Slashback: Pricedrops, Honor, Games 278
Making your computer worth even less. Acid-F1ux writes: "Advanced Micro Devices has slashed prices of its desktop and mobile Athlon processors just days after a similar move by rival Intel. The cuts range from 17 percent to 52 percent for mobile Athlon XP chips and between 11 percent and 32 percent for desktop Athlon XP chips. On Sunday, Intel dropped prices of its Pentium 4 processors by as much as 53 percent."
Progressive Education strikes a blow. darnellmc writes: "According to this Atlanta Journal-Constitution news article GA Tech had so many students violate the school's "honor code" that they have decided to change it.
"In the wake of the investigation, Tech officials have decided to allow students in introductory computer science courses to share information and collaborate on homework, previously prohibited under the school's academic honor code."
Of course code sharing also teaches the value of Open Source ;o) . Maybe now some young Computer Science student can spend more time on developing a good overall program, instead of spending a bunch of time writing simple things like their own sorting routine."
How many letters will the next big threat have? matthew writes: "LWN is carrying the notes from the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG) conference (more info at the EFF). The BPDG is the body that will be suggesting future technological control measures; they make the DMCA and CBDTPA seem like trivial problems. The BPDG conference was last week and it was open to the public so anyone could call in. You can read about what the FSF's Bradley M. Kuhn's Jonathan Watterson thought of the conference. The basic summary is that we're screwed if people don't start fighting against this kind of injustice."
This is what's called taking license. infochuck writes "Back in January, this story on Slashdot focused on Borland's licensing PR fiasco, and how they promised to remedy the situation (in short, their license permitted them to search at any time any of your computers looking for stolen software). Well, here we are, five months later, and their license hasn't changed one bit - at least not the two most unreasonable clauses, 12 and 14.4, and not in the license included with the Windows version of the Personal Edition. Download for yourself to see, but be warned, you'll have to register, which involves many questions and no less than 5 checkboxes to uncheck, as well as at least a 25MB DL. I believe is still the place to write..."
Playful is good. If the last month of pre-hype hype, pre-hype, actual hype and post-hype weren't enough, you'll be pleased to read that E3 coverage continues, at Gamespy (some cool reviews), Gamegal (good photos) and other sites beginning with "Game."
What a great message! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What a great message! (Score:3, Insightful)
"The status quo is not universal law. It can be altered if enough people work together to force that change. Stupid rules, that help no one and harm everyone should not be blindly accepted."
I try to get that message out all the time.
Re:What a great message! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
In other words, the follow-ons to the DMCA that intend to restrict your personal use of media on computing devices may not be enforceable and hence could be impassable.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2, Insightful)
God Bless Google [].
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
1) most students take classes over and over again until they pass, making failure meaningless, and therefore cheating meaningless, and
2) undergraduate degrees are not useful even for the purpose of getting a job. The fact that most people work in fields that are not related to their degrees proved that.
Can you believe that?
Re:What a great message! (Score:3, Insightful)
) most students take classes over and over again until they pass, making failure meaningless, and therefore cheating meaningless, and
Maybe the reason they pass eventualy (after taking the class over and over) is that they eventually LEARN something.
But if I can pass first time, without learning anything, by cheating, whats the use of taking the class in the first place?
I may as well just _buy_ a degree.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
May I suggest the following outlet then?
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
ok I think I over did my 2cents worth.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
It is not going out side of the system like you may be thinking. You will still use the system, just rather than waiting on the legislation branch to vote on things you will be waitind on the applet process of the judicial branch, and if important enough the suprem court.
If you are right, then you're right, period. The next step is to convice others of that.
Re:Civil Disobedience (Score:2)
Nope. That is not civil disobedience. See my response a little above in this thread for clarification on what constitutes civil disobedience. Publicility surely doesn't constitute civil disobedience (considering Thoreau, who coined the term more or less, was incredibly silent about his disobedience).
Your confusing civil disobedience with modern protest or Ghandi's satyagraha.
A very old rhyme... (Score:2)
Treason never prospers,
What's the reason?
For if it doth prosper,
None dare call it treason!
I've forgotten who said it and I'm too tired to go search for it.
Re:A very old rhyme... (Score:2)
What's the reason?
For if it doth prosper,
None dare call it treason!
I've forgotten who said it and I'm too tired to go search for it.
That quote would be from Sir John Harrington, I believe.
Re:What a great message! (Score:3, Insightful)
Later prohibition was repealed becasue the majority of america would not follow the law.
Later Civil Disobedience was preached by Ghandi (sp?) and MLK.
Even directly in the structure of the government is the concept of laws not nessesarily having ultimate say. No law passed by congress can be enforced unless the President (or more often an office of the executive branch) enforces said law.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
What you're wanting to attribute to Gandhi is most likely "passive resistance," basically any nonviolent but noncooperative form of protest (in his case, against British rule over India), which could include civil disobedience. MLK borrowed this idea for the civil rights protest marches, boycotts, etc.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
Oh your killing me with that one. That would be Henry David Thoreau and I believe you are referring to his essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" which inspired both Ghandi and King. Perhaps the most definitive quote from the essay follows: I find it hard to believe that any University Honor Code would cause one to be "an agent of injustice to another" in the manner Thoreau was proposing. Indeed, this would certainly be a "necessary friction."
In all actuality, since there isn't a social contract between a University and the students (instead a more formal contract), civil disobedience is entirely irrevalant.
I still can't believe you mispelled Thoreau...
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
But seriously, this is a message that is predominate in human history. Prove to the people in power their power is not unlimited by disobeying the rules.
Re:What a great message! (Score:2)
I'm less enthusiastic (Score:2)
What a great message!
If enough people break the rules, they'll change em!
Well - maybe they do this with some college rules. But laws generally don't get thrown away when nobody obeys them. They just tend to not get enforced.
The problem is that this puts you at a whim of policement, judges and anyone willing to sue on obscure laws. That's not how a judicial system should work.
Too bad about Borland (Score:2)
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:2)
Now.. with their draconian licencing, and serial numbers and almost-forced registration, I'm starting not to give a ratt's ass.
Am I the only weirdo that treats companies the way they treat me - or is locking down all users so profitable that pissing off a few people like me is worth it to Borland?
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:4, Insightful)
No. The major companies attitude extends from the tiny, "insignificant" difference between the words customer and consumer. A customer is someone who you have an extended business relationship with because your product is used multiple times. In constrast a consumer is someone who buys your product and uses it once; they may buy other, likewise disposable, products from you, but they do not require maintenance.
This explains the attitudes of many "vicious" corporations or organizations such as the RIAA, MPAA, and BSA-- they view you as a consumer, with a one-time disposable product (market forces to the contrary). OTOH, the "good" businesses like RedHat, IBM, and so forth understand that when they get your money they have started, not ended, the relationship.
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:3, Interesting)
They haven't used that "like a book" license in a long time.
I don't know anyone who's used their products in a long time.
They haven't made money in a long time.
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:2)
Not by a long shot. Quite arguably, this same thing is going on between the RIAA and a hefty chunk of the p2p-using population. There is a chain reaction between the RIAA mistreating its customers and the customers thanking the RIAA by refusing to play by their rules, and this chain reaction is fueled by exactly what you mentioned. IANA Business Major (IAA EE Major), but even I know that one of the most fundamental principles of business is that your customers will treat you more or less the same way you treat them. Unfortunately, the RIAA doesn't seem to have grasped that concept yet.
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:2)
If Borland runs software that conducts a potentially illegal search on a user's machine the illegality is likely criminal in nature. I don't think that many State Attorney Generals would consider a clause in a shink-wrap license to consider 'informed consent'. I cannot see much value in Borland attempting to litigiate the matter in court, it is the type of case which a state AG might easily take to the SCOTUS. Borland's costs in lawyers fees and reputation would mount for several years.
Even if Borland succeeded in court, a state could easily reverse the judgement by simply legislating such clauses to be unenforceable. While the US congress has been successfully bought off on the privacy issue to date, the states are quite a different matter. And in any case 50 states are hard to bribe all at once. It is in the interests of the parties to defect every so often to keep the contributors dishonest.
Sounds to me like the type of behavior that some pipsqueak lawyer engages in when not being closely watched.
Re:Too bad about Borland (Score:2, Insightful)
I have to wonder whether the license is actually enforceable.
It's American -- they have more money then you, so, likely, it'll get enforced.
Open Source in College (Score:5, Insightful)
As far as I can tell, this protects me in the event that a student is accused of cheating while still allowing me to show anyone my code. I personally think that software licensing should be a part of every CS program and the GPL should be encouraged to be used for all assignments.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:3, Insightful)
But how far do they want to take it? (Score:2, Interesting)
When the college says "Do not share code", they mean "Do not share code."
But how far do they want to take it? Can't use libc because you're "sharing code" written by the glibc authors? Can't use GCC because you're "sharing code" generated by the compiler?
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2, Funny)
if that's the kind of message you want to pay for, there's a cheaper method: watch TV.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2, Insightful)
It is actually rather ironic that timothy chose sorting algorithms as an example. After a few seminars on bubble sorting, quicksorting, etc. the exact assignment of my current CS class is to create a sorting program. Personally, I find it a rather simple process. However, there are many people in my class whom it is painful to watch attempting to write this basic sort. They spend 10 minutes trying to figure out what I have just coded in as many seconds. Now, if they had just copied it, it might not make a big difference in terms of there completion of that assigmnent, but I definitely feel that figuring it out for themselves is an important problem-solving step that helps weed out some of the numbskulls in the class.
The GPL may be nice and the method would likely benifit the majority of the students, but in the end I think that the opposing benifits are worth more than some time saved by my peers.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
The question is: are these individuals allowed to use books to solve the problem? If so, then how is a published sorting algorithm any different from an algorithm written by another student?
Are you really suggesting that these people are so incompetent that they can not look at a book, yet are able to comprehend someone else's code enough such that they are able to reproduce the algorithm without copying it verbatim? If so, then our public school systems really do suck
I'm not saying that during a test or something when someone is put on the spot, it is ethical to "share" code. What I am saying that it is silly to allow a text book to be a resource while not allowing another student to be a resource especially with something like coding where there is rarely a single correct solution.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
Another person who hasn't read the GPL (Score:4, Informative)
The GPL [] requires that:
The original BSD license, in contrast, has an obnoxious clause [] requiring credit in any advertising, not just in the copyright notice and source code.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
You have to specifically mark any modifications along with dates as well as perserving the copyright notice (which will always contain a name and date along with the warranty declaration).
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
Well that's just silly. If the solution can only be derived in one way, then obviously the book (or professor) is already going to have published that method. There are very few problems that have a single solution.
There's a difference between sharing and cheating. Would you show someone a paper from an English class in order to help them find inspiration for their own paper? Of course. They just cannot copy any of it or that's cheating. There is a great deal of value in seeing someone else's solution.
Now, if as a condition, the student has to include a notice that an idea was taken from another students work, then it is up to the teachers disgression to decide whether or not that is cheating. Let's say that someone borrows a little snippet of code that does something extra for an assignment that has nothing to do with the assignment. I doubt a professor would have a problem with it as long as it was clearly marked.
It's like quoting someone else in a paper. Obviously, you cannot write a paper based on quotes, but sometimes, including someone else's words make your words sound that much better.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
Very good point, I had not thought of that. I think I'm going to discuss this with one of my professors because I do believe this is ethical but perhaps my I am not as protected as I thought I was...
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
If you have been asked to work independantly, then the work had best be yours. If you are caught distributing solutions to assignments YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY as those who use them.
Keep the integrity of University education intact.
Open information is very much part of the integrity of a University. If a professor assigns a paper about a certain topic, would it be ethical to show another student your paper in order to inspire them? Obviously, as long as the student didn't paraphrase or quote without giving proper credit, this would be entirely ethical. It is also very pratical (in fact, my English professors encouraged this).
Writing a program is more like writing a paper than solving a math problem. There isn't simply one solution. It's much more of an art form. Explicitly licensing a piece of software thereby making it clear that the software isn't to be paraphrased or quoted without due credit being given should, by all accounts, be ethical (and good for the learning environment).
Re:Open Source in College (Score:4, Insightful)
Seriously, in most universities, if you cant do the basic programming and problem solving skills involved in writing basic Intorductory programs - Then an CS or an EE degree probably isnt the right degree for you.
They're *weed out* courses for a reason.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
The GPL says more than that. The GPL also says that, "You must clearly mark if you have used any of this code in your code."
I relate it to a bibiliographical requirement for papers. If you incorporate another source in your paper, than you are required to cite it properly. The GPL makes this explicit such that a person would have to clearly state that they got this code from someone else. This allows a professor to use their digression to determine whether or not the incorporated code was relavant to the assignment at hand.
Re:Open Source in College (Score:2)
New lesson: cheating == OK (Score:4, Interesting)
The new rules are just a license to cheat.
Re:New lesson: cheating == OK (Score:2)
Verbatim copying is obviously a no-no, but who hasn't sat over lunch(or with a tutor) trying to figure out a problem, or discussing a research paper, etc...? This is part of what education is all about. (That doesn't mean that I believe students should have free license to copy each other's algorithms/code.)
I also wonder whether or not this is a purely pragmatic issue. If a teacher gives out a variable naming scheme, spacing scheme, and then tells you to a function named Foo, which will sort an array using a buble sort, chances are 99% of the class is going to turn in code that is VERY similar. At this early stage it is doubtful that actual cheating, and independent projects would look very different. (Much the same as someone trying to solve a simple math formula using standard principles...) Computer Science in the lower levels should be treated more like mathmatics than Writing. In higher levels, after learning the language, then it is definately more comparable to Writing, and REAL cheating is easy to spot.
Re:New lesson: cheating == OK (Score:2)
Re:New lesson: cheating == OK (Score:2)
Re:New lesson: cheating == OK (Score:2)
A well educated person who can write an OS, compiler, network stack, build a pipelined CPU from transistors, and build TCP/IP over 802.3 from a PHY layer understands the fundamentals, and can (likely) pick up the next project with no sweat. They may not need any one of those particular skills for any project (eg, I've never used my computer architecture knowledge, but understand certain types of performance implications much more clearly), but even obscure knowledge like statistics are often useful (eg for signal processing). They're also more capable of helping others in your organization reach your goals.
I hope management in any company I own stock in does not have your attitude towards employee skills and competence.
GaTech & Sharing (Score:2)
Maybe this was good PR. But it was a stupid educational move. And I don't care how good a business they do with NASA or anyone else, or what sort of press they put out; above all else, isn't college supposed to be about learning?
Re:GaTech & Sharing (Score:2)
Student's litterally could not help each other at all! This is pretty bad considering that kid's that really have no business taking a programming class have to take it - try being a first year college student with very minimal computer experience, no programming experience, no knowledge of programming or what it takes or the mindset it requires, basically no preparationf rom your previously schooling or life experience and being thrown into a course were you are expected to write stupid sorting routines which sometimes have only vague differences, with very crap materials, with a language which has a very crap syntax (scheme..the crap syntax thing is just my opinion) and no real help from anyone when you have a problem with the materials because there is 200 people in your lecture, and then your TA is very limited in how he is allowed to help you. Hmm. See a problem?
Re:GaTech & Sharing (Score:2)
Groups can be very bad (Score:5, Insightful)
Noooo!!!! I don't know how many "groups" you've worked in at college level, but almost every group has one or two people that do the work and understand the material. The others don't have a clue or are freeloading. Even if I do understand the material, jumping into a group and only doing a portion of the work sets me up to not know part of the material very well come test time or when I'm working at a real job.
For large projects, working in groups makes sense in a couple of cases. First, the project is cool, but too large for one person to complete in the alloted time is a prime candidate for a group project. Second, group projects teache the group members to deal with the frustration of working on software with another person. (yeah, cheap shot...)
But please, oh please, don't make it a policy to allow group projects at every level. You'd think we didn't already have a job market saturated with poorly trained CS people.
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:4, Insightful)
Other than that, I agree with the above posts.
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:2)
The reason professors like to assign group projects is because its *less for them to grade.* Sometimes they are necessary if there is an expensive resource (software, hardware, etc0. But usually the prof/ta is just lazy. While doing my CS degree, I *refused* to work in groups several times.
A kind of an anti-arms race develops in group situations -- students who care the least about their grades wait for the students who care the most about their grades to do their work for them.
Some projects are also very difficult to break up into pieces a group can do ...
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:2)
Ah, so every single thing one does in life is done as part of a group? Group work is the only way to get something done? You've never done anything on your own in your life?
I'm sure you'll make a fine addition to the next wave of north american (I'm guessing you're from north america, your english is so awful) graduates. You don't know how to do anything, but you know how to do nothing together! You're such a great team player!
Individual effort is the only way to get things done properly. Add too many people, and you have a stifling beaurocracy and petty politics.
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:2)
I dont need your oponion on my career track. I've refused to work in groups and do other peoples work for them, and thats between me and my professors.
Second of all, I've refused to do plenty of shit my employers have asked me to do and its kept me out of jail atleast once.
So keep your *stupid* comments and oponions to yourself.
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:2)
Yup, like the blurb says, this will teach them all about open source. One or two people write the apps and the rest do nothing but complain about the lack of precompiled packages for Obscurnix.
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:2, Interesting)
When I did my course, the core programming/technical subjects were individual - these subjects give you the basic skills you will need to build on later...
More higher level subjects mixed in team work as well as individual tasks and this develops your ability to interact as a team...
We then did a full-year industry project (our course actually does two, bust the std IT course does one) which was totally team based...
The risk with team tasks is that you can coast on through if you want to. I believe that technical subjects should be individual tasks because this lays the foundation upon which everything else is built. Teamwork is good, but it should be brought in after the basics are covered...
I definitely agree that this dilutes the competency of grads coming into industry - we had one noteable case recently who began work where I do and it turned out he went through a 3 year IT degree with virtually zero programming skills. We didn't expect the earth - but we did expect the Basics - he didn't last long.
I'm sorry, but I feel that unis are just trying to fill spaces (to get cash) and create warm-fuzzy degrees that don't prepare students at a foundation level.
I think Enough of the warm-fuzzy because it damages the prospects of those grads that actually *did* the work because an employer goes "don't hire grads from X - they're all under-equipped" (over exaggerated, but I will say in the context of my work, it did damage the reputation of grads from that uni - people hiring are now much more cautious about taking grads from there...)
-- Dan,
Re:Groups can be very bad (Score:4, Funny)
Yeah, isn't she cute. I knew you'd spot her first. She's the receptionist, but you couldn't tell she works here by the hours she puts in. Most of the time she is in a closed door meeting with the VP.
Ah, Bill, the VP. Isn't he a character. Always shifting those paradigms, building synergies. He's a 3 handicapper at the club. Goes every afternoon after twiddling the receptionist's switchboard.
At least your boss Shamir works his ass off. Always on the phone to Bangalore. The language is pretty opaque, but it sounds like he is haggling. You just wish he'd quit printing up org charts on the department printer.
Well, the team looks solid anyway. Jerry is the best coder you've ever met. This guy dreams in regular expressions and could probably vomit a virtual memory system. OK, so he's just supervising now. Someone needs to be responsible for the spec and overseeing the reports. He doesn't code much anymore, but he's so good that he's always correcting the lead programmer Mike.
Of course Mike doesn't code much either. He needs to fill out those damn reports. Plus he doesn't get along with Jerry. Mike keeps telling him to quit messing with the spec and to leave his code alone. Jerry just blames Marketing, who blames the Focus Group (that was requested by the Customer) and THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. With Jerry tied up, Mike also needs to make sure the "Gang of Four" are working hard. After all, this is the company's main product we're working on. Someone needs to write it.
Oh wow! Did you say you've got the Gang of Four working with you? No, not quite. Someone decided to hire a team of recent grads from Cal Poly. They'd all worked on the same senior project, and one of them couldn't shut up about Design Patterns, so the name just stuck. When they aren't talking about their rice racers they can pound out a few lines. On the other hand, just by listening to them chatter, you can rebuild a Civic SI in your sleep.
Now it's down to just you and me, and we're both reading Slashdot. I wonder if I can convice the brass to start giving me put options...
Re:bah (Score:3, Interesting)
1. If you take ballots, make sure the ballots are secret to avoid personal conflicts.
2. Make the system an accurate measurement of actual work.
3. The system should encourage more work, and less freeloading.
In any system, the person will be aware of any demerit or bonus due to participation grades. They will either see what the other group members got, or they will know that the project wasn't deserving of the grade they got.
Since they will be aware of the demerit or bonus, there is no way to implement this in groups of two people and still fulfill requrement 1. Groups of three are almost as bad.
The larger the group is, the better a system like this works.
Another alternative would be to use CVS and count lines of code checked in by a certain person. Of course this ignores possible planning/design work that one student did.
Yet another alternative would be to interview each member of the group, asking them what parts of the program do. This could be bluffed though.
I don't see an easy answer. Do you?
Sharing Code at Ga Tech (Score:3, Insightful)
Can you imagine the hell of being given a group assignment in a higher level class where half of the members can't remember how to create a for() loop or use pointers, because they "collaborated" that part of their work in the intro classes?
It looks like GaTech will now be offering different Intro-level courses for computer-related majors and non-computer-related majors, but it looks like they won't be enforcing the "no-collaboration" rules even for the comp-sci major classes. With a shift in emphasis to quizzes and tests, rather than actual coding, I can only see this as working to lower the quality level of students' programming skills.
Re:Sharing Code at Ga Tech (Score:2)
But also, more often then not, if I colaborate with another person on a simple program it's for one of two reasons
1) The program isn't doing somethign right, and I for the life of me can not see it (syntax is a pain in the ass, you can read the same line over and over again and not realize you put a : where you should have put a
2) Because my function works, but rather poorly. If that's the case, I will often ask another student how they wrote theirs, and if any of it seems to work nicely, I will try to incorporate it myself. While I could do that simply by cut and paste, I would think most people (like myself) would try to understand why the new implimentation works better, and ask if they don't eunderstand.
Re:Sharing Code at Ga Tech (Score:2)
char* mystring;
mystring="Heh, pointers are cool";
cout mysting;
I Beg Your Pardon? (Score:5, Insightful)
You're missing the point of a CS education. Students are supposed to learn how to write "simple" things like sorting routines. (Of course, if you think sorting is simple, you're either inexperienced or you're extremely well versed in computer science.) That's why professors always tell you to not use libraries for assignments you're supposed to do yourself. Otherwise, we're talking about short typing exercises. The more simple algorithms you write, the more experience you gain for making the jump from higher complexity algorithms to code.
Students should not be swapping code on assignments. That's called cheating. These kids need to write as much code as possible, even if it's been done before.
"No libraries" policies (Score:2)
That's why professors always tell you to not use libraries for assignments you're supposed to do yourself.
Are the professors saying you're supposed to master talking directly to the kernel for I/O in every little program, without even using the abstraction of #include <iostream> (or its equivalents)? How far are the professors willing to take their "no libraries" stance?
Re:"No libraries" policies (Score:2)
Re:You don't really mean that, do you? (Score:3, Insightful)
You're confusing discrete mathematics with computer science. CS involves code to apply the algorithms. The algorithms are abstract. Most of them cannot be used in anything except theoretical constructs (such as those that appear on a computer system). You can learn everything about computer science without any computer technology, but you will be unable to apply it to anything meaningful. As a result, I the ability to code is critical to acheiving a useful computer science education. Just the same as physics students apply the theory of numbers to real world objects, computer science students apply the theory of algorithms to operating systems, compilers, and what have you.
So if when you talk of teaching "how to write... sorting routines" you mean teaching "this is the optimal sort algorythm" not "this is how you determine the efficiency", you are the one who've missed the point of CS education.
This doesn't oppose my argument. Code is extremely useful for determining algorithmic complexity. Obviously not required, except for a niche. If you don't know about code, you won't know where to use which algorithms. On top of that, if you can't code them, you probably do not understand them.
As for your statement that I do not know the point of CS... I can only respond by asking you what the point is. Computer science is a broad field. It includes everything from linguistic analysis to software development. It's not specific and myopic as you're making it seem.
Re:You don't really mean that, do you? (Score:2)
"Computer Science", for me, is both the math to determine whether an algorythm runs in exponential, polynomial, or linear time, but also the theories that drive design (such as monolithic kernels versus modular). Coding is a vital skill in learning to accurately apply the CS theories to real applications, but it does not comprise all of CS; the merging of good coding practices and CS forms "Software Engineering". Teaching only coding, the lesson plan reads "sort a list like this", while a CS lesson is about many "optimal" sorting algorythms (binary trees, QuickSort, etc) and when one would be preferred over another. Software Engineering would have the students write a sorting algorythm and then apply the CS theories of efficiency to analyze them.
When I first read your initial post, it sounded to me like you were proposing teaching coding skills over CS or Software Engineering-- I read the statement "Students are supposed to learn how to write "simple" things..." as making coding skills the focus of the lesson, instead of being simply the application of basic theories to a concrete example.
Re:You don't really mean that, do you? (Score:4, Insightful)
Of course they are. At some point, the CS student should learn the relationship between all this theory, and actual code.
Every CS class I took had a component of theory. Many also had a component of coding, with the objective being to see how the theory applies. You don't just talk about parsing theory, you write a compilier.
Re:You don't really mean that, do you? (Score:2)
I'm a real theory weenie myself, but to say that CS courses are "not about learning to write
Game Conventions...I Miss 3dfx's Showmanship (Score:4, Funny)
So, am I the only one who misses all the obligatory pictures we used to get from these conventions of 3dfx's latest Lara Croft booth babe?
They may have fallen behind in the video card market before their demise, but they sure had *showmanship*. Teenage girls in skimpy fantasy-wear and video cards the size of...
Where the heck are pics of DoomIII ? (Score:2, Funny)
If she managed to shoot a pic of the "Harry Potter" booth, she damn well could have managed to snag a pic of the DoomIII booth! Fscking chic!
Yeah! I could go to some other website, but still..
Shameless promotion of photos (and karma abuse) (Score:4, Interesting)
My E3 photos []. Note, there are more than just E3 photos there, but some 60+ of the show.
Code sharing in this context is plagiarism (Score:2)
Strange, that a similar statement for, say, an English course would be that now English students can more time plagiarizing Shakespeare, and less time learning the difference between "your" and "you're". The thing about a CS course, is that it is meant to give you a good theoretical underpinning to your coding skills. Knowing there is a black box called sort you can use is worthless. Knowing how the black box works is not.
Learning to use others work is a useful skill, sure, but unless you have something in your own brain that you can put into the process, you will never get anything but rehashes of previous work out. Maybe that's ok for an English student looking to write middle-of-the-road sitcoms, or a CS student who is going to churn out the same web application for the rest of their lives.
Summary, there are some things you need to learn for yourself. It's no good knowing that a calculator can add, if you don't know what addition is.
Re:Code sharing in this context is plagiarism (Score:2)
Oooh, bad analogy. I sure as hell don't know how to manually calculate the sine or cosine of an angle, but that doesn't prevent me from using a calculator to do it, and doesn't prevent me from using sine and cosine to help solve problems.
The fact is, a lot of this "vital" information you think everyone needs to know is simply a measure of someone's short term memory. Saying "this is how a bubble sort works.. now write a bubble sort routine" doesn't teach anyone anything.
But teaching the students why a bubble sort is slow and crappy, that's something that is A. useful, and B. something they may actually retain. You won't "ruin it for them" if you give them the source of a bubble sort routine. The lesson isn't in the code, it's in the theory.
Re:Code sharing in this context is plagiarism (Score:2)
i remember learning (and quickly forgetting) how to manually calculate sines and cosines, and i know theres a relation between the exponential function and sines and cosines (thats why e^isomething translates into cos (theta) + i sin(theta) (or something))
Re:Code sharing in this context is plagiarism (Score:2)
Actually, that's exactly what I was talking about. It doesn't actually teach you anything.. it just tests your short-term memorization abilities.
But, I'm probably biased since I think college is completely worthless in most areas except for the social experience. Especially in computer science, where experience is everything.
Code sharing is cheating (Score:3, Insightful)
The school 'honor' code (Score:2, Insightful)
Look, I don't like it when one guy does the work and everyone else cheats either. Guess what though, that's how the world works. I'm sorry, but we pay these professors quite a good deal, and a lot of them give me little to no direction, and I am going to talk with my classmates as much as possible. No, I am not going to *copy* their code, but I see absolutely no problem with cooperation.
And then there is groups, this is perfect. Yeah, there is always some guy who does all the work. I say too bad for that guy, because if he let's everyone do the work now, he'll be doing all the work for the rest of his life. Go talk to the teacher and tell him/her what's going on, then leave it up to the teacher to mediate. THIS IS HOW THE REAL WORLD WORKS.
I'm one of those 'too old to be in college' guys, so I've seen both sides. In the real world, you almost always work in groups. You have to learn how to manage them, and how to be a part of them.
Let student's cooperate and enforce more tracking on who is contributing how much, moderated by the teacher.
Arrgghhh!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
I purchased my new AMD XP 2000 just a week ago, and now the price drops. It seems like every time you buy any computer part, the next week prices go down.
You are fine (Score:2)
GA Tech decision not so bad (Score:3, Interesting)
GA Tech's call is nothing. (Score:2)
Nobody was disciplined. None. It didn't make me feel all that much pride in my degree to know my school handed them out that indiscriminately.
Yeah! (Score:3, Troll)
Maybe now some young Computer Science student can spend more time on developing a good overall program, instead of spending a bunch of time writing simple things like their own sorting routine."
Yeah! Last thing we need is fresh grads who actually know how stuff works. Give 'em to me thinking everything is a black box. Why, best thing is if they view the computer, the company, the government, the whole world and everything in it as a mysterious black box. That way Mr. Scorpio and I can fill their heads with our Mantra of Death(TM) while they lounge in their business hamocks. I sure hope this works better than our last endeavor.
E3 Pictures (Score:2, Informative)
If you want to see something at higher rez, let me know...
A link (Score:2)
UW-Madison CS department reached similar agreement (Score:2, Interesting)
They found that cheating was so rampant, it could not be enforced. They got sick of dealing with it.
The new policy (which has been in effect for a couple years at least), is that collaboration is permitted, but assignments make up a smaller portion of your overall grade now.
Typically, there are ~3 big exams counting for ~90 % of your final grade. The last ~10% is made up of several assignments given throughout the semester (YMMV depending on the course).
The rationale is that if you collaborate in a bad way (to the extent that you're not learning the material), you will surely fail when exam time comes. Seemed fair to me, though I personally never collaborated (didn't know anyone, didn't trust others abilities, etc.)
Re:UW-Madison CS department reached similar agreem (Score:2)
If the school can't enforce no cheating, it is their own fault. All you have to do is start handing out Fs or kicking kids out, and things will change rather quickly.
Re:UW-Madison CS department reached similar agreem (Score:2, Interesting)
It's not quite that easy. There was a lot of red tape to go through each time. Also, even though students saw other students being caught, some assumed that they just cut-n-pasted code. They thought they could just change a few variable names and comments to get away with it, not realizing that the code analysis software would still detect the cheating. Over time, this could be alleviated perhaps. I'm just betting that it's much more difficult to enforce than we could imagine.
I agree with the general sentiment of your post, however. The exams certainly weren't a true test of knowledge. There were usually code-writing sections near the end of the exam that were worth a lot of points, though. My biggest complaint is that I believe some professors had difficulty coming up with good questions for the exams, resulting in an exam with questions that would be much more practically answered in the real world by looking it up.
Yeah, uh, great... (Score:2)
Yeah, that's great. Maybe now all the new CS grads will be so clueless that I'll have more job security.... </sarcasm>
Unfortunatly this isn't a perfect world, and if students stop learning the basics like writing a good sort routine it just means that in a few years I'm going to have some really obnoxious coworkers, and I'm going to end up doing a higher percentage of the work. Good job Georgia tech!
If you learn what you are supposed to from a computer science education, you learn that all the problems can be broken down to layers of simple soultions. Then you learn to understand the simple solutions. If you really understand the simple solutions, you already know how to put the parts to gether into a good whole. If you can't understand the simple stuff, what good are you? It's important to make CS students prove they understand the simple stuff. The rest isn't nearly as important.
teamwork == cheating (Score:2)
Maybe we'll have one exception now.
Yeah, right.
Re:Lets Change Some More Laws (Score:2)
Re:Lets Change Some More Laws (Score:2, Interesting)
In the 1970s the Federal Government mandated a 55 MPH speed limit, over the disagreement of the Western States (Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Nevada.) The States sued in Federal Court and won. Then the Feds decided to withhold Federal Highway funds. The states moved to 55.
Then in the early 80s, the states also went to Federal Court over the 21 year old drinking age, and won that they had the right to have it at whatever age they decided, then the Feds threatened to withhold Federal Highway funds.
In the middle of the Reagan administration, thanks to a mostly Republican States-rights movement of Senators and Reps from the West, the Federal Governement allowed states to first raise the speed limits on two and four lane state highways, then on the Federal Interstate system.
I once passed a Montana State Trooper on I-90 doing 105 in my Beretta GTZ and he waved.
IMO, speed limits, drinking ages, and blood alcohol levels for DUIs should be a state issue, not a Federal issue.
Re:Lets Change Some More Laws (Score:2)
Re:w00t! (Score:3, Interesting)
the competition however is great, we all stand to benefit from it
Re:w00t! (Score:2)
just saying that Intel is gettin pretty darn competitive in the high-end market. that $262 cpu was almost $500 a few days ago.
it's almost to the point where i could build a dual xeon box running at 2.2 GHz x 2 for under a grand, if i tossed my HDD and CD-RW in it from one of my old boxes... that is the kind of system i used to look at and drool wondering how long it would be till it would be within my reach financially.
gotta love price wars
Re:w00t! (Score:2)
"high end" is always relative, nowadays you could be a UNICOS master working with old Cray's and say you work on a *high end* system and someone else could come along and laugh at you, but if you were comparing your system to many other systems you would be correct in your terminology.
it's all in the context of what you are comparing it too