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Slashback: Sorveteria, Rockets, Anger 403

Slashback tonight with more on model rocketry (and metaphysical rocketry to boot), Metallica's music online -- this time voluntarily, the fall of Ars Digita, nmap's reaction to SCO, and more. Read on for the details.

How is this sanguine? peterb writes "Slashdot has previously reported on Eve Andersson's whitewash of Ars Digita. Her screed placed responsibility for all the problems fully on the shoulders of the Venture Capitalists, while ignoring the role of those that asked the VCs for money. Ars Digita's Michael Yoon has a somewhat more sanguine and less hysterical version of the same story."

I wonder if shoulder chips can be recycled as fuel ...

All them perls don't come cheap. dogma01 writes "It's been almost a year since I submitted this story on Slashdot about the Perl Foundation Fund Drive. With a new year there has been a new round of grants. Every dime helps improve the community and bring us one step closer to Perl6. Please donate here."

The largest model is actually the one that's currently in use. joshamania writes "I knew when I saw the first post about the 'largest scale model of the solar system' I should have piped up. The second post has driven me over the edge. I call shenanigans! The Maine model is not the largest, and Peoria, IL, my hometown, has had the largest model for many years now, the Pluto model (in Kewanee, IL) being over 60 miles away from the sun model. In fact, a bicycle tour of the model is organized every summer and reoccurs in August."

Still at maximum. Danta writes "As the QNX site seems to have received an indirect slashdotting, here is a BitTorrent link to the free version of the QNX OS."

And what's in your makefile? JediTrainer writes "Community backlash begins! The author of Nmap has decided to remove all support of the SCO operating system as of version 3.28. Quoting the changelog, 'SCO operating systems are no longer supported due to their recent (and absurd) attacks against Linux and IBM. Bug reports relating to UnixWare will be ignored, or possibly even laughed at derisively. Note that I have no reason to believe anyone has ever used Nmap on SCO systems. Unixware sucks.'"

Speaking of backlash ... Ransak writes "Speak out! Space-Rockets.com has started a letter/fax campaign to sway political opinion, but needs your help! This hobby enjoyed by thousands of future scientists and astronaunts has been put in serious jeopardy by bad legislation. Senator Herb Kohl was one of the coauthors of the Safe Explosives Act, who not surprisingly, is blocking an amendment to ease restrictions on model rocketry. Wisconson geeks, take note of your Senators actions!"

... and speaking of rockets: BuR4N writes "The x-prize foundation has decided not to accept an application from a Budapest based team called GCT (Gravity Control Technologies) due to their highly questionable proposal. GCT pitched a "propellantless propulsion technology" that quote "is capable of controlling gravity for flight". Here is the full story. It would be very interesting to hear from the scientific community if this is just silliness or something that eventually could lead anywhere.."

I hope these guys don't take up making ham sandwiches. acidblood writes "Following up on yesterday's story concerning ice cream and liquid nitrogen, it appears someone was keen to try it out, and this is the result."

I can't tell from the page when exactly this was made. Whether it was truly in response to Gray's recipe or not, this site certainly provides more amusing visual aids.

The medium is the message, or something like that. LineNoiz writes "There is an interesting article over at MSNBC outlining Metallica's attempt to take advantage of the internet as a music distribution medium. It seems their newest album 'St. Anger' has a code on it which can be used to access their "Audio Vault" where users can download MP3 recordings of live concerts. The site's motto? 'Download. Burn. Share. Kick Ass.' Is this just a flagrant attempt to recapture the interest of the thousands of fans they lost in their battle with Napster, or a genuine good idea?"

Readers may recall this interview with Metallica's Lars Ulrich.

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Slashback: Sorveteria, Rockets, Anger

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  • by Bull999999 ( 652264 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:05PM (#6238420) Journal
    'Download. Burn. Share. Kick Ass.'

    Maybe their MP3 files contain Hatch's "special" program.
  • by winkydink ( 650484 ) <sv.dude@gmail.com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:08PM (#6238433) Homepage Journal
    perl 5 does just about everything I need. From everything I've read, perl 6 will have enough changes to make it almost like learning a new language. Yes, I know there will be a "backwards compatibility" mode, but why do I get the feeeling that if one has problems with the backwards compatibiltiy mode, the answer that will be offered will be "rewrite it as perl 6 code"?
    • progress. eventually perl5 will not be enough for everyone. one could argue that that time has already arrived.

      besides i want to learn perl 6. who cares if perl 5 does everything i need already. perl 6 will be a new way to do it and i'm quite ready for that new route.
    • by dubStylee ( 140860 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:44PM (#6238659)
      Having witnessed first hand the transition from perl4 to perl5, I have complete faith in the pumpkings to transition us as easily as possible into perl6. I think of the several thousands of lines of code that I had in perl4, perhaps several dozen lines needed changing to transition to perl5 and most of those could be done with a regex. And then, once I learned what was good about perl5 making the additional changes was not hard. I have no reason to believe that the perl6 transition will be any more difficult.

      And if perl5 does everything you can imagine ever needing to have done, I suggest a) your imagination is a little lacking and b) you'll still be able to install and use perl5 for years even after perl6 comes out. Heck, I still have perl 4.019 sitting around somewhere.

      Since perl6 is at least three years away and probably more, your posting is really chicken-little thinking. Not only is the sky not falling, it also won't even begin to lower for a long time :-)
      • I'm glad the transition from 4 to 5 was an nice, easy one for you. 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 were not so easy for me. I guess it all depends on the kind of cose you write and your target use. As one who had lots of scripts dealing with email and email addresses, it was quite the pain having to go back and put \'s in front of all my relevant @'s (and figuring out which ones were the relevant @'s :).
  • by Pilferer ( 311795 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:08PM (#6238437)
    Download. Burn. Share. Kick Ass.

    Hmmph, for some reason I read this as meaning:

    Download, Burn, Share - get YOUR ass kicked by Metallica.

  • Apologies? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by JayBlalock ( 635935 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:09PM (#6238438)
    I might actually check out St. Anger to get at the concert recordings, IF Metallica first apologizes for all the crap they pulled over Napster a few years ago. Otherwise, this is pure hypocracy, and a rather sad attempt at pulling back in fans who are deservedly quite angry with them. Of course, this is far from the first time a band has tried something like this. David Bowie has a huge load of rare material available on his website through subscription.
    • there is no hypocrisy. If you read the article/interview, they even say so. They never said that downloads were bad, they just wanted CONTROL over their own work.

      Don't get me wrong, I hate their tactics, and they have damaged my fan relationship with them, but they aren't going against what they did earlier.
    • Re:Apologies? (Score:2, Insightful)

      As with all my posts, memory may not serve correctly. But I believe that Metallica used to allow fans to tape their concerts, going so far as to allow them to tap into whatever the monitors were hooked into. Much like the Grateful Dead, but like... much, much louder. I think their anti-sharing crusade applied only to their studio work, as they had to assume that the live tapes would make the rounds. So while I found their strident anti-napster stance assinine, this is not a complete about face, and they
    • You know, I would have said the same thing, but I just read the linked interview [slashdot.org] (I had no idea that took place) and my opinion has changed a bit. Back in the day (around or just before the interview) they said a lot of things, but only choice quotes gained a lot of attention.

      After reading the interview (which is surprisingly unedited, even for /., but I rather enjoyed it that way), I realize that some of what they said was due to lack of knowledge/experience, and some was simply taken out of context. Lars
    • IF Metallica first apologizes for all the crap they pulled over Napster a few years ago.
      I'd be happier if they apologized for making St. Anger (the album). Have you heard that steaming pile yet? The title-track single was only the tip of the crapberg.
      • (snicker) Yeah. I listened to a friend's copy. (which is fundamentally no different than downloading MP3s and then deleting them, but that's beside the point) That's why I said I might think about picking it up *for the concert tracks* :-)
      • I'd be happier if they apologized for making St. Anger (the album). Have you heard that steaming pile yet? The title-track single was only the tip of the crapberg.

        LOL!!! I agree. I think the band must've decided
        that the best way to combat downloading of their music was to make it so awful that nobody would bother.
    • I might actually check out St. Anger to get at the concert recordings, IF Metallica first apologizes for all the crap they pulled over Napster a few years ago.

      Crap? Metallica asked that people not share their studio-recorded albums over Napster. Metallica has a policy of allowing fans to record and share bootlegs of live concerts, but this policy has never extended to studio-recorded albums.

      Otherwise, this is pure hypocracy,

      The Royal Family of Syringes will buy you a dictionary if you promise

  • Easy one (Score:3, Funny)

    by Eyston ( 462981 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:09PM (#6238441)
    Is this just a flagrant attempt to recapture the interest of the thousands of fans they lost in their battle with Napster


  • GCT (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Rick the Red ( 307103 ) <Rick@The@Red.gmail@com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:09PM (#6238444) Journal
    If GCT actually does it, will the X-Prize folks accept their appliation after the fact?
    • Re:GCT (Score:5, Interesting)

      by SeanTobin ( 138474 ) <byrdhuntr@hotBAL ... com minus author> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:28PM (#6238556)
      If GCT actually do it, I believe the X-Prize would be the least of thier concernes.

      Aside from a Nobel prize, thier work would be a base upon which to rewrite most of physics. Heck, depending on which free energy theory they are using, we might even get a grand unified field theory out of it.

      Of course, every power company would be licensing thier technology. So would every transportation industry. Heck, I bet even AMD could make some kickass fans with antigravity/gravity control technology!

      But the applications wouldn't be limited to transportation and energy production. You would be able to grow crystals of immence size via gravity control. Imagine silicon wafers meters in size. That would be a boon for chip production.

      Then, there are the obvious weapons from this... gosh.. it'd be too bad if the $enemy{"terrorist_country"} experienced a momentary gravitional increase of 500g's.

      But you probably don't need to worry. It'll never fly.

      • Re:GCT (Score:3, Funny)

        by Thing 1 ( 178996 )
        It's a neat idea, and would be amazing if it works. "Free energy" by stealing from a higher plane. I wonder if the denizens of the higher plane would be concerned?

        I was very amused by one of their pages. [gctspace.com] They have several typos throughout their pages, but this one typo painted an amusing picture:

        Anchored to the main body by 90 stainless steel crews [...]

        (Note: should have been "screws"...)

        I pictured 90 crew members, exhausted, gripping the main body and the Upper Payload Body, trying to keep t

  • gravity (Score:5, Funny)

    by mxn ( 562786 ) * on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:09PM (#6238445)
    If the Budapest team finds a way to manipulate gravity into propellantless propulsion, I doubt they'll miss that $10M x-pize too much..
    • All those 1950's movies with people tooling around in flying saucers would have been more accurate than anything produced in the last 30 years.

      OMG I lauhged so hard, and I think I would suffer a brain annurism from the irony of seeing one these tooling around during a re-run of "the day the earth stood still"
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:10PM (#6238446)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:12PM (#6238457)
    Metallica Tricks The Tricksters [muchmusic.com]. They're planning to flood file sharing networks with Metallica "named" John Denver tunes to trick users. I hope they have Denver's estate's permission to use his works.
  • by szyzyg ( 7313 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:12PM (#6238462)
    If you bought their last album (I got the vinyl version) - you got a card which let you go to their web page and download exclusive tracks. Personally I think it's a great idea, I mean most live concert recordings will only be bought by dedicated fans and those people won't be abandoning hte album in favour of these extras (remember the Perl Jam concert series).
    • by geekd ( 14774 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:29PM (#6238562) Homepage
      I personally built the page for Sum 41 to do this, about 8 months ago. A serial number was inserted into every CD which got you access to downloads of live music in mp3 format.

      It's been done a lot.

    • by moosesocks ( 264553 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:24PM (#6238916) Homepage
      You bought the vinyl version? Is this some sort of new form of security through obscurity?
  • by ramk13 ( 570633 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:13PM (#6238467)
    Despite all the people who hate Metallica for various reasons ('selling out' on their musical style, becoming mainstream, fighting Napster), aren't they taking steps in the right direction?

    Isn't this what all the discussion has been about? They are actually changing their business model to deal with the times. Anyone who wants to pirate the album can go and find it, but they'll miss out on the value added stuff. Granted this isn't an earthshaking change, but I think it's a positive step.

    The cynics and haters will gripe no matter what they do anyway.
    • Um you do relaize that since most people will put all their music in one place & most file sharing programs rescan those places (if not the whole drive) when restarted. So that one person going to their site (after having bought the CD)now means that people who didn't buy the CD can still get those 'rare' 'value added' songs just as if they had boughten the CD...

      If they really wanted to make fans happy they would simply offer such things for free on their website & not force anyone to buy a CD... P
      • Um you do relaize that since most people will put all their music in one place & most file sharing programs rescan those places (if not the whole drive) when restarted.

        Um, you don't think that's exactly what they had in mind do you? ;)
    • I also liked the touch of releasing, a few days before the CD, the live versions of the songs from DVD, onto the web.

      There was a 'scavenger hunt' so you had to find the songs, but it wasn't hard, and you got to sample the music before buying.

      I'm curious how the thiev... er, posters will respond to this...
    • Changing? So what? too late. I am not an ex napster zealot - in fact, I'm not even much of an ex napster user. I had it installed for a time and tried it out, but I could probably count on one hand the number of tracks I downloaded with it. and yet, during all their fracas, they managed to finger ME as an infringer. Now, I really don't give a damn that my account was locked out; I mean, it would have been supremely easy (of course) just to get another. But if I was fingered then I'm sure thousands more wer
    • Despite all the people who hate Metallica for various reasons ('selling out' on their musical style, becoming mainstream, fighting Napster), aren't they taking steps in the right direction?

      I have to agree. I actually don't care for the new album all that much (and I did go out and buy it), but after reading the Lars interview [slashdot.org] for the first time today, this is exactly what Lars wanted. He admits that the Internet just may be the future of music distribution, but what's lacking with Napster et al is contro
    • Anyone who wants to pirate the album can go and find it, but they'll miss out on the value added stuff.

      Yeah, we'll have to wait until someone posts it, too. I predict it will take... Well, it's probably up now.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:14PM (#6238474)
    I call upon all slashdotters who maintain opensource products to remove support for UNIXWARE in all future version. Explicitly disable the generation of your Makefiles for SCO machines, in protest and solidarity of SCO's actions.
    • by refactored ( 260886 ) <cyentNO@SPAMxnet.co.nz> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:18PM (#6238887) Homepage Journal
      Forbes [forbes.com] is running a story on who [forbes.com] is pulling McBride's strings.

      I don't think that claims [slashdot.org] that the Canopy Group [canopy.com] is not behind this one will not hold up now.

      Now my fellow "crunchies", (the insulting name M$ friendly [thestandard.com] Forbes gives us), for the million dollar question, where does this money trail lead? I'll bet it doesn't stop at the Canopy.

    • In my experience ... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by fv ( 95460 ) * <fyodor@insecure.org> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:15PM (#6239230) Homepage
      > I call upon all slashdotters who maintain opensource products to remove support for UNIXWARE in all future version.?

      For what it is worth, I thought refusing Nmap support for SCO
      products might generate a firestorm of flames from angry users. In
      fact, the opposite has happened! Obviously Linux/AIX users praised
      the move, but even the occasional SCO users seemed pleased. The one
      or two complaints were more than offset by pleasant emails like this
      one that just came in (name removed for his privacy):

      Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:41:07 -0700
      To: <fyodor@insecure.org>
      Subject: I'm the one user affected by a lack of SCO support and i'm happy

      I'll be sure to report with great delight of your choice to no longer
      support UnixWare to the one company I do contract work. The choice to use
      SCO isn't mine, it's simply what Mas90 runs on, and in the past has been
      adquate for the job. It's my hope others follow your example so I can
      report to management that useful applications will no longer be supported
      for this overpriced platform.

      I appricate your lack of support for the SCO platform and look forward to
      future unsupported products.

      With great respect...

      -- End email paste

      Anyway, I thought this datapoint might be useful to people considering
      such a move.

      Concerned about your network security? Try the free Nmap Security Scanner [insecure.org]
  • Hah! I guess that is the problem when anybody claims "the largest", "the biggest", "the tallest" ... I mean, who has done a world wide search for anything like that? Maybe there is a largest model in China or India or even Patagonia for all that matters.
  • by Izaak ( 31329 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:16PM (#6238483) Homepage Journal
    Speaking of Metallica and downloadable music, I
    have to recommend you check out the spoof band
    Beatallica. It is insanely funny. Beatallica
    is a part time parody project by two good friends
    of mine. It answers the questions: What would it
    sound like if Metallica did Beatles covers. You
    can download their MP3s at www.beatallica.org
  • by RLiegh ( 247921 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:21PM (#6238510) Homepage Journal
    Then how am I going to use my OpenServer Boxen to crack open the computers of those pesky boys who make fun of my using SCO?

    Wanker, indeed...
    • While I agree with you, in the business enviroment there are still many people still running SCO. There is a damn good reason for this, cause the cost of the license is lower then that of the downtime required to go to something diffrent.

      And nmap is a useful tool to test even a Unixware or Openserver box. The lack of this tool can be used by the IT department to promote something diffrent. "I'm sorry, but it's no longer possible for me to evaluate wether our SCO box is secure, the people who make the so
  • Proof (Score:3, Funny)

    by molnarcs ( 675885 ) <csabamolnar@gmail . c om> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:21PM (#6238511) Homepage Journal
    GCT: proof that Hungarians are crazy. I know. I live here. :) I think it was Edward Teller (??) who in a conference, when someone asked for proof of extraterrestials, jumped up and said: there is proof! They are called Hungarians.

    Anyhow, their homepage is quite interesting. See the prototype plans!!:)
  • Download. Burn. Share. Kick Ass

    erm,. shouldn't that be ...

    Download, Burn, Share, Explode! [slashdot.org]
  • We always had fun on the fourth of july, blowing up bottles with liquid oxygen and nitrogen. I had a wart removed with the stuff... that was interesting. A lot cooler than using duct tape IMHO.
  • ..to qoute the article on that gravitycontroled spaceship: Rozsnyay said that rocketry has been around for over half a century. That technology is tested and proven, he said. "Gravity control on the other hand does not -- and could not -- even exist according to traditional science," he explained.

    So, we have the leader/spokesman of the GCT claiming that they are working to develop a technology that is 'outside' of what science say is even remotly possible (and that in day and age where some scientist pon

    • So, we have the leader/spokesman of the GCT claiming that they are working to develop a technology that is 'outside' of what science say is even remotly possible

      Both you and he are incorrect. Traditional Science (WTFever that means) does not say anything is impossible. It only says that if you do X, you will get Y. If they are doing something novel then they will get new results.

      Physics is not the law, it is a model of our observations, codified mathematically (or logically, which is the same thing

      • Mass and Energy are the same thing.

        We don't need to move masses faster than c to find out if gravity propagates at c.. we only need to track the movement of some masses, and see how fast the change in the gravitational field propagates.
        That's like saying we can't measure the speed of sound because we can't move something faseter than sound.. we knew how fast sound was long before. I believe this has been experimentally observed, at least to some degree.

        According to relativity, a spinning top has a larger
  • Slashbackback (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Otter ( 3800 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:23PM (#6238525) Journal
    1) The most important development is that I've learned the phrase, "I call shenanigans!" That's presumably a more polite version of "call bullshit"? That's definitely a phrase to start using.

    2) So that's what happened to Ars Digita. I walked by there the other day and wondered why it was now a community college. I still have warm feelings from the time I walked by, looked in the mirror and saw someone using a KDE app I'd written - first time that had happened.

    3) What's with the nmap guy? He h4x0r's some kid's computer and publically posts screenshots after hitting on him over a Slashdot post (yeah, models post here all the time) but all SCO rates is a Makefile change?

    • Laughed in a good way, from Joel Splosky (in a link from the link)

      Think about what happened to poor Marimba. They launched their company with infinite VC in the days of hyper-Java-hype, having lured the key developers from the Java team at Sun. They had a CEO, Kim Polese,Âwho wasÂbrilliant at public relations; when she was marketing Java she had Danny Hillis making speeches about how Java was the next step in human evolution; George Gilder wrote these breathless articles about how Java was going t

  • by SkewlD00d ( 314017 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:23PM (#6238527)
    The amateur rocketry scene is in danger because of idiots like Ashcroft and Sen Hatch. read this [space-rockets.com] They think somehow that amateur rocketry clubs are breeding grounds for terrorists to make homemade SAMs and man-pads. The only problem w/ that ass-umption is that amateur rocketry societies and rules *exists* to make rocketry safer. If you want terrorist training in making rockets from metal, etc... you're probably going to go to Hamas, Al-qaida, etc.: you're not going to go to an amateur rocketry club meeting in podunk, ohio. Our nimrods at the doj, atf, etc. just want to outlaw a hobby because of the remote possibility that some lonely crazy is going to build rockets for some artillery strike or something. Let's outlaw guns, gasoline and matches while we're at it then. Shit, you can't even get rocket motors via UPS anymore, and you need a license to do anything. It sounds like raising the bar in an erosive way like 2nd ammendment, prohibition, abortion rights, etc. I wonder if any of the X-Prize peeps had the ATFE breathing down their necks.
  • by RLiegh ( 247921 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:23PM (#6238529) Homepage Journal
    is so bad, you can't give it away!!
  • I wonder if their entry was some kind of Casimir-effect powered unit?

  • by c0dedude ( 587568 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:30PM (#6238567)
    On the Metallica issue, I recall a very funny series of cartoons mocking Metallica while they were driving napster into the ground. They're still funny today, and can be found here. [campchaos.com] I mean, with this new site, could they be any more hypocritical? You can find Ulrich's testimony before congress about shutting down napster here [yourcongress.com]. As I recall, he came off as whiny.

    On SCO, this is a neat new idea. If enough major OSS developers start a divestment strategy against SCO, if nothing else they'll be ostracized and dead sure to fall when their lawsuits start going downhill. These sort of tactics could make the OSS community a force to be reconed with in buisness as well as technical circles, and maintaining the goodwill of the OSS community more important.

    On ice cream and liquid nitrogen, i have no idea what to say because the site is /.tted to hell but Sounds Yummy.

  • Wow! (Score:4, Funny)

    by m00nun1t ( 588082 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:33PM (#6238593) Homepage
    I love choice... now I can not download Metallica songs as well as not buying their CDs!
  • by Gaetano ( 142855 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:37PM (#6238617)
    Then that would say something. Its not like UnixWare or OpenServer is really part of SCO's buisness plan for the future, but still, loosing support from the apache group would make it harder for them to pretend to care about their products.
  • The closest thing to this that even remotely has a chance of working is a Laithwaite style "Rock Crusher" or GIT "Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion." Unfortunately this hypothetical torque to thrust loophole doesn't seem to work after so many failed attempts to make one. Bummer.

    The best bet is an ion drive "relativity rocket" where you fire something like a lead atom out of a barrel at the speed of light. Theroetically it takes infinite force to accelerate a particle to the speed of light, so you would get an
  • Oh, nice. :) (Score:4, Interesting)

    by The Pi-Guy ( 529892 ) <joshua+slashdotNO@SPAMjoshuawise.com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:03PM (#6238783) Homepage
    Yesterday I was torrenting away trying to get QNX for a few hours straight, at unbelievably slow rates. But NOW you slashdot it so I can get faster. Oh, THANKS. Generally it's a good thing to download something before it gets /.'ed, but in this case it's better after... *sigh* :)

  • Right. All OSS projects should stop supporting SCO. Because we all know that corporations pay big bucks for UnixWare so that they can run OpenOffice and GNUCash on it.

    It's the ISVs that can really hurt SCO, because UW is usually on their bottom tier of supported OSes. One glance in the wrong direction and the ISVs start singing Hello, Solaris. I know for a fact that in at least one case, Novell PAID an ISV for the port of their product to UW and in another, no amount of money would get the vendor to po
  • Apparently joshamania didn't read this comment [slashdot.org] about the Solar System model in Sweden that's 300 kilometers long. That's much larger than this one in Peoria that's 64 kilometers long.
  • SCO backlash (Score:5, Insightful)

    by 73939133 ( 676561 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:12PM (#6238846)
    SCO operating systems are no longer supported due to their recent (and absurd) attacks against Linux and IBM

    Well, that is predicated on the idea that SCO actually has a UNIX business to hurt. It seems to me that they don't really have much of a product anymore.

    But assuming they do actually still ship their own version of UNIX enough to make them money, nmap may not make such a big difference. But if projects like Apache, gcc, and others remove SCO support, that might start hurting SCO. Of course, they'd be free to maintain their own ports and incorporate their own bug fixes, but that is going to cost.

  • That this album is not in any way copy protected (at least as far as I can tell... cdparanoia had no problems ripping it). They seem to have decided to fight the file trading networks by putting out the Vault and also including a DVD of them rehearsing the songs (and the DVD's mix seems to be better quality than the CD...), for the price of a standard CD. I've talked to some people who say that they bough the CD for the DVD and the Vault.

    In it's second week (first full) and has now sold approximately 80

  • The liquid nitrogen ice cream was indeed made in response to the story. The guy on the first picture on the page read the story and decided to do it, and they made the ice cream later in the night.
    • The Sorveteria [ice cream maker] Slashdot story is an example of Brazilians being Brazilian. If it looks like fun, Brazilians will try it.

      Here is a translation:

      Don't try this at home, okay?

      How to make ice cream in 5 minutes.

      "Marco, I want ice cream."

      Lucas going to buy ingredients.

      The ingredient X. Ho ho ho, nitrogen. [In Portuguese, it rhymes.]

      "Fill it up, uncle!" [They don't know the name of the man selling liquid nitrogen, so they call him uncle.]

      Security Equipment. [The Brazili
  • Me and Metalica... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:46PM (#6239025)
    I never have been a big Metalica fan, but I did enjoy their music. Their liberal policy on music was a selling point for me back in the 20th century. Atleast, a band that says it's ok to make a copy for a friend. Good for my friend, who wants to know if it's worth buying a real copy, good for Metalica, cause their name gets spread out.

    But because Metalica said quite specificly in the year 2000 that they didn't want their music propigated via MP3, I complied FULLY. I will never make a copy for a friend, will never share one of their mp3 files, and in fact got rid of the two CDs of them I owned.

    My moderate like for their music doesn't compair for my distaste of their politics. I respect that they are peformers who's material they have a say in how it's distributed, and that's just peachy. Everything else I own with a few exceptions are by artists who are more tolerant of music trading, basicly operating under the assumption that while it is piracy, the gain in word of mouth advertising is far too valuable to interfear with.

    Bands like Metalica clearly disagreed with that, which is their right. As a direct result, and through no fault of my own, there is a generation of kids who do say, "Metali-who?". Those kids who know the name respond with, "Oh yea, those are the guys who killed Napster".

    Metalica made a choice, they took a stand for what they believe in. I can respect that. But they have to live with it too. A band's success or failure at one time depended wether or not it got airplay, today netplay is a deciding factor. Metalica didn't want net play, no diffrent if they said they didn't want their material played on the radio in the 20th century. This is exactly what they fought for and they sure got it.

  • by leoboiko ( 462141 ) <leoboiko@nOsPaM.gmail.com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:59PM (#6239477) Homepage
    A translation of the "sorveteria" guys. I guess when I finish it their server will have melted down with /. .

    Title: Sorveteria -196C LTDA
    Ice Cream Shop -320F Inc

    (Actually, LTDA is "limitada", a limited liability company).

    0 - Nao tente isso em casa ok? Como fazer um sorvete em 5 minutos.
    Don't try this at home, ok? How to make ice cream in 5 minutes.

    1 - "Marco, quero sorvete".
    "Marco, I want ice cream".

    2 - Lucas indo comprar ingredientes.
    Lucas going to buy ingredients.

    3 - O ingrediente X (hohohoh, nitrogenio)
    The ingredient X (hohohoh, nitrogen)

    4 - "Completa ai, tio!"
    "Fill it up, man!"

    5 - Equipamento de seguranca.
    Safety gear.

    6 - Fazendo a massa...
    Making the mass.
    I'm not sure if English "mass" have the same meaning as Portuguese "massa", but you can look at the picture and guess what it is.

    7 - Pronto, agora sà falta congelar hohoho..
    Done, now we only have to freeze it hohoho...

    8 - "heheheh"

    9 - Mais nitrogenio...
    More nitrogen...

    10 - "Vai mechendo, Dili."
    "Keep moving it, Dili."
    (btw, it should be "mexendo" not "mechendo")

    11 - Sai fumaÃa. Ã gelado.
    Smoke goes out. It's cold.

    12 - Pronto. 1 minuto depois ta pronto.
    Done. 1 minute later it's done.
    (This is a pun with a famous Brazilian lamen jingle).

    13 - Vamos provar...
    Let's try it...

    14 - "Hummmm"

    15 - "Pronto, tà bom, podem comer!"
    "It's done, it's good, you may eat!"

    16 - Repito: nao tente isso em casa.
    I repeat: don't try this at home.
  • by wherley ( 42799 ) on Thursday June 19, 2003 @12:53AM (#6240318)
    "The Maine model is not the largest, and Peoria, IL, my hometown, has had the largest model for many years now, the Pluto model (in Kewanee, IL) being over 60 miles away from the sun model."

    Maybe 60 **km**, but *not* 60 miles.

    Both the Lakeview IL model [bradley.edu] and the Maine model [maine.edu] have SunPluto distances of about 40 miles. (64km).

    Lakeview Jupiter: 45" diameter
    Maine Jupiter: 61.4" diameter
    Lakeview Scale: 1:140,000,000
    Maine Scale: 1:93,000,000
    Lakeview Earth: 4" diameter
    Maine Earth: 5.5" diameter

    Go Maine!
    Go Illinois!
    Go Sweden! [astro.su.se]

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
