GIMP 2.2 Splash Screen Competition 257
Lalakis writes "The GIMP 2.2 Splash Contest is now officially
open! Competition entries should be attached to the wiki
before midnight next Sunday. Submit your work and get the glory (there may be a small prize sponsored, too)."
My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:5, Insightful)
How about having no splash screen as an option and let everyone else stare at the pretty picture for N seconds. I have so many windows open that I don't need to have something else occupying my desktop. To me, splash screens are annoying like browser popups - which I haven't seen in months thanks Mozzy that also has the alias & shortcut command option of nosplash.
How many windows? (Score:2, Insightful)
All of them! (Score:2, Funny)
That's the proof! VI may be e(vi)l but Emacs is worse.
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:5, Informative)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:3, Interesting)
There are plenty of application level settings that could be offloaded to the environment with envars permitting more uniform settings on a system... but the standardization of even a portion of such possibilities would be a nightmare. Better to leave each app alone as their own island.
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:3, Funny)
One flat file per app is fine, thanks. Alternately, the Windows registry wouldn't be so bad if it was easy to find keys related to program X or Y (rather than its sluggish search) and the damn thing had some form of docstrings. If Python has tought me one thing, its that you can never have too many docstrings.
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
HKLM\Software\(publisher)\(program name)
HKCU\Software\(publisher)\(program name)
So my personal high scores for Hamsterball [] are stored in
Sometimes there are settings in both, one set is for LOCAL MACHINE (global) settings, the other is for CURRENT USER (custom) settings. If you have to search somewhere else to find your settings, the programmer screwed it up to
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Re:Registry vs. RC/INI (Score:2)
As far as malicious apps go, that's why I have AdAware and HijackThis, along with StartupList []. I think it's ridiculous that there are something like 50 different places that you can inject a program on Windows startup (run StartupList
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:4, Insightful)
They do have a purpose though, they hide the fact the program takes forever to initialize
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:3, Insightful)
Why not delegate splash screens to a special daemon which can be decorated with skins, docked into the KDE/GNOME panel or just deactivated?
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Re:And put the progress bar where? (Score:2)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Try using
gimp --no-data --no-splash --no-fonts
it is a whole lot faster but has some downsides
Not preloading data (patterns gradients etc) will break some scripts
Not preloading fonts will break some scripts.
I have no idea why they think a slow startup is acceptable and do not wait to load thing on-demand when they are actually needed.
Java Programs Need Them (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
I hate the M$ office splashscreens [haha been a looong time since I saw a M$ splashscreen!, the open officeone is required at the startup time (hopefully 1.5 will stop that) is exagerrated because all office startup dlls are precached.
If you use the open office starter this helps too.
Anyway, In Korea, only old people have so many windows open.
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Payola (Score:2)
'Want this application to load faster?, click here to donate'
Re:My Favorite Splash Screen (Score:2)
Hmm (Score:2, Interesting)
PARENT MOD SMOKED CRACK ! (Score:2, Interesting)
It's a serious question and even if it could be seen as either frightening or funny, I do NOT think it's off topic.
GIMP Splash Screens (Score:4, Informative)
will my submisson get disqualified (Score:5, Funny)
Re:will my submisson get disqualified (Score:2, Funny)
Re:will my submisson get disqualified (Score:2)
Re:will my submisson get disqualified (Score:2, Funny)
it sounded good in my head.
BRING OUT THE GIMP (Score:2, Funny)
Well I guess you better wake him up then
Spash Archive (Score:3, Interesting)
Although a couple of them were astoundingly crude - but I think that was intentional.
And the winner is... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And the winner is... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And the winner is... (Score:2)
Re:And the winner is... (Score:2)
I'm hoping.. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:And the winner is... (Score:2)
What's with the animated icon? (Score:4, Funny)
1. I was scared - been playing Doom3 all day, I'm a bit jumpy
2. Denial - I thought I imagined it
3. Relief - I'm not crazy
4. Disgust - I just wasted a few minutes of my life describing an emotional journey spawned by a few moving pixels on
Re:What's with the animated icon? (Score:2)
5. ???
6. Profit!
Re:What's with the animated icon? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:What's with the animated icon? (Score:2)
Re:What's with the animated icon? (Score:2)
Re:What's with the animated icon? (Score:2)
Well, that explains why all I get is two dots. (Score:2)
Unfortunately, that means that
What would be better (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
1) Create image
2) Right click on image to do anything with it, or use shortcut key (which is shown in the right click menu)
They don't need to emulate photoshop. Just because you're too retarded to learn two different GUIs doesn't mean Gimp's interface is broken. I get everything done with it that I need, with no problems. Granted, they could use a little help with getting their plugins to all be parameterized and provide previews. Other than that Gimp works very well.
Re:What would be better (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:2, Interesting)
The Gimp GUI is on of the most crap-tastic ones I've ever seen. Sad, because it's a nice program, but I can never get anyone to use for any length of time because the GUI is so frustrating and non-intuitive.
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:4, Insightful)
I started out in graphics with gimp. I had enough interest in pixelling to want to continue, to learn the roped and put up with the difficulties. I'd been TOLD that graphics was hard, and it was tedious indeed.
Then I used Photoshop, ready to scoff at the proprietary solution costing so many thousands and doing no more than gimp. Within 2 weeks I'd gone out and bought photoshop because no matter how much you listen to someone else's experience with a program, there is nothing more revealing than using it yourself. Gimp feels nearly feature complete, but in the same way a large rock is feature complete with a set of six various sized hammers. When you need to hit something and do it right, the hammers let you do it exactly how you want to.
Photoshop is a set of hammers.
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
This is true with some features (or lack of), but others are just common sense usability, for example: GIMP's lack previews for most filters.
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Preview filters were job #1 on the UI hit list for Gimp 2.2. Almost everything has a preview now.
If you would do a little teeny bit of research first, you could troll so much more effectively...
Re:What would be better (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What would be better-A Reality Check. (Score:2)
Re:What would be better (Score:2)
I'm pulling for linux development just as much as the next person here, but if we're going to see linux on the desktop, then it needs to have those problems that people comp
Re:What would be better (Score:3, Informative)
how about... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:how about... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:how about... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:how about... (Score:2, Informative)
What's the problem with text layer tools? Everyone seems very happy with them and you shouldn't expect a change anytime soon...
Re:how about... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:how about... (Score:2)
Re:how about... (Score:2)
I sure as heck hope 8 bits total isn't all GIMP can handle.
Re:how about... (Score:2)
Re:how about... (Score:2) (Score:2, Informative)
One Splash Screen, two opportunities to win.
And remeber to make it really evil [].
A Plush Prize. (Score:2, Funny)
A Wilbur (The GIMP Mascot) plushie.
ASCII Trolls (Score:2)
While they're at it... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:While they're at it... (Score:2)
Sadly, looking at the entries thus far there is a distincy lack of good entries... don't people realise that half the point of a splash screen image is to at least either represent or showcase the application in question?
The current entries are all simply photographs slapped onto the template. What rubbish.
I look forward to revisiting the wiki site in a few days when the real artists amongst the FOSS world have had a crack of the whip, ra
background load while using it would be nice (Score:5, Insightful)
Waiting (about 30 seconds?) is a pain when you only want to edit an 16 pixel icon especially.
p.s. aren't message boxes also awful too, interrupting work and stealing focus... oh, I had typed more but lost it all after gimp loaded up and changed focus while I was typing and looking at keyboard.
Re:background load while using it would be nice (Score:3, Interesting)
I do have some ideas though that would reduce the startup time further. Some of this might make into GIMP 2.4...
Re:background load while using it would be nice (Score:2)
Re:background load while using it would be nice (Score:3, Funny)
Quick fix: learn to type.
(I kid.)
In this country (Score:3, Funny)
Wait a minute! (Score:5, Funny)
Wrong site? (Score:2)
[Photoshop] - Create these guys [] a new splash screen. Decent farking GUI to follow.
What The Gimp really needs for professionals (Score:3, Insightful)
Few management types are going to approve of using a BDSM-themed program no matter how free it is.
The attempt at making a cute raccoon-like animal the mascot doesn't help. We all know that he's wearing nothing but leather and pain below the neck.
Re:What The Gimp really needs for professionals (Score:2) (Score:2) Was a lot of fun browsing through the entries and submitting work. To bad its now defunc since 1999. Even so its long gone I kind of still miss it, always makes me think of good old times, I guess I am just getting really old...
How about a logo contest (Score:2, Insightful)
My submission (Score:5, Funny)
My Splash Screen []
MOD UP PARENT! (Score:2)
That is a great splash page - I'd never guess why they threw it out!?!?!?
Re:My submission (Score:2)
Re:My submission (Score:2)
GPL issue (Score:2)
A serious question about Gimp. (Score:3, Insightful)
Let me put it simply: Airbrush sucks. I need something better.
The task is preparing gray-to-heightmap images from photos for later 3D engraving using a CNC engraving machine. I "spray" more white using airbrush where the image in the background is higher, leave dark where the bottom should stay deep. The effect is very neat for small details or simple shapes. But it really sucks when it comes to large areas. The fact that the output is slightly grainy is not that bad - a single pass of blur and the "grains" are gone. Much harder is achieving bigger smoothly curved surfaces - just try to spray a regular flat gray area (using white), it's just as hard as to get a smooth gradient - you get low-depth, several pixels wide depressions, bumps etc that are very hard to remove.
Regular "gradient" is not an option either - I need shapes much more sophisticated than regular "spherical" or "shapeburst" - maybe something like Bezier curved gradients could help...?
Any ideas, suggestions?
(no, don't suggest Photoshop. It does exactly the same.)
My Nomination (Score:2)
All in favor? Say "eye"
Re:Name change (Score:2)
It is not a good reason to change the name simply because people can't accept that the words don't carry the meaning, but how you use them does. After all, check out the latest TV trailers for "Meet the Fockers" (Sequel to Meet the Parents). How can that be socially acceptable title (it may yet not be) and "The Gimp" not be?
Re:Name change (Score:3, Informative)
Why not just call it:
'NotAsGoodAsPhotoshop' and see if that helps the adoption. Using your logic, it shouldn't matter, as it's not the meaning the words currently have, but instead the ones you want to give them.
Seriously, the name GIMP makes it sound like the software knows that it will make you unproductive and is warning you ahead of time.
Re:Name change (Score:2, Interesting)
Free software is often written to scratch an itch the programmers might have. So was the GIMP. If you can use it, fine; if you cannot, fine too.
If you want to give it a different name, grab a copy off of and distribute it under a different name. There's lots of people doing that on eBay. (Well, perhaps not lots, but both The GIMP and Project Gutenberg books have been sold on eBay under different names, presumably to draw attention away from the fact that
Re:YRO: They censor the images! (Score:2)