Ransom Love on United Linux, SCO Unix 246
tit4tat writes: "Caldera chief executive Ransom Love confessed to ZDNet UK that "[Caldera is] not moving Open Unix [i.e., the former SCO Unix] onto Intel's 64-bit platform...." I suspected that Caldera bought SCO just to kill SCO Unix, even though they denied it at the time. Now, the first Unix I ever knew is about to be no more. "
SCO is gone (Score:4, Informative)
Re:SCO is gone - Huh? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:SCO is gone - Huh? (Score:2)
Not quite. What became SCO developed Xenix along with Microsoft. Microsoft eventually lost interest (although into the early nineties there was a port of MS Word for SCO Unix) and the rights to the whole thing came to SCO, in exchange for some royalties of course. SCO Open Server (and Open Desktop, the deceased client version), the older and cruftier of SCO's Unices, is the direct descendant of Xenix. UnixWare (now Open Unix I guess) was originally developed by Novell, and is a more direct branch from the AT&T source.
Re:SCO is gone - Huh? (Score:2)
Re:Not A Compensated Endorser .... (Score:2)
McDonalds was using Xenix 286 (on AT&T 386 WGS boxes) because of a bug in the original 386 math co-processor (remember those things?). Xenix 386 would crash with the faulty co-processor installed. Rather then try to remove ~1200 co-processors (already in stores) it was decided that it was cheaper/easier to just use the 286 version (SCO came out with a fix/workaround after the 286 version was already distributed)...
Only about 8 Itaniums have been sold (Score:2)
argh (Score:1)
title (Score:5, Funny)
Re:title (Score:2)
Re:title (Score:2)
Yslexdexics of the world untie!
good riddance (Score:4, Insightful)
SCO has got to be the single ugliest, un-friendliest, most incomplete and failure-prone unix i've ever used. I was called in to solve problems even the dedicated admins couldn't, and they always turned out to be windows-like, unexplainable glitches that took lots of kludging around to fix.
Re:good riddance (Score:1)
Re:good riddance (Score:1)
My main reason for recommending a migration was because I often felt guilty of the amount of support Sco needed compared to my Linux customers.
Oh well, time for me to go and get my MCSE.
Re:good riddance (Score:3, Interesting)
Indeed you do. For instance, want to know how to completely kill a SCO system (and I mean "restore from installation media" kill) with a single command?
Why, might a sane person ask, would renaming
I've learned many things about SCO in my time. First among them is that it will not be missed.
Re:I administered SCO, it sucked. (Score:2)
Welcome to the real Unix world. This was SOP for Unix systems - loadable modules are a recent development on the Unix timeline.
Caldera's Not Killing Off SCO! (Score:5, Informative)
(from the article)
So OpenUnix will continue in parallel to OpenLinux?
Yes. Open Unix could well keep going in parallel to OpenLinux. We are not moving Open Unix onto Intel's 64-bit platform, but IA32 will be around for a long time yet.
Please read the articles before you post them....
Re:Caldera's Not Killing Off SCO! (Score:2, Insightful)
Caldera has limited resources. They likely can't afford to pay developers to port an operating system to IA64, so that keeps OpenUNIX on IA32. Meanwhile, Linux is being ported to IA64 by open-source developers, so Caldera gets that move for the cost of testing, not developing.
Relax! I doubt any conspiracy is lurking here.
*bzzzt* wrong... (Score:2)
>to buy an established competitor just to remove
>them from the market. That's what competition is
you DO buy out your competitor when they start floundring - at the very least, you get a large portion of their customers at a fraction of the cost to you needed to acquire them through traditional channels (competition, sales force).
At best, you can absorb their "good" technologies, as well as take on some of their sharpest people in areas you need to strengthen.
Its a damn good way to grow a business.
SCO should die (Score:5, Funny)
more like, the worst Unix I ever knew
Re:SCO should die (Score:2)
SCO routinely scores low with sysadmins in every article I have ever read. (Remember, it originally was a Microsoft product
But Caldera used to be one of the great market leaders in Linux, and they are quickly falling from that position (per-seat licensing often kills their market share, and any Linux vendor whose CEO states that the GPL is bad for business has more problems that I can handle).
I guess birds of a feather flock together.
Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill (Score:1)
Re:Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill (Score:2)
Re:Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill (Score:1)
Re:Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill (Score:1)
Why Should They? (Score:2)
Good riddens (Score:1)
The icky scoansi terminal.
Re:Good riddens (Score:2, Funny)
too late for me to care :P (Score:1)
Works like a charm
ScoAdmin (Score:4, Interesting)
The transparent (to the user) method it had for Kernel compiles is something I would love to see Linux do. Not that I haven't cut a few Linux kernels myself, but it was very neat.
Another great thing was the software installer, and driver support from major manufacturers. Download drivers from Compaq, go to scoadmin/software, add the new software and it would recompile the kernel if needed. Sweet!!
Re:ScoAdmin (Score:2)
The reason why the util is so neat is that you have to re-link OpenServer very often -- it does not have kmalloc (meaning you constantly had to 'tune' different buffers) and it does not support loadable modules.
BTW I am pretty sure that OpenServer is ported to IA64. .
Re:ScoAdmin Redhat equiv? (Score:1)
Re:ScoAdmin Redhat equiv? (Score:1)
but that's still a far cry from scoadmin. Maybe I'll stick too vi, and editing files, and restarting services. At least with that method, if you break something, it's your fault, and not the admin tools fault (or bug, like a lot of the linuxconf modules)
Re:ScoAdmin (Score:1)
Differently Colored Virt. Terminal (Was: ScoAdmin) (Score:4, Informative)
Of course you can do this. This is just a question of configuring your system properly. You need to edit your /etc/inittab and add apropriate -I parameters for your getty processes:
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0681800'
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0686800'
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0005078'
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0681868'
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0006818'
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6 -I 'ESCcESC[?17;55;248cESC]RESC]P0006878'
Make sure that you enter a literal escape character for ESC (in vi you do this by preceding it with a CTRL-V, in emacs you must press CTRL-Q first).
After you have made these changes restart all your getty processes:
telinit q
killall -HUP getty
If you want to know what the escape sequences do, then here you go:
SCO is dead (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:SCO is dead (Score:1)
You'd be surprised who uses it and how much it is still prevalent...
Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:4, Insightful)
" The only difference is that the UnitedLinux binaries will not freely distributed. People will be able to download the source code and compile their own binaries, but they will not be able to use the UnitedLinux brand"
Please people now is the time to rally behind the truely free distros out there. If your going to use linux use Redhat,Debian,Gentoo,Slackware,Mandrake, or any of the other fine binary/iso friendly distros out there.
While I applaud standards I don't think this is the way to go about it.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:3, Informative)
I assume that they made this decision to try and increase their sales of official boxed products, versus having everyone download a free ISO. There's nothing to stop you from compiling the whole system, building an ISO, and distributing it under the name "Divided Linux".
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:1)
Uh, this is pretty common practice. For example, you can compile all the source that makes up Red Hat and distribute binaries of it, you just can't call it "Red Hat".
Maybe, but you can also download the binaries from RedHat. You can download the ISOs from RedHat. I'm not going to argue that the UnitedLinux companies are immoral for only distributing the source freely--I mean, that's the whole point of the GPL isn't it? But you have to admit that it is certainly a lot more convienient to be able to download an ISO if you want to try out a distro. In the end, with RedHat planning a LSB compliant distro--and ISO downloads--I really don't think that they will be putting a major dent in RedHat's dominance. Just my 2 cents.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:3, Insightful)
All you're restricted from using is the brand. This is a problem? I guess you also can't sleep at night because Linux can't use the UNIX trademark?
Who cares?? Compile the sources and say they're "UnitedLinux compatible". As long as you don't say "compliant" (which implies passing the certification tests) everything should be peachy.
You're reading drama into a situation that has none. Promote your favorite distros as much as you want, but don't do so at the unnecessary expense of others, especially when those others are putting forth an honest effort to help Linux.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:4, Insightful)
Exactly right. This is nothing more than yet another wacky hare-brained Caldera scheme to get people to pay more for Free Software without having to actually do more. United Linux is nothing more than a binary version of the LSB plus some additional, fairly basic, packages. Each of the distributions that is participating will have these packages installed and available. Clearly this is not a revolutionary idea. Caldera, and their new compadres are trying to set this package up to be the "new standard" because they know that otherwise folks will continue to use RedHat as the de-facto standard.
However, Caldera continues to overlook the reason that RedHat became the de-facto standard. That reason is simple. They wrote cool software and gave it away. Because of RedHat's policy of writing GPLed software, their software became the standard and their technology has been adopted by pretty much every other distribution (in one form or another). By and large Linux users, and Linux customers in general, aren't interested in being locked into a single distribution. Nor are they interested in paying per seat licensing fees. Apparently they also aren't interested in purchasing support from companies that sell distributions that rely on such tactics.
You would think that years of being beaten over the head with a clue stick by the folks at RedHat would have knocked some sense into Mr. Love, but apparently some folks are just amazingly slow learners.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
RPM. What do you suppose that stands for? Not Caldera Package Manager, for sure. Could it be... Redhat?
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Lets not forget that Redhat was the first strong push for a commercial Linux distribution. Redhat wasn't just for hobbiests and covert server projects. They went after the IT Industry as mainstream product. Hiring leaders in various Linux development projects and funding further development is a bonus (and certainly worthy of praise).
Ransom Love made one good point in the interview. Linux players have to come up with ways to differentiate themselves. This, despite the fact that they all pretty much work with the same pool of software. I have a hard time believing that Redhat wasn't included in the United Linux front because of time constraints. Redhat doesn't need United Linux because Redhat IS the competition.
So how does Caldera and other United Linux players differentiate themselves from the competition (much less each other)? They have to offer something Redhat doesn't. Let's look at some of their points:
Caldera and its United Linux brethen look like they're running in to the same problem they had before. This tactic provides little differentiation. And if United Linux members hold to the same marketing plan that Ransom Love mentiones - holding on to binaries - they may find themselves at a loss. Imagine the conversation between management and their IT techies.
"Uhhhh. Yea. We've decided to go ahead with this Linux thing. But there is so much choice, we're not sure what to consider. There seems to be two solid players here: Redhat and United Linux. Which one will work?"
"Redhat. I downloaded the latest version last week and put it up on our dev machine. Its been solid - a lot better then the dot-oh release. And I've been running the last release and development updates for the last few months. Its good."
Management nods their heads and goes back to look up support contracts with Redhat.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Either way RedHat gets the contract. After all, RedHat already has the traction with the suits. In a lot of cases, especially skunkworks projects that later become official projects, the techs end up with a lot of say. The fact that RedHat is freely available to test with is a big deal.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Yes and no. I've been in environments when it was a pleasant shock for management to consult their technical help. And I've worked for a major corp with a strong tech-culture and had to help mop up the mess when a non-technical business unit made infrastructure decissions on a technical project.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:1, Insightful)
Please people now is the time to rally behind the truely free distros out there. If your going to use linux use Redhat,Debian,Gentoo,Slackware,Mandrake, or any of the other fine binary/iso friendly distros out there.
One very good reason to do this is the GPL. If you distribute the binaries, you MUST make source available. If you distribute binaries ONLY with source, or not at all, you have no further obligation to make source available.
It seems to me that these folks could distribute their product as a binary plus source set, and not make any downloads available at all. They'd save a lot on bandwidth that way. The fact that they aren't speaks well for their good intent. If you want them to do the compile for you, doesn't it seem decent to pay them for it?
United Linux. Join the WAR on Terrori-MS-ism. (Score:2)
United Linux: If you aren't with us your with the Terrori-MS-sists.
It is either United Linux or those guys.
( Avoid those peace loving RedHatters... )
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2, Funny)
You can of course call those CD's "Redhat Derived", or "Unofficial Mandrake Burnings", or "Remarkable Slackware-Like Distro".
This calls for a wordplay.. (Score:1)
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:2)
Seems simple to me.
Re:Why I will never use United Linux... (Score:3, Insightful)
I wont be using (or even trying) united linux either. I'll stick with Redhat and Debian for home use and Redhat for corporate use. The price of buing another Linux distribution is small, but with corporate purchasing involved, the difference between Redhat and, for example, SuSE isnt a few bucks, it's several hundred dollars worth of paperwork time and several weeks to go through processing. Unless I pay for it myself.
So, give me a complete ISO download to speed up implementation projects and I can dump the support contract through purchasing, without the red tape that comes automatically with an incoming pricetag to a large corporation.
It's not a question of price. It's completely a question of convenience, and if it isnt convenient it's not what's going to get installed.
Is it worth mentioning that (Score:3, Informative)
Xenix? (Score:1)
Damn. Those Scientologists are everywhere.
Sad, but I can't say it's unwarranted (Score:3, Interesting)
My own experiences with SCO have all been awful. Having been forced to install it in order to qualify some products with it for a customer, it was a nightmare. The documentation is bad enough that it makes life more difficult that if it wasn't there in the first place. The people at SCO were universally unhelpful, even when we were contacting them to BUY their product. It was a disaster and I can't say I'm sorry to see it go.
Remember trying to port Unix software to SCO? (Score:2, Interesting)
Not moving to Intel's 64 bit platform (Score:1, Insightful)
Releasing only the source code? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm wondering, though, what would they do if someone just decided to download the source code (I guess SRPMS), compile them and the install program and bang it all on a install CD?
Apart from that I like the United Linux idea. The guy has a point about not competing in an area where there's no differentiator between the different distributions. I mean Apache will still be Apache, Squid will be Squid and Postfix..., you get the idea, no matter who packages it (I know that they sometimes apply extra patches, but on the whole, if it's important then all will have it).
Open Source? (Score:3, Interesting)
So UnitedLinux will remain an open-source project?
Absolutely. The only difference is that the UnitedLinux binaries will not freely distributed. People will be able to download the source code and compile their own binaries, but they will not be able to use the UnitedLinux brand.
Caldera will provide the product through its reseller channel; one problem that resellers currently face is that Linux is free. This way we give them more of a profit motive to sell Linux, because by adopting UnitedLinux they can generate more revenue.
Huh? So anyone can download the source and compile, (can't call it UnitedLinux, no problem), but you have to buy the binaries (no problem). Doesn't their business model fall apart when people start burning copies of the binary CDs for their friends?
This is, of course, allowed by the GPL, which most of UnitedGNU/Linux will be licenced under, I assume.
Re:Open Source? (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, anyone who already has a Linux box and the ability to compile all that source probably is going to be running [gentoo.org] something else [debian.org] already [slackware.org], and won't be inclined to switch. Besides, if you want to compile all that crap, why not just run Gentoo, LFS, or *BSD?
Re:Open Source? (Score:2)
Or they're simply creating a market for Cheapbytes' new offering right next to "Pink Tie Linux" - "Untied Linux".
Re:Open Source? (Score:2)
Isn't this what Suse does now? My recollection is there's no way to download, for no money, a Suse ISO, at least no way that Suse sanctions. Since I don't want to tray and download 8 zillion tarballs and compile them all (many dependent on other things being compiled/installed first), if I wanted to run this version, I'd buy the box set.
Of course, I just download Redhat, so your basic point may be right on, after all.
No Weeping here. (Score:4, Informative)
Four years ago when I started working for the company, I recommended Linux. My boss didn't want to use it because at the time there were no companies that had decent support. Last year we finally switched to Red Hat. They have decent support. The only big problem with RH is being able to install from a backup tape. SCO unix had utilities for this that worked well. With Linux this is much more difficult.
We have been more than satisfied since the switch to Red hat.
Good Riddance to SCO. It was good at one point, but they let it fall to peices.
and what happens to the source? (Score:1)
Even better would be to publish all of it as GPL code, but that will probably not happen because part of the code might be licensed from third parties. (Also, of course no GPL'ing will take place as long as IA32 Open Unix is "still around on the market"...)
Re:and what happens to the source? (Score:1)
UNIX has been around for such a long time, and there are so many cooks with a hand in that stew... I think gettting all the folks together to relicense it will be a serious undertaking. Just think, Microsoft's XENIX is a part of it now, so now you have to (possibly) ask Billy Boy to relicense under the GPL. Hmm, how likely is that?
I'm not rubbing it in or anything... (Score:1)
I asked our CEO very shortly thereafter...So when are we migrating Oracle over to Linux? "Never!" was his reply. I suppose he didn't realize then that SCO was no longer going to be a viable option as a mission critical platform.
I certainly can't say it surprises me. I mean look at Caldera's track record. Maybe someone over at the new UnitedLinux should consider giving them the boot before they take that down the tubes too.
BTW...I'm not being a troll. I'm just a little over opinionated about this I suppose. It's just difficult to have any respect for a company that takes anything they have of any value and pisses it away.
SCO UNIX (Score:1)
No room for SCO (Score:2, Interesting)
Good! (Score:1)
Long-Term Vision (Score:1)
I look forward to the time when all programs will be free and open and similiar to the standard Linux utilities (grep, more, fsck, and so forth) in that programs do one thing, and do it well. Once this happens, and programs are generally well-understood like engineering principles, law principles, or medical principles, then programmers will be there to provide a service, like engineers, lawyers, or doctors. I only see this happening once the programs' source is open.
We (programmers) need to continue to move toward the "programming as a service" scenario. We need to get away from the "write the program once and sell a million copies and get rich" philosphy.
IA-64 == "The Future" ? (Score:1)
I would think a lot of things are not being ported, because it's bombing.
That's now why they bought SCO (Score:2)
Actually that would be silly for them to do since SCO was already dieing. What they did was buy a company that gave them a base of customers who wanted to run Unix on x86. Furthermore they got access to any technology that SCO had developed. So to suggest they were just trying to off them seems simplistic. If they wanted to get rid of them, why would they still be offering upgrades?
OpenUnix is NOT SCO Unix (OpenServer 5) (Score:1)
SCO OpenServer 5 is based on SysV R3. It does not suck, and it does do all of the things Bill Gates claims Windows does only better and much more stable.
If Caldera has no interest in porting Unix to the IA-64 platform, it is now time to open source the AT&T Unix code base. I would love to have several proprietary Unix features available to the world (pg for one)...
I've used SCO Unix since the OpenDesktop days and I like it!
Just my $0.02 worth.
Re:OpenUnix is NOT SCO Unix (OpenServer 5) (Score:1)
You must be reading some VERY old info if you think SCO Unix requires an additional license for TCP/IP. It has been standard in SCO since the first release of OpenDesktop.
The only proprietary OS I would leave SCO OpenServer for is SCO Unixware (or it's successor Caldera OpenUnix). Microsoft both blows and sucks. Solaris isn't Unix. And Linux (though I love it) can't get the support it needs from critical systems vendors because they are being bought or brainwashed by Der Fhurer of Redmond.
Once again, my $0.02 worth.
Bye bye, won't miss ya (Score:2)
Half or more of the files on the systems I had were symlinked by default to something like
Dead Operating System collection (Score:1)
system' CDs that'll make nice wall art some
day. I guess I'm defining "dead" as an
operating system that you can't buy anymore
or is otherwise unsupported today.
So far, I have original install CDs from:
SCO Openserver 5
Novell UnixWare
BeOS (but just a demo CD, sigh)
An old DOS CD
Anyone have any suggestions on CDs to add?
I'm still looking for a rare CD of a
rumored version of AIX that was for the PC,
not RS/6000. Never seen it, though. And
I missed out on the chance to get that
CP/M CD a while back.
Re:Dead Operating System collection (Score:2)
Most people will miss this interesting footnote (Score:2)
Re:Most people will miss this interesting footnote (Score:3, Insightful)
ransom note (Score:5, Funny)
wE hAVe YoUR UniX. PlaCE tWEnty
THOusaNd DolLarS IN UnMArkeD
hUNdreD DollaR BiLLs in OuR
PaypAL AccouNT By JuNE 1St
or wE WiLL kiLL -9 IT.
Not well known (Score:2, Interesting)
True story.
Re:Not well known (Score:1)
I don't know what you're smoking, but it must be good.
Re:Not well known (Score:5, Informative)
It's not well known, because it isn't true.
Sun's OS derived directly from BSD. One of Sun's founders, Bill Joy (now their Chief Scientist), was one of the primary developers of BSD and one of the people responsible for getting BSD to run on the 68000 (which was the processor used in the first Suns).
At the time, Apollo didn't even run Unix, but rather their own OS named "Domain." To compete, Apollo modified Domain to support a Unix emulation (including a switching mechanism based on conditional symlinks). Domain didn't die until HP bought Apollo, though I believe they did ultimately port native Unix to Apollos just before then.
Love = Smoke and Mirrors (Score:2)
Nice try to play up to the Linux community Mr. Love. Caldera buys SCO and whatever community spirit was with it went away, Here's what Love really should have said:
"Well, considering my big cakehole has pissed away any chance at the Linux community ever respecting me or my company, I have decided to gather the other distributions, in the spirit of 'unifying Linux for our customers' bring Linux into the next decade. Oh, and since I have no idea how OSS works (lost my copy of ESRs book), we'll make the distribution of the binaries illegal, because damnit, Red Hat keeps GPLing all their software, and we just can't have that."
Face it Love, Red Hat is successful because it caters to business needs, and CONTINUTES to GPL it's products. You're anti-OSS views are the reason no one wants to use Caldera. If you take from the community, you better give back.
Don't blame Redhat because you've made a poor investment in a proprietary Unix company. Sucks that SuSE is stuck with these guys.
Good Ridance (Score:1)
Thank God!
Just my $0.02
"SCO UNIX" not OpenUnix (Score:1)
OpenUNIX 8 is basically UnixWare with Linux binary support and some new driver stuff in it - SCO has been a supporter of Project UDI [project-udi.org] since the beginning, and this is there new kernel Device Driver Interface.
The old SCO 5, SVR3 based, file system symlinked to an ounce of it's life code base is called OpenServer. Still being sold, though I bet it's had a fork stuck in it for quite some time.
My first time (Score:3, Interesting)
Now, the first Unix I ever knew is about to be no more.
Ironically, the first Unix I ever used was Microsoft Xenix on the 68000 Tandy.
Re:My first time (Score:2)
Just in case you didn't realise it, that MicroSoft Xenix is actually the same thing as SCO Unix (well, if it carried the Xenix name it was an earlier version, but the same codeline, the same unix.) SCO was Microsofts outsourcer - MS didn't actually write Xenix, they just bought the license and hired SCO to do it. Eventually MS lost interest in Xenix, so SCO bought the license and renamed it SCO Unix...
Re:My first time (Score:2)
Re:My first time (Score:2)
Not quite true. Xenix was based on the AT&T source - the SysIII source. AT&T didn't license the Unix name at the time, just the code - that's why it was called Xenix instead of MS Unix to begin with. SCO updated it with Berkeley components, SysV compatibility, and so forth.
The part you are correct on, however, is that SCO Unix reflects a new (in '89) license from AT&T, which included rights to the name Unix as well as the actual SysV code.
Anti-Trust violation (Score:2)
I wonder if this is an anti-trust violation. Given that none of the 4 companies has a monopoly, I would guess not. They do say they are open to any company joining. So what if Microsoft joined?
buh-bye (Score:2)
And I say good riddence! SCO was a miserable little Unix.
Re:LINUX FUCKING SUCKS (Score:3, Informative)
*desperately desires karma*
Re:LINUX FUCKING SUCKS (Score:1, Insightful)
Really? I've never had any trouble with wvdial on debian, or the kppp setup wizard on RedHat. That's what I've always admired about Linux: things Just Work. That hasn't been my experience with Windows, where it takes five minutes to whiz through the wizard, and then things almost work, and then you're screwed. Obviously our experiences have been very different.
Is there ANYONE on earth who thinks Linux is ready for the average person???
It takes 5 seconds to set this up under Windows.
Windows isn't ready for the average person. Neither is Linux (See what I said above). Some things work nicely under Windows, I'm sure, and I've found that most things work nicely under Linux, though obviously not for you. The fact is that the average person isn't ready to use complicated equipment like general purpose computers. Average people manage to kill themselves with toasters!
Why didn't you Format And Reinstall? (Score:1)
Re:Here's a thought. (Score:1)
Re:OpenServer's days were numbered anyway (Score:2)
Doesn't HP-UX borrow from the AT&T source? That will still make it to IA-64 eventually, since HP is abandoning every other processor architecture (well, except for IA-32). Irix is still being ported too, but AIUI it was mostly written from the ground up by SGI (even if they might be paying royalties to call it "Unix" anyway).
Re:The only thing worse than SCO Unix was SCO Xeni (Score:2)