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Comment Re:Why now? (Score 3, Interesting) 422

* - Yep, you develop for them, notice how your hard work resulted in their successful ad campaign "There's an app for that"

Oh please, give me a break. Most developers I know do it to make money (and have fun at the same time in many cases). It's like the old "I gave this country thirty years of service, and what did it give to me." line. How about a paycheck every two weeks, free or heavily subsidized health care and a pension for the rest of your life!

Comment Re:Open Alternative to the Mac App Store (Score 1) 580

I remember a friend of mine moaning that Apple's original iDisk service was running on servers provided by the company he worked for, but nobody would know it because it was invisible to the user. He felt that Apple was trumpeting a cloud based storage solution without actually providing the service from within Apple.

Is that the kind of control of a product space you are referring to, branding a cloud based solution as if it were of their own making without even needing to acquiring, rip off, or otherwise replacing the existing solution?

Comment Budweiser Lith? (Score 1) 458

I wonder if that's where the Lith, sorry Lite, comes from in bottom corner beers like Bud, Miller Etc? Maybe it's just me but after a couple of "real" beers from Seattle's own Maritime Breweries and Baron Etc I feel ready to rock, but after a couple of Buds I feel like going to sleep!

Comment Newspapers to .com the sooner the better (Score 1) 143

As an avid reader of Seattle's soon to be discontinued Post-Intelligencer newspaper (another Hearst venture) I'd be thrilled to see an internet version continue on and one day appear on their large format e-reader. As much as I like to read the paper I've never been into the sheer volume of raw materials needed to produce them, yet the online format is restricted by the frame and controls on my web browser and the size of my laptop screen. One thing is for sure - any newspaper that goes Internet only before this depression kicks in will be reaping the rewards when papers who currently rely on print as their main source of distribution fall by the wayside, which they surely will.

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