Comment Backslash (Score 1) 839
How about even just getting staff to say only "slash" and "backslash" instead of pedantically saying "forward-slash" every damned time.
How about even just getting staff to say only "slash" and "backslash" instead of pedantically saying "forward-slash" every damned time.
Wait until you have children. You'll get much better at sleeping.
If I had mod points and if you could spell I'd mod you up.
Win 2000 was more stable, really just Windows 5 a step up from Windows NT 4.
Windows ME was an abomination, the worst of both worlds.
Windows XP was really just a step up from Windows 2000, turning off themes and a few other trivial changes brought it right back to what users were comfortable from Win2k. Better Games support as you say.
Windows 7 is by all accounts more stable but even after you make tweaks it is still another set of differences and just generally a bunch of pain in the ass minor changes for little extra gain.
Microsoft is increasingly facing diminshing returns, older versions remain a bigger challenge to them than Linux. Same as it ever was.
A developer got it to compile successfully, on different hardware. There are no intereface changes and the article makes it clear they are more targeting tablets anyway than mobile devices with really small specialised interefaces. It is techincally a "port" but that is misleading and suggests a lot more than has really happened.
WinRAR? PAR? Seriously. It would also be tediously slow and be a micromanaging solution that only covers the files but fails to consider the need to also keep a working backup image of the system and a properly licensed version of InDesign to ensure he can still reopen the files.
Tapes make sense especially since they can easily be couriered for offsite backup. A well thought out disaster recovery plan must include offsite backup.
The submitter mentions 60GB InDesign files and sounds like a small profession or high end amatuer, so the extra cost of a RAID setup sounds like it would be a sensible investment.
Copying to new media sounds sensible but is not exactly the right answer, the correct solution is not only to make backups but to also to check that you are able to restore from backup.
> I saw this one Nokia phone that had a feature that Apple didn't come up with, which was to make the whole display a button that was clickable, so touching was one kind of input, and that was separate from clicking. I thought that was pretty cool.
BlackBerry Storm: The Novelty Wears Off Fast,8599,1860717,00.html
the first smartphone with a clickable touchscreen. I even enjoyed the few minutes I spent playing
But after 24 hours of actually testing the new BlackBerry side by side with its main competition
I for one welcome our new Twitter banning overlords
Maybe you were shooting for a funny moderation?
It willl take more than once bitten to make Microsoft twice shy. They weren't bitten hard, Microsoft have so much cash this was but a scratch.
It was open source but is not open source. The author was annoyed at people misrepsenting and reselling his work and closed the codebase.
>> I found myself pulling on a door clearly marked Push.
> That is actually just an UI bug in the door.
I found myself trying to lift a door clearly marked LIFT.
Actually you might be surprised a bit of Wasabi (spicy but not exactly mustard) can take the edge off a chocolate fudge cake and enhance the overall flavor
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain