Comment Re:Is opening a spouses mail a crime? (Score 1) 496
Wow... that's a potent statement.
Well said, Matt.
Wow... that's a potent statement.
Well said, Matt.
100.0% in agreement. Well said.
(Bonus marks for the awesome sig!)
Are you sure the problem isn't in your browser? If you have your browser set to accept Japanese, the web server can act accordingly; this would have nothing to do with IP-based geolocation.
You haven't watched Fight Club, have you?
You'd really be able to peel yourself away from the tropical island with 10 servants on the clock 24 hours a day to serve you 200 year old wine, your private library larger than Google's (except all in hardcover first editions), baths of gold coins, a private jet with built in casino, and your 200 square foot bed covered with silk sheets and priceless animal furs and dotted with down-fluff pillows to just browse slashdot?
OK I probably would too. I'd do it with the processing power of my private botnet which I paid Microsoft to build into every NT-based OS since NT4.
Nah that isn't right either. TBH I think I would buy a nice, small house in some suburb with FIOS. It'd be mostly bare except for ludicrously expensive art I liked which I'd hang inconspicuously in my bedroom. And I'd have a couple of machines which I'd keep updated. Maybe I'd buy some of those $50,000 cisco clunkers to play around with occasionally. I'd browse slashdot, read wikipedia, and learn everything there is to learn.
And for some reason when I imagine myself rich I see myself doing daily tasks (mail, slashdot, irc) on the very latest MacBook. I just might.
I absolutely, wholeheartedly second this. (The infomation-sponge and CCNA in me both approve, too.)
The job I quit was as a software architect for Microsoft, so, no, a job isn't what I'm looking for. I had a pretty good one. I'm afraid that I'm addicted to tech startups. I think I've got a pretty important new thing here and I'm concerned about immediate survival mode until I can get this thing to ignition. And I haven't been looking for a buyer as much as development partners and seed funding.
Get a job -- any job -- that pays your bills and gives you enough free time to continue working on your project. Convenience store, fast food, call center, whatever. It's inglorious but it'll do until you can rake in the Big Bucks.
I stole it. (They only look at the last name when they ask for ID, anyway.)
Plus, it boggles the mind that your nation still relies on horrendously-antiquated checks. We graduated from that over ten years ago now, and it's been almost a year since I saw anyone's checkbook in public.
Agreed. Also online aps are more-expensive longterm. For example I purchased Microsoft Office 97, and I'm still using it 12 years later, which is an annual cost of just ~$12. Online aps have significantly higher fees than that.
Do you really think it's wise or responsible to be using a piece of closed-source software (and one not known for its security, to say the least) so many years after the vendor has stopped supporting or releasing patches for it, and for which known exploits are in the wild?
In what way does, for example, Google Apps Standard Edition ($0/year), cost more -- either up-front or in the long term?
Do you not think using current tools at the time to produce a file, then ensuring the file is stored in an industry-standard open file format (such as ODF, RTF, plain text, HTML, TeX, or PDF -- or even better, more than one), is an acceptable archive, without needing to also archive a copy of (or later run) a dated (and bug-ridden and proprietary, in this case) application along with it -- which may not even run on machines "15 or 20 years" later, as you mention?
Right here.
Quoting the Google:
Now businesses can run Microsoft Outlook on Google Apps instead of Microsoft Exchange, so they can achieve the cost savings, security and reliability of Google Apps while employees use the interface they prefer for email, contacts and calendar.
Oh, and it works with all editions of Google Apps, both free and paid, and it costs $0 extra.
You're welcome.
This sums up the problems -
DVI was great when it first came out; HDMI has obsoleted it in home theater and Mini DisplayPort is beginning to do the same in IT.
DVI is just too big a connector for some applications; look at the port side of any Unibody MacBook Pro and you'll see that the use of a DVI connector would have resulted in the loss of a USB port, since the ports are stuffed edge-to-edge on the board.
Mini DisplayPort is part of the VESA DisplayPort 1.2 open standard.
Did you complain when DVI ports were brand-new and required a DVI-VGA adapter for most endusers to be able to use? This is exactly the same concept.
If you don't like Apple's price on the adapter, buy it from elsewhere (like
Holy crap- you are, what we in the biz call, an over-reacting parent. Calm down and take it easy before you destroy your daughter's life.
I have mod points and am forfeiting the right to moderate this story by posting this. I second this sentiment (although I, myself, would try to not be quite so harsh in the delivery). Here are two links I think you should read, and a book I think you should buy (I bought a copy myself and gave several extra copies to friends with kids):
I also recommend watching the video in the Amazon link.
It's called "Air Sharing", and its new big brother, "Air Sharing Pro".
Highly recommended; well worth the $5.
Been there, done that, didn't get a T-shirt.
(1) RIM sold more devices in the last quarter; marketshare has nothing to do with that. You are quoting nonsense. In addition, iPhone sales dropped off a cliff last year when people realized a new iPhone model was on its way, and the same is happening now.
(2) What the hell are you talking about with Linux surpassing MS and Apple? RIM devices don't run Linux. The closest thing which exists to handheld UNIX is the iPhone, which is based on BSD UNIX and the Darwin kernel, just like the desktop version of Mac OS X.
Can you losers quit this "Candlejack" bullsh
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.