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Comment Re:Average lifetime of american houses? (Score 1) 300

As far as my outsider's knowledge goes, many Americans choose to build 'cheap and lightly' with resulting lifetimes of less than 20 years.

Your "outsider's knowledge" is wrong, unsurprisingly.
See the-age-of-the-housing-stock-by-state to get some real information. And, if you read the article, you'll see that the states with lower median housing age are those with higher growth (i.e. building a lot of new homes because the population is growing in those areas - not because they're replacing existing homes).

The only places I've seen homes/apartments actually being ripped down and replaced is where the location is more valuable then the existing building and the replacement is larger - this is mainly done in wealthy suburbs where smaller houses are being replaced with much larger ones (and then the small homes were usually built in the 1950's or 60's).

Comment Re: UPS (Score 1) 236

I have AT&T's Uverse for internet, phone (their VoIP) and tv service. There are some known problems/limits with Uverse, but it matches my home needs. It also has never gone out due to a power outage on the AT&T side (including an outage that lasted for over a day for a large area around me).

Since we have their VoIP, they provide a dedicated UPS for the RG (modem/router/VoIP adapter). It is supposed to last for about an hour (IIRC), but I don't use it since the RG is plugged into the UPS for my home server and networking equipment.

During the long outage, the Uverse service stayed up the entire time. I had to recharge the UPS batteries a couple of times, but we watched TV and used the internet & phone through the entire outage. That's one of the nice things about AT&T, they have a lot of experience preparing for and running their equipment during power outages.

Comment "Last Man on Earth" available at (Score 1) 57

"Last Man on Earth", the Vincent Price movie version of "I am Legend" is available at the Internet Archive:

Although I prefer Mathewson's original story to any of the movie adaptations, I think that this is the best movie of the three based on it.

Comment Re:Too bad (Score 1) 305

I live on the Gulf coast in Texas. It's hurricane territory. If the power is knocked out, the cable modem has no power, and in a few days the cell towers stop functioning. That's why we kept our land line phone.

You live on the gulf coast and don't have a backup generator? I live near Birmingham and have a UPS (for minor outages to keep some electronics running) and a small backup generator for longer outages (powers the refrigerator to keep food from spoiling and to charge the UPS). Our last power outage (the tornado that went from Tuscaloosa nearly to Georgia) lasted almost a day, but we had working wired broadband/vol-ip (u-verse) and cell service (sprint) the entire time (and didn't have to worry about food spoiling).

While our broadband comes over the phone lines, ours lines are mainly underground. We had many friends without a land line for a week because their above ground lines were ripped up by the tornado. Nothing is disaster proof - always have redundancy.


Antenna Arrays Could Replace Satellite TV Dishes 183

Zothecula writes "There was a time not so very long ago when people who wanted satellite TV or radio required dishes several feet across. Those have since been replaced by today's compact dishes, but now it looks like even those might be on the road to obsolescence. A recent PhD graduate from The Netherlands' University of Twente has designed a microchip that allows for a grid array of almost-flat antennae to receive satellite signals."

Lower Merion School's Report Says IT Dept. Did It, But Didn't Inhale 232

PSandusky writes "A report issued by the Lower Merion School District's chosen law firm blames the district's IT department for the laptop webcam spying scandal. In particular, the report mentions lax IT policies and record-keeping as major problems that enabled the spying. Despite thousands of e-mails and images to the contrary, the report also maintains that no proof exists that anyone in IT viewed images captured by the webcams."

Bill To Ban All Salt In Restaurant Cooking 794

lord_rotorooter writes "Felix Ortiz, D-Brooklyn, introduced a bill that would ruin restaurant food and baked goods as we know them. The measure (if passed) would ban the use of all forms of salt in the preparation and cooking of food for all restaurants or bakeries. While the use of too much salt can contribute to health problems, the complete banning of salt would have negative impacts on food chemistry. Not only does salt enhance flavor, it controls bacteria, slows yeast activity and strengthens dough by tightening gluten. Salt also inhibits the growth of microbes that spoil cheese."

OpenSSH 5.4 Released 127

HipToday writes "As posted on the OpenBSD Journal, OpenSSH 5.4 has been released: 'Some highlights of this release are the disabling of protocol 1 by default, certificate authentication, a new "netcat mode," many changes on the sftp front (both client and server) and a collection of assorted bugfixes. The new release can already be found on a large number of mirrors and of course on'"

Comment Re:OMG (Score 1) 942

I agree. I'll kill and eat anyone who wants to eat my dog then.
That should strike enough fear into would be dog eaters to leave my dog alone. (sarcasm)

Don't eat them, that would be cannibalism!

It's not cannibalism if you feed them to your dog, however. And your dog will enjoy chewing on the bones, too!


Erlang's Creator Speaks About Its History and Prospects 48

Seal writes "Erlang, originally created at Ericsson in 1986, is a functional programming language which was released as open source around 10 years ago and flourished ever since. In this Q&A, Erlang creator Joe Armstrong talks about its beginnings as a control program for a telephone exchange, its flexibility and its modern day usage in open source programs. 'In the Erlang world we have over twenty years of experience with designing and implementing parallel algorithms. What we lose in sequential processing speed we win back in parallel performance and fault-tolerance,' Armstrong said. He also mentions how multi-core processors pushed the development of Erlang and the advantages of hot swapping."

Comment Re:Serenity Now! (Score 1) 197

At this moment, the parent to this is rated 'Troll' - obviously by stuck-up prudes who didn't watch the show...

Remember, Kaylee's first 'introduction' to the ship Serenity was on her back - making 'woopie' with Serenity's (then) engineer. (I hope 'woopie' is acceptable to those prudes out there...)

She might not mind 'helping out' fellow crew members if she was able to get a job on the ISS. God know, it could use her engineering skills...

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