Pinball 2000 + Ethernet = ...
Eric Priepke writes: "I have 2 "Pinball 2000" machines, both of which I've added ethernet to. Via that ethernet, it's possible to telnet in to the pinball machine and get to a shell. I'm using that shell to dump out a bunch of statistic information on the games, and then build a web page with a backend perl script. Any time my games are on, the local FreeBSD box notices and updates the web pages every 1/2 hour." The link is to a mirror. Really impressive hack. Revenge from Mars is among my favorite pinball tables. Since Williams is giving up on Pinball 2000, it would be sweet to see if we couldn't make new games out of the old hardware.
pinball 2000 (Score:3)
They appear to be run off a standard PC so a ethernet hack shouldn't be too hard.
Re:Actually... (Score:3)
But I wanted to play! (Score:1)
It was getting cool until I got to the part about statistics. I was really hoping to read a list of key commands to control the pinball machine. You know "/" for left flipper, "Z" for right flipper, "L" to launch a ball....
Re:Williams gave up on Pinball 2000? (Score:2)
Indeed it was, a tough decision, but sound from a business perspective. Consider the following:
An operator wants a few things in a pinball machine:
From the Williams perspective, to retain top pinball engineering talent (i.e. Mr. West above, Tom Uban, Patrick Lawlor, et. alii), you have to keep them paid and producing. If you produce, you have to sell...
In the heyday of the late 80s-mid 90s, arcade operators were gung-ho about purchasing the latest machines because it generated revenue. But as the arcade traffic began to dwindle, operators that were still in business were more and more reluctant to purchase a new machine to replace an older, popular one.
Add in the fact that Pin2000 has great tech, research expenditures, expensive monitors and other factors that drive the cost up, coupled with customers that don't want to buy in the first place, and you've got a division that won't be profitable. As much as I hated it and felt deep down that we were losing a piece of Americana/history/my childhood, I understand the reasoning.
I only hope that someday the effort and knowledge used to produce these machines will be made public or otherwise put to good use, and not left in a closet until the shredder comes.
These opinions are my own and don't reflect those of my employer *G*
NerdPlus :-) (Score:1)
Re:Williams gave up on Pinball 2000? (Score:2)
I have no doubt that it was.
The sad, sad day comment was supposed to be the reflection of the fact that pinball playing in specific and arcades in general had fallen to such a state. (Also, I knew quite a few people who worked there, so I was sad to see them have to find a new job, especially because they loved the one they had.) I sympathize with the operators because, compared to their video game cousins, pinball machines are very high maintenence in terms of both time and money. I also sympathize with the players because games are getting harder and harder to find, and its even harder^3 to find machines kept in good condition.
That reminds me, I need to buy a bigger house, so I can own some games.
I only hope that someday the effort and knowledge used to produce these machines will be made public or otherwise put to good use, and not left in a closet until the shredder comes.
Yeah, should all pinball companies everywhere deceide to throw in the towel it would be great if all the technology and ideas that are sitting around as "IP" inside the various pin companies was released to the public in some way. (Man, I don't want this to sound like the obligitory "yeah, man, open source!" slashdot comment.) It would be horrible if this knowledge just "disappeared." That's one reason I give mad props to people building their own machines at home, prehaps some of the knowledge will be retained within that small community.
In any event, I figure, like most things, pinball playing will come back into style. Thanks to home video games, people have been driven into their houses, when that gets old, and people want to socialize more, prehaps they'll go back to the arcades. Okay, maybe not, but one can only dream.
On a somewhat related note, places like Dave&Buster both give me hope and depress me. They give me hope because people DO want to go someplace and play video games. They depress me because I find most of the games uninteresting. Its either driving or shooting. Did everyone forget that there are other kinds of games out there?
Re:One question... (Score:1)
Working on a similar project (Score:2)
I'm using the TINI processor, www.ibutton.com/TINI [ibutton.com] and a 20x4 lcd screen www.matrix-orbital.com [matrix-orbital.com]. In case you're not familiar with TINI, it's an embedded java processor on a SIMM. It's got onboard ethernet and serial, as well as its own proprietary "One-Wire" IO.
I will start out by keeping track of the high scores and storing them on the embedded java computer. Once I get that down, there's no end to what I should be able to do. This project has just started, it's not even documented online yet, but if anyone is interested in it, or has any ideas or opinions, please let me know.... beb1964@cs.rit.edu
Wow. DDR Coast-to-coast! (Score:2)
Then of course there's playing Street Fighter N against someone in another city or country. eventually there won't be such a thing as a 1P game, they'll all either be physical head to head, or networked against someone in Taiwan or Amsterdam. Nifty.
Kevin Fox
Re:It's too bad pinball died (Score:2)
WWJD -- What Would Jimi Do?
Why just pinball? (Score:1)
Thermostats/Tempature Devices
Imagine controlling and checking the tempature from your PC.
Think of your computer recording programs and changing channels. It would be great for pranks and when you need to 'override' your girl-friend's decision to watch figure scating.
I'd like being able to continue playing my games while I sit on my computer and make dinner start cooking.
Re:What did you map? (Score:1)
My $0.02 (Score:2)
Pinball in general: I enjoy playing so much, that I always look for pinball games when I travel. It is difficult to find a game that is in complete working order (easiest way to tell if a game has something wrong with it is to look for a '.' next to the number of credits in the game. If the '.' is not there, then all switches do work). I'm also saddened by the shutdown of the pinball division of Williams. P2K was a step in the right direction. Only way I can see reviving the industry is to start a company whose sole mission is to construct pinball games with parts that are cheap and durable. That way, owners will be able to achieve maximum profit from a pinball game, since the parts can be produced in mass quantities, and can be replaced at a minimal cost to the operator.
Re:Pinball is pretty sucky. (Score:1)
Re:Hrm... (Score:1)
The Who joke (Score:1)
Okay, I apologize for this...
But if it ran on windows, would there be a Pinball Wizard? =-O
Re:Pinball 2000 Update Instructions (Score:1)
ummm... the CRT is actually in the backbox. it just reflects onto the specially treated playfield glass.
Not a new Idea... (Score:1)
Re:Hrm... (Score:1)
I tried finding information on this on Midway's site, but it seems there doing some house cleaning.
Re:Why just pinball? (Score:1)
Thermostats/Tempature Devices
Think of your computer recording programs and changing channels.
---- I already have a device that does this....I call it my VCR.
This Internet+Pinball machine is now called.... (Score:2)
Re:Ethernet Games machines (Score:1)
Re:An end to slashdotting? (Score:1)
Re:TILT counter missing (Score:2)
Pinball machines, linux, and burningman (Score:3)
Here's [saroff.com] a picture of people playing the game. You can see the computer underneath covered up by a blanket.
Re:One question... (Score:1)
Hack into the machines! (Score:3)
Re:True Multiplayer Pinball? (Score:2)
http://www.pinball.com/games/fastbreak/ [pinball.com] is the URL of it. Unfortunately, this web page doesn't really talk about that "networking" aspect of it.
Re:One question... (Score:1)
Re:Technical details - here's how we did it (Score:1)
webcams (Score:3)
Now, to make it complete, you need to add webcams to this setup!
We should be able to SEE you get that high score!
He has money, but he sucks at pinball! (Score:1)
Still, interfacing it the way he did is helluva cool.
An end to slashdotting? (Score:1)
Could this be the end of slashdotting? Recognising when a site can't take the hits? I would like to send a thank you to the slashdot crew for listening to the readers.
Impressive hack? How so? (Score:2)
If anyone actually takes the time to read this guy's site, you'd find out that there was no "hacking" involved. The game is DESIGNED to have an SMC ISA network card installed, and it's DOCUMENTED how to do it. The game is DESIGNED to spit out all those cool stats, and the commands are DOCUMENTED.
There was no soldering invovled, no deciphering some obscure OS or byte codes. All he did was follow directions. Hell, even *I* can do that. Sure, it was a cool idea to have a web page updated live with the machine's stats, I'll give him that, but hardly a "hack".
After spending some time reading the rest of his website, I was much more impressed with the section where he describes restoring old pinball machines.
Come on Slashdot! This is yet another example of you guys not reading/researching your own stories. I guess with was a slow news day.
Posting as AC cuz I feel like it.
Pinball is "pretty sucky"? Troll much? (Score:3)
I've owned an Addams Family machine [geocities.com] for a few years, and I've never tired of it. I don't play it every day, but it has outlasted a number of (software) video games I have owned.
Some pinball makers had the right idea by adding lots of lights and pseudo-video-game displays to the machines, but they never took it far enough, and the same boring slap-the-ball gameplay was the core of the game. Sorry, but I'm not a retard. I need something a bit more challenging[...]
Saying that pinball is just "slap-the-ball gameplay" is like saying that video games are just "press-the-buttons gameplay" or that role playing games are just "rolling some dice". Although on one level it's true, you're mainly missing the point.
Note that people have managed to find entertainment for years with things as simple as a slab of wood and bunch of black and white stones (the game of Go [usgo.org]). Also consider athletes; runners do nothing more than put one foot in front of another, but there's no shortage of people who find challenge and reward in it.
So instead of saying "X is for retards", try saying "X is not my cup of tea". Because acting like you're the final arbiter of all that is interesting is, well, for retards.
Re:One question... (Score:1)
Is it possible to get the stats on the current game difficulty settings? I'm thinking about ways of verifying the validity of high scores.
Yes, yes. I realize I could just pull the glass off my machine and rack up 1B, but where's the fun in that?
and how similar was the SW:E1 to the RFM? I've got one cabinet but both tables.
Re:An end to slashdotting? (Score:1)
Re:One question... (Score:1)
I'm not sure what you mean by 'how similar'. As far as the hardware, network hookup and script -- they're very much the same. Only the HTML generation had to change to make the different page.
Re:Shell on a game machine... (Score:1)
Then again, if you go to a university, this is probably already done.
Re:Pinball 2000 Update Instructions (Score:1)
Shell on a game machine... (Score:4)
williams should embrace this (Score:2)
embracing a hardware hack like this, and communicating with curious hackers, could allow the entire community to breathe life into new and old willians pinball systems. this is a good thing because the world needs more pinball.
Drink more tea
organicgreenteas.com [organicgreenteas.com]
2 machines (Score:1)
so how many more does it take to make a beowulf cluster of these ??
What did you map? (Score:1)
-Never trust a man who tattoed his IP address to his arm, expecially DHCP
Too cool (Score:2)
Does anybody else think this is just like... (Score:1)
Question (Score:1)
Technical details. (Score:5)
Do you have details of how you added the ethernet? Were the tables already running a *nix under the covers that you can shell into, or is it a more custom hack? Any other arcade machines you fancy having a go at?
Re:TILT counter missing (Score:2)
Balls Played 1528
Avg. Ball Time 49.28 seconds
That's just such a rich vein of potential humor I don't know where to start.
Ethernet Games machines (Score:2)
The ethernet link from the machines seem to be used primarily for payment purposes. You get issued a paper card with x dollars credit "on it", the card contains a unique number that identifies your account on the server. Then with each swipe the money in the account on the server get's reduced by the game cost. You can also "re-charge" your account at the counter.
The hit counter is a nice touch (Score:5)
If the pinball machines are designed to download information anyway, how exactly is this an 'impressive hack'? It seems like he's doing exactly what the designers of the machine expected: download play data and use it. What's to separate Bob and Joe's Circus of Fun's using these stats to determine their next purchase and this guy's posting his high scores on his website?
I don't get it.
Dancin Santa
Re:He has money, but he sucks at pinball! (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
It's too bad pinball died (Score:4)
Pinball is dying now, and it's little wonder why. Pinball machines have countless mechanical parts subject to mechanical wear and requiring mechanical replacements. All that banging around can equal a whole lot of wear and tear, and without vigilance, your shiny new quarter-eating machine is a worthless hunk of scrap. Your video machines, instead, don't need repair and can be upgraded with a single new chip. That's the power of the internet, you know.
I miss pinball already. It was much more real than video games. You were hitting a real ball with your real stick just like back in the streets of Brooklyn growing up with Jimmy and Pudge. When you scored a point, you got a reassuring *thunk*, and not another epileptic seizure like those pokemon games give you. One pinball machine used to be all it took to get a room moving and grooving, but now where are we? Typing away at our individual boxes with big screens and complete sensory deprivation. What would the Who's Tommy have done with a modern video machine? He certainly wouldn't have written a musical; that's what.
We need to keep pinball machines alive. We need to keep the knowledge of tuning them alive. Pinball repair is a necessary skill I'd hate to see us lose. Then, where'd we be?
Re:Hrm... (Score:2)
It displays all sorts of statistics concerning track times, etc.
You can also use the same ID at any of the machines.
I believe it only requires that the machines are able to hook up to some sort of server. I think it dials out to get the information it needs, cause i hear a modem squawking whenever I enter my ID.
Re:Hrm... (Score:3)
The default webserver in a p2k machine only displays the pinball 2000 logo and the current high scores on the machine. Of course, those were just hacked in there in a couple days to show that http was working. All kinds of stuff could've continued to go into it, eventually you could wire it up online and get updates, tournament results, etc. etc.
There was unbelievable potential for everything that was going on at Williams Pinball at the time it shut down, it's most unfortunate that it'll never see the light of day. But life goes on.
Pinball is pretty sucky. (Score:1)
Pinball is not very fun. Even the 'expert' pinball machines are just way too easy. I can play them for hours on a single quarter.
Some pinball makers had the right idea by adding lots of lights and pseudo-video-game displays to the machines, but they never took it far enough, and the same boring slap-the-ball gameplay was the core of the game. Sorry, but I'm not a retard. I need something a bit more challenging than hitting a ball with some flippers. Even Whack-a-mole is more exciting.
If you want some real fun, try some original video games, like Sega's excellent Final Fantasy games for the NeoGeo.
Re:It's too bad pinball died (Score:1)
Re:Shell on a game machine... (Score:1)
Real cut'n paste from an ssh :
Last login: Thu Jan 11 20:22:24 2001 from foo
cool, 80 Mo de ram
You have new mail.
Seriously, this is just an internal linux box
Re:He has money, but he sucks at pinball! (Score:1)
SOL (Score:1)
Stroke Of Luck Lit 176 (39%)
Stroke Of Luck Awards 501 (111%)
S.O.L. 500,000 10 (2%)
Funny, I always though that S.O.L. stood for something else...
Re:Adding ethernet - use a TINI (Score:1)
Oh, the possibilities..
Re:The hit counter is a nice touch (Score:2)
As the guy states later on in this thread, there was a web server in the system but it crashes after a few hits. Not exactly the robust system you seem to be implying. Nor did it track the kind of information you're listing, it just showed the high score table.
So what this guy has done is to implement what the development team couldn't do (but probably wanted to do at some point). Because, after all, the entire Pinball division of Williams is gone (if you can buy a unit, it's because there's stock left in the channel). Pinball2000 was a bust, even before they shipped to distribution (how much is due to ol' meglomaniacal George Lucas is debatable).
That leaves only one US pinball mfg... Stern. Last I checked they only have plans to release one each year, and certainly not the wiz-bang Pinball2K variety.
Re:Way to go Eric (Score:1)
ExecPC's roots go deep. Despite the two recent buyouts, there's no reason to switch dialup provider; I don't know of anyone better in the Milwaukee area. There are tradeoffs of course - if you move the account to Voyager you get two free mailboxes but lose the shell access. A whole lot less hip than my former Chicago ISP, the late, lamented Tezcat, of course.
Webserver (Score:1)
you know what the next thing to do is...
I want to Slashdot a server running on a Pin-Ball machine.
Re:Webserver (Score:1)
One question... (Score:3)
Hrm... (Score:2)
Other than that - very impressive hack for hack's value. Too bad real arcades don't have something like this set up so people could compete against other franchised arcades for high scores/prizes/etc.
Re:frost pist (Score:1)
Man you got some serious free time!
Here's my next project
Via the crouded highway I go to work. Is it possible to get beat down any more by my boss and the 50 projects and meetings I must attend...When I get home I retreat into my 'shell' dump a bunch of beer down my throat, build a nest on the couch and show my wife my backend all night.
Way to go Eric (Score:1)
Love the hack. Now you all you need to do is write a webserver INTO the Pinball 2000 machine.
They did it with an old Atari computer didn't they? Could have it randomize a page every time a bumper is hit.
On a side note, (one of the Interactive guys, Bill) is writing a mIRC based webserver. It even has support for binary files. Can we get the instructs on how to do, or at least what you had to do to do it?
How? (Score:2)
How feasible is it to add such a thing to an older game (if at all)?
Is there a method to derive such information from, say, a Spy Hunter game? (oh please, oh please)
Are there any other ways of extracting high scores, etc from an older game (other than copying it down and typing it in elsewhere, of course)?
Re:One question... (Score:1)
Williams gave up on Pinball 2000? (Score:2)
Re:Technical details - here's how we did it (Score:2)
Pinball 2000 Update Instructions (Score:2)
Re:williams should embrace this (Score:2)
Adding ethernet - use a TINI (Score:4)
The TINI from iButton [ibutton.com] is the shit for doing this sort of thing - $50 gets you a board that has ethernet, serial, loads of goodies, it's a joke to interface to, and it speaks Java, so it's easy to program, has a full suite of internet connectivity and you can do it in linux to boot! These things are a great deal, and offer all sorts of interesting possibilities with the addition of iButtons and the Java Ring, for instance..
I'm sure this stuff was covered on /., but I'm too lazy to look :).
Impressive (Score:3)
Williams, who also owned the Bally name, made the greatest machines. Sega, Data East, Gottlieb, etc machines just don't have the right feel to them. I love the Williams/Bally line (I own High Speed and Pin*Bot, both from 1986, and I really want an Attack From Mars machine).
A lot of people were not impressed with the P2K set up. I played Revenge From Mars twice and I enjoyed it a lot! I don't know if it is something that I would get sick of, but I did find it fun. I think Williams did an commendable job of integrating the video display onto the playfield.
As for getting together to build another game, that would be quite noble, but I don't know how attainable. Obviously,
I know of one guy locally who DOES design machines for fun, and he has been featured on the Phoenix news stations for different things he's done. Maybe one of these days I'll ask him about what he feels the feesability of a P2K game is. =)
Great hack though!
Re:He has money, but he sucks at pinball! (Score:1)
Yeah yeah, plenty of practice since they're my machines, but still
/me posts whilst humming Pinball Wizard
missing words in title (Score:1)
some words are missing. it should read Pinball 2000 + Ethernet = a web page
nice web page though (Score:1)
Re:Pinball Maintainance (Score:1)
www.cautioninc.com [cautioninc.com]
Re:Technical details - here's how we did it (Score:2)
Agreed... out of all the pinball I've played, the Williams machines were by FAR the best designed and most enjoyable. (Sorry to anyone who worked on machines anywhere else) I still, someday, am going to have at least a few machines when I have the money and the room, and hopefully I'll still be able to find Williams machines for sale, and they won't have been all snatched up.
Re:williams should embrace this (Score:1)
Cool. Put a Striker Xtreme next to a Flipper Football and you'll really have something! (Just what that thing would be, I have no idea...)
Seriously, I hope Stern can turn a buck or two in this industry. I worked at Capcom Coin-Op up 'til the bitter end. I love pinball, and really wish I was still making them... :-(
Re:It's too bad pinball died (Score:2)
Creation of Pinball 2000 (Score:1)
Re:It's too bad pinball died (Score:1)
Actually... (Score:3)
Re:Question -- MORE INFO (Score:2)
Real reason (Score:3)
Too many hits will tilt the damn things!
Interested in the Colorado Lottery?
True Multiplayer Pinball? (Score:4)
Re:One question... (Score:5)
Re:Technical details - here's how we did it (Score:5)
Pin2000 uses PC-Xinu as the basis of its core OS although we added a lot of functionality to it. This was the decision of Tom Uban who was the chief software engineer on the project and all-round hardcore superstar programmer in general. PC-Xinu already includes a TCP/IP stack, and he had already written a packet driver for one kind of Ethernet card because we did all our code and image downloads via ethernet during development. A really simple web server wasn't too hard to write on top of that - all the statistics it reports are already collected by the game and displayed on-screen in the administration menus.
We demoed another use of the TCP/IP stack at Pinball Expo in 1999, where we had a tournament automatically running. We produced barcode badges for entrants, they walked up to a game, swiped the badge in a barcode reader, played, and their score was recorded. We also took their picture with a webcam and printed it on the badge, and the games showed the current high score list including their digitised pictures on all the games during their attract mode (ie. while they weren't being played).