Quickies Knows Quickies. Quickies is Quickies. 98
We'll start this off with
Ant's submission -- a hilarious story about The Endor Holocaust which no doubt follows the destruction of the 2nd Death
Star. After reading something so clear, confuse your mind
confuse your mind (thanks to
The Musician). Now that you are adequately confused,
cardoso sent us a ridiculous
flash app where you can control dancers. This will put you in the mood to enjoy
the most retro homepage
ever, sent in by mvw
Got some money to burn? Check out the Spinal
Tap Guitar which features among other things, chrome exhaust pipes
and a tachometer that (of course) goes to 11. If you're not a musician,
maybe you'd be interested in Randy
Rathbun's link to personalized
action figures: I could send in my mugshot and be immortalized in
plastic, standing forever atop my monitors with Darth, Goku, and
Trinity! Or maybe you wanna buy
a Dalek? If you're on more of a budget, Jay Novak sent us a great t-shirt
copyleft considering all the layoffs around the net companies.
With all of these great things to waste cash on, you might need some
geekguy sent in a funny list of ways to cash in on Doom without wasting time making a game (like
for example, Doom breakfast serial! Free BFG inside!) Just get id to
license ya!
For you do-it-yourselfers,
mr100percent submitted what
might be the most impressive automotive MP3 player ever. The Pathintosh is a beautifully integrated
Mac complete w/ steering wheel controls, and a custom bezel.
And finally, the eycandy. First up is
davco9200's link to Daily Astronomy Astropix which is actually pretty sweet: today is
Mars Dunes. Second and last of all, the pr0n:
Jeff K sent in
Unix-Sex which features sysadmins getting it on w/ Sun Hardware. Thats why we don't let them work 3rd shift.
unixsex (Score:1)
It had to be said: (Score:3)
Operator: Somebody set up us the time cube!
Captain: Main screen turn on
Gene Ray: Hello Teachers!
Captain: What you say?
Gene Ray: It is useless to resist squared truth! God-Men no longer dispute me!!!
Gene Ray: False teachers on their way to hanging!
Captain: What you say?
Gene Ray: You have no chance to survive in false time.
Captain: All teachers, take off every 'zig'
Spinal Tap references (Score:2)
If you have more, post 'em.
Another macromedia app where you control dancers (Score:2)
cardoso sent us a ridiculous flash app where you can control dancers
On the same note, yerricde hereby sends you another ridiculous shockwave app [hampsterdance2.com] where you can control dancers.
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Confuse your mind? (Score:1)
Please, nobody tell him that you can do the same thing with any prism that has a regular polygon as its cross-section and axis aligned with the earth's to "prove" there are more than 24 hours in a day.
Then again I doubt that Nature's Harmonic Time Regular Heptagonal Prism would get many followers, though Nature's Giant Toblerone Bar might attract some attention...
Re:OT: All your Base, etc ... History (Score:5)
http://hubert.retrogames.com/history.htm [retrogames.com]
paintintosh link.. (Score:1)
(OT)Katz on Mars (Score:1)
from the cats on mars dept
This can be taken either of two ways:
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
The Musician, and the Clintons (Score:1)
Re:Death Star Size Nitpick (Score:2)
(The whole SWTC site is fun to read, BTW.)
Re:Tupperware Computer Pictures (Score:1)
Darn, no Unix-sex! (Score:1)
Re:(OT)Katz on Mars (Score:1)
Re:Death Star Size Nitpick (Score:1)
If you surf around that website, which has been around a while, you'll find further bases for that claim: the size of the Executor when it crashes into DSII, for example.
Regardless, there are several holes in the evidence, as far as I can tell.
1) You don't have to provide direct escape velocity to any fragments, just divert 'em enough to use a gravitational slingshot. Not too close, though, or you'll pull off atmosphere.
2) As far as I can tell, there's no real indication of just how large the Ewok population is. It could be small enough that they all could fit on the available transports.
3) Star Wars tech might include some equivalent to the Star Trek Genesis device, a combination of tech that can make an uninhabitable planet inhabitable again in short order.
3) The Alliance has already been seen to have shielding technology sufficient to survive a bombardment from a fleet of Imperial Battlecruisers. It's possible they may have had such a device following the fleet in hyperspace ready for just this purpose. (Although the Imperials were able to land somehow, so such a shield isn't impervious to matter.)
Clearly this whole website is simply Imperial propoganda.
Re:Cowboy Bebop (Score:1)
the Timecube guy (Score:3)
P.S.: would this Quickie subject have anything to do with some random troll posting big hunks of the timecube home page a couple of days ago? The timing is just kinda weird.
Analyzing fiction (Score:2)
Death Star II was constructed from unknown materials. Specifically, the density of the materials was unknown.
Asteroids such as caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction on Earth are not simply hanging in orbit and then drop. They impact while moving at celestial speeds. Death Star II would have started it's descent at nearly zero velocity compared to an asteroid. Depending upon the materials used, inertial mass may have been low enough that the atmosphere would slow even multi-kilometer wide pieces to the point that secondary disasters such as global earthquakes and nuclear winter would not occur. Think what would happend if DSII were constructed of cardboard. Pieces would hit the air and then sort of float to the ground. Yeah, it would be a big mess, but not something that could destroy a world.
Pathintosh (Score:1)
To the rest of the world, his web server is on a 56k line. Owch! Maybe I shoulda warned him.
Re:I can't believe this didn't get in somewhere (Score:2)
Quick! Turing Test it! Let it submit those a few a day, let's see how many make it. What? You already did that?
umm... (Score:2)
I think I figured this timecube thing out (Score:2)
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:1)
Here's a mirror: All Your Base Are Belong To Us [xs4all.nl]
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:1)
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:1)
Slashdot version! (Score:3)
Death Star Size Nitpick (Score:1)
Nerds, I swear... (Score:3)
--Enoch Root, both nerd and hip
MY GOD!!! (Score:1)
After all, someone set up us the bomb!
Link all 'quickie' for great justice!
Time Cube (Score:1)
linux loving sluts--better models, no nudity (Score:1)
-the wunderhorn
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:2)
Trademarks and goatse.cx (Score:1)
clicked on the link at work and it resembled gay porn
Well at least it wasn't Goatse.cx [goatse.cx].
I was more concerned about the infringement of unixsex.com on The Open Group's UNIX® [unix-systems.org] trademark.
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Timecube (Score:1)
Re:Other Funny Geek Shirts (Score:1)
They only seem to come in white though and it aint really my colour unfortunately.
Death Star orbit nitpick (Score:2)
Such a configuration would have kept the DS-II in a free orbit, but still stationary relative to the shield generator, which could use ALL available power for shielding. Only minimal manuvering power would be needed to maintain postion at L2.
Attempting to support the station from the moon has addition problems. First, the generators for any type of repulsion field would themselves bear the full weight of the DS-II and would themselves need to be supported in some way, lest they be shoved through the moons crust. Also they would be a tempting target for sabotage, allowing the destruction of the station, without requiring or risking the rebel fleet.
Time cube? (Score:1)
i understand your cube theory!
I have one question though:
Since man in essence "created" day and night in terms of thinking as such (i.e. to bats and other 'nocturnal' creatures, our night IS day for them, for others, such as single cell micro-organisms, there IS no day or night), a "time cube" doesn't apply as nature's invention, only man's. Since all organisms fall under nature's umbrella, wouldn't nature then have NO day or night, just one long span of time wherein the Earth simply rotates in and out of light and darkness linearly?
I'd like to see how he'll answer that.
Re:is /. an adult site now? (Score:1)
If your you are going to get fired for looking at pictures of hairy guys hugging computer equipment, don't follow the link.
Meta Wars? (Score:2)
Good good, this guy is serious.
Hey, never mind all the problems of the world. Genocide? Ecological disaster? Risks of atomic war? Naw, none of that's important. What's really important is that (gasp) there are inconsistencies in Star Wars tie-in books! We must stamp them else, or else...
Or else what?
Re:Death Star orbit nitpick (Score:2)
Accordingly, there is no gas giant-Endor L2 point for the Death Star to be in. Perhaps one should read the entirety of a web page before trying to nitpick it?
Claiming that the repulsion field would have to bear the full weight of the DS-II rests on assumptions of the physics of repulsors.
Finally, the mere elimination of the repulsors would not be sufficient to destroy the Death Star II. The Death Star II is clearly said to be "fully operational", and since it cannot be fully operational unless it is able to move into target systems, the Death Star II before destruction obviously would be able to move away from Endor at hyperlight speeds, far faster than the gravity could pull it down.
(So why didn't the Emperor order the Death Star to flee when the shields fell? He was preoccupied with a battle in his throne room, of course.)
Anyone here other than me catch this reference? (Score:1)
Re:the Timecube guy (Score:1)
wow (Score:1)
Re:the Timecube guy (Score:1)
Cats on mars! (Score:1)
woo! i love that song
does anyone have any idea what language shes singing? I know its not japanese or french.. Alot of people say yoko kanno is just babbling
i still love that song
Re:Spinal Tap... (Score:1)
I am however interested in knowing how you realized it was I who could bear the brunt of your entertaining ridicule with light-hearted banter? You've made my day more pleasant, knowing now that a quick smile will come to my face at every post by an anonymous coward, and that I will think of you and your goat molesting ways.
Cheers lover boy
HOLOCAUST? (Score:1)
retro home pages (Score:1)
Re:OT: All your Tenchi, etc (Score:1)
Sheesh, 3.5MB just for that? Learn to optimize, man! Giant dithered gif89a is a terrible waste of bandwidth.
Here's an example of how to do gif-mation on a reasonable scale [tripod.com].
Re:retro home pages (Score:1)
i hate to be one of those people (Score:1)
If only (Score:1)
Daleks (Score:1)
Cowboy Bebop (Score:2)
Unofficial Poll... (Score:1)
( ) CmdrTaco
( ) Hemos
( ) CowboyNeal
( ) JonKatz
( ) In case you missed it, JonKatz
Re:Tupperware Computer (Early Pathintosh) (Score:1)
This sounds like a cool idea, but I'm a little scared of zapping a motherboard.
OT: All your Base, etc (Score:4)
Well here they are, including the original shockwave movie.
After that, you are on your own.
All Your Base Movie
Stillsh tml
Game FAQr o_ wing.txt
Now please go away. [smile]
OMG (Score:2)
I do NOT want to know what accessories would come with such a figure.
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:1)
I can't believe this didn't get in somewhere (Score:5)
plain text for those of you afraid of a goatse.cx link..
Re:Cats on mars! (Score:2)
Any linguists?
Breakfast serial (Score:1)
Comment removed (Score:3)
Re:I'm never going to look at rack-mounted hardwar (Score:1)
Ebay rewriting BeOS in Rexx (Score:1)
Re:Cats on mars! (Score:1)
Play the song in a classroom with about 20+ people in it. And just watch. In about 3 seconds, half will hate you, and ALL of them will have it stuck in their heads for the rest of the week.
It's one of the signs of a great anime song, it sticks in your mind like glue =]
Re:Death Star orbit nitpick (Score:1)
furthermore, novelisations are not 'canonical' as the article enthusiastically points out.
Comment removed (Score:4)
Translation of Cats on mars (Score:1)
Closest thing to a real translation there is. See the notes.
--- "Ed is Ed!" ---
Slashdot Action Figures (Score:2)
Taco should be wearing an anime tee-shirt, and should have his face fixed in one of those crazy wide-eyed crazy-man expressiosn that only he can give.
Hemos should look responsible.
Of course, Katz would come with wearing a flak jacket.
It would be really cool if they operated like that old Transformer set where you could link them all together into some sort of uber toy...I think the ultimate would be if they linked together to form some sort of a real working web-server running Slash or something.
Re:OT: All your Base, etc (Score:1)
I should be so retro (Score:1)
Dr. Daniel Gorden is the chief architect of the HAN project. Whether it is Warren ATM switches or nifty Media Blocks, he has built them all. Dr. Daniel Gorden was awarded the Ph.D. degree in 1999 by Cambridge University for his thesis on scheduling in optically-based ATM switching fabrics. He has worked as a Research Assistant on Fairisle project (an experimental ATM network) and on Warren project. His research interests include high-speed optical networks, operating systems and hardware design and verification. Although we managed to find a rare picture of Dr. Gorden, he is very camera shy; still you can easily spot him by his characteristic desk with innumerable wires, circuit boards and CRTs. Dr. Gorden now works on the AutoHan project and is responsible for its integration with Warren ATM network.
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/han/Pro files/index.html
Big shock... (Score:1)
Re:Nerds, I swear... (Score:3)
How noble in reason!
How infinite in faculty!
In form and moving how express and admirable!
In action how like an angel!
In apprehension how like a god!
The beauty of the world!
The paragon of animals!
And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
Enoch visits not IRC - no, nor trolltalk neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.
I'm never going to look at rack-mounted hardware (Score:3)
... the same ever again. Or patch cable for that matter. That's just wrong! Wrong, I say!
News for geeks in Austin: www.geekaustin.org [geekaustin.org]
Other Funny Geek Shirts (Score:2)
Spinal Tap... (Score:3)
Daaance Paul Dance (Score:3)
Some days it pays to be me.
an open letter to the time cube guy (Score:2)
> The true Time Cube
> When the Sun Shines upon the earth there are FOUR new minor Time Points
> Sunup, Sundown, NorthPole, Southpole, stupid word man!
> there are EIGHT EQUIDISTANT time Points
> You say "The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square
> imprinted upon the circle of Earth"
> You Believe in Time Square You are Stupid it is Time CUBE!! like 6 FACES
> of a DICE each FACE is a EIGHT POINT. YOU are right about "Life is a
> "Crapshoot" - with a femininity cube and a masculinity cube." BUT you are
> so stupid and braindirty about the CUBE.
> Each of these new minor points represents a 6 hour unchanging day, in the
> TIME CUBE there are 6 simultaneous days with 108 HOURS.
> MY 8 corners is 2 CUBED!
> you are trying to be a WEB GOD! WEB gods munch your children.
> there are other SUB-minor points. For you IDIOTS to understand we will
> use FOUR (but you cannot understand) we will call them BRUNCH and TEA and
> midday*
> brunch* * tea
> sunup * *sundown
> snack* * simpsons
> * midnight
> as the earth rotates each point gets full 24 hour day making 8 24 HOUR
> DAYS = 192 hours in a day!! If you were not to stupid stupid are you,
> stupid. You would see that each point (YES EACH POINT) along each equator
> ALL THREE (you didnt use the vertical one on your Revelations 7.1 graph,
> why not- you are a 2 D idiot), at each point along the 3 equators there
> is A FULL DAY OR A FRACTION OF A DAY... there are AN INFINITE number of
> days in each rotation of the earth the
> INFINITE DAY= INFINITE LIFE = TIME SPHERE, = purity of circle, abstraction
> of cube.
> DOES your confirmation GRAPH not Prove this YOURSELF (go ahead add more
> people in!)
> your FOUR CORNER LIFETIME. My four Higher Order Of Life
> = Lowest = the World with WORD GODS and EVIL BABY EATING TEACHERS
> = Lower = your FALSE time cube = your TIME SQUARE = 4*4=16 = squared!
> = high =MY true TIME cube = highest attainable by pure noneaten children
> = highest = the TIME SPHERE which you can never comprehend nor can any of
> you finite faced people with finite ancestors
> YOU are sTUPID
> i am 1337
> give me 1000$ like you PROMISED
Quickies and such... (Score:1)
Have to chip in... (Score:2)
Pete: Big city, hmm? Live. Work, huh? But. Only peoples. Peoples is peoples. No is buildings. Is tomatoes, huh? Is peoples, is dancing, is music, is potatoes. So, peoples is peoples. Okay?
mmmmm slashdot, I love you. `8r)
Gonzo Granzeau
is /. an adult site now? (Score:1)
P.S. Suck-up moderator karma whores will probably mod this down. I don't care.
Re:unix-sex (Score:1)
Quickie (Score:1)
Hand drawn homepages (Score:2)
Oh let there bosses have a sense of humor.
spambait e-mail
my web site artistcorner.tv hip-hop news
please help me make it better
But wookies live on kashyyk. It doesnt make sense! (Score:2)
Of course I wondered even more how the ewoks beat the stormtroopers in the first place, but Im just such a cynic I guess.
Whatever happened to the Ewok Hunters pages? Mostly written by the crowd that cheered when the ewok died in ROTJ. Probably the same crowd that cheered when we thought Jar-Jar wasnt going to be able to get his hand loose from the pod-racer engine in time. What a disappointment.
Tupperware Computer Pictures (Score:1)
Re:the Timecube guy (Score:1)
Time is subjective, maybe?
Cubes have 6 sides.... (Score:1)
doom - the pop! (Score:1)
they also released a kick doom map with lots of new kick-inspired graphics.
alas, poor kick, i drank you well.
Re:It had to be said: (Score:1)
Here's what came back
Your basis everything belongs to us, it is
With entirely there is your foundation which belongs to our that
With to our having your foundation completely that it belongs
Clearly not as catchy!Re:It had to be said: (Score:4)
Just for fun, I ran the "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" through Babblefish (sic)
I translated the phrase to different languages and back to English, and got the following:
All your beats are belong to us. [prmsystems.com]
Bush vs. Yoda... (Score:1)
Bush vs. Yoda: Famous Quotes [discordnetwork.com]
Too funny!
"Sweet creeping zombie Jesus!"
Re:Breakfast serial (Score:1)
Great idea! And someone should sell a Doom breakfast cereal that I could eat while I watch the Doom breakfast serial.
Don't be glib. It's clear that CmdrTaco is waxing nostalgic for the days before ethernet became common, when we'd all squeeze in a little deathmatch over the RS232 connection before work.
All your MP3 are belong to us. [prmsystems.com]
Please, please -- learn to spell (Score:1)
Please, at least look at the box on the table in front of you -- it's "cereal". Did you or did you not graduate from college or university?
For those who like the quickies (Score:2)
Karma whoring??? For Great Justice.
Tupperware Computer (Early Pathintosh) (Score:1)
It was controlled via a laptop keypad, and I used an AppleScript I wrote that would play MP3s through SoundApp. I even had it where it would read the names of the songs out loud. All of this was done off of one CD-RW which was bootable. I never used a hard drive, because I feared the bumps would damage it.
I recently made two servers out of tupperware cases. You know the blue ones with the little locking handles...
Well anyway, I thought it was clever. They are rather small and fit a mid-tower sized motherboard, power supply, and hard drives.
For me(college student) the average $35-50 per case is too expensive and takes up too much room in my dorm closet.
$3 per case, and the whole server fits within 18" x 6" 12".
Lots of people ask about my tupperware computers. But I just smile and respond, "I don't care what it looks like, it works doesn't it."
Oh gross. (Score:1)
unixse.cx man [unixsex.com]
Ugn. Gotta throw up now..