Must-See Films at L.A. Anime Festival 153
May Kasahara writes "The first annual Los Angeles Anime Festival is being held May 2-15. Among other films screening at the festival are Studio Ghibli's The Cat Returns (making its US debut), Memories, and all nine episodes of The Animatrix. However, the film I really want to see is the trippy-looking Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat In Space. More information, including a full schedule of events, is available here."
Wish I could be there (Score:2, Offtopic)
anime central 2003 in Rosemont (Score:3, Informative)
it's like 30 mins from chicago if traffic sucks
so that's your best bet, you could go see the animatrix and fly back for it!
Sweet deal!
Re:Wish I could be there (Score:1)
Two Words (Score:2)
Will someone show Kodocha? (Score:5, Informative)
Is Kodocha [slashdot.org] ever shown at anime festivals. This is the funniest shoujo anime I've seen. There a a bunch of torrents over at Animesuki [animesuki.com].
Interest (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Interest (Score:2)
Um, mods, you may want to understand what you are moderating. A 'Troll' is an inflamatory statement, mearly stated to provoke others to "Flame". Modding some "Flame" is either a response to an obvious "Troll", or else a hostile posting.
Personally, I would have expected this to be moderated "Funny", seeing how I post it on every anime/manga article I see. However, feel free to moderate it "Redundant" for such behavior. However, "Tro
Re:Will someone show Kodocha? (Score:1)
I wouldn't be suprised if fansubs have been screened before at smaller anime fests, but I haven't heard of any official screenings; I don't believe anyone's aquired rights to the series English-language release yet...
ah anime (Score:2)
Oh yeah, for a few minutes, it appeared that Slashdot actually got /.'ed before the links to the stories did. Guess it can happen to anyone.
Re:ah anime (Score:1)
Re:ah anime (Score:2)
Re:ah anime (Score:2)
Re:ah anime (Score:3, Informative)
"Air &
Re:ah anime (Score:3, Informative)
I always liked the idea that the last two eps are going on inside Shinji's head while the first part of EoE shows what happens in the normal world at the same time. Others seem to prefer the idea that the last two eps of the TV show happen after the "third impact".
Re:ah anime (Score:2)
So yeah, Lain's good too if you liked the aspects of Eva that made you think. If you thought it was cool cuz stuff got blown up, then maybe Lain wouldn't be so good.
Re:ah anime (Score:1)
Which ones were they - the scene where the main character masturbated over a catatonic 15-year-old girl, whose mother committed suicide after her husband started having an affair? The fact that the main character's mother died in an accident while inside an Eva - the same Eva that the main character was forced to ride in! Boy, that sure was a coincidence. Not to mention the other woman who committed suicide because the man she loved didn't care for her, but only for a five-year-old girl (who
Re:ah anime (Score:2)
He didn't say "not your typical robot anime". He said "not your typical robots".
The "hints" referred to were the evidence that the Evangelion units were biological/supernatural, and not purely mechanical.
I wouldn't exactly call them hints, though. They really bludgeon the idea over your head in the first 2 episodes, but tune it down from there.
Re:ah anime (Score:1)
Prehaps you don't know what a "robot" is? It's an artificial machine that moves by itself. An "automaton". The very first use of the word "robot" was in reference to artificial slaves that rebel against humankind.
Anything with a pilot in it is not a robot. "Powered suit" is an appropriate term, so is "battle armor". In fact, the word "mecha" is often used...
There is such a thing a
I don't find them interesting (Score:5, Funny)
Define Watered Down, please (Score:2)
And if you love robot Anime, watch Robotech. It's the father of a good 50% of the Anime out there, and chances are they though of it first (and then Gundum just ripped it off).
Re:Define Watered Down, please (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Define Watered Down, please (Score:3, Interesting)
Sex, violence, nudity, and adult themes are cut out because it's still not in public circles that Anime is an adult art form. With the most popular cartoons being things like Pokemon, it's getting harder to convince people. DBZ in America is targeted to kids and teenagers (personally,
Re:Define Watered Down, please (Score:1)
Re:Define Watered Down, please (Score:1)
Japanese fascination with religious symbolism shows up in "
Re:Define Watered Down, please (Score:3, Insightful)
Get Sailor Moon (uncut DVD set) (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't laugh folks: the original version shown in Japan is in many ways a VASTLY different show than the DiC English-language "adaptation" that was originally shown in 1995. The original version is a much darker series, with much more serious storylines and the end of the first season caused
Re:Get Sailor Moon (uncut DVD set) (Score:2)
Swapping around some backstory to replace "dead" with "magic sleep" doesn't really have all that much of an effect on the show itself, which is still "a dumb blonde with a magic school-uniform zaps random monsters with the same magic spell week after week". Although, it is a big shame the homosexuals were transgendered.
I especially recommend watching the first seven episodes,
Although they contain essential character introduction (if you
Re:ah anime (Score:1)
Re:ah anime (Score:1)
search no more, go for gasaraki, one of the best in recent time, deep political plot, tactical military armor seen as it should be seen( a military tool far better than any tank), a little of supernatural fenomena, characters that act and look like real people, just go and search for it( if you are an stalwart patriot, dont see the episode when 4 tactical armors beat the crap out of a full abraham M1 tank battalion, its ugly)
anime is at its best these days...
Re:ah anime (Score:2)
tactical military armor seen as it should be seen( a military tool far better than any tank)
Tactical armor shouldn't be "better than any tank". It should be superior to tanks in some situations.
The military planners in the beginning spoke of Tactical Armor as an advantage in ur
Re:Anime is different (Score:4, Insightful)
But the age span of 'kids' is quite different. it goes up to about age 25, where cartoons in america plateau at about what, 9 years old?
But again, damnit.. anime is just a medium. There's nothing REQUIRING anime to be aimed mostly at college age students and younger, but the older working people here[in japan] often don't have much time to get in to a story like that, and the non-working people just seem to watch gameshows. Though my only experience is one family, from what I've read and observed, it seems to be true for a great majority.. *shrug*
Anime?? (Score:4, Interesting)
I was wondering, just how popular is Anime amongst
Is this really something that everyone likes?
Or is it just a category because Taco likes Anime?
Same thing with The Matrix? Is it really needed that there be a whole category just for the matrix?
There seems to be a HUGE range for these suject categories. Apple is a big category, so is Hardware. But I am confused why we have such general categories for most things, yet specific cetegories for others.
Re:Anime?? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Anime?? (Score:1)
Re:Anime?? (Score:1)
Re:Anime?? (Score:1)
Answer me this, if anime is shit, how did it become a nerd thing that some idiots do if only to follow others. It is good, otherwise noone would have watched it in the first place.
Re:Anime?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Anime?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Same with anime. I think having more fine-grained topics is GOOD. I agree with Apple as a topic. PC users who don't care/hate apple might just block it. Breaking apple down in to smal
Re:Anime?? (Score:3, Informative)
I work at a US national lab in High Permformance Computing - plenty of geeks. In the older crowd (30+ to 35+) not really that relevant. Most know nothing about it or think "cartoon == kids" 30- tends to like cartoons in general.
The current group I am in I am the next to youngest (28) and am obsesed with it. The youngest has (24 I think) has never weighed in. The others (29, early 30's, 40's) think it is sorta wierd but have never really watched any (other than the wierd stuff I
For those who don't "get" Anime (Score:3, Interesting)
For me, my cartoon loves are strictly American for the most part. I haven't been able to figure out why that is, since most of my friends love the Anime. I love classics like Transformers, G.I. Joe, things like that. I have quite the collection of downloaded episodes, and also have DVDs of my childhood cartoon love
Re:For those who don't "get" Anime (Score:1)
Ghost in the Shell is an anime. An anime is an animation. A manga is a comic.
Re:For those who don't "get" Anime (Score:1)
Re:For those who don't "get" Anime (Score:1)
Re:For those who don't "get" Anime (Score:1)
Are you trying to convince yourself you don't?
I still watch the modern adult cartoons: South Park, KOTH, Simpsons, but don't really consider them cartoons. I have enjoyed some Anime movies, but to me, most seem watered down, or geared towards another culture and mindset. I can only watch so many cartoons with
Re:Anime?? (Score:5, Interesting)
When I was a child (mid-70s - 80s) I found that there were some cartoons that I really enjoyed, and some that I didn't.
Somewhat later (when Robotech came around) I discovered that nearly all the shows I had enjoyed originated in Japan - Kimba the White Lion; Astro Boy; Voltron (vehicles and lions); The Mysterious Cities of Gold; Star Blazers; Battle of the Planets; Ulysses
OTOH, the shows I disliked were universally from the US - Scooby Doo; Flintstones; Jetsons
As time went on I discovered that I *still* didn't like most US animation, but I did enjoy most Japanese animation I watched. There were some US shows I enjoyed (e.g. Simpsons) and some anime I detested (e.g. Debutante Detective School).
Eventually I worked out the major things I liked and disliked. I enjoy story- and character-driven shows. I dislike episodic shows with no connection between the episodes and no character development. Of slightly lesser importance is character design and the overall look of the show - I *like* most of the anime character designs (esp. Miyazaki and CLAMP designs) and anime shows tend to look better in general - more attention to background detail, etc. OTOH, I'm currently watching "The Soultaker" and I don't overly like the look
There is a *much* greater percentage of anime which is character- and plot-driven than US animation. The Simpsons is a character-driven show - most of the episodes don't have much to do with each other (though they often refer to previous events), but the characters are well-developed - they have real (caricatured) personalities. There are others, but they're few and far between (and of course, there are shows such as "King of the Hill" that I'll never watch because the ads just turn me off).
I just finished watching "Burn Up Excess" today. It's a show with ridiculous storylines, huge breasts and unrealistic hair colours. It's also a lot of fun, with an on-going storyline that develops over the series, and characters whose stories draw me in *despite* the huge bouncing breasts. Of course, it's not a patch on shows such as "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor" or "Crest of the Stars" or "Kiki's Delivery Service" to name a few excellent shows. It's a (mostly) lightweight bit of fun, and much higher quality than most of the crud I occasionally catch on Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon.
My personal collection is about 300 or so DVDs, and about 400 VHS (used to be more VHS, but I've managed to sell quite a few
Fortunately, Madman [madman.com.au] is releasing lots of anime here in Australia now - importing was prohibitively expensive. Oh - and I have lots of manga as well - Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind is definitely my favourite manga. However, the US comics I've enjoyed over the years have also tended to have strong storylines and characters - I don't find *that* great a disparity although no US comic I've ever read has had the depth of "Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind".
Re:Anime?? (Score:2)
I enjoy The Matrix and anime because they make me think. They are entertainment as well as provocative revolutionary subjects that force most viewers to question the founding principals behind their society and government.
I e
Re:Anime?? (Score:2)
Re:Anime?? (Score:2)
There's a bunch of great papers [simulation-argument.com] on the subject as well, including one [simulation-argument.com] that proposes that we probably do live within a computer simulation.
Good starting point? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Good starting point? (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh yeah, and kazaa was pretty helpful....
Re:Good starting point? (Score:3, Informative)
What types of stories do you [think you would] like? There's a few typical anime genres, though there seems to be a lot of cross-genre stuff. Typical, and largest being shoujo (targeted at females), and shounen (targeted to males). But in there there's subcategories. Magical girl (sailor moon is probably the most popular/well known example in America) is a type of shoujo.
Re:Good starting point? (Score:1)
Re:Good starting point? (Score:3, Informative)
Depends on what you like. I'll touch on movies as well as series.
If you like action, explosions, girls in robot suits, then Bubblegum Crisis 2032 is great. Don't confuse this with Bubblegum Crisis 2040: good but not great.
If you want romantic comedy then Ah! My Goddess is great for watching with your girl. Only 2 discs in the series
Re:Good starting point? (Score:1)
I also saw Spirited Away a few weeks ago and it is definately worth a rental now that it is on DVD.
Re:Good starting point? (Score:1)
As with any story-type thing, it depends what you are after. If you like a not too serious sci-fi, go for Trigun. A bit more serious (and with a great soundtrack), Cowboy Bebop. Both of these are generally easy to watch. If you want funny (and disturbingly addictive) and don't mind a bit sappy, Love Hina. An interesting action/drama-ish one is Noir, which follows two assassins. A comedy following a kid training to be a ninja, Naruto.
Based on what I'd like, I'd recommend these as good starting places. All a
Re:Good starting point? (Score:1)
That word implies that people would move around from time to time, especially when faced with a dangerous situation like a gun battle [animenewsnetwork.com].
Now that I think about it... maybe it shouldn't even be called "animation". Like Fushigi Yugi, it's more a slide-show with a soundtrack.
Re:Good starting point? (Score:2, Informative)
1) Cowoy Bebop (action/sci-fi) - adventures of several bounty hunters always a bit down on their luck including a former cop, a former mafia enforcer, a woman with no past, a young hacker, and a genetically modified Welsh Corgi. Probably one of the best series released in the last few years. Awesome music, probably some of t
"The Go of Hikaru" (Score:2)
Most people can't stop watching after they have seen the first 5 episodes. So just give it a chance.
You can download Hikaru no Go from AnimeTorrents [animetorrents.com]. Make sure to install BitTorrent first... which is extremely easy.
Sacrifice Woods (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Sacrifice Woods (Score:1)
Are the moderators dumb or is it some kind of sick elaborate joke (I'm thinking of the underrated moderation point)? If you care to check the original story, you will see that no work entitled Sacrifice Woods will be shown at the festival, and if you unfortunately care to check the provided link, you will be treated with a bad drawing of a naked women being tortured. It is sick and perverted, all the more so when you get that there are hundreds of similar drawings on the site. I think that the artist needs
I know theatres are cracking down (Score:1, Flamebait)
Some people just can't make it to LA on short notices like this (not to mention it's a week long excursion). Especially (and ironically) people that have to be in Japan during that time, like myself, actually.
Re:I know theatres are cracking down (Score:5, Funny)
Some people just can't make it to LA on short notices like this (not to mention it's a week long excursion). Especially (and ironically) people that have to be in Japan during that time, like myself, actually.
Got some good and bad news for ya.
The good news is that someone has already snagged a copy of most all of these movies! Heck, you don't even have to wait in line, much less visit lovely downtown Hollywood, or the really cool Egyptian theater.
The bad news... I know this is going to be one of those WAY out there wacky ideas. This is so OUT there that you probably would have never thought of it yourself. I'm here to help. Brace yourself for a monster paradigm shift without a clutch my friend, this may sting a bit.
You could *gasp* BUY these titles on DVD! That's right, you're hard earned Dollars and/or Yen can be donated directly to the artists and distributors that make this possible in an otherwise clandestine system known as "The Free Market", and sometimes by it's often derrided name, "Capitalism".
It may seem strange at first, but by utilizing this system you could then watch these movies at any time! It's wacky that way. So go and travel to Japan and enjoy your time there. "The Free Market" will be waiting for you when you get back at a variety of web sites and corner video stores near you!
you got me wrong (Score:2)
My biggest peeve is that it is darn near impossible to get English subtitled works that were produced here in Japan! That's not to mention the rediculous hoops I would jump through do circumvent the region coding
List of Must-See Anime Films (Score:3, Funny)
I'm going to have trouble fitting them all in, what with the Must-See Star Trek Fan Film Festival this week too.
Re:List of Must-See Anime Films (Score:3, Funny)
As for
One thing I can't stand about anime (Score:1)
Oh no! (Score:2, Funny)
The Real Story (Score:4, Interesting)
Is it just me, or should this really have been called the "Los Angeles Anime Advertising Fest". A significant proportion of the program is excerpts from forthcoming DVDs from American distributors (ADV Films, Manga Ent., Pioneer).
Here's my take on the real "must-see" films of the festival:
Has an outside chance of actually being great, but at least it'll be strange and a good conversation piece.
This became "Kimba" in its Americanized form. A chance to see some of anime history in its original form that you may not get again.
Do yourself a favor and see this superior double-feature instead of the lacklustre "Cat Returns."
Worth a look for the animation, for which it won an award at the Toyko Anime Fair in 2002.
As anime films go, this one is a brilliant work of art.
I found some more PR guff about the fest at anime-tourist [anime-tourist.com] too.
I guess fanboys will want to see Animatrix as well (I probably would), though the three released online episodes don't seem anything to write home about.
Now, anyone want to buy me a trip to LA?
- mib
It's not the underpants gnomes but.... (Score:2)
CARTMAN: Aw, screw it. It probably isn't all that good anyway.
KYLE: Cartman, what are you talking about? You love Terrance and^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HAnime.
CARTMAN: Yeah, but the animation's all crappy.
For the anti-anime trolls. (Score:2)
Nothing to see here, move along, move along.
D'oh!- real link (Score:2)
The Cat Returns? (Score:1)
Kid A looking series (Score:1)
Haibane Renmei: coming to a vid store near you (Score:2)
It's beautiful, it grabs hold of your heart and won't turn it loose until you've seen the entire series and even then...seriously, it's great. And there is not a giant robot or a tentacle in sight.
It is not an action series, but a slice of life, a slice of a life you can't experience anywhere else. Right now it's available i
Better than Spirited Away? (Score:2)
Now if I could only find my copy of Zombie Deathmatch...
Re:Better than Spirited Away? (Score:2)
Horrible Frame Rate (Score:2)
I also saw the Overlord series, and some other works. Some if it was good, some of it very, very bad. Like any field, there are crap films and wonderful ones.
But I can't help but note that my enjoyment of certain pieces could have been heightened had the animation not suffered from that ridiculous stop-acti
The Cat Returns....a Favor (Score:2)
I thought the most interesting part was the really strange series of short animated films (also produced by Studio Ghibli) they played before the main feature started. I hope they play those here in the US, some of them were funny.
BTW the name of the film in Japanese is "Neko no Ongaeshi" -- "The Cat Returns a Favor". Which i
As Tycho says... (Score:2)
I heard him say that at the sakuracon. It's true.
Dislike anime? Reconsider... (Score:2)
"I've never been able to get into American live-action works. I mean, it's all just mindless gun fights and porn."
A foolish, clueless statement that ignores the vast wealth of American live-action works, both cinematic and television? Yup. Yet people will make similar statements about anime. It's just as silly to say, "I've never been able to get into Japanese animated works. I mean its all giggling girls, giant mecha, and tentacle porn."
Anime is just Japanese animation, it covers a huge number of g
Re:Sounds Tempting but.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Plenty of time.
Re:Must see anime? (Score:5, Insightful)
That's your loss. Anime is a style not a target audience. Boycotting all movies presented in a particular style is incredibly stupid. Learn to distinguish the quality from the drek and you'll find entertainment everywhere, even in anime.
Re:Must see anime? (Score:3, Insightful)
Personally, I like a lot of anime. I find that they often have decent stories, it helps me refine my rather poor Japanese skills (Even though I've been 'studying' it for three years. ugh.), and I find the art pretty decent. However, I realize that there are a great number ou
Re:Must-see anime? (Score:1)
I never said I didn't like Astroboy. I thought it was great. But crap anime animation sucks in the suckiest way that can suck, and ruins a story that doesn't need neon pink colours, whiny girl voices, and flashing scenes that last a microsecond. I can get crap animation and stories from South Park, why bother with expensive foreign "art". It is all too artsy-fartsy for me.
Re:Must-see anime? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Must-see anime? (Score:3, Interesting)
Shrug. I didn't care for anime myself until 3-4 years ago. I'd seen Astroboy and Transformers as a kid but I had boycotted anime from high-school onwards. I shared the popular opinion that anime was "cartoons" and "cartoons are for kids".
My opinion changed with a single anime. With a great deal of prodding from a fanbo
Re:Must see anime? (Score:2)
I have to agree with you! Fanboys who love all anime are as silly as people who hate all anime. There's a lot of crap anime: poor stories, badly drawn, badly voiced, or simply targetting the wrong age group. Steering clear of the junk is as relevant for anime as it is for
Re:Must see anime? (Score:2)
Those people are wrong, yes, because they are misstating their preferences.
Someone who claims to love all anime is most likely only aware of that anime which is good enough to be imported to the US (and marketed as "anime", which Dragonball or dub-only releases often aren't). That skews the content towards things which are scifi, action, or adult.
If you speak a little Japanese, i
Re:Must see anime? (Score:2)
Mostly I'm just replying cuz I like your username. nan nen kan nihongo wo benkyoushita?
god japanese looks ugly in roman characters.
Re:Must see anime? (Score:1)
Re:Someday (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Peter Pan Syndrome (Score:1, Insightful)
Mod parent troll
then mod this a troll for responding to his idiotic rant
Re:Let me get this straight... (Score:1)
Re:Chojin Densetsu Urotsukidoji .. (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm still waiting for an opportunity to see Spirited Away on the large screen. The way things are going I guess I never will :-(
Re:Chojin Densetsu Urotsukidoji .. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Chojin Densetsu Urotsukidoji .. (Score:2)
You're exactly right. Anime has earned an undeserved reputation as "animated kiddie porn" in Australia.
"Spirited Away" in The Netherlands (Score:1)
Re:But did you see (Score:2)
and your a fucktard for saying lol. only dorks say shit like that.
Re:Memories on DVD (Score:1)
Finally, Memories is (legitimately) here (Score:1)
Although Cannon Fodder is a bit short and slow for my tastes, I loved Magnetic Rose and Stink bomb. Magnetic Rose for its tension, heart and fatalistic end, and Stink bomb for its dark comedy. I think I loved Stink bomb a little more because of his blind idiocy