Netcraft Jokes About SCO's Virus Fears 279
Elektroschock writes: "Through the media SCO Group sent the message that a virus writer that targets its website would be a Linux enthusiast. Netcraft has its own funny remarks in a dogfood article." Some of you might get a cackle out of the third solution.
Bombs away! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bombs away! (Score:2, Funny)
Fourth solution is even funnier than the third... (Score:5, Funny)
"Entire set of infected Windows machines is reached and either comes up running Debian or crashes stone dead trying. No denial of service attack occurs. SCO sends licence fee demands to owners of all the previously infected windows machines. They happily pay up and SCO splits the proceeds with Slashdot readers."
(And yes, I read the whole thing.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2, Insightful)
Are you sure you read this one?
Solution 5: SCO Execs point at the loopback address, end lawsuits, dismiss lawyers, and invest remaining corporate cash reserves in call options in Dell & Microsoft stock.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2)
I can totally see Joe Sixpack doing that.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:3, Funny)
I've had people call up claiming that their brand new computer came with the Blaster worm.
It'd be nice if the sales people had enough sense to give out a flyer with instructions on how to enable the Windows XP firewall and download the patch, but I probably expect too much.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2)
I'm looking forward to that time, but not the laundry list of things SP2 will break, like SP1 did.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:1)
Everyone will have a favorite solution. That article is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I laughed all the way through it. They were all great.
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:3, Funny)
Object-Oriented Religion?
Isn't that referred to as 'idolatry'?
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2, Funny)
Wonder why my brain edited out the second m there for a moment...
Seemed reasonable too...
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Fourth solution is even funnier than the third. (Score:2)
Hmm, isn't that ((Moses++)++)++? (Can't forget the jews and Muslims) hosted on FreeBSD (Score:4, Funny)
Makes sense, Unixware and FreeBSD have much in common, according to Netcraft. Can you guess what they have in common? hosted on FreeBSD (Score:5, Funny) hosted on FreeBSD (Score:2, Funny)
Hey now.... (Score:5, Informative)
Hey now, not everybody in Utah is a SCO exec or a polygamyist. I suppose this is the toll that association takes however, even if that association is geographic as opposed to ideological, political or religious. Believe it or not, there are good things to come out of Utah, such as much of the technology responsible for computer graphics [], some kickin' genetics research [], some of the best skiing in the world [], good beer [], and last but not least, is the home of computational molecular phenotyping [].
Re:Hey now.... (Score:1)
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Very true. I suppose I could have included a link to Moab, but the whole state is covered with places to go mountain biking. Everything from stunning single track across the Wasatch range with unbelieveable mountain valley vistas to desert trecks through slickrock and high desert.
Re:Hey now.... (Score:5, Informative)
No wonder, they have a rather large population with a very coherent DNA to study there
(Yes, I'm half-joking, and no I'm not flaming. Utah folks are nice overall, but it's true that polygamy was practiced there up to 100 years ago mainly to populate Utah as quickly as possible from the small band of initial settlers. Those who've been to Utah know the proportion of white blond-haired blue-eyed people bearing the same last name there is quite staggering. Sweden looks cosmopolitan compared to Utah).
Re:Hey now.... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hey now.... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's population has been very helpful in researching genetic diseases (of which Newfoundland has a huge problem with, due to lack of variety in the gene pool).
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2, Funny)
Yep. That's right. Keep on repeating it. You might start believing it.
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Me neither. I have dual citizenship. I am French-American. I don't go to McDs. I don't drink soda or juice. I don't have a TV. And I am aware, unlike most Americans, that the head of the CIA went on the record before the war stating that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and had stopped its program a long time ago.
The only reason I took a pot shot at you was because your original post was arrogant a
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
This being slashdot and all, I'm surprised nobody has asked yet: What's wrong with polygamy? As long as everyone's a consenting adult, what's the problem?
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Whats wrong with polygamy? The same thing that is wrong with prostitution and drug use: Nothing. It just offers the government yet another method to control individuals by making activies illegal based upon the morality of a few, rather than because of any ill effects it has on society as a whole. I am still of the belief that if an activity does not
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
What's wrong with polygamy? As long as everyone's a consenting adult, what's the problem?
It's blatantly sexist in previous incarnations. That's all. The idea that one man can have many wives, but any given woman can only have one husband. I realize there are biological reasons to justify it, but it's still wrong in that incarnation.
Now, if you want to talk about Heinlein's ideas of marriage, I'm all for that. Many husbands, many wives. Sounds great! Too bad our country is populated by a bunch of je
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
based on your nick? hmmm... none?
disclaimer: this was a joke, not a personal attack. I don't know you, but, considering the forum, you deserved it, don't you think?
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Heh, no disclaimer needed. Go check out my website, I can take a joke. :)
My wife actually thinks my nickname is childish. She's probably right. But that doesn't mean I'm going to change it, I like having a nick like this and a maxed out karma rating. It's a pleasant irony, I think.
How would that help? (Score:2)
AFAIK, the rate would still be limited to 1 child/(woman*year), while a *normal* man such as myself can have up to five children/day, limited only by the availability of women. Polygamy would be a solution for that only if the number of women in the state was larger than the number of men.
Good food in Utah (Score:2, Informative)
One of the most memorable meals I've ever had (and in a good way, not in the "... and then the waiter was stabbed by the Mob guys!" way) was a few years ago in Utah, I think in Provo (well, somewhere in the Provo / Park City / Salt Lake City triangle, anyhow
a) the good was delicious, and it was not heavy on the spinach n' cucumber side of things. B
Re:Good food in Utah (Score:2)
Thought of that myself
Re:Hey now.... (Score:4, Insightful)
You seem to be making this a racial issue when it really is not. However, to understand why diversity is oftentimes better, you should read a little biology. Or since this is Slashdot, read about monoculture in computing and discover why we have so many problems with virii and worms. But if you are speaking culturally, lets talk food. Traditional Utah cuisine sucks. Vegetables are overdone, meats are cooked to within an inch of bone dry, there is no alcohol in foods to carry flavors to the olfactory system etc...etc...etc... I myself love a variety of foods and I cannot count on a bunch of white boys to provide them all the time. If you are talking arts, pioneer handicraft can only go so far. If you are talking music, come on now, get real. If you are talking science, progress without diversity of thought and scientific input goes nowhere.
Is there something wrong with having a primarily Mormon state that needs to be "improved" upon?
Apparently from Utah history, the Mormon church wanted to be a part of the United States and thus become a part of the greater union of states. This tells me they wanted other benefits associated with being a state and did not want a Mormon monoculture. (Also, from what I hear, the Mormon church is expanding quite rapidly in other nations around the world in cultures that are not necessarily white.) If you want to be a state and accept federal tax dollars, then you have to be willing to be a part of the greater diversity that has made the United States unique in the modern world.
Or is it that white people are not allowed to have their own place with their own distinct culture?
Sure they can. Nobody is saying that cannot occur. But if you live in the United States of America, there are some things that you need to be aware of: The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independance should be the first three things you read. After that, read up on other aspects of democracy, issues of statehood, and some court cases such as Brown vs. Board.
Would you say that a place like Japan or India needs to be improved with diversity?
You have not been to Japan or India have you?............
You might be surprised at the diversity in those cultures, but more to the point, those countries do not have the same history of law as does the United States. Specifically, we (U.S. citizens) have a little amendment to our Constitution. The 15th to be precise that states "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." And in Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." This amendment specified a precedent that has carried through to other aspects of our culture besides voting to include issues of discrimination in the work place, in housing etc....
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Supposing there is an eligible young woman, it would be more procreatively efficient to marry her off to an energetic twenty-something guy than a fifty or sixty year old geezer with an already overlarge harem
Not true! Not true. That old geezer with 30 wives can sire 30 babies in 1-year intervals. That means that in 3 years he can sire 90 babies (assuming a 3-month break for each woman after a baby is born, of course), and he only has to get laid every day of the month! Heaven Forbid!
In any case, you
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Not [] even close, pal.
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
Hey! While you're extolling the virtues of this place, why not enjoy a nice, cold refreshing Polygamy Porter []?
Re:Hey now.... (Score:2)
and remember cold [] fusion [].
Not necessarily a Linux enthusiast... (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, SCO's DOSing every Linux user's stress level...
Re:Not necessarily a Linux enthusiast... (Score:2)
If I had a Nickle (Score:3)
If they posted a slashdot story for every joke made about SCO, well, something!!
Anyway, I'll submit my 50 SCO jokes as stories. I didn't know there was such a shortage.
What Synergy! (Score:4, Funny)
Since when do SCO and Verisign share corporate strategy for "net presence management?" Now that's synergy in action!
They don't need a DDoS (Score:5, Interesting)
yeah, they suck. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:They don't need a DDoS (Score:2, Interesting)
Point it to... (Score:4, Funny) (and its mirrors)
li (When we're finished, we'll be all you can see)
Netcraft used to track websites? (Score:4, Insightful)
What happened?
They still do, and more... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:They still do, and more... (Score:2)
Agreed, but in reading this dogfood I thought it negatively affected their credibility on other issues, diluted the seriousness of their work a little.
At least SCO is saving money on Network and Server management; Netcraft does it for them remotely, for free.
Re:Netcraft used to track websites? (Score:2)
SCO pissed off most of the free world.
Their wiffle score is so low that automatic doors would stop working for them in the Bitchen Society.
Re:Netcraft used to track websites? (Score:2, Insightful)
They poked fun at SCO executives (read Darl) response to the virus, their business record and their historical inability to handle a high traffic load.
Along the way they made copious fun of the Linux community, Slashdot, Hemos, Microsoft, Windows users, et al.
And it was funny.
Netcraft confirms (Score:5, Funny)
Will this virus really make a difference to SCO??? (Score:5, Interesting)
The whole front page of SCO's website is dedictated to the virus. If you were running SCO you wouldn't have this problem, so why is it freatured on their website? Probably just fodder for the next lawsuit is my guess.
Congratulations Mike (Score:5, Informative)
Who in btw is a founder and one of the Netcraft executives. So dunno about the dogfood. I wish other company CTOs could post dogfood like that.
Re:Congratulations Mike (Score:2)
You know you're unpopular when (Score:5, Funny)
Looks like they chose Solution 2 (Score:5, Interesting)
--- ping statistics ---
34 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 33048ms
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Looks like they chose Solution 2 (Score:2)
Re:Looks like they chose Solution 2 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Looks like they chose Solution 2 (Score:2)
Yahoo! small business account? (Score:5, Interesting)
I asked him his thoughts about SCO's foolish crusade, and he said, "Hey, we would have been out of business in December if they didn't."
So I guess Solution Number 1 may be plausible for fiscal reasons also.
Re:Yahoo! small business account? (Score:2)
--Somebody remind me - this would be a "bad" thing HOW?
Which is Better:
o To die quietly and (somewhat) dignified, shutting the doors and hoping that perhaps someone, someday, might remember your contributions from the past with fondness**
o Or have your reputation and credibility **completely and irreparably** trashed, while pissing on everyone associated with Linux -- and LOUDLY pursuing a false and damaging crusade -- for the sake
Linux Enthusiasts Rejoice! (Score:4, Interesting)
This morning I saw my first Linux ad on TV, sponsored by IBM. The theme, a young child showing up all over the World and a voiceover saying something to the effect of "the child is growing up".
The combination of ads promoting Linux, and the $250,00 bounties offered by those who would prefer it dead and buried, just might finally be opening the public's eyes to what's going on in Lindon and Redmond these days!
SCO Site Search (Score:4, Funny)
Best Solution: (Score:5, Funny)
This "Death Star" goes Independence Day on SCO Land with pinpoint accuracy -- McBride castrated before being zapped like an ant under a magnifying lens.
Sir Gates and the Knights of the Old Republicans wage war against Geekdom because of this weapon of mass destruction. They device a plan to send a Mac to the death star in order to introduce a virus.
Upon pitching the idea to Steve Jobs, the poor man laughs himself to death, leaving Gates and Ballmer (in their Matrix outfits) to have their tablet PC plugged into the Linux-powered "Laser" via Samba.
The XP Tablet-PC edition spreads like a cancer through the ext3 filesystem resulting in many "I Told You So" comments by Reiser.
Linus, finally sick of all these events, sheds his impartial nature and embraces his dark side. Finally teaches everything he knows to that bleach-blonde IBM Commercial kid and dubs him Darth Tux. Geeks around the world cede their control of the Death Star to Darth Tux, who shoots down both Washingtons and proceeds to carve his face onto Mt. Rushmore.
Darth Tux declared supreme leader, quoted as saying "Choice is long as you choose Linux" Proceeds to create his own distro -- Slim Shady Linux.
Geeks install distro, wave their hands skyward in apathy, and enjoy the new era of computing.
I like #5... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I like #5... (Score:2)
It would be really funny if they did that, though
point to point to! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:point to point to! (Score:2)
Maybe they just knew from which site they would more likely get publicity?
Not as bad as everyone thinks. (Score:4, Insightful)
The attacking machines are easily recognizable: They issue distinctive[ly minimalist] HTTP requests. It is therefore easy to build a list of "evil" source IP addresses.
Given these IP addresses, all you have to do is filter those packets and send them to a LaBrea tarpit. Each connection hangs indefinitely at a very low packet rate: If I did my arithmetic right, the expected half a million machines would only require 85 Mbps of bandwidth.
Now, that's hardly a trivial amount, but it shouldn't be too hard for a company SCO's size to buy that sort of capacity. Defending against this attack might cost $100K, but that's still less than the $250K they've already offered as a bounty for catching the worm author.
Re:Not as bad as everyone thinks. (Score:2)
I say this as I've noted an increase in the days since MyDoom of my incoming spam levels, all of them have similarities so I imagine it is one or two outfits using this trojan network, chances are they are the same ones creating the viruses too.
I think the SCO/Linux thing is just to sidetrack us while they continue to use the trojan net
Re:Not as bad as everyone thinks. (Score:5, Informative)
Apparently, the code does not perform a complete TCP handshake before trying again. It doesn't wait around for the first TCP SYN+ACK packet, it sends a TCP SYN packet every second. If, by chance, the SCO address responds with a SYN+ACK packet, then the worm sends the initial GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n. Its difficult to tell from the decompiles if it even bothers to close the connection, or just abndons the local TCP stack to deal with closing the connection at some later time. In an internet simulator testbed, not providing SYN+ACK packets back to a worm infected microsoft machine, the TCP stack stops sending unbalanced SYN packets after 63 attempts. As a friend helpfully pointed out, you can increase this number by changing a registry setting in windoze.
I personally don't think the current management of SCO cares about their website, they certainly don't have any revenue producing features that need to be maintained. Most SCO clients rarely go to the SCO site for anything, since most maintenance is done by intermediaries like IBM Services Group, which have their own internal distribution of support and patches.
the AC
From SCO's website... (Score:5, Funny)
What long-term steps should I take to protect against future viruses?
3. Do not download any documents or programs from any Website that you do not know to be reputable
This is just their way of stopping people finding what GPL stuff they're still giving away, isn't it?
Will there be a DDOS at all? (Score:5, Interesting)
"D'Aloisio Marc observed some things about the DoS attack, and raised some preliminary questions:
Has anyone seen the DOS against SCO actually happen?
I have the new critter in a test environment where we conducted a
preliminary and rudimentary functionality and threat analysis and the
only activity I can get it to perform related to is to
resolve the name. In fact, it seems very unhappy if it cannot resolve Once it can, it happily scans local files for anything
that can be construed (very loosely) as a domain and tries to resolve
mail servers based on these. In fact, right now it's trying to resolve
'mx.makewin.rsp'. "Makewin.rsp' is a file referenced in the help files
of my DigitalMars C++ compiler on a test machine, so it's not a very
smart worm. The worm also seems to like to increment the third octet of
the host IP by one and syn to port 25 of that address over and over and
over... I have played with the date, etc, but still no activity directed
toward It did die after 12 February, but gladly
resurrected when the date was set back prior to that. "
Re:Will there be a DDOS at all? (Score:2, Insightful)
But seriously, if the DDoS code doesn't work, then it really sounds like that part is a secondary red-herring that was either never properly tested, or it was deliberately left non-functional. Either way, that would mean the proxy/backdoor function is the primary purpose--which might tend to point to spammers and their Igor and Renfrew hirelings.
Re:Will there be a DDOS? Yes! (Score:2)
So. Maybe the DDoS is the primary purpose of this? MyDoom.B is ready to hit on Tuesday.
Darl soon at CNN (Score:3, Informative)
Hey, wait?! WTF? What's this []? OMFG! ICBIFT...
Intriguing quote (Score:2)
The truth in Solution 3... (Score:5, Interesting)
On Tursday afternoon somone began trying to hack into an MS SQL Server that my company runs. They weren't able to get in, but their brute force method of attemting to access the 'sa' account estentially caused a DoS on the application. We got the guys IP address but his ISP doesn't seem very interested in helping out.
It just so happens that we KNOW that a number of users inside our network have contracted MyDOOM. It also just so happens that we have our own internal DNS servers. Jokingly, we mentioned to our Network Admin that he should redirect all the SCO traffic to this IP. You could see a little glimmer in his eye at the suggestion and he paused for a moment and said that was a very interesting idea and that he might just do that...
Anyway, glad to see that we're not the only ones with the idea.
Re:The truth in Solution 3... (Score:2)
obligatory whoring (Score:2)
2) spoof story on netcraft
3) ???
4) profit.
Network Support (Score:2)
WTF (Score:2, Flamebait)
You just had to... (Score:2, Funny)
Of course... (Score:4, Insightful)
Because the SCO Group has Linux as their target, sinking to lower levels for each attack they do, why should it be news or strange that some Linux user would do so as well? SCO has chosen to fight a dirty battle.
Budweiser drinking SCO executives? (Score:3, Funny)
Solution 2: Take out of the DNS.
Consequences: Everyone has a quiet weekend. SCO Execs drink Budweiser and watch the Superbowl. Global media considers that the virus author "has won". Anti-virus company Execs do not return journalists' calls on "What was all that fuss?"
The SCO execs are all Mormon I thought, they'll have to settle for a dixie cup of lemonade, that is if they're not at church.
Looks like SCO is getting hit. (Score:2)
Re:Looks like SCO is getting hit. (Score:2)
I wonder how the routers upstream of them are doing?
What if they changed to (Score:2)
I like the sound of that: millions of windows boxes simultaneously commit suicide. 8)
something I find both interesting and hillarious (Score:2)
At that very time, my ISP (one of the largest in the Midwest US) also increased the upload cap from 128kbit to 256kbit - an upgrade plan that was in the works for a couple weeks (at least) prior to the mydoom worm.
Furthermore, my ISP happens to be a huge fan [] of a certain freedom-supporting OS. []
NO, IT'S NOT! (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Here is a scary thought (Score:2)
Take a Rational-IBM ad.
Replace 'middle' in 'MiddleWare is everywhere' with 'UnixWhere'
Replace 'Rational' in '|Rational| Software' with 'SCO'
Replace whatever-background-picture with a McDonalds POS pic.
Re:Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide Now! (Score:2)
I can't believe this guy was modded down (twice?!) for doing the right thing. Metamodded as unfair, and I advise you do the same.