The Rise and Fall of Blogs 433
i-Love-to-blog writes "Blogs have revolutionized information delivery. They not only made the world much more smaller, but a lot more personal, united and un-afraid as well. Events like the September 11 attacks and the Iraq invasion made news channels take a back seat. Wired claimed blogs to be what Napster was to music. They even have a wager on Weblogs outranking the New York Times Web site by 2007. People got paid to blog. Then they got fired for that. Some lost money for blogging their ideas. Most just hand out links these days. When was the last time your favorite blogger talked sense? Have blogs reached a saturation point? Blogging burnout is a humorous look at the rise and fall of weblogs."
Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Interesting)
Seriously, the guy's daydreaming or something, as no matter how much he should wish for it to be so, blogs aren't going nowhere (unless, of course, the masses of bloggers somehow manage to cause the internet to collapse under its own weight -- which i doubt. But even if they do, then i'm sure someone will still start a LiveJournal-on-a-cow or something like that). They might not retain their current form, but still, blogs are here to stay. The traditional media -- newspapers, TV, radio -- will be the ones to go, if they don't adapt to the new situation. And this should please anyone that considers themselves a liberal person.
- [tt]
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree. I don't know about anybody else, but despite what the original article post says, I was pretty glued to my local news channel on 9/11 (here in New York). Is anyone actually going to sit there and tell me in all seriousness that their primary source of news and info on 9/11 was somebody's blog? Hell, if you were in a safe enough place to sit and blog about it, then you just weren't close enough to even know what was really going on.
Blogs are a terrible source of news, IMO. They are a better source of opinion, maybe, and for bantering about things like the latest gadgets [engadget.com], but anyone who's either sitting at home typing up a bunch of crap or worse, simply posting a bunch of links to some other "real" news site, is not doing anybody much good at all. And even for opinion, they really mainly exist for those who want to have their egos stroked by finding others whose opinions simply help confirm their own...
I read blogs, and I write one too (when I feel like updating it, which isn't often). But they're hardly a replacement for traditional news. The whole blog craze reminds me a lot of the dot-com era, where everybody thought these small little online startups were going to come in and sweep the big, old, crusty traditional companies out of the way... Then reality set in. The same thing's probably going to happen with blogs. Does that mean blogs serve no purpose? No - I mean, technically, Slashdot is a blog. Engadget is a blog. Gizmodo is a blog. I read these multiple times per day.
But for real breaking news, and for real informed opinion, there is no way for blogs to compete with traditional news media. After all, you generally at least need a college degree to get a job in the news industry - I'm not sure how much you can trust your average high school dropout with access to a PC and a free blogger.com account. (Of course, traditional media's had its own share of problems the past couple years, but then that's partly because they're actually held to some sort of ethical standard. Blogs are not held to any standards whatsoever, and any blogger can get away with pretty much anything they want, however erroneous or borderline slanderous their statements may be.)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
IMHO this very wrong. Ever try to find something essoteric? Something not quite easy to find on a site for a variety of reasons? As I've been blogging for about a year on design, I get quite a number of hits from people looking for a link. Not everything is easily Google-able. Bloggers are, again in my opinion, adding to the the information base of the web by categorizing things. Not everybody
My Primary Source of News on 9/11 (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually mine was Slashdot and Slashdot is a blog. I don't watch TV and I get most of my news online. Slashdot happened to be the only news-ish website that wasn't buckling under the weight of the traffic on 9/11.
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
And that ensures that one is getting accurate information from the traditional news media because...? I guess I should believe that a random military officer went to the trouble, in the early 1970s, to typeset his private memos about GWB; after all, the folks at CBS have college deg--oops, c
Re:Rise and FALL?-I disagree (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
I also find that people who spend all their time cruising the web for their information end up rather, shall we say, eccentric. I have
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Insightful)
Other blogs can compliment traditional media in other ways - for example, Juan Cole [juancole.com] is a professor of history with a focus on the middle east, and often adds a lot of context and detail from foreign sources into events going on and what they mean within a historical context. The implications of, for example, the election in Lebanon are a lot meaningful when the history of the leaders and tribes involved in voting, and detailed descriptions of the voting system and how it has been used/manipulated in history are available.
Not all blogs are just "Looks like Bush really was AWOL!" or "It seems that Kerry's grades were worse than Bush's!" editorial-logs.
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Interesting)
Traditional media is full of propaganda, not only because the government occasionally directly demands it, but because if journalists print the truth they often get sued, fired or both. Or they lose their sources because they're deemed too dangerous to talk too and thus their career is over, soon to be replaced by another journalist who's willing to "play ball".
Traditional media also censors huge amounts of newsworthy stories because
*That* is wishful thinking (Score:2, Insightful)
I highly doubt that. There are billions of people on the planet that have never read a blog and have absolutely no desire to, but they still get 'traditional media.'
To say that traditional media will just fold if they don't adapt to blogs is.. well, a rather typical self-serving blogger thing to say.
A somewhat relevant example is that the MPAA/RIAA hasn't gone away yet. They haven't adapt
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Insightful)
Lord, I hope the majority are leaving the Internet. What your cat did today is not news for the entire world to hear. Nor is your diary-online. While a lot of people get a kick out of such Voyuerism, the rest of the civilized world doesn't really want to hear about it.
What we do want to hear about are intelligent thoughts on current issues, professional quality articles, "man on the street" information from hot areas (e.g. Iraqi bloggers), and other very USEFUL types of information. These bloggers are hopefully not going anywhere.
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
Your friends (both of them!) might be quite interested in reading it, though...
While a lot of people get a kick out of such Voyuerism, the rest of the civilized world doesn't really want to hear about it.
Just because everyone can read it, it doesn't mean that everyone will read it. One of dot-bomb-boom's little lessons :7
What we do want to hear about are [..] etc. You know, i'm not really sure that's what we
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:5, Funny)
If you don't like my cat blog, quit reading it.
Is variety so bad? (Score:5, Insightful)
I've never really understood this sentiment. Blogs aren't like TV. They're not pushed to you. If you like someone's "What Scruffy the Cat Did Today" blog, you can grab the RSS feed and get your daily dose of Scruffy amusement. But if you don't like it, it's not like there's nothing else on the Internet.
The beauty of the blogging medium is that what you read is up to you. You can go with soley corporate-sponsored blogs. You can read obscure rants from marginally intelligent blogs that have only three readers. You can concoct your own mix. However you choose to make use of blogs, the tremendous variety of thoughts, opinions, and stories is what makes the phenomenon so powerful.
I'd hate to see blogging become just another means of obtaining pre-vetted "useful" (as defined by whom?) information from the usual sources.
I'm not going to be reading the Scruffy the Cat blog any time soon, but I'm happy it's out there.
Re:Is variety so bad? (Score:3, Interesting)
That's why it's a problem. If those blogs could somehow be removed from searches for useful blogs (topical index, maybe?), then everyone could be happy.
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
Blogs can serve a purpose other than "useful" information: private communication. A large percentage of blogs (see: most Xangas, most LiveJournals, etc.) exist for small communities to interact with one another, not to be a "news" source.
For example: my blog probably doesn't say anything interesting to you, but it provides my friends and family with a way to keep track of what I'm doing, at their own leisure, rather than getting bombarded with emails.
The internet is not only
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:5, Insightful)
Still, I got ubuntu running on the machine by netbooting the installer off my lan, than installing over the internet. Not bad for a machine with none of the regular routes open for installation.
I see your double negative and raise an objection! (Score:5, Funny)
Hrmm, let's expand the contraction so we get:
Applying some very basic logic, if we accept that blogs 'are not going nowhere,' that must mean that they *are* going somewhere. Agreed?
Now, your next assertion:
*must* be false if we accept, as you have stated earlier (although somewhat illogically), that blogs are going somewhere. The blogs in question can not simultaneously 'not go nowhere' and be 'here to stay.'
Now who's doing the wishful thinking, hrmm?
Ordinarily I am a fan of pedantry (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:For a fan of pedantry... (Score:4, Funny)
I think it's time to repeat that amusing but probably apocryphal story about double negatives and double positives.
A respected linguistics academic was once lecturing (you can tell it's an UL already, can't you?) on the subject of double negatives and pointed out that English is one of the few languages that has no instance of a double positive construct being used to mean a negative.
The story goes that a voice from the back of the hall then called out, "Yeah, right."
Incorrect assesment of observable data (Score:3, Funny)
The is obviously false, through observation I can see a blog *here*, yet also one *over there*. Thus blogs in fact are staying and going somewhere simultaneously.
I think your problem is that you have not cought up on the latest in Quantum Blog Theory which states that blogs exist simultaneously as
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
Occasionally, a blog will truly break news. Will that news continue to get extra airtime in traditional media because it came from the relatively novel source of a blog?
For the mass of purely opinion blogs, will they become like op-ed pages, or be marginalized as the opinions of nobodies?
So they're not going anywhere. There will be more and more of them. They'll get less and less play in
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Rise and FALL? (Score:3)
Oh, and congrats on the FP.
Burnout eh? (Score:4, Funny)
Lameness filter encountered. Post aborted!
Reason: Don't use so many caps. It's like YELLING.
It's a feature not a bug
Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:2)
Re:Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:2)
The guy essentially makes a blog detailing his experiences with blogs.
Re:Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:2)
That's just what the 'net's noise to signal ratio needs: MetaBlogs.
Re:Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:4, Funny)
You just posted a comment in one.
Re:Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:4, Informative)
It is a community where a large number of people have discussions (and flame each other) about various news topics.
A weblog is one-way 'entertainment'.
Re:Blog Burnout is for the Ultra-HIp (Score:4, Informative)
My comments (Score:5, Funny)
Re:My comments (Score:2)
You forgot to provide a link.
Re:My comments (Score:2)
Next Slashdot headline (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Next Slashdot headline (Score:2)
Re:Next Slashdot headline (Score:2)
Blogs are to nothing as Napster is to music
Yeah, it sure sounds like they're heading for extinction to me.
Blogs aren't going anywhere. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Blogs aren't going anywhere. (Score:2)
So I set her up with
Journals and blogs (Score:3, Interesting)
Sometimes there's news in a blog, too. When news happens to a journal-keeper (e.g. you suddenly find yourself living in a war zone), your journal may well become a blog. A blog could also have news if it's for something other than world news. When a sourceforge developer posts daily ne
Re:Journals and blogs (Score:2, Insightful)
Tell it to the Wall Street Journal and the journalists who work there.
Re:Journals and blogs (Score:3, Interesting)
The Real Question is: (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:The Real Question is: (Score:2)
http://www.livejournal.com/stats.bml [livejournal.com]
Where you will see that LJ has 1.5 million people posting in the last 30 days, and another million who are active in some way (commenting on others, etc.)
Re:The Real Question is: (Score:2)
I get a few hits a day about that Viagra/blindess issue, although my tiny comment wasn't as scientific at all:
http://www.mintruth.com/blog/index.php?p=218 [mintruth.com]
Really? (Score:5, Insightful)
What a shocker.
Maybe next they'll take reality TV off the air. Nah, that's probably a bit much to hope for.
I don't have anything against the idea of blogging (I recently set one up myself), but my opinion is that it should be kept as professional as any good magazine. Once that professionalism is breached, it becomes nothing more than a massive IM topic.
Re:Really? (Score:3, Insightful)
You mean the world doesn't want to hear about the latest dress you got, or your personal problems with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What a shocker.
This is why one of the great things about blogs is that you don't have to read them.
I don't mean to pick on you specifically here, but I really don't get why people complain about blogs. Sure, the majority of them are self-indulgent, pointless and relevant to no more than six people worldwide. So what?
I could see the complainers' point if it was
if a blog falls in the woods... (Score:2, Insightful)
a) very few people would notice
b) even fewer would care
Blogs are forever (Score:2)
Free Shirt (Score:2)
Get them while you can.
Over-time (Score:5, Interesting)
I like the idea of a future where virtually everyone is putting their ideas down for others to read. As the internet generation gets older, I think it will be more common for everyone to keep a weblog. The benefit to business is huge... imagine if every office worker was required to spend a few minutes a week on a company weblog, posting their ideas for managers and others to look at, or maybe if there was a company message board setup like Slashdot?
Re:Over-time (Score:3, Insightful)
No. Please no. I have enough to do just to keep up with
my opinion about blogs (Score:2)
I am luke warm.
I never had a problem with putting up a web page if I had something to express.
I never found people's personal blogs to be interesting.
I find it annoying when blogs are used for interactive exchange instead of web board software.
Re:my opinion about blogs (Score:2)
And I'm Joe Cool. Nice to meet you!
Blogs will come, and blogs will go. (Score:2)
Bet URLs (Score:2, Informative)
Honestly. (Score:3, Insightful)
I honestly don't see the point of an online diary. A diary's something you write in a lock up, not post online for the world to see - and if these kids can funnel this kind of energy into writing shitty blog entries, why the HELL can't they at least learn to write with proper grammar and spelling?
Re:Honestly. (Score:2)
Re:Honestly. (Score:2)
http://www.queenofwands.net/d/20040204.html [queenofwands.net]
Re:Honestly. (Score:2)
Re:Honestly. (Score:5, Insightful)
What would we give to get semi-daily commentary about personal problems and day-to-day events from the 1800s? (Answer: a lot. A LOT)
People forget that big events are pretty well documented in history, but we loose the ephemera all too easily. Personal blogs are ephemera to the extreme.
When will Slashdot get blogs? (Score:2)
it's accurately named
Blog = Personal webpage (Score:5, Insightful)
Even companies are jumping on the "blog bandwagon" by starting "personal blogs" of their upper management. For what purpose, I cannot ascertain, except probably as an advertising avenue.
I hate it when CNN or some major news channel reports "happenings" from the "Blog world" or "Blogosphere" and waste my time, the viewers' and their own....time that could be better spent on reporting something worthwhile (not that they would anyway).
Re:Blog = Personal webpage (Score:2)
Re:Blog = Personal webpage (Score:5, Insightful)
Now, everyone thinks their inane self-indulgent ramblings are important, or worse yet, "journalism".
Re:Blog = Personal webpage (Score:4, Insightful)
The opposite is also true -- when actual journalism appears on blogs, some people mistake it for "inane self-indulgent ramblings".
A blog is format, not content.
Re:Blog = Personal webpage (Score:5, Funny)
But in the past people were very careful to avoid unwarranted generalization.
Now, everyone paints with an unbelievably broad brush.
A blog bubble? (Score:5, Funny)
Web logs (Score:2)
When I found out blog was short for "web log", I was quite disappointed at the sheer lack of originality.
Most blogs are overrated (Score:2)
Blog (un)Accountability (Score:5, Insightful)
I am NOT claiming that print or video media is better. Once a story gets in a newspaper, it quickly becomes fact. I am also NOT claiming that the public is incapable of having accountability. Look at Wikipedia. There is plenty of accountability with peer oversight. Blogs, on the other hand, do not have any oversight. They don't have to get past an editor or fact-checker. Then, the general public is too lazy to check the facts. You end up with a large group of people believing some idiot's blog-rant to be fact.
I think that is truly it for me - idiots becoming dumber by getting their facts from bigger idiots.
Re:Blog (un)Accountability (Score:2)
Indeed, even when the link from a story on Slashdot is to an attributed story from a "real" news source, the article summaries don't appear to have even the slightest fact checking done. How many "news" items have been posted here with summaries that are twisted virtually 180 degrees from the conclusions of the article?
Because of its popularity, Slashdot ought to be held up as the poster child of bad news blogging...Matt Drudge might ha
Re:Blog (un)Accountability (Score:3, Insightful)
Uh, so by posting a comment... (Score:2)
Just checking...
1,000,000 Monkeys (Score:5, Insightful)
Blogs change the publishing path, but changing the path doesn't make the content any better. Blogs have enabled people with something intelligent and relevant, who didn't have a way to before, to get themselves heard. Unfortunately it has also allowed a lot of people with nothing to say a way to spew more junk for everyone to filter.
Changing the medium doesn't automatically make better content.
Re:1,000,000 Monkeys (Score:4, Funny)
Remember, if a monkey can't fuck it up, he shits on it.
it has also allowed a lot of people with nothing to say a way to spew more junk for everyone to filter.
See the above comment. All those monkey/bloggers can't fuck up the internet so they clog it up with shit. The problem is They think it IS important. Unless I'm paid for it, I know it's not important. I think blogs are for people with adult ADD and aren't capable of writing a real journal.
Saturday, April 10, 2004 (Score:2)
Read it if you haven't already, it will engulf you. It gives a unique perspective on the Iraq war by an Iraqi in Baghdad (who happens to write good English).
http://dearraed.blogspot.com/ [blogspot.com]
I think that this is a good example of where someone with an interesting story to tell could reach a wide audience without having great resources. Without the blog ph
On the Rise (Score:2)
many personal blogs (Score:2)
The downfall of political blogs. (Score:2)
Instead of the citizens of the US lobbying politicians, it will be the politicians lobbying the citizenry through such shammery as the aforementioned types of blogs.
Now, I predict that many will not fall for such a scam, and will st
Point of blogs (Score:3, Insightful)
Blogs are just a way for someone to avoid the confrontation of dealing with it in real life. You can talk about that girl you like...and you know she's going to see it because you have the link in all your profiles. You can finally say what you really think of that jackass who picks on you because a friend of a friend will let him know the link. And of course the "OMGLOLBBQ!!!!111ONEHUNDREDELEVEN!!".
I have had an online dear diary that none of the real-world friends know about. Online friends do because they're removed from the situation and as long as I give an unbiased description they can give unbiased advice. That whole "ohhh I hopehopehope she reads this because it's in all my profiles and I announce to everyone when I update it" is a bunch of creepy, insecure crap.
Re:Point of blogs (Score:2)
Same may be said of other forms of writing and of art. What does it change? If I like what I read that's fine. Author's real life (or lack of thereof) has nothing to do with it.
Re:Point of blogs (Score:3, Insightful)
That may be one very small aspect of blogs for some people, but I think that you've made an unnecessarily large blanket statement based on that fact.
My LiveJournal serves many purposes for me:
Blogs as a tool in the fight against tyranny. (Score:2)
Whay does everything have to be sooo revolutionary (Score:3)
Oh please. Blogs are just the next step in vanity publishing, an industry that exists because a lot of people think they have something worthwhile to say and are willing to spend their own money to say it. And while a slim few actually do, most of it is pointless blather or just links to other blogs.
The day that a blog gets more hits than the NYT is the day that the Intarweb is past saving.
Blogs *are* the back seat, they supplement (Score:2)
I'm sorry but blogs *are* the back seat. CNN, Fox, and other mainstream media own the coverage of big events like the above. Where blogs are useful is: (1) In fact checking as we say with the 2004 election coverage. Previously people who knew that the reporters did shoddy work or got it completely wrong had no outlet, now they do. (2) Covering small stories that the mainstream media has not interest in.
When was the last time your favorite blogger... (Score:2)
It's been a while here on Slashdot...
Blogs dying? Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Come on, I'm sure there are more interesting "Netcraft Confirms: Blogs Are Dying!" type articles out there. If you want anecdotes, here's one for you: I read over a dozen blogs daily (not always closely, of course), and all but a couple of my regular reads over the last couple of years are still going strong and putting out generally good and interesting essays. In fact, several have even gone pro or semi-pro, and their output has gotten better and mor
no matter what.. (Score:2)
no matter what, people still fundamentally want to put their entire cd collection list on their websites (remember that trend?)
people are self-absorbed and think they are interesting.. when in fact, most are not... but it does not stop them from trying..
Typical American outllook (Score:3, Insightful)
If they're declining, why is the FEC involved? (Score:2)
Remember, politicians don't try to suppress that which is dying all by itself!
Blogs were always tripe, and will always be (Score:3, Insightful)
The bad blogs, were, well bad. The good blogs were, well, good, but bad. How so?
Well, blogging became a trite and annoying word, and those who could have had sane web content published to their site using automated means, whose instead to label this technology as an action.
The fact that the verb was the technology is an irkish trait.
The verb should have been removed from the underlying technology, the whole process of writing has been around, suddenly a technology comes around that does... nothing... one day all these forum / im / chat processes were relabeled with a piece of jargon, and everyone wanted to do it.
If you trace the ancient entymology of 'blog you will find an antique phrase:
web log
web is a protraction of world-wide-web, a name given to the http related protocols that run on the 'net (route: english, from word 'Internet' from older phrase 'interconnected network'). log is the same as the ancient word 'log' meaning a piece of felled tree.
The act of web logging means you kept a series of diary like thoughts. However, most were not diaries, but link dumps, or a way of changing the front page content of a website. Which makes sense.
But, althought you write a diary on a diary, and a newspaper on a newspaper, and a tv guide on a tv guide, and a sightseeing book, in, a , erm, sightseeing book, they are not all the same thing.
You can call it publishing, but blogging has other roots, and the misuse of the term is like garlic salt on an open eye wound.
My favourite blog was my friends, it was unpretentious, only about 5 people ever read it. I preffer that.
Basically, write an article if you have something to say, if you want to write a how-to, write a how -to.
Don't blog a how-to, or blog a hack.
And weblogs.com can die, as can any other 'auto-content-blog-content-write-for-us-
Making it too easy to publish things that went into the global conscience of the web, just made it easier for the people who saw little value in what they wrote to just write more of it, and make it EASIER (or more difficult for google) for them to infect the mainstream.
Blogging was one hell of a signal/noise screw over, and for that, they can tongue my sweaty starfish, the bastards.
OT:More Bad Grammar in the Wild (Score:2)