Coca-Cola Loses Fizz To Microsoft 122
Kinlan writes: "This article at the BBC mentions that while Coca-Cola still has the most valuable brand name, Microsoft is a close second. Another interesting thing is how many other tech stocks are increasing their brand values, even with the recent slump in tech stocks." You know, when you're dragging a corporation's name around through the news and the court systems, it's free advertising. I wonder how this would have compared with an 'O.J. Simpson' brand a few years back.
Re:How exactly does one measure the value of a bra (Score:1)
Same with Microport Unix vs SCO Xenix; Slackware (Score:3)
Version 2 was expected sometime soon so imagine how perplexed us tech support engineers were when the customers started calling us and asking us about the upcoming version 3.5.
We told the customers there must be some mistake because we were only just about to release version 2.
The calls got so frequent that finally we asked a customer where they'd heard about this 3.5 (not sure if that was the exact number but that's approximately correct). He'd seen it in our full-page magazine ad in a major Unix magazine.
I asked our ad guy what that version number was. He told me that they'd decided to go with version 3.5 because the Santa Cruz Operation [sco.com] was on version 3.4.
Of course we were all pretty pissed off, not just that the company was being dishonest but that they didn't tell the people who took the phone calls - those of us on tech support - and the customers must have thought it was hilarious when the ads kept appearing even though they'd heard it straight from the company that they were misinformed!
And, BTW, look at the reason why Slackware jumped from version 4 to 7 [slackware.com]
Re:Dang it! I like drinking Coca Cola, but dislike (Score:1)
Unfortunately, Linux is still really only ready to sponsor a canned malted barley extract (beer 'mix'). Not for free, either.
Re:Linux? (Sad But True...) (Score:1)
That's part of why Slack is my favorite flavor of Linux, going back now to 1994 when I switched over from Yggdrasil.
Re:In the lexicon... (Score:1)
Pentium Moment (quote [businessweek.com]) "''It was our Pentium moment,'' comparing the eBay incident to the lesson Intel Corp. (INTC) learned in 1994 after the chip giant angered customers by initially trying to downplay a bug in its new Pentium chip."
BenchCrafting (mention? [slashdot.org] (do a string search!)) after that MindCraft Fiasco
FUD-EEE - The Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt tactic as part of a concerted Embrace, Extend and Extinguish strategy to disrupt competitors
Although we're still too close to the action, I'm sure other people can come up with memorial moments of the GNU Revolution given enough thinking perspective.
Re:Well duh! (Score:2)
Well, that and the fact that the entire media is now one big tabloid....
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:1)
As for MS, they are very smart, buying up undervalued IP goods and repacking them for greater resale value. However, IMHO they are not intelligent because they are poisoning their own well in the process. Time will tell whether an alternative system will prove superior.
Microsoft Santa? (Score:1)
(For those who don't know, the popular image of Santa Claus we enjoy today was created by the marketing folks at the Coca Cola Corporation. That's why he is dressed in red and white)
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
Kevin Fox
Microsoft Field (Score:1)
Perhaps a Linux group could sponser a Beowolf Challenge or something;)
Not accepted.... (Score:1)
Quite a few anti-Microsoft people (We arn't talking Linux here... a good amount of Mac, OS/2 and Unix people fit in this catagory) see Microsoft as nessisary as the black pleage.
Many antiMicrosoft types DO NOT wish government intervention seeing the track record.
Many Linux advocates are FAR more intrested in premoting Linux than caring about Microsoft.
The Linux vs Microsoft war is really just.. a bunch of people want to see Microsoft go away and a lot of people want to see Linux in mainstream use. It only overlaps becouse of how many there are.
Example.... so many drink sodas and so many drive cars you are bound to find a lot of people who drink sodas and drive cars. One dosn't lead to the other.
Quite a few want to see Microsoft go away they just don't want a government agentcy to do the durty work. Thats not good. Government agentcys have a bad habbit of running amuck.
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:2)
One word you have to add to that -- radically. Coke has changed the "secret formula" more than half-a-dozen times in the last 50 years, but always with some effort to keep the taste pretty similar. But the Coke you drink today is not the same formula as the Coke you drank in 1980, and neither is the same as the Coke you drank in 1960.
Steven E. Ehrbar
Re:Microsoft Santa? (Score:3)
That would be an urban legend [snopes.com].
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
Link to top 75 (Score:2)
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:2)
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
microsoft cola ME (Score:1)
Not surprised... (Score:1)
Interbrand starts with the economic profit generated by the brand to the underlying business, a similar concept to economic value added (EVA). The valuation process examines three areas: the future economic earnings the branded business is expected to generate, the role of the brand in generating those earnings, and the risk profile of the brand's expected earnings....There must be sufficient marketing and financial data publicly available for preparing a reasonable valuation (since no internal company data could be used).
Notice, brand recognition is not a factor here. Companies like Ferrari [ferrari.it] probably don't have enough publicly available information.
Not sure how well you can decouple a business model from a brand. Whereas there's stiff competition in the cola wars, the mainstream Operating System/Application markets are dominated by Microsoft. So, how can one distinguish between brand value and the value created through business practices and market position, using publicly available marketing and financial data?
Unfortunately, I don't think that answer is possible without more detailed information.
Correct Methodology Link (Score:1)
Lo siento mucho.
CC & M$ merge.. (Score:1)
Me: Waitress there's a bug in my soda..
Waitress: That's not a bug, it a..
Me: Lemmi guess.. Feature!
Waitress: But we also have an enhanced version..
Me: Yeah with 65,000 PowerBugs, never mind,
I'm off to Burger King..
I don't know.. (Score:2)
And as for Microsoft, in my three years of working technical support for a college I've only heard that term used once in the context you state. And it was used like this:
"I see you guys updated my Microsoft to eight." (Referring to updating her Power Mac from 7.5.5 to OS 8.)
The woman was not a technical person, and we (the other support person and I) just threw it off as something that didn't need to be corrected.
Now that I think about it though, it probably would have been a good idea to mention that it was Apple's "OS 8" and had nothing to do with Microsoft.
The only problem is, educating people on simple matters like this is:
1. Useless - They'll most likely forget it in a week anyway
2. Time consuming - Especially in an English Department where they always ask follow-up questions
3. Unproductive - When it comes down to it, they think I'm just spouting off my geek talk and trying to appear uber-human
4. Dangerous - If everyone in the world knew Microsoft was a company and not an "OS", there'd be more geeks in the world. My job requires that I be more of a geek than the rest of faculty where I work. If I'm not, there is no need for me.
Still, I could have probably mentioned something.
Not sure how this type of study even makes sense. (Score:1)
Are they talking about peoples recognition of the name or the value of that specific name in the marketplace?
Microsoft create a myriad of different software packages and operating systems that all have one thing in common, they're badged 'Microsoft'.
Coca-cola manufacture a myriad of different soft drinks and they all have one thing in common, none of them are badged coca-cola. (excpet one)
Microsoft, the name, is associated with the company and everything the company associates its name with.
Coca-Cola, the name, is associated with a particular thing - a can of coke. You don't buy Sprite or Fanta or any other product of Coca-Cola because its made by Coca-Cola, nor do the use the name heavily in the marketing of these products...
The value of the name Microsoft is, to me, a very
grey area as it is applied and marketed in a very large number of different industries and pushing a very large number of products and technologies.
Coca-Cola's value, however, is very specific - how many cans of Coke did we sell this year?
I don't see how the two can be compared....
Re:Linux? (Sad But True...) (Score:2)
But the real reason is that we kept getting calls like this:
CUSTOMER: "What version is TurboLinux?"
TL: "The current version is 4."
CUSTOMER: "Oh, well, then I'll go get Red Hat; it's version 5 and therefore newer."
TL: "No, wait! Ours just came out and is...."
Corporation names and tld's (Score:1)
"This article at the BBC mentions that while Coca-Cola still has the most valuable brand name, Microsoft is a close second."
Branding and corporate identity are really joined at the hip into inseparable twins in modern global consumerist marketing.
One of the most common additions to video and audio advertising is the URL.
This is why I think the entire issue of establishing any new tld's is missing a major problem: no corporate conglomerate is going to let anything that's even close-sounding to it's precious brand name appear in any form in the new tld's, so much of the current scarcity will be replicated immediately, and mere mortals (and domain-name scalpers) will still be fighting over what's left.
As others have pointed out, most people don't type in url's as they surf, they click links or use their bookmarks. So the corporations aren't concerned with the url per se; the corporations really want to control what's just one more aspect of their carefully-crafted brand identity.
Is Coca-Cola gonna let *anybody* register anything even vaguely like "coca-cola" even though the tld is different?
Is Micro$oft gonna let anybody register anything Micro$oft-ish?
Brand name is king. That's the core issue in a lot of the current domain name quarrels. And it'll just be the same deal, no matter how many new tld's you create.
I think not; therefore I ain't®
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:2)
That reminds me.. (Score:1)
However, this guy didn't stop there, he went on to ask a few other questions, some a little bit more interesting:
"Do you think Linda Tripp should have recorded her friend's conversations over the phone?"
"No", was the majority opinion.
"Do you think that the Republican leaders should back off of Clinton?"
"Yes", was the majority opinon.
"Who is the current United States Vice-President?"
50% didn't know the answer.
I wonder if anyone has done a poll of this type in recent days, I'd like to see how many people know who the current Speaker of the House is, or better yet, the Senate Minority Leader.
Do you know?
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
But the question is....would you work for a company that has the reputation and policies that Microsoft does? - In addition, would you work for a company that makes a poor product like Microsoft does?
Personally, If my company bullied the competition because of its status, altered industry standards to make sure they "broke" on other operating systems and was, in general, looked down upon by the whole of the american public (everyone i know seems to want to scream "windows sucks!")....I would have to say that i would have a hard time justifying my employment at a company like that.
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
... while the BBC Report may be true ... (Score:1)
Re:How exactly does one measure the value of a bra (Score:3)
Vpc = ns * csp / nc
Where Vpc is the value per character, ns is the number of stocks issued, csp is the current stock price and nc is the number of characters in the name of the brand.
For coke,
Vpc = 8,730,000 * 42 / 8 = 45,832,500
(Note that I'm using the brand name Coca-Cola in this calculation, and am not counting the hyphen)
For Microsoft,
Vpc = 5,600,000,000 * 78 / 9 = 48,533,333,333.
Contrary to the article, the Microsoft brand name is already much more valuable. I can only assume that the author must have been using the the Coke/Microsoft Corporation comparison.
All joking aside, they probably use market research in conjunction with statistical methods such as confidence intervals to form one huge SWAG. I wouldn't take it too seriously.
Ironically....+ more ''branding'' (Score:2)
As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?
*sigh* I felt the same way.
On another note, I had some suggestions for branding/brainwashing the public:
Coca-Cola == Caffeinated motor oil
Microsoft == Daily systems crash
Mountain Dew == Caffeinated urine
Gap == Clothing I paid $50 too much to obtain
Old Navy == Clothing the Gap deemed not worthy for their store, for which I still paid $50 too much to obtain
Nike == Michael Jordan
AOL == Misrouted email
Napster == Metallica
Open Source == Was, is, or soon will be proprietary
Use these in your daily conversations!
"Hey, I was listening to that new Napster album while I lost some AOL and my computer Microsofted the other day when I installed some Open Source software. Then, while watching TV I saw Nike drinking this cool new motor oil!"
Excellent reply! (Score:1)
I had to think about it. I eventually answered "yes," and I told him that I think it's a good idea to evaluate your company on a routine basis and ask yourself, "Is this the kind of company I want to work for?"
In the case of Microsoft, I would demand one billion dollars for every second that I work for them. That's really the only way I could feel justified working for them (demanding a salary which would bankrupt them), for they stand against everything I love about computing. It's time to re-read the Halloween documents and remind ourselves of exactly why and how Microsoft is so evil.
Profitable companies.. (Score:2)
It's interesting to note that Amazon's brand value has managed to rise - in spite of haemorraging money left right and center ever since its inception..
I'd have to say that Amazon's entire value is in the brand - there's just too many companies that follow the same business model for it to be considered unique anymore. It shows just how much a couple of billion dollars in adverts and specials can buy.
Re:That reminds me.. (Score:1)
Speaker Dennis Hastur! Hastur! The Goat with a Thousand Young!
The preceding was paid for by the Cthulhu 2000 Committee
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people
are really good at heart." - Anne Frank
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:1)
Strong coffee. All the way. If you need something sweet, a good stiff Mocha.
Read the Cluetrain Manifesto (Score:2)
The basic thesis of the cluetrain manifesto is that carefully controlled corporate communications are basically hopeless in the age of the internet, because information is readily available to anyone and anyone can publish it.
For an example of this, see my own cluetraining on the subject of high-tech headhunters at GoingWare's Policy on Recruiters and Headhunters [goingware.com].
Another (old) example is an ironically named one about why I chose not to develop macintosh software anymore after being dicked around too many times by Apple Computer: [apple.com]
I'm worried about my future. That's why I'm a Be developer. [scruz.net]
(For those of you who don't know, Be's history has been to screw its developers even harder than Apple.)
Vast numbers of people have their own web pages where they speak out about companies and business practices that they don't like. Do you have any examples? (let's not forget Mr. Sorehands).
Microsoft a new Interbrand client? (Score:2)
But in the article, the Interbrand consultants say that for many companies, their brands are their most important asset, estimated at more than half their total stock market value.
Maybe there's a relationship between stock market valuation and total tangible assets? But Microsoft lost over $100bn in market cap recently, while Microsoft's brand value increased by 24%.
Hmmm. Maybe the only way to learn about their brand valuation methodology, is to spend $10K on a presentation ;)
Ever heard of a bourbon and *pepsi*??? (Score:1)
Re:How exactly does one measure the value of a bra (Score:1)
Pepsi reminds me of M$ (Score:1)
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:2)
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:1)
MS has a ways to go (Score:3)
Funny enough, they also sell it for whatever they can get it for. I'll never forget being in Indonesia during the height of a civil war and acquiring glass bottles of Coke (the big ones, not the little 8 oz'rs) for the equivalent of like 4 or 5 US cents.
Anyways, those are my little, offtopics Coke tidbits
More of a press release than a survey.... (Score:1)
A simple perusal of Interbrand [interbrand.com], including their summary of the survey [interbrand.com] in the BBC article, demonstrates one thing:
These guys are hardly impartial.
It's clearly a conflict of interest to produce a brand survey, obstensibly to fairly and accurately gauge the strength of well-known brands, and to promote oneself as a Brand Name Developer. I mean, these are the guys that came up with Prozac [psiweb.com]!
The above notwithstanding, it's also somewhat ludicrous to rank the Top Brands(tm) across all products and industries. How can anyone compare Coke to MS, or Intel to General Mills (the maker of Cheerios, which doesn't seem to appear in the top 10)? This list really needs to broken out into industry sectors.
I suppose that if we accept that the American (or global, perhaps) consumer is dumb enough to be swayed by the power of a brand, rather than the quality of a product, then the American manufacturer's Marketing department will be dumb enough to buy this report.
- Richie
I wouldn't be surprised if.. (Score:1)
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:1)
But ubiquitous advertising sometimes backfires.... (Score:1)
Re:Link to top 75 (Score:1)
Budweiser, for example? Who else would think of it as the american version than an american? (and if a european tastes it, he wouldn't call it beer, either
So what? (Score:2)
Come on now, Slashdot, give us a break.
Re:Dang it! I like drinking Coca Cola, but dislike (Score:2)
Nah, Linux should have GNUt Beer - an archive of beer recipies, with FAQs on brewing equipment and similar. You're free to download the recipie and brew your own, as long as you note on each bottle that it's brewed from a GNUt Beer recipie and don't try to pass it off as your own.
If you find a way to improve the beer, you can't copyright your own brand, but have to submit your new recipie back to the GNUt Beer project.
What we've known for some time (Score:2)
This just shows what the Geeks have known for some time - we really are taking over the world. Okay, so Microsoft aren't every Geek's favorite company, but it does show how important hi-tech has become outside of the Geek community.
Of course, we won't know we've really won until its Linux that has a greater brand recognition than Coke, right?
Coca-Cola Has been around longer (Score:1)
Re:Brand Recognition != Memorable Commercials? (Score:1)
For example there is the color of the coke cans and bottles. Coke bottles look cool while i'm not even sure if I've ever seen a pepsi bottle. In general coke products outwardly appear to be smoother, darker and richer than pepsi.
The girl singing add was quite cute/funny for a while but I don't drink stuff because it's funny.
I think the new adds about the pepsi challenge may be partitially based on fact. In the first few seconds Pepsi tastes lighter and crisper than Coke and people like that at first. I believe that what the "New Coke" was meant to counter?
One thing to consider...... (Score:2)
Re:Link to top 75 (Score:1)
Mercedes is #12. Ferraris and Harleys are unlikely to mean much in the non-industrialized world, whereas every dictator worth his corruption and kickbacks is driven around in a large black Mercedes...
Linux? (Score:1)
How exactly does one measure the value of a brand? (Score:2)
fortunately... (Score:1)
(http://www.interbrand.com/league_chart.html) at least there are some things you can count on in this wacky world.
Yeah, the Suit .. I mean ... that MUST be it :) (Score:1)
Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:2)
PS: I'm a Coke guy myself, Pepsi is too weak
Re:One thing to consider...... (Score:2)
Sure... (Score:2)
Pepsi SUCKS (Score:1)
Forget the taste difference, because it is impossible to 'prove' that one thing tastes better than another. (Even though Coke does taste about 1000x better than Pepsi)
Pepsi is a company that stole the idea of cola from Coke and went on to make an inferior product. Pepsi's secret ingredient was pepsin, the stuff you took for upset stomachs that also made for a nice laxative. Coke was chic enough to slip us some cocaine. Jolt has nothing on the original formula. It was the only soft drink in history that actually made you lose weight. Think of how many svelt coders would be running around if we had that stuff now.
Then take into account Pepsi's advertising campaign. I can sum it up in two words: COKE SUCKS
They never tell you to drink Pepsi because it's good. They tell you to drink it because Coke sucks. EVERY Pepsi commercial mentions Coke at least once. Coke, on the other hand, makes very clever/hip/catchy commercials that sometimes really make you want to drink a Coke. Anyone else see the one with the really cute girl with the short brown hair and gorgeous mouth drinking Coke out of a tall, cool, ice-filled glass? It made me want to drink Coke. And find where that chick lives...
I hate Pepsi so much that I no longer can eat at KFC, Pizza Hut or Taco bell, which *seriously* cuts into my restaurant choices. Luckily Wendy's stays open late these days.
At least RC and Jolt and other Coke competitors don't try to insult the originator of the cola drink. They know their role, and it's under Coke's feet.
I'll finish this semi-offtopic rant with an interesting factoid. A factoidette, even. Only 12 people in history have even seen the complete formula to Coke. I probably shouldn't have mentioned that. Now this post will be moderated down because Coke doesn't open source their recipe.
'Free Advertising' Not what it's cracked up to be (Score:4)
This sort of attitude may have worked once, but these days, there's a big difference between brand awareness and brand trust.
While Microsoft may be getting more 'brandwidth' as a result of all the news coverage, they are going to find it harder and harder to atract and retain top talent. They are probably running into problems of that sort already.
While it is probably better to be despised than to be unknown, Microsoft was hardly unknown. and it's getting to be more despised as time goes by.
Consumers are becoming more savvy, and usually don't let you pull the same trick on them twice.
Microsoft is running out of people to fool.
Re:In the lexicon... (Score:1)
What's this linux thingie? A new camera? Better TP, perhaps?
I'm sure it couldn't be an operating system since according to this Wired article [wired.com] we have the Honorable Justice Jackson and various industry pundits salivating at the chance to destroy Microsoft for, among other reasons, there being no other choices for a PC operating system other than Microsoft products.
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:2)
Hey, are we wired [wired.com] yet?
Re:Coca Cola reminds me of the Gap. (Score:1)
Glad I'm not a redneck.
Here's a super case-in-point. (Score:1)
Thank you for the example.
yeah! (Score:1)
Dang it! I like drinking Coca Cola, but dislike MS (Score:2)
Maybe Linux should do Pepsi. Or Dew [grin].
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
The Gap makes shitty clothes
What's wrong with The Gap? I mean, it's not Ralph Lauren or anything, but they have decent stuff at reasonable prices.
Re:Brand Recognition != Memorable Commercials? (Score:2)
Perhaps the poster has the causal sequence reversed. Perhaps Pepsi has had such a diverse range of commericials precisely because they haven't figured out how to achieve Coke's recognition...
Anyway, the best salvo in the cola wars, IMHO, was the RC Cola commericial toward the end of the Cold War, when they show a "unification" between the two big brands (from the colors, obviously Coke and Pepsi) and say, "But somewhere, freedom of choice still lives" (paraphrased). They cut to some sort of vibrant village festival where everyone is drinking RC ... and then the Cola Nazi break down the doors. I can't remember the tagline but it was hilarious.
Re:Brand Recognition != Memorable Commercials? (Score:1)
Re:OJ Simpson Brand? (Score:1)
Re: Microsoft is THE product (Score:1)
Re:In the lexicon... (Score:1)
You don't want the DOJ's whole case to crumble.
It's the stock price, stupid 8) (Score:3)
Interbrand's survey looks at the future earnings potential of the companies concerned and tries to assess how much of that can be attributed to the brands they own.
If I recall correctly, this process boils down to "brand equity = Market cap - everything we can attach a value to" So companies with enormous market capitalization (GE, Microsoft, Cisco) but few tangible assets (software companies) yield large brand equities.
I don't know. (Score:2)
"Do you want a coke?"
"Do you have any kleenex?"
"Would you go xerox these?"
But how do you use Microsoft in a sentence like that?
"My car was in the shop for a week the last time it Microsofted!"
"Do you think NASA's going to Microsoft their next Mars probe, too?"
I've only seen someone use "Microsoft" as a synonym for "Operating System" once, and the sentence was, "Would you help me get this Microsoft off my hard drive?"
Re:Never the twain shall meet (Score:2)
Internet Explorer (originally bought from Spyglass)
MS Mouse
Media Player
Streets Plus
Excel (probably their best single original achievment)
Actually, one thing I give Microsoft credit for is not sticking to the NIH model. If someone else has a good idea, they are willing to buy it. Some companies will just ignore anything they didn't create in-house.
When it comes to integrating their purchases, though, I'd put Microsoft somewhere in the middle of the continuum, with Cisco the best example of hiw to integrate a company, and Computer Associates by far the worst.
To shift gears here, cola brands in general have valuable brand names because that's the only thing most can differentiate themselves on. I'd give you odds that most of the Coke drinkers are there for the image, not the taste. Same with Pepsi and the rest. I think most folks wouldn't recognize their cola in a taste test (except for Moxie drinkers - yecch!). It's all branding.
(Steve Jobs, to John Sculley: "Do you want to sell sugared water, or do you want to change the world?")
- -Josh Turiel
An interesting point among all of this... (Score:1)
Quite an interesting situation for a company. They don't feel a need to compete with Pepsi and they think that the marketing competition is actually hurting them. So, they are still going to have cool, catchy ads, but they aren't going to just cram it down your throat.
Maybe that will make Pepsi take that obnoxious little girl out of commercials. I *hate* that damn girl, and the dumb things they make her say.
One other thing: does anyone find it unsettling that a company (Pepsi) would use the likeness of a well respected (dead) famous person (Einstein) to hawk their product? I do. I find that really disrespectful.
Re:Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:1)
That doesn't make them stupid.
You're right. It makes them evil.
Re:Ironically....+ more ''branding'' (Score:1)
Gap == Clothing I paid $50 too much to obtain
Old Navy == Clothing the Gap deemed not worthy for their store, for which I still paid $50 too much to obtain
OK, you've obviously never stepped into an Old Navy. Their prices are much lower than the Gap, and the merchandise is targetted at a younger age group. (Nevermind that I see 70 year olds running around in those fscking Old Navy flag t-shirts which are now omnipresent.)
While they're part of the same company, they don't necessarily operate the same way. And both stores provide quality goods. I won't get into the whole WTO/workers/whatnot discussion.
Measuring the Value of the Brand (Score:1)
Traditionally, ask any marketer or advertiser, one of the world's best product brands is Marlboro. That survey, however, was based on brand recognition. (Litte surprise that Marlboro is #1 in that regard, since Joe Camel and Mickey Mouse were somewhat equal in recognition as well... Sorry, no links available).
Here is how Interbrand calculated brand value:
This is really shoddy reporting for 'brand value'. It's objective at best... Companies like Coca-Cola and Disney have bonds set out for 100 years, and people buy them, knowing that these are companies that are likely to last decades. If I worked for Coca-Cola, I wouldn't be too worried about it.
As for Microsoft, no one is sure in what form, or if, it will exist in 5 years. An interesting article, but not too important if I was a brand manager.
Disclaimer (for the 1st paragraph): IANACPA
accepted as the way things are (Score:3)
So it shouldn't be suprising. People aren't calling for microsoft to be removed from existance, I don't think people that frequent this site would go even that far.
Our society is business and money oriented. I think most people believe microsoft has a right to pursue profit. Believing they should be broken up in some fashion doesn't go against that, either.
brand valuations (Score:3)
kick some CAD [cadfu.com]
Not quite (Score:2)
However there is one thing I am willing to give Microsoft full credit for: They know how to manipulate the computer industry. They figured out a new and original way of making money, licensing to the end-user, and only recently did the others really catch up. The backlash they're suffering comes mainly, IMO from the fact that people do not like being manipulated, even if they do make billions as a result.
Microsoft is a successful business because they understand their priorities. They are in business to make money, and the product is secondary. They're not idealists in the EFF/OSS sense, but they are good at what they do.
Coca Cola reminds me of the Gap. (Score:4)
Coca-Cola gets its brand recognition by reaching into every crevice (figurativly) and not letting any child in an impoverished nation grow to the age of 6 without recognizing the logo. What's more, since we first-worlders are so saturated by the logo, Coca-Cola resorts to showing us impoverished third-world children experiencing Coke for the first time, so that we can get that otherwise unattainable vicarious thrill of our first Coke.
I wonder if Microsoft will adopt this strategy. A hotmail linkup in every village, a 'newbie of the week' using one of Hotmail's many security holes to let users read a Laotian girl's first emails to the world-at-large? Will they have the audacity to brand MicrosoftOps as the "choice of a new generation"?
It can't be long until the commercial where we see the Berber family in their adobe room touch a button, hear the chime of Win2K booting and sigh, for they can feel all their troubles slip away, for now they have a night light...
Kevin Fox
Brand Recognition != Memorable Commercials? (Score:2)
The whole survey wasn't based on what brands people recognize, contrary to popular belief. It only has to do with earning potential, thus meaning that "Open Source" software, such as Linux, will not be recognized by the survey. It is too bad really, because I'd like to see more info than just the top two or three companies.
Also, I've always wondered why Coca-Cola has had such high brand name recognition? I mean, think of all the ads you can remember that Coke has made. Now count anything done by Pepsi. I don't know about you, but Pepsi has that annoying little girl, the "Pepsi Challenge", and if you count Mountain Dew, a whole line of memorable commercials.
Maybe brand recognition doesn't have to do with soley commercials, but I'd think that it would be a large part of it.
OJ Simpson Brand? (Score:3)
Dunno, but if you really care, you could Ask OJ [askoj.com].
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:4)
So true! Diet Coke seems to be the high-caffine, no calorie drink for me!
Go here to check out caffine content [erowid.org] of your favorite drinks!
Gap Vs. Microsoft (Score:2)
Microsoft makes shitty software
The Gap makes shitty clothes
Microsoft forces their product down people's throats
The Gap makes shitty clothes
Microsoft employs soulless morons with the lure of free software and stock options
The Gap employs soulless teenagers with the lure of free shitty clothes.
It's really kinda eerie, don't you think?
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
Re:Linux? (Score:2)
Never the twain shall meet (Score:4)
Coca-Cola was foolish enough several years ago to change a Good Thing. The population unanimously (or as close at this is possible) vetoed the New Coke, and Coca-Cola bent to consumer pressure and reverted to what people wanted. When was the last time Microsoft did anything even remotely in response to customer wishes?
Microsoft has NEVER created an original product. Even if you go back as far as you can, to Bill Gates and Paul Allen coding BASIC for the Altair, what they did was port someone elses product to another machine - this was respectable, but here is where the Innovation(tm) ended. DOS was bought, and each new feature that was added to it was included to squeeze an add-on or competitor out of the market. Windows was clearly a work-alike of MacOS, which itself was a work-alike of Xerox PARC research. NT is really DEC Prism in disguise (Dave Cutler left DEC in disgust when the Prism project was killed, and took the OS design with him), and was supposed to be OS/2 until Gates' ego swelled a bit too much for Big Blue to handle. IE was another DOS-feature-levarage maneuver like EMS/XMS management (QuarterDeck's QUEMM386 died for that one) and DoubleSpace (Stacker anyone?), but this time aimed at Netscape... The only MS product whose history I am unclear on is their development tools, but I know for a fact that Borland did it first and better; and don't even start on Java...
Hilfiger does the same thing. He buys other manufacturer's products, sans labels, and has a facility where they sow on his name. That's all. He's not a designer, he's not an innovator. He's a poseur and a brand-pirate. Just like Gates.
Microsoft tactics are even worse than this. They don't actually buy another product to propagate their brand. They license it. Then they output version 1.0; and they study what they've licensed. By the time version 2.0 is ready, it's a reverse-engineered clone of the original. The license dies and soon after, so does the licensor.
Coca-Cola has brand loyalty, it has a pedigree and a reputation. This means something in the market. Microsoft has Gestapo/strongarm tactics that got it a monopolistic market-share. Microsoft brand 'loyalty' stems not from it's reputation and pedigree but from the fact that all/most available alternatives have been killed, and the brand has been burned into 95% of all PC's sold in the last decade. People choose to drink Coca-Cola; people do not really have a choice about running Microsoft software.
Average people do not have a choice because Linux takes experience to get off the ground, and most people have real work to do instead of reading HOWTO's. Mac software isn't really available to the general public - you have to own a Mac to get to those resources in the first place, and that's a huge leap of faith for the under-informed. The under-informed are that way due to Microsoft's propaganda engine. Not even geeky people have much choice, since we have to talk to other systems, and those use Microsoft-brand file formats.
Well, there it is. Microsoft is a brand by force, they're rustlers and pirates; they're the Jay Gatsby of Silicon Valley, all flash and poise standing on shaky and shady foundations.
"Where do you want to go today?" To the kitchen, to get myself a Coke.
Re:Coke's recogniton among /.ers (Score:2)
OJ Gates (Score:2)
With OJ, one byatch got screwed and eventually murdered.
With Gates...all the world is a byatch...
Re:Coca Cola reminds me of the Gap. (Score:2)
They already do. They refer to China and other 2nd and 3rd world nations as "one-CD" nations, where someone buys the first CD and distributes it to his fellow countrymen. Or something like that. Their plan is to let everyone get hooked on Windows and then go in and start playing software cop.
In the lexicon... (Score:2)
Well duh! (Score:3)
That's how it always is! What, do you think hackers like to hack just because it gives them an excuse to destroy their vision by staring at a computer screen for eight hours straight? That Monika had a few nights on the town with Bill Clinton just to be able to brag to her friends that the president offered her a cigar? That Darva decided to marry Rick just because she was having a great time in Vegas? It's all for publicity. Americans are ravageous pitbulls when it comes to dirt. We crave it. So, when someone's involved in something dirty, everyone hears about it.
There was an interesting poll I read a while back that showed percentages of people who knew who the current president of the United States was. Suddenly, after the Lewinsky affair, 8% more Americans knew who their president was. Sorry to say, but the only news source for many Americans is the tabloid rack next to a grocery store's checkout counter.