Charging Cash For Links 175
DC2001 sent us the latest
internet scare piece running at Wired. This one is about companies
charging for the right to link them. Of course so far this is totally unenforcable, since it would render search engines worthless (Google
says they have 1,326,920,000 pages- if they had to pay even a penny
for the right to have each of these links, my guess is that we'd be
back to 1992.
Re:Read the article.... (Score:1)
Re:Facts. (Score:1)
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:1)
The National Writers Union is working on this, though.
Not that I mind my work being redistributed online like mad - for free. It just galls me that my work is being resold for profit without my permission and with me getting a cut.
Guess (sigh) I'll have to start keeping my little personal site up to date and posting my freelance stuff on it a few weeks after it appears wherever.
- Robin
Re:Yet another example of... (Score:1)
Yeah, I've heard this sort of thing referred to as a "land grab". The net was started by the DoD. Now all these companies are getting on it, grabbing and sreaming, "mine!" like playground kids. These outfits don't care about the whole concept of the internet in general. They seem to want to turn the internet into a web of billboards.
So do I owe them $300 now? (Score:1)
This is great (Score:1)
if my browser knew about all of sites run by clueless, greedy vultures and cowardly villains, so it could just refuse to show me any links to them, but failing that, this level of insurance that I will never encounter them is a great first step. In addition, I'd like sites that pay to link to other sites to charge for links to them also.
I imagine with this sort of thinking, the remaining portion of the WWW will be a pleasure to use.
Re:Facts. (Score:1)
Look at people who do things not for money or competition though the money may be needed in their lives and their projects may certainly be able to earn revenue. People like myself, who run an auction site drains time, energy and patience, has enough members that a pretty good income could be earned, but is completely free. Not only free, but totally advertisement free in every way.
There are a lot of others who do some much cooler services to the world on the web and don't look to make a killing at it. It's just as much human nature not to exploit as it is to exploit, in my opinion.
In fact, it isn't specifically that people use the internet (specifically the web) for financial gain. What makes me so upset with these people is that they do so with absolutely no regard for the human element of the web. They're like the adult videostore or strip club that moves into a peaceful neighborhood with lots of small familes and children and nearby schools and churches. Yes, they have every right to make a buck. They have every right to set-up shop. But they do so with such disregard for the other people who are sharing that geography. They couldn't care less that the neighborhood also caters to people just going for a stroll, reading a book in the library across the street, praying in the church a block down, educating children a block up, sipping coffee in the cafe next door...
The internet isn't just a giant phone book or shopping mall. The internet was built by the people (granted, it was the military and scientific arms that did the work, but they are extensions of the public), not some high-priced contractor hired to create a venue for you to sell your blow-up dolls, get rich quick schemes and As Seen On TV gadgets. There were great people from the very beginning of the internet who have contributed to this and when people abuse things like cashing in on linking or forbidding people fundemental online rights (to use the term very loosely) because to do so would seriously compromise their change to extort a few pennies, is a discredit to everyone.
Imagine what it would feel like if a neighborhood gathered together to turn an unused lot into a wonderful playground and then it was obliterated to make way for previously mentioned porn shop or strip bar. I can't imagine anything more analogous.
It's not just about the money! (Score:1)
Making extra cash is one thing, charging people for nothing is another. A lot of quick start internet companies are looking for ways out of their terminal burn cycle, so the idea that they are going to try and charge anyone for anything they can does not surprise me. Some of it might even work. I think this goes past the money issue though.
The author does point out that the firms in question could use technology instead of the courts to enforce their policies, why they don't they just do that? Nobody would find out about them! If you can't index and link to their content, how is joe schmoe going to find out about the site? For that matter, how would one gauge the content bias, worth, or truth?
I think this is about more content control. If you make linking some sort of business transaction, then you probably get by extension some other legal options that you don't have now. Everybody is worried sick about what might get said about them, or the things they produce. You can't put a positive spin on a lame choice on the net without people seeing it for what it is. Slick marketing is no match for word of mouth when it happens as fast as it does on the internet.
What if just the address is listed like on the 2600 page? Here is their copyright notice http://www.abqjournal.com/copyright.htm You can still get it, the address is still of use, and some software will interpet the above text as a link anyway, and save you the trouble of copying it into an address window.
Sombody needs to write something that can be used to automatically process the above text into a browser, infact make that a filter on the browser content so that it is seen as a link anyway.
Anybody that pays for those links is paying for nothing.
Re:Quite clever really! (Score:1)
Yes, it's not hard to fake to referer information (a friend of mine did exactly that to get information from an online database). But do you really think Microsoft would have done that if Ticketmaster had employed this trick on their website? And I don't think Slashdot nor any "important" site would fake the referer information.
Besides, most people don't even know how to get around these things.
Quite clever really! (Score:1)
But the difference with links on the Internet is that you can easily prevent others from linking to a page on your site. You don't laws to do this, you just use the already available technology to do it.
By utilizing the "refferal" information you can prevent anyone from linking to a given page on your website. You just need to create a little script that checks whether the person arrived at the given page from another page on your website (or from a page on a website that has permission to deep-link to your site).
If instead someone arrived at a page on your site by following a link from some other site, you could easily send him to the frontpage of your site.
The law isn't the biggest threat to fair use. Technology is.
Re:back to '92 (Score:1)
Come on....Bill Me, (Score:1)
"State Takes Newborn Who Had Cocaine in System"
Try and bill me people.
-Julius X
Re:To all those making links... (Score:1)
Yes, people are responsible for what they do. And No, they don't have to pay $50 unless they agree to a contract that stipulates that $50 payment. It's just like how you're not bound by the terms of a EULA unless you choose to accept the terms. Just because someone says something, that doesn't make it so. Copyright law doesn't grant the copyright owner godlike powers over whoever reads or uses the copywritten material.
Re:Check out ABQ copyright page, no mention of thi (Score:1)
That's because this isn't a copyright issue; it's a service issue.
My wildly speculative guess is this: the whole story has been misinterpreted. The $50 doesn't get you permission to link. Rather, it buys you some kind of guarantee that the URL will work instead of someday unpredictably giving a 404.
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:1)
you've clearly lost control of this "slashdot effect" that you've patented, and the patent is therefore unenforcable. so nyah nyah.
Re:Here is an argument for it: (Score:1)
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:1)
But it's they (the newspaper) and not he (the linker) who are providing the content for free. If they want to charge to access their page, that's fine and dandy... it's their responsibility to collect, though.
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:1)
I thought we were still talking about charging for links, but I see that this thread is about charging for back issues.
Pardon me while I go learn to read.
Hmm.. (Score:1)
Would that be so bad?
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
99% of browsers show you the destination sites name when you float the mouse over the link (except the tacky sites that make pathetic attempts to hide the href with javascript.) Effectively 100% of browsers show you the name of the site you're at, ALL THE TIME, on the screen (e.g. I can see very clearly I'm on slashdot.) So if you were on microsoft.com and are now at ticketmaster.com, you can see it, it is in no way hidden from the user at all.
Moreover, even the vast majority of technically illiterate web surfers understand this incredibly basic point - you cannot possibly even attempt to argue that most people would not be able to realise that. Sorry, if a lawyer attempts to argue that people aren't capable of figuring out which site they're visiting, he/she is delivering one enormous collective insult to the intelligences of many people. If MS had embedded the ticket-master stuff (e.g. the way crit.org might show a web site) or stuck the ticketmaster pages inside frames, then perhaps they can be shown to have made a deliberate attempt to hide the fact that people were at ticketmasters site. But then that would be a totally different issue from mere hyperlinks. The address bar is a pretty fundamental notion in a web-browser, not some advanced thing that only technical type of people understand.
A hyperlink is a URL and is nothing like a quote, neither legally, nor in any other frame of perception of reality. A hyperlink is like a reference in a book (remember those "bibliography"/"references" sections in dead-tree books?) These are not illegal, and are certainly not copyright violations.
No type of hyperlink can be a copyright infringement, since a URL cannot be copyrighted. A URL is equivalent to a book name and author name, or perhaps its ISBN number. And deep-linking is something totally different - that's like copying a chunk of somebody elses work in amongst your own work, which would probably be more like the MS/ticketmaster case.
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
A hyperlink is essentially just a pointer to more information. It merely tells where something resides. And that is NOT copywriteable information.
Re:Vested interest? (Score:1)
That's all we need: more browser bloat!
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
Re:Facts. (Score:1)
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Facts. (Score:1)
Re:Hyperlink vs. Quote (Score:1)
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:1)
No. It's not.
To mangle an old Zen saying, "A finger pointing at the moon does not include part of the moon."
Actually I don't click on ads. Ever. At all. Rarely ever even see them thank to Junkbuster.Tom Swiss | the infamous tms | http://www.infamous.net/
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:1)
Tom Swiss | the infamous tms | http://www.infamous.net/
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
If I place a site's URL in my website but do not make the reference a hyperlink then clearly I am only doing what bibliographers have been doing for centuries.
However, when I turn the URL into a hyperlink I am then making the actual content of the URL appear inside my web application. The hyperlink is more than just the ASCII text of the URL, such as one might find in a printed bibliography.
Several posters noted that if a hyperlink is placed inside an HTML frame then the address bar will not change after the user clicks on the link, so the user may not know she is at a different site.
In addition, it is fairly common for users to run the browsers in Full Screen mode, in which case the user will not see any address bar.
Lastly, I would mention that the XLink XML Linking Language [w3.org] can make the distinction between a hyperlink and a quote irrelevant, since web sites will be able to link to specific portions of other HTML pages without the pages needing to contain anchors or other special tags.
Could you imagine, (Score:1)
What about wired (Score:1)
Misleading title? (Score:1)
At the moment we have sites that don't allow linking by using changing urls like www.site.com/00,1002450,303,5029,3025.html where the stupid number changes every week or something. Other sites have meta commands that stop search engines indexing them.
All that has changed is that you can pay them to keep their stupid URL constant for however long if you want to link to them.
ATTN: iCopyright.com (Score:1)
Perfect Solution to this problem/idea (Score:1)
Personally, I think this is in retalliatiion to the search engines charging for a better position in search results. Maybe these two ideas will cancel each other out.
Re:Vested interest? (Score:1)
1. Yes, comments are theoretically owned by the poster -- it says so at the bottom of the page. That's why there was such a storm when
2. That's a very good question. Remember the DVD case? 2600.com was forced to take down their hyperlinks and replace them with text URLs. Will the insanity never end?
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:1)
Also, I would think that you should have the right to freely state what someone else has said about you.
If I said you were an idiot then copyrighted what I said, does that mean that you can't tell everyone that I think you're an idiot? How ludicrous!!!
ummmmm (Score:1)
the whole point of the web is FREELY LINKING RELATED CONTENT. charging for links totally destroys the whole point of its usefullness
that gopher mainifesto from a few weeks back seems to make more and more sence as the weeks go on
Re:Not Likely (Score:1)
The linking is allowed. Ticketmaster does not have to make it easy to link to though.
Freeloading? (Score:1)
God the doubletalk:noise:signal is high today about 1 googol:2:1
Copyright it's what's for dinner (Score:1)
Re:Facts. (Score:2)
". . . an Internet user of the year 2000 posted a message, which summed up very concisely what most Internet users of the time were probably feeling:
Personally, I'm sick and tired of the bullshit that 'businessmen' have brought to the internet. I've never seen such greed, selfishness and complete lack of awareness. 95% of them have the ethics of a snake-oil salesman. --
Drop into town, screw everyone over, use up all the resources to push your product, and leave witht he moola, onto the next town/resource that you can extort. "
CDROM.COM wants to block links to FTP! (Score:2)
Webmasters and Web Sites may not link to files in this archive
(FTP.CDROM.COM) without prior written permission by Digital River, Inc.
If you are interested in linking to files in this archive, please send
an e-mail to cdrom@digitalriver.com for details. Digital River, Inc.
reserves the right to seek compensation for unauthorized use.
This sounds especially bad since they are the primary archive for FreeBSD!
Free is free (Score:2)
The dot-com graveyard is full of companies that couldn't really afford to do what they were doing for free, but couldn't get people to pay. That's just tough. Would you pay for access to Slashdot? If not, prepare for it to go away (unless its ad revenue sustains it). We'd all miss it, but it wouldn't be our fault that Cmdr. Taco et al gave away free access to it. That was their choice, their plan and we were happy to soak up their precious resources while they lasted.
Or are you a "freeloader" posting here?
Maybe I should... (Score:2)
Re:Maybe I should... (Score:2)
Bill Hicks had it right when he said... (Score:2)
Jay (=
Hmm.. (Score:2)
The wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' (Score:2)
National Public Radio (Score:2)
Linking to or framing of any material on this site without the prior written consent of NPR is prohibited. To ask about linking rights, contact: webmaster@npr.org.
I asked about my "rights", but haven't seen a response yet
Re:Flawed logic (Score:2)
Great, you and your other top 0.5% cohorts get around the precious content protection. Good for you. Do you think that 0.5% represents any obstacle at all to those media companies who want to restrict access?
Kevin Fox
This is silly! (Score:2)
Re:Here is an argument for it: (Score:2)
I've said it here before... If you don't want it on the web don't put it there!!!!
Common sense. The last time I had to point out this rediculously simple concept was about portscanning. If you don't want your box port scanned don't put it on the net. If you don't want your website hit or linked to then don't put it on the net.
As far as I knew the internet was pretty much "public". If you only want certain people to get to your site there are many other ways.
The whole beauty of the web was the links (yes i know about gopher). That's what the big draw was and is.
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:2)
Oh, I could, but there would be a definte coolness factor in linking from my vanity page [infamous.net] to press coverage about stuff I've done. (Especially when one article has a big photo of me.) It would also be neat to link to coverage about my family and friends. It would probably even drive a few hits their way, making them more than a buck fifty they want to charge to retrieve the stories - certainly it would make them more then the non-link is making them now.
It just shows that many "old-media" companies are completely clueless when it comes to how the web works.
Tom Swiss | the infamous tms | http://www.infamous.net/
Why make it freely available then? (Score:2)
What would said site want then? (Score:2)
some people just don't get it (Score:2)
Which is worse...that they are trying to charge for linking to a public page, that there is a company whose whole business revolves around this, or that other companies are actually paying for it? It seems that the larger the net gets, the lower the average IQ of a net business gets. I guess they figure link revenue can make up for lost
Re:Here is an argument for it: (Score:2)
If they don't want people to read their material, then why bother with the web at all?
Re:They can't do that.... (Score:2)
Obfuscated e-mail addresses won't stop sadistic 12-year-old ACs.
I have a patent on that! (Score:2)
These guys are in violation of my patent!.
:)Re:Here is an argument for it: (Score:2)
So if you don't want traffic, then maybe you should get your site a "parent": set up a firewall - block out any IP's you don't want to access your site, or block by Referer. It *really is* that simple!
Re:Why just URLs? (Score:2)
I tried giving the local baby bell (Qwest) hell for wanting to actually charge me to have my number unlisted. I personally think numbers should be unlisted by default.
Then again, this is the same company that sells your brand-new number to telemarketers and has the balls to launch a telemarketer-blocking service for like $10/month.
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:2)
And if they do - they'll have to pay me royalties, seeing as how I've patented the 'Slashdot Effect' and will from this point on enforce each instance of it.
Now if only I could Slashdot Amazon's 'one-click' system.
Re:Here is an argument for it: (Score:2)
If they really wanted to, they could block people by who refered them, since it's in the logs.
Absolutely retarded (Score:2)
Feel free to link to my web site anytime: http://www.christianfreak.net
Never knock on Death's door:
They can't do that.... (Score:2)
I already have it patented.
If this P.O.S. passes legal muster... (Score:2)
Re:Read the article.... (Score:2)
They seem to be a company that will let you obtain a reuse license. Check Here for an article that has this thing active, and at the bottom there is a [localbusiness.com]link [icopyright.com] to the icopyright.com site.
This smells fishy......
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:2)
If they are concerned about their content, perhaps requiring someone to LOGIN or CREATE an account might be the answer. Like what the New York Times does......
Not a problem (Score:2)
It *is* a crazy but understandable (Score:2)
Master the Moment (Score:2)
Link to Albuquerque Journal -- $50.
Slashdot effect from link to icopyright server -- priceless.
What kid ever said, "When I grow up, I want to be the guy who sits next to the pilot"?
Yet another example of... (Score:2)
The ironic thing is, does anybody really care about the content of the Albuquerque Jornal? No offense intended to those of you in New Mexico, but this is hardly one of my major sources of news.
Link this Biatch (Score:2)
You know anyone who would be interested in information at a cost when someone will likely steal it and post it for free... If we can't get a handle on mp3's how will we get one on vaporwrite?
Re:Check out ABQ copyright page, no mention of thi (Score:2)
IOW, they will probably change the link locations if they find enough hits coming from hosts who didn't pay, and the people who actually did pay for the priviledge of giving directions will be SOL. I wonder how long they will be making money off this if they have to keep changing links to foil rogue deep-linkers, and how long it will take those paying to realize the stupidity of this when their own links no longer work, and the TOS they agreed to says they can go get bent.
So...anyone have some links for me? I feel like researching some
Fist Prost
"We're talking about a planet of helpdesks."
If the problem is technical in nature... (Score:2)
They use technical means to prevent deep linking. Can't the browser just tell it the refering page is the root domain? ie say the you were referred by www.fubar.com and not slashdot. Seems easy enough. Or maybe a right-click option "Open with alternate referring link."
Anyone want to try it out? there's no reason our browsers have to play the game any nicer than their servers do...
Deeplinking (Score:2)
Saying that someone is "freeloading" when they follow a link to a story is ridiculous. How on earth would a site gain regular readers if they refused to allow occasional readers to discover the site?
Re:It *is* a crazy but understandable (Score:2)
That's easy to defend from. Just add a Javascript frame-buster which automatically pops you out of the other person's frames.
Well (Score:2)
Note, a look for "decss source code" brings back as the FIRST LINK the previous link. Good job RIAA, keep up the good work.
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:2)
All political crap aside, the web was built around the idea of 'free information exchange'. Thus, hyperlinks have no built in controls. (And I'll personally beat the ass of the first person who suggests a new type of link). Perhaps people who want to charge for their web content should do it in a semi-private place, such as AOL's user-only pages.
Now wouldn't that be incredibly cool? If all the big-time corporations took their petty little squabbles over intellectual property and 'web-patents', etc... to reside soley on AOL and MSN, it would leave the 'real' web free for the rest of us who care about personal freedoms and the exchange of information.
If people wanna give you money, TAKE IT! (Score:2)
Of course it's unenforceable. But until I see the Journal, or any other publisher, going after linkers who don't pay, I'm not gonna complain. Heck, I probably won't say a word even then, 'cause the courts will slap down [phillipsnizer.com] that for me.
I move to consider this nothing more than a step toward the voluntary payment system [fairtunes.com] for Internet content that some have advocated.
To all those making links... (Score:2)
The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. Slashdot is not responsible for what they say.
According to that, all of you people who were stupid (or brave) enough to make links can be held legally reponsible and thus it would be ya'll who would have to pay that fine of $50.00. Considering that a really good lawyer could force slashdot to hand over the information regarding your account (i.e. your name) then Albuquerque Journal could charge ya'll with the fine. Of course, if ya'll resist then I suppose Albuquerque Journal could go further and actually bring charges against ya'll. Think of the combine cost of lawyer fees, court fees, and the original fine. But then again ya'll could get a judge to throw out the 'hole entire thing as a "frivous case".
Project: To Take Over The World
They don't charge for links (Score:2)
Hey, let turn the internet into the outernet. (Score:3)
Face it, the people who stupidly shout into the night and charge for what they're shouting have absolutely no incentive for shutting up.
They'll shout at the politicians who'll screw us all over for a dollar so they can get run to try to get re-elected.
I have seen the future and its all reruns (pure gravy for the network who charge for every site that store 'em,) delivered from sites which charge a fee for every download. You will be able to watch "Gilligan's Island," for a price of course, until the alternative becomes attractive.
The internet, the grand experiment, is going to Hell. Venality and cupidity ally with stupidity to blow down the walls of Jerico and to smear the tracks to the New Jerusalem.
Soddom wins. Replay at 11:15, 12:15, 1:15 etc. and over the 'net when ever you pay to want to watch yesterday's news.
Flawed logic (Score:3)
I'm not sure what CmdrTaco meant to say, but the above makes no sense. Whether linkfees make search engines worthless or not has nothing to do with whether they are enforcable.
As for enforcing a linkfee policy, that's easy. A small script on the server checks the referrer URL against a list of valid 'subscriber' URLs and pushes up content or an error message depending on the result. This is trivial.
The idea seems disgusting en-masse, but I could see several areas where referrer-verifying would be a valid technology. Some sites already use it to prevent deep-linking to content from an external site, and it's no huge leap to see that some sites wold be willing to grant deep-linking rights for a fee.
Kevin Fox
Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:3)
I don't understand "news organizations" that try to charge for back articles. The San Jose Mercury, for instance, puts all of its older (by a few weeks) articles into a $1.50/article "service." It's like they don't want people to use them for research; as if they don't want to keep selling those banner ads; and don't want to used for or featured in research.
Totally clueless.
How ridiculous! (Score:3)
But presumably linking is different, because you just click, and there the article is. So can you just quote the reference (name and publisher - i.e. domain), or the URL, so long as it's not a hyperlink? I can't see how making people copy and paste protects their articles, it just makes fewer people read them!
Presumably names and publishers of articles are taken to be public domain, because you can't copyright a book title and publisher in such a way to prevent anyone referring to it (or selling it!) without your permission. And anyway, most copyright acts (certainly the UK one) specifically allows limited quotation...
Oh this is too stupid for words... So I've said rather too many!
Not Likely (Score:3)
There was a case several years ago in which, as I recall, Ticketmaster complained that Microsoft was burying Ticketmaster content pages deep in the Microsoft site.
Ticketmaster claimed that its content was losing its identity buried deep in a Microsoft web application, and that furthermore Ticketmaster wanted people to navigate to the content by first visiting the main Ticketmaster web page.
I don't remember how the case turned out, but Ticketmaster's case had some merit. One criteria might be whether the linked to material is clearly identified as external, and the owner of the material is identified in the text of the hyperlink.
Legally, a hyperlink is probably similar to a quote. I can usually quote David Letterman without his permission and not violate his copyright, but there are certain circumstances where I cannot quote him without paying him.
It is possible that occasionally some types of links are in fact a copyright infringement.
This wouldn't invalidae search engines (Score:3)
Facts. (Score:4)
Personally, I'm sick and tired of the bullshit that 'businessmen' have brought to the internet. I've never seen such greed, selfishness and complete lack of awareness. 95% of them have the ethics of a snake-oil salesman. -- Drop into town, screw everyone over, use up all the resources to push your product, and leave witht he moola, onto the next town/resource that you can extort.
Read the article.... (Score:4)
What concerns me is this latest example of a blind grab for money in the light of questionable legalities. The Internet has become nothing more than another medium for questionable get-rich-quick schemes, many of which, unfortunately, are working and making lots of money for someone.
Why just URLs? (Score:4)
OK... (Score:4)
Just don't link to them. Then we'll have a de facto partition of the net into a commercial net and a non-commercial net (you know, like the one we had a couple of years ago).
Re:Pardon me, but that's not "generous." (Score:4)
Tom Swiss | the infamous tms | http://www.infamous.net/
the more things change... (Score:4)
Re:You've got it all wrong. (Score:4)
There are technological means to prevent anyone anywhere from accessing any page within your web site directory hierarchy without going through the front page or any other hoop you want them to jump through. So they should be used, if an innaccessible site is the desired result. Check the NY Times for a great example of this.
What WWW are you using? (Score:5)
Putting up a publically-accessable web page is like leaving an infinite supply of leaflets in a stack somewhere. You may make money by putting ads on the leaflets. If I tell someone "hey, there's a leaflet about Foo and you can find it in a pile on the corner of Bar Lane and Baz Avenue," I owe you nothing. In fact, if you gain revenue by distributing leaflets, I've done you a favor.
If the leaflets are for "paying customers only" it's your job to make those customers pay -- not mine.
Vested interest? (Score:5)
Because they [abqjournal.com] now [abqjournal.com] owe [abqjournal.com] the albequerque journal $150.00
iCopyright (Score:5)
From their FAQ:
Q: Does iCopyright.com try to police how people are using copyrighted content?
A: No. iCopyright.com operates on an honor system. We serve the needs and interests of publishers, content owners, and customers by providing a way for them to do business in a legal, friction-free manner.