BattleBots Going Mainstream 129
quamper was the first of zillions to submit to us this msnbc story about the ever expanding world of BattleBots. I'm officially addicted to the show (thank god Tivo will save this weeks battle for me while I'm at the Atlanta Linux Showcase).
Re:Battlebots...no (Score:1)
Re:They're Fighting (Score:1)
Re:So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:1)
Comments and moderators are backing you up - females can be geeeks and like RobotWars and the article was wrong.
ObRobotWars: I will agree with the comments asking for more action, less talk. Is it just me or does that one announcer sound like Dennis Miller? That and axe the house robots. I want to see two robots fighting each other, not against some house robots.
I still like roboCup better (Score:1)
It all just reminds me of my MIT years... thank gods that's over with
Re:Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:1)
Disappointed (Score:1)
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:1)
Robot Wars? (Score:1)
Re:BattleBots, the true linguists (Score:1)
Sure, as far as we're concerned out here in BC, Canada doesn't even include quebec.
Am I the ONLY PERSON ???? (Score:1)
Canada (Score:1)
Re:TiVo and BB (Score:1)
Re:Who needs Tivo? (Score:1)
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:1)
I liked it when she spoke with a 15-year-old boy who had just lost his match. She made a lame joke about "premature destruction" and asked the kid if he would like a consolation kiss. He eagerly said yes and she bent over and kissed the robot! The look on that kid's face was priceless...
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
...as long as you ignore the rules (Score:1)
Check out the rules [battlebots.com]. No EMP.
In fact, not much of anything weaponwise. Kinetic energy only, no projectiles. Looking over the various entrants, it seems to me that the best way to store enough KE to kill is in rotating objects: see Mauler, Blendo or Backlash for good examples.
Re:What sucks about Robot Wars (Score:1)
Re:Robot Wars? (Score:1)
need east coast league (Score:1)
I'll be damed if I am going to fly out to california to do it. If they would start and east
coast league I would enter a bot in a heart beat.
Maybe they should divide up the country into 6 regions. ne, se, nc, sc, nw, sw. And then a huge
once a year event to determine the ultimate winner.
Re:So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:1)
If it makes a difference such stereotypes (mental inferiority, lack of tech ability) DO NOT exist in my particular group of geeks freinds/co-workers. That's not to say that stereotypes don't exist but it's not universal and female freindly IT shops do exist, including the one I work at. As a matter of fact I happen to prefer having at least as many female techs around as males, the whole department is more productive when we have that balance.
Anyway just wanted to comment that not all (or even most IMO) male-geeks have their head in the sand about perserving the old "boys club" mindset.
Re:Battlebots... (Score:1)
Re:Who's copying who.... (Score:1)
Robot Wars was concieved in the US by two partners if you will. When it was finally getting started... legal crap poof it was over. One partner (the one with the best lawyers) went overseas and licensed the name Robot Wars.
In the US a few other things tried to take off but where stopped by "the lawyers of RW".
Eventually came BattleBots which is run by actual robot builders. It is great and we (the robot builders) love it. We even can get roalties and profits are reinvested into the sport itself. Robot wars and the BBC put the money in their own pockets.
Most of the robots in the Robot Wars BBC series are rip-offs of successful US robots. There are NO clones of BBC robots in the US!
BattleBots will continue to improve. The battles shown on TV will (I predict) get a lot better in upcoming tapings because now US robot builders have a reason to invest in the future of our own robots. An example: in San Francisco there where maybe 60 robots. The next even in Las Vegas has over 120 entries. Eventually I will even can my old robot (been around for over 3 years even though no one has seen it) and build a new one. If Comedy Central shows the same number of episodes next time there will certainly be better bits and pieces to choose from.
And remember if you think you can do better then lets' see it! But if you think you are going to be serious about competing then I doubt you would even have the time to be reading slashdot.
Oh and SRL and Battlebots are two different things. SRL is about technology gone wrong. They also don't have rules and a time line to follow. Battlebots is about designing something to be better than your competition. I have helped SRL on different occasions, but I prefer to do my own thing.
Autonomous robots are really lame, and you complain about boring fights now..... they would rarley come in contact with each other. It would be very difficult to predict the path of an opponent that is also trying to predict your path and both meet in the middle with weapons flailing...... but imagine the commentary, "Oh look robot xyz has got a blue screen! I guess he wasn't running linux", or "Ouch, pinguins may become an endangered species after that killing spree."
Got to get back to the vectors..... my frame didn't hold up as well as I would have liked.
Behold The Grandmaster of Vicious Robots! (Score:1)
Re:Behold The Grandmaster of Vicious Robots! (Score:1)
yeah yeah i'm on a roll.
picasso gave a cheer for he who hath an ear to hear.I want mo'beer m'dear right here.you hear?
Re:Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:1)
Nope. You end up with Monster OprahBots
Survival Research Labs (Score:1)
Experimental Interaction Unit (Score:1)
Re:Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:1)
Re:Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:1)
I was disappointed... (Score:1)
Modern Hackers (Score:1)
Geeks with testosterone. Who woulda thought ? ;)
Re: Survival Research Labs (Score:1)
<aol>Yes, SRL fucking rocks.</aol>
I have yet to actually make it to one of their performances, but I've been interested in them for years. Imagine battlebots, only with real projectile and weapons and flamethrowers and all the danger that comes with it. Great stuff :)
There's a good review of their shows here. [utoronto.ca]
Turn on, log in, burn out...
Calculon vs Bender (Score:1)
Re:Battlebots... (Score:1)
Re:Sad day for Slashdot (Score:1)
I think we'd need a split second camera to see if Bill's lips move before the FP shows up...those AC guys have had years of practice by now.
Erg...not that cool. (Score:1)
That lame-ass "Pressure Drop" robot keeps getting mauled by its opponent early in the match, and then the other robot breaks down. I've never seen it hit with that big weapon until the other robot has stopped moving.
The dsigners should have just made a big block of metal that inches forward at this rate.
Re:Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:1)
Re:Sucks (Score:1)
Wait a minute, I'm replying to my own post.
Sure fire winning...... (Score:1)
TiVo and BB (Score:1)
Re:Disappointed (Score:1)
Re:Disappointed (Score:1)
Sports requires:
engineering to make better equipment to make your team better (like walkie talkies in football)
strategy to defeat the opponet
strategy requires intelligence
physical ability
That last one is the tricky one, after all pool and shufflepuck aren't too physical. But, when you have to lift a 300lb robot, that requires some strength.
Re:Low "action" density. (Score:1)
There's a few of us giving serious consideration to entering a Scrapheap team. Of course, we're going to need some practice welding b4 we do. Or we could get more duct tape instead.
Re:Forget BattleBots, we need NanoBots (Score:1)
Bob! We've gained control of the arm, it's now stabbing the knee where the opponent base is! Ok who want to be the battlefield?
Sorry, my english is crapy.
Red Dwarf cast... (Score:1)
US Junkyard Wars - UPCOMING BROADCASTS (Score:1)
First: a better alternative to battles at the mall: A marathon showing of Junkyard on 24 November -- All the second UK season episodes, and a couple from season 3. Then on Wed Nights in December, they will run 3 episodes a night to get thru the rest of the 3rd UK season. (Our shows included). Then in January, the version they commisioned: Same junk, comparable challenges, all American teams. No Kryten.
For those in the Boston area, make a note of 8 Nov. All the details aren't set in stone yet, but there should be a Sneak Preview show that night. (email me for more details)
As to robot wars/battle bots chronology, Here is heresay from someone who wasn't even close to the original action. Someone who was around for part of all this told me that it started with this thing happening in the bay area. They called it Robot Wars. It ran as an annual event for several years. As it got bigger, it attracted some media attention. Somehow a TV deal happened. Things went variously contractual. The guy who was the original force behind the live event got squeezed out, as part of bringing the show over to the UK.
The guy that got squeezed out, formed a rival organization, and that organization is the one behind Battlebots.
As to duplication/licensing, the TV universe is not a rational place. And there are far more people in the business that aren't creative enough to think up a show on their own, so they see what made money for one network, and do a me-to, in hopes that some of the money will rub off on them instead.
The whole "Junkyard Wars/Scrapheap Challenge" separation is supposedly because "people loved the show, but couldn't decode the accents". They went to the far greater expense of commisioning the same production company to make a US version of it, on the same British scrap pile. (which the UK network that did the British version is going to show. They even did a winner of british series vs winner of US series. special...)
What if the bots actually did all the work? (Score:1)
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:1)
SILENCE! Bil Dwyer is a God who walks among mortal men. When Bil Dwyer conquers all of mankind (as he is destined to do), only those of us who recognize the genius of spelling your name with one "L" will be allowed to sit at the Great Council Hall!
The best part is when they go to their "sideline reporter" Donna D'Erico. Watching those M-Tech geeks stare at her tits while she asks them, "So, what do you feel the turning point of the match was?" is just pure funny.
Re:Hmm. (Score:1)
Nope, didn't work. :(
I watch the sea.
I saw it on TV.
Note to female readers (Score:1)
Note to female readers: Stop right here. Forget about it. You're not gonna get this one. No way, no how. This is the Three Stooges of journalism, the ultimate gender litmus test: Guys will love this story, women will just think it's stupid. Trust us. I personally think the intro is funny, but does anybody else see this as a bit hypocritical from "MSNBC"? Lets face it... MSNBC is one of the most liberal news sources on this planet, usually involved in pushing so called "Gender Equality". If I was a feminist, I'd be pissed off.
I've got an idea CmdrTacoRobMaldaSlashWhore: Why not have some sort of contest here @ /. where the winner gets some funding and sponsorship to build a "/. battlebot"?? Huh? Wadd'ya think?
Pass it around... its a G R E A T idea.
Re:Cool show, but... (Score:1)
Well if they need talking, let it be something interesting, not the crap they say now.
I stopped watching after the first two episodes cause of the chit-chat, and unless they make it more interesting, I won't be coming back. There is a downside, more technical talk means more viewers get confused and stop watching. Then there goes the show.
Re:What sucks about Robot Wars (Score:1)
I think I'll call mine Roadblock.
Re:Behold The Grandmaster of Vicious Robots! (Score:1)
Hell with Battle bots... (Score:1)
here's an excerpt from their web page on one of the newer robots:
Track Robot
The Track Robot, similar to the devices used by police and military to defuse explosives, and the Button Panel machine with flailing arms, were constructed for the Japan event at the ICC. Using a tetherless control and video transmission system the Track Robot can be operated remotely through a standard internet browser window. The Button Panel device can relay control signals through a serIal port to other machines.
along with:
Flame Whistle
The Boeing Jet was modified for the Austin event by the addition of a large police whistle. Fuel injectors were added along with an ignition system, therby creating the loudest flamethrower in history.
Re:...as long as you ignore the rules (Score:1)
(most visibly, using a flame thrower, and going for a good half-minute after being told to stop.)
Re:So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:1)
Er, why don't you read the quote again. Note the word "net". Your nonsense has absolutely nothing to do with my sig.
Beyond that, "growing up" usually applies to attitudes such as yours. Don't worry; hopefully someday you'll grow out of adolescence.
Re:Here in Seattle (Score:1)
Re:Battlebots... (Score:1)
Re:Riddle Me This.... (Score:1)
Re:Battle Bots vs. Voltron (Score:1)
Hmm. (Score:1)
That and The Simspons. =)
Someone's got to say it (Score:1)
Imagine a beowulf cluster of these killer robots!
Do they run Linux?
ObSayings end
Re:No they don't ... (Score:1)
That way normal, sane discussion can resume.
Sad day for Slashdot (Score:1)
Re:A few points (Score:1)
Problem is each robot entered lost like it's first battle by falling down 'the hole' or something equally lame..
Anyone wanna sponser a student?
Cool show, but... (Score:1)
and more action...
Or it needs more technical commentary and less drivel.
Re:What sucks about Robot Wars (Score:1)
-Bot #1 goes straight forward and spends the next 3 hours trying to get out of the corner.
-Bot #2 spins in a circle because it can't find Bot #1.
Wait, that's what they do now...
So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:2)
Once again gender stereotypes rear their ugly head. Slashdot moderators, when will you realize that women are not mentally inferior? that women CAN like Battlebots? (I like Battlebots and I'm female.) that women are entering the IS (i.e. `geek') industry in droves?
You will have to deal with these questions eventually. Stop sticking your head in the sand.
Contrarian opinion: Battlebots is kinda boring (Score:2)
Even when there's an intriguing weapon like a buzzsaw, most of these things have so much armor that nothing much really happens. And usually the more menacing-looking bot loses. Either it loses its weapon for some reason, or it's less mobile and gets dragged over the saws.
If I were producing this show, I'd make some rule changes:
And as for autonomy, the obvious approach is semi-autonomy, like the auto-aiming cheats in Quake. Let the human drive, but let the bot decide when the sledgehammer comes down, or something. I bet that could lead to serious advantages.
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:2)
Re:Cool show, but... (Score:2)
BattleBots versus inanimate objects. Like cars, soda machines, lawn mowers, watermelons, perhaps even a small, furry, endangered animal or something.
That would enormously increase the entertainment value.
Re:Disappointed (Score:2)
Re:BattleBots (Score:2)
We need to get back to the flame-throwers and projectile weapons though. I mean, if this is going to be radio-controlled, what's the challenge? (beyond finding a driver who can fight his way out of a paper bag) just escalation in weaponry, right? Maybe make that lexan a bit thicker. .
Battlebots...no (Score:2)
What I don't like about BB is that they are remote controlled... that's on where near as fun as watching to autonomous bots go after each other...otherwise its just remote controlled power tools, you know?
Re:What sucks about Robot Wars (Score:2)
Nobody would watch it if it were called "Waldo Wars."
Re:A few points (Score:2)
This is actually more suited for automotive and aerospace engineers, people who are used to working with lots of small, moving parts. Can you imagine what kind of BattleBot a bunch of engineers at Lockheed-Martin's "Skunk Works" on their spare time can come up with using aerospace materials? (boggle)
Re:Battle Bots vs. Voltron (Score:2)
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:2)
An epsisode of battle bots is 30 minutes long, and contains 3 battles. Each battle lasts at most 3 minutes, and usually one battle will be over in 1 minute or less. So you've got about 7 minutes of robot fighting and 23 minutes of commercials and, well, mindless drivel.
If they actually talked to the designers about the bots, how they are built, what kind of batteries they use, running time, what they use for armor, cost, etc. it would be interesting. But instead they say things like, "the one bot, like, hit the other one, huhuhuhuh, bang!, huhuhuh. Ram, ram, ram!! yeah! ram him with the rod! huhuhuh! The bot with the rod is totally mondo super cool, dude!"
If you pay attention you can spot clever things they designers have done, like little hooks on the side of the bot to stop wedges from getting under, or fenders that flip up to prevent the bot from getting tipped. It would be more intesting the the drivel the have now if they let the designers give a "tour" of the bot and point these things out.
Robot Wars (Score:2)
Who's copying who.... (Score:2)
Big Brother and WWTBAMillionare get licensed all around the world, and yet other shows spawn derivatives rather than clones, either because the producers think they can improve on the format, or beause they don't want to buy the licsense. I wonder which?
I presume that Battle Bots owes something to the success of the BBC Robot Wars, which in turn is derived (and I think licensed) from the original US Robot Wars (which I think went bust): Can anyone confirm this chronology?
Can anyone who sees both tell us how much robot builders are peeking across the pond? Mauler sounds like a clone of Hypnodisc, which must have first competed in the UK about 15 months ago, and reached the final, but was beaten by Chaos-2, a flipper-bot whose flipper is powerful enough to throw other robots right out of the arena. But of course it could be the other way round, or they could be independent.
How long has the US Junkyard show been running? I think Scrapheap Challenge is now in its third season.
Are there any other US shows in this genre that we might see imported anytime soon?
Re:Battlebots... (Score:2)
attack? just point at the opponent and thousands of tiny slashbots swarm to it...
Strategies & types of weapons (Score:2)
I would imagine that you could have different types of robots with different sorts of weapons (for instance, I could imagine trying to entangle the Mauler with some kind of Kevlar net).
Oh God, I just realized - this reminds me of POKEMON! *AAAAIEEEEEEE*
Misparsed (Score:2)
Riddle Me This.... (Score:2)
However one thing puzzles me...*why* is it on Comedy Central of all networks? It's sort of like showing Babylon 5 on TNN!
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:2)
Re:Battlebots... (Score:2)
That and the robot would just sit around waiting for the fight to start, tap the other robot and yell:
Then it would make fun of the other robot because it doesn't use Linux, play illegal MP3s, then run away and call Jon Katz gay.
Re:So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:2)
Why is "difference" such a BAD thing?
What I really don't get about all these "name of group"-ist movements is that they get all pissed off when people try and acknowledge that there is a difference between their group and the rest of humanity, but they get really pissed off at the idea of just blending in with the rest of society.
Let me give you an example. I'm Chinese. I'm playing Counter-Strike, and I run into a group of people playing with their country in their name.
Now nothing to me is sadder than having to "represent" for your country in a video game. Exactly how much honor and glory do you think you're doing for you country by playing Counter-Strike? People won't remember who won in the Olympics, much less who won a piddling game of CS on a random server...I point this out and the response I get from people is:
"Because I gotta represent 24-7!"
So I reply, "Don't you realize that that makes you no more than your nationalism?"
The response: "And what are you then, you're nothing!"
I respond: "I'm an individual, I'm #1, and my country is #2 in my life." To which they respond: "Ok, you wannabee white boy." (I've corrected their spelling, btw.)
So, what this long winded example was supposed to show is that, while those same people would be utterly pissed if I was to claim that their race had differences that seperated it from the rest of society. (not negative or positive differences, mind you, just differences. Not everything in life has a - or + attached to it...there are neutrons, and hence, there are equally neutral thoughts, ideas, and actions.)
You can't have it both ways. But you can accept both, because that's the way it is. Women are different from men. Get used to it, or you're going to have a hard time trying to conceive children. (This goes out to both sexes, btw.)
At the same time, they're just like all the men in society, because all humanity has the same basic needs and wants.
However, this doesn't mean that they're all going to attack a problem the same way. Using the example of all my "geek" friends, every single girl I know who is a gamer wants to enter the game industry in some sort of artistic position, because they have artistic ability.
By contrast, and the male gamers I know want to be coders or designers, and couldn't draw a stick man if you gave them a ruler and a compass.
If I gathered them all together and we made a game, it would be through our differences that we achieve a balance and get all parts of the job accomplished. Nobody would do less work than the other, and this is not to say that the artistic abilities that the women would be the only thing the women provided.
Why is this such a BAD thing? Why is this sexism? And furthermore, why do I have to write something this long to explain that it isn't sexism because people stopped taking things at face value? Just chill...to jump on someone for making a comment a comment like that makes you at LEAST as sexist for jumping on what you assume their intentions to be.
Re:Sucks (Score:2)
In my day we built our own CPUs from hand.
Kids today, scheeze.
Low "action" density. (Score:2)
They were able to go back and interview a couple of the particpants, it is too bad that they don't ask about the details. But they sent the sportscasters, not Nye. They must have only had him for the competition day. (not that they give him noticiable air time)
In fact, the thing I most dislike about the spin they put on the tech stuff is the "You aren't expected to understand this" attitude.
As another poster noted, there isn't computation involved. Its mostly beefed up radio control gear. Some of them might have something pneumatic to operate a weapon, nothing particularly exotic...
Personally, I think they are missing a bet with all the exotic stuff. If I were going to build something, I would give real consideration to cast iron (likely one of the annealed forms for the extra ductility) And an IC engine for motive power, its hard to beat one for energy density. (anything that can chemically store significant electrical energy makes a good anchor) I would spend my weight budget on armor and weaponry. Brute Force and Ignorance can be hard to beat...
(I won't be building, I expect to do another season of Scrapheap/Junkyard. Given a choice between Las Vegas, and London, I will take London every time. I also like the variety, and surprise of the show format. Suiting up not knowing what Robert is going to ask you to build is a lot of fun.)
Re:So... what's the point of the article again? (Score:2)
Once again gender stereotypes rear their ugly head. Slashdot moderators, when will you realize that women are not mentally inferior?
Er, exactly where does "mentally inferior" enter into anything?
You do realize that men and women are different, right? Not inferior or superior, just different. And, of course, that doesn't mean that every man has no interest in sewing, or that every woman has no interest in battlebots. But on the average, it's true.
It's like saying that men are physically superior to women. They're not; men are far stronger physically than women on the average, but women can bear children. Which is superior? It depends on what measurement you use.
It's just bizarre to me that this has to be said.
Re:BattleBots (Score:2)
Tivo + Battlebots (Score:2)
Minnesota next week (Score:3)
Re:Tivo + Battlebots (Score:3)
Re:A few points (Score:3)
Comments like, "women leave now", "Comedy Central says that 26% of the viewers are female, but we think they missed a decimal in there" (paraphrased) are not acceptable journalism. I know it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. But this stuff matters. Maybe articles like this are why more women aren't interested in robotics.
Battle Bots vs. Voltron (Score:3)
What sucks about Robot Wars (Score:4)
It would be soooo much cooler if the machines were autonomous.
Battlebots... (Score:4)
Rednecks vs. Geeks (Score:4)
Geeks -> BattleBots
Women -> Oprah
Re:Disappointed (Score:4)
A few points (Score:5)