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Mac OS X Tiger Goes Gold 562

bonch writes "Following up yesterday's story, AppleInsider now reports that Tiger build 8A428 has been deemed the Gold Master for shipping. Sources expect an announcement of Tiger's completion sometime tomorrow." There are far better days to make a product announcement, should a company wish to be taken seriously, but it worked for Gmail!
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Mac OS X Tiger Goes Gold

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  • Let's not forget (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Bones3D_mac ( 324952 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:14PM (#12106937)
    Apple was founded on an April Fools Day, so this would really be an anniversary event.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Apple was founded on an April Fools Day

      Ha! Finally it occured to you!

      Had you fooled for quite some time, huh?

      You forgot the quotes around "founded", though.

      Obviously, we're just a division of Microsoft and no company, so now you know where the money you buy Mac's for goes.

      I must say I thought it was apparent to you guys though... Mac's and OS X users usually serve as a testbed for new technologies we at Microsoft are coming up with, that we can later choose to incorporate in our flagship product Windo
  • expect... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by igny ( 716218 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:14PM (#12106940) Homepage Journal
    shortage of mac minis in the coming weeks
    • Re:expect... (Score:5, Informative)

      by Jeff DeMaagd ( 2015 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:35PM (#12107086) Homepage Journal
      There are people that have been waiting for Tiger before ordering a mini. It seems that the Apple Store has caught up on the 1.25GHz mini orders (ships same business day), the 1.42GHz minis are still 5-7 days to shipping.
      • Re:expect... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by As Seen On TV ( 857673 ) <> on Friday April 01, 2005 @12:05AM (#12107617)
        Actually, any product that's listed as "same day" is over stocked. Apple's supply-chain management is very tight. The company does not intend for products to sit on shelves waiting for orders to come in. A 2-3 day shipping window is what the company shoots for. If the product can ship the same day, that means orders have been slower than anticipated.

        I ... um ... have no idea what relevance this might have on anything. But I thought you might find it interesting.
      • Re:expect... (Score:5, Informative)

        by lamz ( 60321 ) * on Friday April 01, 2005 @12:32AM (#12107797) Homepage Journal
        I am one of those people. OS X 10.4, new Quicken and new iLife, purchased separately, would cost almost as much as a Mac mini.

        As soon as Mac mini's are shipping with OS X 10.4, I'm ordering one. And if they're shipping with a coupon, or OS X 10.3 on the HD with a 10.4 updater, even better! It will make it easier to install 10.4 on my other Macs.

        I managed to pull that one off a few years ago when I bought my iMac G4 17". It had 10.1 on the HD with a 10.2 updater disc in the box.
        • Re:expect... (Score:4, Informative)

          by eclectic4 ( 665330 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @08:25AM (#12109578)
          Interesting. I would want the full version CDs, no doubt. You should do an "archive and install" when doing this update anyway, and, if you ever need to reinstall the OS to the machines in the future, you would have to first install 10.3, and then the updater again. With the full install you wouldn't have to do so.

          No, having the full install is by far the better option IMO, but, that's just me...
          • Re:expect... (Score:5, Informative)

            by shotfeel ( 235240 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @11:07AM (#12111108)
            AFAIK, Apple has never shipped "just an updater" for a paid update (of course my memory gets fuzzy when you get back before System 7). Its always been the full OS (which comes on DVD these days). That was always a nice touch as apposed to the install DOS-install Win 3.1-Upgrade to Win 95... process involved with a certain other company.

            Even with the "free" ($20) upgrades some have gotten in the past, Apple has shipped the entire OS on the CD(s). Its just that the installer checked to make sure you have the previous version before starting the installation process (you could still do a full archive and install). In fact, it didn't take long for people to figure out the trick and image the upgrade CD to disk, remove the bit that checked for the previous system, then burn the "fixed" image to another CD.
        • Re:expect... (Score:3, Informative)

          by PaxTech ( 103481 )
          Don't count on it working. I bought a dual G5 a few months before iLife '05 came out, but I held off buying it since my employer was buying some Mac Minis, and I thought I'd just "borrow" an iLife installer disk from one of them.

          The installer knew that I wasn't installing on a Mini though, so it refused to install.

      • Re:expect... (Score:4, Informative)

        by LadyLucky ( 546115 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @02:22AM (#12108310) Homepage
        Gah, speak for yourself. My Mac Mini has been on order for 2 months.

        That seems to be what happens when you are low priority - Apple New Zealand sources from Apple Australia, which itself can't satisfy its own demand.

    • Re:expect... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jericho4.0 ( 565125 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:37PM (#12107109)
      It might not move as many as you think. The people in the market for a mini (the archtypical 'switcher') don't really follow OS releases.

      OTOH, I've had 'wait until Tiger' in the back of my head when thinking about getting a Mac.

      • by dirkstoop ( 863286 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @11:32PM (#12107447) Journal
        Au contraire,

        The number one question asked by 'the archetypical mini-buyer' - and of course the tons of other people that ask for a mini who sometimes have some similarity with this mythical person - is 'Will I get Tiger for free when I but my mini now?'

        The archetypical mac-mini switcher (subset of a-mm-buyer) is not the complete computer-n00b we would all love to go out and buy a mac, only because then we might actually get to benchmarks the actual stand-by time of our mobile phones, that type of user still uses the windows pc they've had for years because they don't care about computers, don't read the articles about them in the press, skip conversations about computers in social events because they're biased to think they won't understand any of it anyway and are thereby still highly unaware of the other options out there besides using their windows 95 OSR 2 box with 16 megs of ram till death.

        The typical switcher we get - I work in a big Apple Centre in the Netherlands - is the slightly geeky guy on a budget. The type that cares a bit above average about computers, never used Linux because they couldn't figure out how to install it in the amount of time they wanted to commit themselves to it and besides that just mature enough to be tempted by the idea that *it* might JustWork(TM)

        -- above passage not intended as linux-is-too-difficult-for-'normal'-people-flame-b ait but merely to describe the type of user whe're talking about here--

        The second most important typical mini-buyer is the user that already has -at least one- mac, looking for an extra machine to fulfill some specific task(s) , or unable to resist the mac mini coolness factor and getting one while not having the faintest clue why they would need it, or to replace for instance a dying iMac they've been using as a file- and print-server on a budget or likewise

        Besides that, all the linux-geeks I know either want one, already have one or don't need one since they've gotten themselves an iBook. but that's not such a large part of the people we get in our store.

        All of those categories of customers actually care *a lot* about whether or not Tiger will be included with their minimac.

        PS: I'm not in sales but in tech support, so I might miss a few of those potential customers..
        • by rnelsonee ( 98732 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @11:55PM (#12107566)
          I just want to say that I agree with you - a lot of Mini buyers do know what Tiger is, and knew it was coming out soon. I should know, becase I'm one of them. And you hit it on the head "slightly geeky guy on a budget". For me, I'm a bit more than 'slightly' geeky, but at the same time, I wasn't really in the market for a new computer, I just got the Mini cause I always wanted to try OS X.

          I'm basing some of this off of the fact I have seen zero Mac Mini commercials - most Mini buyers (in the eastern US anyway) probably heard about it by word of mouth (and internet) rather than a traditional media campaign - so they know at least a thing or two about OS X and what the releases mean.

        • by jargoone ( 166102 ) * on Friday April 01, 2005 @12:36AM (#12107822)
          The typical switcher we get - I work in a big Apple Centre in the Netherlands - is the slightly geeky guy on a budget. The type that cares a bit above average about computers, never used Linux because they couldn't figure out how to install it in the amount of time they wanted to commit themselves to it and besides that just mature enough to be tempted by the idea that *it* might JustWork(TM)

          You have a good view, but let me give you a data point. I'm a Linux sysadmin by day. My "server" at home runs Linux. My desktops at home run sort of Windows by necessity: one is for my wife, the other is my laptop that I need to use with a Centrino wireless card, and VPN for work. I know that I could "train" my wife to use Linux. I also know that I could get my finicky laptop to work. Point is, I don't want to. By the time I get home, I don't feel like it.

          From reading (mostly on /.), I'm about to switch. I want a machine that will allow my wife and I to use with sessions running simultaneously. I want mail and printing and scanning to work right. I want Bluetooth syncing to our phones and my wife's Tungsten to work. I want to be able to use my iPod, and my digital camera, and edit videos. I want it to all be integrated, and I want it to, yes, "just work".

          I mess around with things enough at work and home. When I want to play, I have plenty of things to play with. But I want something that I don't have to think about unless I want to. I don't want to have to edit a single god damn configuration file to accomplish the above tasks. Is the Mac the right answer? I think it might be. But if it's not, that's okay. I can go back to the old way, and when I do, I'll sell the Mac for damn near what I paid for it.

          I never thought I would be this way. But I've reached a time in my life where I have less patience and willingness to sacrifice free time. I also have lots more money. That's why I'm giving it a shot.
          • by ickoonite ( 639305 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @04:36AM (#12108840) Homepage
            Hear hear!

            I was in a vaguely similar boat, though I can't ever claim to have been a Linux sysadmin - certainly not outside the home anyway. All our machines at home were Windows XP, mostly self-built, and we had Linux for NAT, etc. But all the machines were a constant hassle. The only thing I can be thankful for is that this was before spyware and its ilk got really big, so I never had to deal with much of that.

            Anyway, I got an iBook in 2002, after playing around on a very sexy PowerMac G4 server (it had 1.25GB RAM, which was not unimpressive at the time). Looking back now, it was quite crude - Internet Explorer for the web browser, no X11, no Quartz Extreme - but I still switched, and haven't looked back.

            Granted, it's a little weird if you're coming from a Linux-centric background - each UNIX has its own ways of doing things and Darwin is no different in this respect - but you can still get down to the nitty-gritty and write your own ipfw configuration if it floats your boat. And, though Fink [] seems slightly stagnated of late, running KDE on your Mac is just plain cool (from a "because you can" point of view, anyway).

            Keep an open mind - I know a friend of mine was a little upset at first because he couldn't start Apache with apachectl start. I was a little terse with him in reply, pointing out that Apple, champion of the GUI, could hardly expect a horde of headstrong OS9 GUI diehards to open up a Terminal to start a web server. Once I pointed him towards the Sharing tab, all was fine.

            The wireless implementation is unparalleled. Having taken my first steps in the WiFi world on a Mac, it pains me to use Windows' or Linux efforts (the latter I am having particular trouble with at home). Bluetooth is beautiful - you will, I am sure, find BluePhoneElite [] and Salling Clicker [] amusing if not essential toys. iPhoto is really, really nice; iMovie HD is just totally cool...

            You almost take it for granted in fact. I installed iTunes on a friend's Windows XP machine the other day, and she was almost bowled over (she has rather poor balance) by the simplicity of iTunes. I now think of it as nothing special, but to someone who has suffered under WiMP for so long, it is truly refreshing.

            In the end, all the machines at home now are Macs, save for one Linux server which still does NAT, mostly for my amusement so that I can continue to hack when I want. But I really think you hit the nail on the head with this...

            I mess around with things enough at work and home. When I want to play, I have plenty of things to play with. But I want something that I don't have to think about unless I want to. I don't want to have to edit a single god damn configuration file to accomplish the above tasks.

            I think I can sum it up succinctly with a line that is sure to appeal to at least the more mature and competent (i.e. less l33t t33n h4x0r) type that reads /. "Hack 'cause you want, not 'cause you have to." Hacking actually becomes fun again. And surely that's something quite hard to put a price on?

            iqu :)
        • Besides that, all the linux-geeks I know either want one, already have one or don't need one since they've gotten themselves an iBook. but that's not such a large part of the people we get in our store.

          I am a Linux geek. I have an iBook (one of the new 12" G4s, bought just before they came out - thanks to the Apple store for automatically upgrading my order). I want a Mac mini so I can retire my Lintel box to be an oversized, loud gaming console. A dualboot setup lets me choose whether I want to be able
  • Fast! (Score:5, Funny)

    by CypherXero ( 798440 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:15PM (#12106944) Homepage
    Apple will sometimes seed several final candidate builds before one is declared gold master...'"

    Tiger build 8A428 has been deemed the Gold Master for shipping

    Damn that was fast! I can't believe I miss those builds!
  • Aprilfools! (Score:3, Funny)

    by binder520 ( 767223 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:16PM (#12106953) Homepage
    It would be the best joke on Microsoft if Apple costumed TIGER as Longhorn.
  • by RustNeverSleeps ( 846857 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:16PM (#12106955)
    An April 1 announcement from Apple actually sort of makes sense, because Apple was incorporated on April 1, 1976 []. That makes tomorrow Apple's 29th "birthday."

    It's good to see that Apple is delivering Tiger on time. Some might even say it's early.
  • Cheap updates? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by antizeus ( 47491 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:16PM (#12106957)
    Is there any word about whether they'll offer cheap updates to people who recently bought a Mac? I've heard that they've done so in the past, and I hope that they do again, because I just got my iBook yesterday.
    • Re:Cheap updates? (Score:2, Informative)

      by superrcat ( 815508 )
      They only do that for people who make purchases the day of the announcement and after.
    • Re:Cheap updates? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Finque ( 653377 )
      There's usually something available.... if memory serves, you only pay $25.
      I could just be talking out of my ass on that value though.
  • pearpc (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymouse Cownerd ( 754174 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:17PM (#12106962) Homepage
    now if only if i had a computer fast enough to make pearpc usable...
  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:19PM (#12106972) Homepage
    So when is Ocelot coming out? And how many big cats are left? Lion, lynx... lynx is overused and probably won't be picked... Any other names?
  • New Computers (Score:2, Interesting)

    by rookworm ( 822550 )
    When will new computers ship with this preinstalled? I am considering getting a Powerbook soon, so I hope there will not be a long wait.
    • Boxes that are ordered post-official announce date of availability will have the new OS installed. That was my first-hand experience on a 2x2.0 G5 tower a year and half ago.
    • by amichalo ( 132545 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:32PM (#12107072)
      In the past, when Apple has upgraded their OS versions, they have done the following:
      (1) customers who purchased a new Mac 30 days (the exchange peroid) before the announcement get a free upgrade CD in the mail (or at an Apple Store perhaps?)
      (2) new Macs being built come with the new OS on the hard drive image from the factory.
      (3) computers in inventory get their boxes sliced open and a new OS upgrade CD (DVD?) dropped in. This disk requires the install drive to have an OS on it already, so it is not the same as what comes on the boxed OS CD.

      I have also read other reports from people who got a free iLife upgrade because of (1) having that CD dropped in their Macs as a separate disk, not the OS and iLife on a single disk.

      This may usher in the era of Mac OS missing iTunes/iPhoto/iMovie/iDVD/Garageband on the same CD - thus reinforcing the concept of iLife as an application suite and the OS as a standalone product. Don't look for these new iLife apps on the Tiger install CDs purchased from the store. (But as always, new Macs come with Mac OS and iLife as well as Quicken.)
  • by rokzy ( 687636 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:24PM (#12107012)
    I've just been looking at the Tiger preview stuff on Apple's website. it's been there for ages but I never bothered with it until now.

    I knew the features were cool but there were a few extra surprises, like in Dashboard there's a language translator that translates your words as you're typing. it looked really cool - he was typing "French fries" which was dynamically translated frenc->francais->pommes frites as more letters were typed. I didn't notice a USA ("Freedom fries") option in the language list though.

    Automator looked far cooler than I'd imagined too.

    I must say I don't like the new look of the email app though. I love the current skin.
  • OSX is grrrrrreat! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rice_burners_suck ( 243660 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:26PM (#12107023)
    You know, I am so glad that Tiger is finally being released. I have been using Panther for a while, and it is SO GOOD as far as operating systems go. Yes, I used to enjoy tinkering with all the settings in Linux and FreeBSD over the years, setting up desktop and laptop systems exactly the way I wanted them, but there were always problems and things that I couldn't get working properly. With OSX, everything Just Works (tm), obviously because the same people who make OSX make the hardware it runs on.

    And Tiger is going to be a beautiful release. There are features in it, especially the searching and process automation, that I've been dreaming about for years. The searching technology first appeared in BeOS with its attribute-based filesystem, but the process automation is actually something that a company I worked for ten years ago tried to invent and couldn't get it working properly. When I saw it on Apple's demo page for Tiger, I basically saw exactly the same thing that we tried to do...

    All I'm trying to say is that I thoroughly understand the depth of Apple's success with this software, and the technical achievement they made. This is a UNIX that can do so darn much.

  • by xenocide2 ( 231786 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:28PM (#12107044) Homepage
    Announce on April Fool's day, and then just mine the April Fool's posts on slashdot for good ideas!
  • by QuantGuy ( 654249 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:29PM (#12107046)

    ...acccording to Amazon []. It's the top Amazon software and electronics item, which is pretty amazing considering it's outselling TurboTax and the iPod.

    I ordered mine already, of course...

    • No. It's amazing considering Apple only has ~3 percent market share.
      • by JQuick ( 411434 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @11:15PM (#12107352)
        No. It's amazing considering Apple only has ~3 percent market share.

        That number is incredibly misleading. It underestimates real users since, lumped into the Microsoft share, are the majority of the Intel PCs used as Point of Sale terminals, ATMs, informatioin kiosks, etc.

        It also fails to account for the fact that Mac owners tend to keep their systems for several years longer than PC users. Thus the percentage of home users of Macs is probably somewhere between %8-%12, not the oft quoted 3%.
        • by ErikZ ( 55491 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @11:55PM (#12107562)
          "It also fails to account for the fact that Mac owners tend to keep their systems for several years longer than PC users."

          I don't see why keeping your old mac in the closet would qualify you as a "user".
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:29PM (#12107050)
    Apples site already slashdotted - somebody please setup mirror for tiger 8A428.

  • OS XI (Score:3, Insightful)

    by thundercatslair ( 809424 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:43PM (#12107137)
    Will apple ever upgarde the name to mac OS 11? I know that apple OS X name is pretty much like microsoft windows, but hasn't there been enough upgrades to warrent the version name upgrade, or a better question would be how is it they even decided to upgrade the version name by 1?
    • Re:OS XI (Score:3, Insightful)

      by amichalo ( 132545 )
      There will never be an OS XI.

      The point of changing the name to OS X wasn't the start a new numbering system, it was marketing.

      Sure X means 'ten' and that comes after OS 9, but it was just a nice coincidence.

      The impact of using Roman numberals signifies a big 'shirft', just like Windows 3.1 -> Windows95 -- "Whoa, something is different with this upgrade!"

      OS X is also important to pay homage to the UNIX core and X-windows interfaces from NeXt that went into the new-from-the-ground-up OS.

      If you didn't
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:45PM (#12107151)

    T I G E R
    84 73 71 69 82 - as ASCII values
    3 1 8 6 1 - digits added
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    3 1 8 6 1 - digits added

    Thus, "TIGER" is 31861.

    Subtract 97 from the number - this is the year Vesuvius erupted, written backwards. It gives 31764.

    Add 0791 to it - this is the year IBM announced S/370, written backwards - you will get 32555.

    Subtract 38, the symbol of slavery. The result will be 32517.

    Add 1983, the year Microsoft introduced Windows 1.0 - the result is 34500.

    Turn the number backwards, and add 1778 - the year Oliver Pollock invented '$', the symbol of exploitation, suffering and injustice. The number is now 2321.

    This, when read backwards, gives 1232. This is 666 in octal, the number of the Beast...

    Evil, QED.

    ( )
  • Automator (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jay-be-em ( 664602 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @10:45PM (#12107162) Homepage
    Automator has to be one of the coolest things I've seen in a gui.. ever. []

    It looks like Apple has finally found an elegant way to make a GUI accomplish tasks like these faster than I could at a bash prompt.
  • Tiger (Score:3, Funny)

    by Alien Venom ( 634222 ) on Thursday March 31, 2005 @11:21PM (#12107379) Homepage
  • by warkda rrior ( 23694 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @12:11AM (#12107654) Homepage
    ... Tiger build 8A428...

    Think about this: if the build number is in hex (i.e. 0x8A428), this is the 566,312nd build of Tiger.

    Now, about 18 months passed since the release of OSX 10.3. This means that Apple built OSX Tiger about 42 times per hour, without stop since Oct. 2003 (OSX 10.3 release time)!
    • Re:Build numbers (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 01, 2005 @01:03AM (#12107952)
      The build numbers don't work that way. Here's a little table with some examples:

      MacOS X version Darwin kernel version Build
      10.2.0 6.0.0 6Annn
      10.2.1 6.1.0
      10.3.0 7.0.0 7Annn
      10.3.8 7.8.0 7U16 (what I'm running right now)
      10.4.0 8.0.0 8A428

      The first digit of the build number is always equal to the Darwin kernel's major version number. The next position is a single alpha character which Apple uses to distinguish different lines of development on that major revision of the OS. The first release will always be an 'A'. If the first branch they make is to add drivers for a new computer, that build series will get 'B', the next branch gets 'C' and so forth. The two major kinds of branch that I know about are for updates (10.3.0 -> 10.3.1 etc.) and for new hardware support.

      Finally you get to the actual build number, which is simply a boring old decimal number.

      So 8A428 actually means it's the first (and probably currently only) branch of 10.4 with 8.x.x series Darwin kernels, and it's at its 428th build.
  • by espek ( 797676 ) on Friday April 01, 2005 @12:34AM (#12107813)
    Seems snappier!

    Updated permissions, everything seems ok.

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
