independent java. So the use their dominant position in Windows programming tools to reduce the standard to a set of proprietary technologies. Guess what will happen to Inprise's JBuilder?
Third, Microsoft claimed to be under competitive pressure from "middleware". Has anyone heard from ColdFusion's announced port of its server to Linux since they announced their "strategic alliance" with Microsoft? Does anyone expect to hear anything from Inprise's CORBA standard Visibroker, after Inprises "strategic alliance" with Microsoft that includes adoption of COM+?
Microsoft is presently buying markets from customers (cable) and platform dependency from middleware vendors that could be or become platform agnostic (Allaire, Inprise). Thus they are consistently supporting and extending their Windows monopoly.
Re:Calm down everyone, M$ is not that powerful (Score:1)
B) MS is trying to philantropic(Bill says he is
very philantropic)
Even Winelib would be ok. (Score:1)
_Most_ of the basic widgets that Delphi use seem to be handled ok-ish in winelib (a free win32 clone for x86 *nix, part of the www.winehq.com project).
Even if Delphi just officially supported WineLib, that would be cool. This would be more of a bug-stomping exercise than real porting, but it would give pseudo-support for all *nix including *BSD, so it wouldn't be all bad.
Keep things in perspective (Score:1)
MS has been raiding Borland for programming talend for years. example...The new bubbling and event management features in IE4 and later are direct ripoffs of Paradox for Windows.
MS probably figured out that it is cheaper to invest in Borland than keep offering million dollar signing bonuses to their key employees, and get sued for it.(Borland brought legal action against MS for actively soliciting their employees)
Borland is simply getting some of their own back (hence the additional $100 million.)
As long as they don't turn Delphi into another Virtually Braindead, this is very good for Borland. It will make all the conservative IS managers in the Fortune 1000 much more comfortable using Borland superior tools.
BTW, JBuilder code should already be able to run on Linux if you have a Java compatible VM. I think IBMs' works, but I'm not sure.
Re:COM+ is crossplatform/language nuetral (Score:1)
Re:Two things... (Score:1)
Things could be worse, imagine if CA invested in them.
Re:Well... This Sucks.... (Score:1)
Pennies for the eyes... (Score:2)
Arrrrh! Pillage and pluder mateys! (Score:1)
I have this sinking feeling. This seems like Bill Gates pissing on Philippe Kahns corpse.
Things really aren't that bad!!! (Score:1)
1. recompile something, even a text editor
2. configuring lilo
3. messing around with config files and shell scripts
I can't.
Personal factor (Score:1)
It is funny to see a bit of history back, Borland died anyway long time ago. It's Inprise *yucks* now.
http://www.investigatio.com [investigatio.com]
Re:Yeah, right (Score:1)
Nonsense. They own 10% in shares. Did you see any announcement of MS being on the board of directors ? I didn't. There is another investor that has more than 6% of the company. 10% is not owning the company and perhaps in future they will sell the shares. Let's stick to the facts. And the "short" term cash is significant, Inprise basically doubled the amount of cash. This is very good news, it takes money to pay salaries to develop Linux products
Re:Whoa! Lets not jump to any conclusions. (Score:1)
Yeah, like Apple, in whom Microsoft is a 10% shareholder.
Funny ain't it, M$ can only run their monopoly successfully if they maintain a veneer of a free market by financially supporting the competition.
Regards, Ralph.
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:1)
Definitely not related. :-) I'm a Mac user and I like JBuilder the best of the Windows Java IDEs (except for the editor...). Symantec's interface is just not very productively arranged.
Cafe crashes a lot more than the other two you mention, for me. It also doesn't deal well with large projects, even on a 256MB 450MHz PII with plenty of disk space.
VisualAge requires I import a lot of the external classes I use, which bloats the repository; the GUI designer creates literally hundreds of classes for a reasonably complex layout, making it virtually unusable; and it also has zero integration with external version control.
JBuilder's code browser is nice, visual designer the best of a bad bunch, and it's pretty fast if you ignore the memory usage.
CodeWarrior's editor is pretty decent and the class browser, diff tool, and build support rock, but its debugger isn't anywhere as nice as JBuilder's, and it has no visual interface designer. I'll be interested to see the Java RAD stuff and improved debugger in Pro5. So for now I write mostly in CodeWarrior, except if I'm doing a lot of AWT/Swing stuff in which case I use JBuilder, and debug in JBuilder. Not the best... sigh.
YOu know... (Score:1)
VisualAge's editor is probably closest in the "wiring" concept to IB, but as you say, Visualage's code generation leaves something to be desired. (IMHO, though, it is better than Symantec's code gen). On the other hand, VisualAge is definitely a server-side developer's dream (again imho)...
Re:Calm down everyone, M$ is not that powerful (Score:1)
I suggest you go to www.stardock.com and buy a copy of Enterpreneur.
Re:ARGH! Open eyes! (Score:1)
Re:Strategic agreement.. hmmm. [update] (Score:1)
You're thinking about 32-bit vs 16-bit addressing and the Windows APIs associated with them. Windows NT/2000 uses 32-bit addressing and has the "Windows on Windows" system for compatibility with 16-bit Windows programs. Windows 95/98 uses a mixture and supports both 32-bit and 16-bit Windows programs with the same code, using "thunks" to bridge between code using different addressing modes.
What "Signal 11" is talking about is the 64-bit extensions for Windows (aka the Win64 API) on Alpha and Merced, which are likely to be included in a sort of Windows 2000.5.
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:1)
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
See the IDE homepages of Megido [megido.org] and Lazarus [pcpros.net].
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
Thanks for the wake up call. (Score:1)
Re:Whoa! Lets not jump to any conclusions. (Score:1)
Not really. JBuilder has not been outsourced at all. JBuilder is developed 100% at Inprise/Borland, Oracle had a licence for it and they renamed it in part of their tools but there's no JBuilder developement in Oracle except the extensions that they have made for integrating their database.
Re:Inprise & Linux? No, definitely no (Score:1)
a Delphi R&D Engineer, '97-'99
Re:Strategic agreement.. hmmm. [update] (Score:2)
Next Consumer Windows to be 98 Derivative [slashdot.org] Feb, 1999
NT5 officially 'Windows 2000' [slashdot.org] Oct, 1998
Re:huh??? (Score:2)
What the release doesn't say is more important than what it does say.
Inprise has just gotten a HUGE cash infustion from M$. It would be very foolish of Inprise to do something against the best interests of a 10% stakeholder who has also just paid 100mil to settle patent and legal issues.
Inprise will shift focus to pursuits that more immediately benefit it's benefactor.
Even though this was not STATED in the press release, it's implicit in the nature of the arrangement. I give you money therefore you have to be nice to me - it's as old as time.
What the press release DID say what that any speculation about Inprise performing well in the future were just that - speculatory. This might mean that M$ just might hamstring Inprise to make it less of a competitor.
The deal is a payoff. "Here's 5 bucks kid, don't bother me."
That's assuming Inprise wants to 'bounce back' (Score:1)
Perhaps this is Inprise gearing up for a potential sale, rather than go under. But then again I'm a programmer, not an economist, so perhaps I'm full of BS. But I don't see that Inprise would've done this if their numbers hadn't shown that they were heading for trouble with their current strategy. Perhaps they've just decided to back out of the IDE market, much like IBM backed out of the OS market. Delphi will still exist, officially, but no roadmap.
I see this "partnership" as a bad thing. I see it as the end of real competition in development platforms on Windows. I know MFC well enough to know that it's a fscking hideously godawful "standard", that I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have to program with. MS Visual C++, however, happens to be a great product - but without decent competition it WILL stagnate, and prices WILL go up.
On the bright side, stagnation in development environments on Windows can only make developers more keen to check out Linux.
Seattle Times - insight (Score:1)
Re:So Inprise did finally sign their death warrant (Score:1)
Relax, JBuilder for Linux is coming soon.
No mention of dumping CORBA (Score:1)
DAIS is now owned by Peerlogic [peerlogic.com], and I wonder how long until Visigenic gets to float free of Inprise (minus is its [OJ]DBC products of course).
Re:The big news here is about CORBA, not C++ (Score:1)
Nope. They weren't even there, though Dave Curtis of Expersoft, who was, joined Inprise a year or so ago. They did contribute to the Java mapping, as did IBM and Iona.
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
Re:Calm down everyone, M$ is not that powerful (Score:1)
You are nuts for thinking that Micros~1 does not have this power. The road is littered with innovative techologies and their companies because of Micros~1 power/influence. They, in essence, forced Intel to shutdown its Java Media work/lab, force HP in 1995 to remove OS/2 from 50% of its PCs at a Comdex show and to top it off, put Netscape Communications out of business.
No power huh?
Re:Wah! (Score:1)
Re:MS trying to replace CORBA with COM/COM+/DCOM/D (Score:1)
No, it's not. This is MS paying, better late than never, for using Inprise patented technology. The 10% buy of shares is common practice in this kind of settlements. Look at the Apple case, MS bought $150 Million in shares. In this case they pay $100 million in cash and $25 million in shares. I know that there is a lot of emotiional stress in this kind of things but this is actually excellent news for Inprise given that they have now a vast amount of cash for the Windows and Linux projects.
Re:Strategic acquisitions MY KEISTER (Score:1)
When they lose the current DOJ vs MS case will they be forced to divest in all these things they used the illegal profits on?
Re:Alpha's not the only one (Score:1)
Re:Well... This Sucks.... (Score:1)
The article also underlines that Inprise will have access to the Windows technology, there is no mention of MS controlling or obtaining anything from Inprise.
This is not going to change Inprise except that is giving them more money and resources to keep working on their projects. Last week they showed Linux versions of JBuilder and C++ compiler at the shareholder meeting. Should I say more ? I'm actually suprised that that news was all over the Net except on
Re:Now we'll NEVER see Delphi for Linux. (Score:1)
While this is true, it is missing the point. I think trying to make a direct port of Delphi to Linux would be a mistake, but the fact is Delphi is NOT just the VCL. The VCL is what is tied to Windows, not the IDE.
P.S. Tag, you're it.
A Borland-made RAD tool for X would not necessarily be named Delphi. It would be cool to have a RAD tool that let you develop with whatever libraries, components, toolkits, widgets, you wanted. I have seen soooo many apps for X that were great at what they were designed for but were buggy and very ugly UIs. A Delphi-quality tool would let the developers focus on the guts. The big decision would really be whether to go the Delphi way and have a language custom-built for that type of environment or to go with C++ which looks UGLY when used in a RAD environment. Though I love Object Pascal, C++ seems more reasonable to me since Linux developers love open standards and Object Pascal is completely controlled by Borland.
"I got it running, grabbed a rocket launcher, and fired down a hallway." --John Carmack
Re:Now we'll NEVER see Delphi for Linux. (Score:1)
"I got it running, grabbed a rocket launcher, and fired down a hallway." --John Carmack
So long to a great Java IDE (Score:2)
The Solaris JBuilder is supposed to be pure Java itself, and therefore easily portable to other machines and OSes (read Linux)..
Well, it was a nice idea. I guess so thought Microsoft. So long Borland - it's been a pleasure.
---slack jawed amazement... (Score:2)
Don't worry, that's just the sound of my jaw bouncing off the floor... I would have bet and lost good money that this kind of a thing would NEVER happen.
I used Borland tools for years, and always found them superior to the M$ tools (with the possible exception of Dbase V versus Access 97). I was lucky enough to NOT be stuck in MFC land, although OWL (the Borland C++ Object Window's Library) wasn't much more readable. Apparently (with the demise of Rogue Wave's zApp library, Symantec, and even Sybase Power++ defaulting to the MFC, and now Borland) Microsoft has really gained a near monopoly for Windows- oriented, commercially available C++ development platforms. Not good news, in my book.
Glad to see that M$ is also having to ante up for all of their patent infringements to Borland over the years -- $100 million more than the $25 million stock price.
But I do hate to see M$ win. Makes you kinda glad that MetroWerks is porting to Linux, and that Cygnus is gaining a foothold in WinXX land, doesn't it?
Re:Running scared... (Score:1)
Re:I disagree... (Score:1)
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
Strategic agreement.. hmmm. (Score:2)
Microsoft is having a hell of a time getting their 64-bit version of Windows to work. Originally, this was called W2K, and would be based on the NT codebase. That didn't work, but I still think they're trying. Simply put, their current offerings suck, and they know it. W2K was supposed to address "system instability" problems. I think they've arrived at the conclusion that their code/compilers can't cut it, and now they're going for outside help. It's a huge undertaking. I don't think Microsoft, even being the world's biggest software outfit, can handle it.
They need Borland's expertise to get 64-bit Windows off the ground.
A double edged sword (Score:1)
The stock is up 26% already today...wow...I can't believe that I'm alinged with the enemy...I knew sombody would step in but I always kinda thought it would be IBM...or maybe Oracle...not the evil empire MS...The timing was right...sounds like a good deal for both sides.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a shower...I feel sorta dirty all of a sudden...:)
This sucks! (Score:1)
On the other hand, I don't think this will benefit Inprise (Borland) much more than the fact that they are getting $125 big ones out of it.
By the way, I thought that C++ Builder 3 already had MFC included with it. I realy hope that they don't scrap VCL for MFC. That would be a huge step backwards.
I guess I'll have to wait until hell freezes over before I see the C++ builder GUI for Linux now.
huh??? (Score:1)
If you read the release differently - please explain how you feel this deal will cause Inprise to stop supporting other platforms.
Re:This is a bad thing (Score:1)
Good=monopolistic? Monopolistic bordering on illegal?
That's why they're #1 in the world.
It would only be surprising if they cheated and didn't win, at least in the short term.
Glad to see $100M paid for patents? Not at all! (Score:1)
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:1)
JBuilder - competes with Visual J++
C++ Builder - competes with Visual C++
Delphi - competes with Visual Basic (Bill's first and favorite)
Visibroker - competes with DCOM
Turbo Assembler - competes with MASM
DBase - competes with Access/ SQL Server
Inprise just got bought out!
Thank god (RMS?) for GNU. M$ can't buy them out. From what I've seen, the gnu compiler under windows should be up to speed (or nearly so) with other platforms by next release. See http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/ and http://egcs.cygnus.com/
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:1)
yep now you have 'm$' with it's foot in the door for cross platform tools (read linux). guess those intellectual-assets will be sucked dry by 'm$' and 'm$-borgified' (read re-engineered and stuffed up).
borland was a good alternative once and they still make nice tools but..there goes the hood!
try freebuilder [freebuilder.org] instead
Re:Personal factor (Score:1)
Re:Arrrrh! Pillage and pluder mateys! (Score:1)
Actually, Realnetworks is led by a former Microsoft executive. What happened is that Microsoft invested in Realnetworks and in return was allowed to licence the Realplayer 4.0 technology.
One week later Realplayer 5.0 was released and Microsoft was screwed. Realplayer 4.0 was only out for a couple of weeks. Realnetworks got a lot of money while maintaining control of their technology. Microsoft was forced to release their mediaplayer without support for the newest streaming technology.
Re:Antitrust defense (Score:1)
Except that Apple still includes Netscape on the Mac OS CDs and MRJ (Mac Java) supports Sun's standards, but not MS' (apparently, the MS team didn't communicate with the MRJ team during the releases of MRJ 2.0 and 2.1. 2.2 might have some support for extensions to the security model which are MS-only, but that's the only sop to MS-Java.).
MS invested in Apple because Apple caught MS stealing its patents. Apple threatened to sue, MS threatened to announce that they were cancelling all Mac development, and the two companies negotiated. Quicktime should figure in somewhere in this story, but I'm just giving a high-level summation.
Two things... (Score:1)
Also, I got tired of Microsoft development environments and went to Delphi. I loved it. Now, it looks like even that wont work anymore.
Thank God for Linux.
Sarcastic comments -- I couldn't resist (Score:2)
Translation: Microsoft just bought control over Inprise without actually owning it.
Key components of the arrangement include Inprise's commitment to do the following:
Translation: This how Microsoft plans to remove the competitive edge from Borland C++:
Microsoft also paid Inprise $100 million for the rights to use Inprise-patented technology in Microsoft products and to settle a number of long-standing patent and technology licensing issues.
Translation: Yeah so we ripped you off and stole your top employees. Water under the bridge. Here's some money. Now tell your lawyers to take a hike.
"Microsoft is pleased to enter into this alliance with Inprise", said Paul Maritz,
Kind of creepy how a huge corporation is described as feeling "pleased" by this arrangement. "Microsoft is pleased by your obedience. There will no swarms of locusts devouring your crops this year. All hail Mircosoft!"
About Microsoft Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software...
hmmm (Score:1)
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
I would love to get Delphi for Linux, but I have been playing with this pascal compiler for a while. It's pretty good, and they are working on Delphi compatibility. It's already very TP compatible.
free pascal [uni-freiburg.de]
As an Inprise employee... (Score:3)
You might take what I say with a grain of salt--I work for a different division of the company, and I don't see very much of what's happening over in the Borland.com division (which appears to be the part of the company most affected by this deal). I guess we'll all have to stay tuned.
Re:Inprise & Linux (no more)? (Score:1)
You're quite incorrect. (Score:1)
Why push development for a 64-bit architecture right now, when Alpha is the only one, and Merced is over a year away???
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.
Antitrust defense (Score:1)
Re:As an Inprise employee... (Score:1)
I've calmed down a bit from the exhaustion of last night, though, and so here's my take
[heavy disclaimer: there are a lot of things I don't know, as I'm not in management.]
It's a good thing. It does NOT give MS active control of the company, or even passive control. It gives us a lot of cash --- $125 million is nothing to MS --- equal to almost 2/3 of our annual revenue. We now have resources; we have the room to breathe, and to try innovative things again.
Wrong, 64 IS coming (Score:1)
Re:I disagree... (Score:1)
As a long time supporter of Borland I think
I'm gonna barf
Re:Now we'll NEVER see Delphi for Linux. (Score:1)
to post inflammatory stuff like this, you
at least ought to have the balls to do it
under your own name and not hide behind
the name of 'anonymous coward'.
-Robert West
Delphi QA
Re:So long to a great Java IDE (Score:2)
$5 billion here, $25 million there (Score:3)
In the case of Borland, they probably want support for their Java "extensions" in JBuilder, plus more commitment by Borland to COM and MFC.
But despite some forays onto other platforms, Borland seemed largely a Windows company anyway. It's a shame because some of their products would have been ideal for a cross-platform strategy.
I wonder whether these "strategic investments" shouldn't be curtailed. While an investment does not mean the same thing as full ownership, it does guarantee a "seat at the table" and significant influence. It may also be easier to get past antitrust regulators for now.
Microsoft has sufficiently deep pockets to make those kinds of investments in just about any company that matters, and that bodes ill for any kind of real competition.
Alpha's not the only one (Score:2)
As for the original poster, I can think of a lot of better places for Microsoft to get people with experience on 64 bit architectures. They're nibbling at Inprise because they want to level the alternative compilers market for Windows. It's an attempt to destroy competition even further, plain and simple.