Quickies 2:Electric Bugaloo 168
Let's start this off with
jsewell's truly amazing story about the rocket car urban legend from the man who claims to have invented it.
Did you do your homework last week? Remember that Slashdot was nominated for
a Webby in Community so go do their little login dance and vote for us if you think that our First Posts, Oog, Trolls and 'God Slashdot Really Sucks These Days' messages are cool. Maybe we'll even fly CowboyNeal out to give an acceptance speech if we win ;)
Glowing Spleen sent us an optical illusion that
really bugs me. I had to check if it wasn't an animated GIF.
A few for the do it yourselfers:
Slash T.M.F.D.W.
sent us a real mech and
Ryan J. Evans sent in the
worlds largest playable tetris.
If you don't actually want to build something, but want to play anyway, try SodaPlay and you can mess with these crazy animated 2D springy models. Its surprisingly addictive.
After all that building, you might need
Jeremy's Microbatch Ice Cream
(thanks alangmead) and its "Wired" flavor, a caffinated vanilla ice cream. Between that and the Triple Espresso flavor. Wonder what happens if you keep it in this
Bio-Plastic Wrap that detects contaminated food (sent in by Accipiter)
You can't use plastic wrap to preserve human heads, but
ChunkyGoodness noted that Chet Fleming has US Patent number 4666425 for keeping them alive.
Dugh Daren sent us a hilarious
essay from Space.com on Star War's most annoying characters that I found extremely funny.
brunning pointed us to
perhaps the most pressing bug in all of Microsoft's software.
kwsNI pointed us to an extremely disturbing article about Pandas on Viagra in China.
Blake sent in a filter based on "Being John Malkovitch." Read
Slashdot in Malkovitch Mode.
And finally, we need a stupid lawsuit:
east_bay_pete told us about a commercial that featured a cockroach scampering over the screen ... people are suing because they keep breaking TVs trying to kill the CGI Roach!
Re:rocket car fraud? (Score:1)
Re:How did that illusion work? (Score:1)
Jar Jar as Jedi - what grand luck... (Score:1)
After all, in the end, there are only two left.
"Kill him, Obi Wan Kenobi, he's our bad joke."
Re:How quick we are to forget (Score:2)
Actually, I don't remember the exact cost, but CGI rendering was MUCH more expensive back then.
Why not just play the tape backwards?
Re:Dear God, please don't let Jar Jar be a Jedi... (Score:2)
Jar-Jar is too much of the "simple youth" to be anything but The Fool of Episode I. And if he continues the journey, he will become one with the Universe...a Jedi.
The cockroaches are smarter... (Score:2)
Wow, some people just can't take a joke.
There was an X-Files episode where they had a bug crawl across the screen, I thought it was very well-done.
And who breaks a TV trying to swat a bug? Or sues over it?
I wish I could say "I'm a moron, give me money!" and have it work. Especially since I need the money for college...
...and they say *we* can't figure out what reality is...
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
More interesting news (Score:2)
EDA tools finally ported to Linux after 3 years of user protests:
Then again you could just read about electronic valves for diesel engines on slashdot.
The Electric Boogalo (Score:1)
Rocket Car (Score:3)
!ooM moo, mo-fuckah Moo!
pandas on viagara... (Score:1)
But I really have to wonder about the Panda. They may be cute and all, but if mother nature really wanted (a lot of) them around, why did she give them such a mindlessly defective reproductive system? (Males produce sperm only part of the year, some males are infertile, and many times they don't know how to mate even when they are producing sperm.) It makes the typical
Slashdot Quality (Score:2)
It was one thing when someone other than CmdrTaco was double posting something, but now he's doing it too which means he doesn't even pay attention to his site!
Moderators: go ahead and troll/offtopic/etc this; you're just violating the rule that you shouldn't decrement a score if you don't agree with the message content
Re:They left out...the Irish curse engine! (Score:1)
Funny, too funny (Score:1)
Also, those Pandas have it made. What I wouldn't give to have scientists bring mates to me, establishing a "panda dating service" as the article put it.
I get the point (Score:1)
So the post I'm responding to [slashdot.org] should be marked as Funny, isn't it? but it is +3 insightful. Or am I the only one that finds self-reference funny?
What about the moderation of this very post?
Umm, where's the invention here? (Score:1)
Other than that wonderful thought, am I the only one who doesn't see this as an invention? What about prior art? I mean sheesh this was filed in 1987!
I'm going to sue you, CmdrTaco (Score:1)
Re:Microsoft fessing up? (Score:1)
Name for the mecha (Score:1)
Re:Dear God, please don't let Jar Jar be a Jedi... (Score:1)
Re:I don't get your sig (Score:1)
Expecting all of the sigs on Slashdot to be the literal truth is asking a bit much, I fear.
I actually browse at -1, always have, although nowadays there are a lot fewer pearls down there and a lot more swine droppings.
Re:I *understand* your sig... (Score:1)
If I were going to change my sig, it would probably be to something like "I can spell just fine, thank you, it's my fingers that have a problem".
Re:That sig sucks too (Score:1)
They left out...the Irish curse engine! (Score:2)
"Drop-down lists of prospective subjects, verbs and objects in English allow one to concoct novel Irish curses from a three-part menu."
Jefferson City, Missouri's Lincoln University offers this amusing little interactive time sponge here [lincolnu.edu] and The Register explains it here [theregister.co.uk].
rocket car fraud? (Score:2)
so is the website a fraud or what?
Only in the Northern Hemisphere... (Score:4)
My favorite quote... (Score:1)
And another...
"The penis may enter the device without great resistance and will activate the blade only upon the attempt of the man to withdraw the penis from the device."
Now, am I the only one who thinks that this was designed by a sadist, with the attempt to separate a man from his penis, rather than prevent the penis from entering the woman? Remember now, the penis will not be cut into little pieces until it attempts to leave the... uhh... device.
*Shivers* Now I'm gonna have nightmares...
Re:It's also B-O-O-G-A-L-O-O... (Score:1)
If you check [dictionary.com] Dictionary.com, you'll see that your teacher was partially right. The non-musical term allows both (three, actually) pronunciations, while the musical term allows only one.
On a side note, isn't this why the Internet was created in the second place (the first priority was the nuclear strike recovery)? So that one doesn't have to guess, but can look up any information in half a minute?
The Orkin commercial - the disturbing part (Score:2)
That roach is on the screen for about 3 seconds before the Orkin man appears.
It's during those 3 seconds that people are getting it through their heads that they need to throw something through the TV, finding something, and throwing it through the TV.
What the hell is wrong with people?
Re:If you think THATS weird... (Score:1)
Oh. That is messed up by the way.
Little Black Dot of Pain (Score:1)
Re:One last thing... (Score:1)
The obvious answer is to introduce a bottle of tequila to the situation. It has always worked wonders for when I want to exercise my evolutionary perogatives. Of course misapplication of said tequila could result in the researchers getting laid.
Re:It's M-A-L-K-O-V-I-C-H!! (Score:1)
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...
the Orkin commercial. (Score:3)
The rocket car story -- one fatal flaw. (Score:2)
First the author writes:
Attaching the cut-away rail car bases to the Chevy frame was pretty easy too. Jimmy stressed the importance of getting the two sets of wheels precisely aligned, but it wasn't that hard. The old Chevy frame had plenty of places for bolts and welds, so picking spots where the wheels would line up was a snap. And since the Impala was already up on blocks, it was no problem to slide the wheel frames underneath and lift them into place with a floor jack, then weld away.
Beck's idea was simple, elegant, and easy to put into practice. I'd install the air shocks on the Rocket Car normally, just as if the car would be riding on pavement instead of rails. But I'd also bolt a pair of wooden beams onto the belly of the car, runners that were placed exactly between the front and rear train wheels. Each runner would be thick enough to reach almost all the way down to the tracks, and the bottom would be covered with rubber cut from old tires.
Look at figures two and three. See the problem? The figure shows the car body moving up and down relative to the railroad car wheel assemblies, yet earlier he said that the wheel assemblies were welded to the frame, so they shouldn't have been able to move up and down at all.
Other then that, a masterful telling of the rocket car story!
Drives you dotty! (Score:2)
http://www.academus.net/dotty.gif [academus.net]
http://www.academus.net/dotty.png [academus.net]
Patent on preserving a human head (Score:1)
Re:That optical Illusion (Score:1)
The 'lateral inhibition' you mentioned is due to the center surround component of vision. Think of it as a bulls-eye. The center generates a positive signal when stimulated, but gets damped when the surrounding area is stimulated. It's good for edge detection and things.
It all falls under 'perception' which falls under cognitive science. I'm taking a class right now called "Perception and the Mind." It's intro stuff, but we've talked about all this stuff. It's kinda neat.
TMNT (Score:2)
The earth would have to be rotating 17 times faster than it is now to have enough momentum to overcome gravity when it suddenly stopped rotating.
Never mind the HUGE impact it would have on the core/plates/oceans etc.
Also, the earth would get EXTREMELY hot due to the conservation of energy. (Carl Sagan notes in "Broca's Brain" that the Earth would reach amazing tempuratures if it suddenly stopped, and in fact, if it slowed over a period of 24 hours it would release enough energy to make the oceans BOIL!!)
There, how is that for a bizzare quickie response?
Actually, if you listen to the Jedi Council... (Score:1)
Re:That optical Illusion (Score:2)
It's similar to the Hermann's grid illusion...
I think so too. My guess is that the Hermann's grid effect is enhanced by the presence of edges surrounding the spots that appear darker. It is well known that edges affect how we perceive shades of grey, see for instance this one [illusionworks.com] for an example of what can happen if the edges aren't there.
I have to check out that article in Vision Research. Anyway, thanks for the links.
Re: Malkovich, i feel Malkovich. (Score:1)
i never realized the Malkovich script was based on the same code as the Shodouka project.
so just a quick note here to tell you how completely and amazingly cool shodouka was/is..
i humbly bow down before your magnificence, oh great and mighty Ping.
great, i feel special. (Score:2)
well, i replied to it with a post that had been run through the Malkovich script.
I got moderated down as "offtopic".
so now somehow i feel bitter that had at the time i simply submitted the malkovichizer as a story, i could have gotten the satisfaction of having a quickie printed instead of a karma loss.. but i assumed it had already been posted. (i saw it mentioned in the astralwerks [astralwerks.com] newslwetter..)
Oh well. I'm probably totally unjustified..
Re:Microsoft fessing up? (Score:2)
"other options".. hmm...
We can only hope that in their "research" they don't come across that old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode where the evil businessmen attempted to take over the world by making the rotation of the earth stop, thus causing all people on earth to fling off into space due to inertia. The businessmen, who had built an underground shelter so they could survive the massive inertial holocaust, would then come out and, being the only people left on planet earth, would be able to enjoy all of its natural resources all to themselves. The episode contained not only this startling idea, but also the same degree detailed scientific explanation of how such a scheme would be implemented that all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes contained. What if it were to occur to the Microsoft executives that they could carry out such a plan?
(I'm also pretty sure there was an episode of Rescue Rangers with a similar plotline, and possibly one [jeopardy?] of Pinkie and the Brain, but i don't remember for certain.)
All i know for certain is, we must take all measures possible to ensure this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode, this recipe for destruction, does not fall into the hands of Microsoft. If it does, then the only hope for planet earth may be.. Jackie Chan.
--- WWJD ---
(What Would Jackie Chan Do?)
Where do you get off, moderating my post as "insightful"?? how could you POSSIBLY call that "insightful"?? there isn't one single bit of insight in the damn post! it's just a minor, somewhat interesting anecdote. I have no problem with it being moderated up-- i probably wouldn't have moderated it past score:1 myself had i been the one with the mod access, which is why i didn't put on the score:+1 bonus-- but if you're going to moderate, use ACCURATE moderation!! Don't just assume that because you're pushing the points in the right direction your job is done! The words are there for a _reason_, and "informative", "insightful" and "interesting" are NOT the same thing!!
Moderators just mark everything as "insightful" no matter what it is, and it's starting to irritate me rather heavily. If people aren't going to distinguish between "insightful", "interesting" and "informative" when moderating, then cdmrtaco should just replace them with one single tag instead of three! Or at LEAST add some kind of lesser metamod penalty for "fair in that this should have been modded up, but not as insightful" or "fair in that this should have been modded down, but not as offtopic".. (since NOBODY is ever going to metamod misapplied "insightful" ratings if it's a good post)
and i wouldn't really mind normally.. but the entire POINT of the post i'm complaining about was to complain about moderators not thinking and applying "offtopic" to a post that should have been either "troll", "overrated" or not moderated at all.. and the post itself gets hit by a moderator who doesn't think and applies "insightful" where it should have been either "interesting", "underrated" or not moderated at all..
what is going ON here??
is there no escape from the misapplied moderation?
ok, bitch-time is over. you can all go back to your homes now there's nothing more to see.
Re: Malkovich, i feel Malkovich. (Score:1)
Yeah, it would have been nice if "Malkovich" was spelled right in the story, but that's okay.
I'm just proud that my site got Slashdotted -- on a mediator no less! -- and it didn't go down. Say, anybody want the code? :)
HMS Beagle (Score:1)
(if you think this post is offtopic, please move on and don't flaunt your ignorance)
the truth about the rocket car... (Score:2)
If you think THATS weird... (Score:4)
Just incase you thought the severed-head patent was weird, have a look at this:
IBM's "Penis Locking And Lacerating Vaginal Insert" [ibm.com] Patent.
Yes, IBM.
Bowie J. Poag
Project Founder, PROPAGANDA For Linux (http://metalab.unc.edu/propaganda [unc.edu])
MALKOVICH!!! (Score:2)
(Awesome movie, btw, though the ending kinda sucked)
I knew Microsoft is slow to release patches but... (Score:3)
How quick we are to forget (Score:3)
Microsoft has not copped to the same plea.
Re:rocket car fraud? (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft fessing up? (Score:5)
Look at the headline:Explorapedia Nature: Earth Rotates in Wrong Direction Now, you could take this either way, but if you had to choose one or the other, I'd say "Earth Rotates the Wrong Directon" sounds more like they're blaming the actual planet, not the software.
The "Summary" is the same: When you run Explorapedia and use the Exploratron to look at the Earth spinning, the Earth rotates in the wrong direction. Again, they aren't definitively saying that it's the Earth on your computer screen that's incorrect.
Next, is the "Status" of the problem. Here's where it gets scary: Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Explorapedia, World of Nature, version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available. They are "researching" the problem? They know exactly what the problem is and the software solution would be, clearly, to make the earth image rotate the other way. But, it seems to me that they are looking for "other options"
Re:pandas on viagara... (Score:1)
Well, given their environment, it may make sense. They developed in fairly remote areas of China, and probably had few natural predators. Furthermore, their diet (mostly bamboo, which is low in nutrients, and relatively slow to replace compared to other vegetation) could not support a high profundity, which would probably have led to overgrazing and starvation. They evolved to maintain a reasonably low population through slow reproduction (since predation wasn't helping).
Now, with human encroachment and loss of habitat, their reproductive habits have become a liability (only offset by their "cuteness", which now helps the species to remain viable)
Re:How quick we are to forget (Score:2)
Actually, I don't remember the exact cost, but CGI rendering was MUCH more expensive back then.
Re:How quick we are to forget (Score:2)
Two Larry Niven Refs in one story! (Score:3)
Larry made the same error Microsoft did! (The first edition of Ringworld had the Earth spinning the wrong way. Later versions corrected it. The originals are worth money now.)
And now we find out that Jar Jar Binks is really Teela Brown!
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!
(Either that, or I'm waaaaaayyyy too tired.)
Re:The globe isn't the only thing MS has backwards (Score:1)
I always open my personal CD player to stop it (rather than pressing stop), so I get to see the CD spin down.
damn (Score:1)
poll idea (Score:1)
You all are awesome - keep it up.
Kill an Ewok for Jesus.
Um... poo.
New Knowledge Base article (Score:2)
BattleMech -- Linux Powered (Score:1)
- Got a Software Engineer for the control mechanism (Silent Partner, for now).
- The control mechanism will officially be ran under the Linux Operating System.
- I hear rumors we got submitted to www.slashdot.org.
- Looks like there will be a formal meeting, at Earle's house, at 21:00 hours tonight.
- I'll get a digital camera tonight, I swear! Pictures by Friday night.
I cant believe no one mentioned that they've chosen Linux as the official OS of the Mecha. I can picture the adds now:
Is your operating system opressing you? (Tank with MS logo rolls onto screen and point barrel at camera)
Switch to the free OS that packs a wallop (Mecha foot comes down on turret and squishes tank flat. Pan up to the meriad of Linux vendor logos on the side of the mech ala a stock car. Pan up to the CGI penguin in a combat helmet who gives the camera a thumbs up.)
Re:Roach? (Score:1)
Re:I knew Microsoft is slow to release patches but (Score:1)
Mechs (Score:2)
25' tall is gonna be a bit difficult to handle. I can see one of these things running down the freeway at 120 mph, but it wouldn't be able to clear the bridges.
Still, I'd love to see the cops trying to call that one in.
A full scale, operational model of ED209 would be nice to have sitting in my front yard tho.
Earth spins the wrong way (Score:1)
Earth Rotates in Wrong Direction (Score:2)
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Explorapedia series: World of Nature for Windows, version 1.0
When you run Explorapedia and use the Exploratron to look at the Earth spinning, the Earth rotates in the wrong direction.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with the Earth 1.0. Further research indicates that the Earth is round. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Keywords : kbhowto mskids kids series explore turn turns spin spins bug error revolves revolving
Version : EARTH:1.0
Re:rocket car fraud? (Score:1)
version of the story I have ever heard. Almost believeable.. I say Bravo.. Long live the rocket car!
Re:Jeremy's Microbatch (Score:1)
(jonesing for some Tiramisu. Or Cinnamon Bun, quite probably the BEST ice cream flavor ever made)
Rocket car fraud? Yes... (Score:1)
This is a "self-referential" UL - that is, an urban legend being refuted with... tada!
Most urban legends don't give specific names, or dates, or places. Most tend to be short.
This particular one happens to be very long, but sadly, it is still an urban legend. However, it does make an interesting story - it is well written (not the best prose on the planet, but a good yarn!), and keeps you reading and laughing all the way through. The proof of it being an urban legend is the lack of important details (like names, for instance - of places for one).
I have to say, someone had a lot of time on his hands!
Mecha... (Score:1)
While interesting that someone (or a group) is actually thinking about doing this, I tend to wonder if they have looked into any prior art...
The closest any group has come to creating a mecha (aside from the GE Hardiman suit), has been the Ohio State University Walking Truck (I don't think they called it that, but that is what it looked like). The system had multiple legs (six), and a computer controlled adaptive walking gait system, with sensors on the legs and feet. The "driver" sat up front in a "cab". The whole thing was run by a small engine driving a generator and hydraulic pump.
The only other device I know of that is like a mech is the Robosaurus.
In both cases (ok, all three if you count the Hardiman), the cost to build the systems was immense. In the end (well, with the exception of Robosaurus), all were "scrapped". Nothing more ever came out of them.
MPS thinks that somehow they will create a walking mech, that is able to balance properly and be drivable - and do it out of a garage? Don't get me wrong - I wish these guys luck, but unless some of them worked with SRL at one point in their lives, I don't think it is going to happen. I would be impressed if they were able to build a functioning LEGO version (building prototype leg devices don't count - and yes, I know people have created bipedal walking LEGO machines).
If they could build a bipedal LEGO machine that walked in a figure-8, I would believe they stand a chance in hell of building a full size device. But doing so would mean that they have (in a garage, no less), beat out the likes of GE, Honda, OSU, and DOD - who have near unlimited resources, and developed a drivable, bipedal walking machine.
I know that it only took one college student to kick off the whole Linux thing - but this is a totally different matter - one that encompasses everything from robotics to AI to engineering to materials science (that steel better be damn strong for the forces it will encounter!), through a number of other disciplines.
Hey guys! Prove me wrong - one last thing, I was born and raised in Bako, so I would be damn proud to see the first true mech walk outta there...
Re:Be Careful (Score:1)
Re:Be Careful (Score:1)
Re:rocket car fraud? (Score:1)
But very entertaining...
Re:World spins backwards? (Score:1)
Malkovichizer (Score:1)
Re:Earth Rotates in Wrong Direction (Score:1)
Me-sa got-sa the Teela Brown gene-sa. (Score:2)
Anyhow, the big difference between Jar-Jar and Teela (and between Jar-Jar and <any other major character anywhere>) is that Teela (and Luke and Obi-Wan) eventually grows into a mature person. They all realize that they can be something better.
As a minor supporting role, Jar-Jar hasn't exhibited any of this character growth; he just gets clumsier and clumsier. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him in Ep 2. (Hopefully the Teela Brown gene fails miserably and the little fscker gets pasted, but that's just my opinion.)
P.S.- Yeah, the first edition Ringworld mistake was hilarious. I met Niven once; he tells great stories about his early days. I'd love to get my hands on a first edition Ringworld.
Re:MALKOVICH!!! (Score:1)
When I saw being john Malkovich on the resturaunt scene, I was immedeately reminded of good 'ol Slashdot, but with every word being "Malkovich", and everyone resembling RMS, including the lonuge singer.
Mech mirror? (Score:1)
Star Wars story (Score:1)
I am sorry to have to jump to Jar-Jar's defense, but whether this article was meant to be 'hilarious' or not, anyone familiar with Joseph Campbell (or who has taken any literature analysis/appreciation courses) would have to think twice about the Gungan's role in the epic after reading this. As annoying as he was, he very well could turn out to be one of the most important characters. While I wouldn't go so far as the author did in comparing him to Luke Skywalker, I think there is definitely some real purpose besides comic relief in Jar-Jar.
IMO, the Ewoks were much more annoying as characters...but ended up being more marketable. Why? It's the fur.
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
Dear God, please don't let Jar Jar be a Jedi... (Score:1)
Wuse the fawce, Wuke! Wet go uf war feewings... Twust me....
Re:The Orkin commercial - the disturbing part (Score:3)
0:00.00 - Cockroach appears
0:00.02 - Eyes register creepy movement
0:01.00 - Brain registers creepy movement, inference engine is started
1:30.00 - Conclusion is reached: "A Cockroach!!"
1:30.05 - Automatical defense system is started: "Let's kill it!"
1:30.37 - Brains register object in right hand
1:30.40 - Arm slings remote control to screen
1:30.85 - TV explodes
1:30.90 - Eyes register exploding thingy
1:31.40 - Brains register explosion, inference engine is started
3:00.00 - Conclusion reached: "I just killed my TV! They made me do it!"
3:00.02 - Search for solution starts - depth first
3:00.05 - Conclustion reached: "Let's sue them!"
As you can see, they need less than two minutes to break their TV. Thanks to the high-availability of solution-data, they only need 0.03 seconds to decide to sue. Experimental data is still gathered to determine how long it takes them before they find out whom to sue.
I think we need more research and then come up with a new set of guidelines, or maybe a law, like the MAOCTVA (The "Maximum amount of creepy thingy visibility act"), to prevent thses kind of things from happening in the future. After all, it's the governments duty to protect US citizens as much as possible.
Re:Microsoft fessing up? (Score:2)
I would figured that they would have just lobbied Congress to develop a nuke large enough to make the Earth spin the "correct" direction.
Of course. Thats what they mean by "We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available."
"Rex unto my cleeb, and thou shalt have everlasting blort." - Zorp 3:16
Re:If you think THATS weird... (Score:3)
Man fishing (Score:2)
It only hurts when the man pulls out and it doesn't even slash off the shlong, it just painfully hooks into it. At this point I'm sure any successful rapist would do his best to beat the crap out of the woman, he's got nowhere to go at this point and is very, very much in pain and angry. Not to mention if you didn't get VD from him yet, you got it now.
What purpose does it serve to hook a rapist's shlong like a fish? Now that they're stuck together which one negotiates how they're going to get over to the phone to call the police. Or maybe she decides this one is too small and throws it back.
The rocket car is older than that... (Score:2)
or not, is that I first heard it in 1966. The beginning
of this little number has not been traced yet, folks...
How did that illusion work? (Score:2)
Roach? (Score:2)
The globe isn't the only thing MS has backwards.. (Score:2)
"The operating system is known to only install properly off of CD-ROMs that rotate counter-clockwise. All other installs end up with an insecure system that crashes if turned on."
Mike Roberto (roberto@soul.apk.net [mailto]) - AOL IM: MicroBerto
Microsoft fessing up? (Score:2)
Tetris keeps on growing! (Score:4)
One last thing... (Score:4)
* Results not typical. Please consult your doctor before you begin using Viagra.
Getting a head in the world. (Score:2)
4,666,425 (*) [GG, RB] -- "Device for Perfusing an Animal Head." Yep, anmachine designed to keep a severed head alive. Sadly, all drawings show the head from the back; the draftsman missed a great opportunity to have some great expressions. Assignee-at-issue is "Dis Corporation," a play on words of "discorporation," to have one's head severed (Or death, if one reads Heinlen).
["Applied for as a joke by 'Chet Fleming,' a nom de plume. Fleming wrote a book about it, which I have a copy of. His device allows one to remove a head of an animal (or human) and hook it up to a prior art heart/lung machine, kidney dialysis, etc., to keep the head alive. Examiners have had great fun with it -- a bulletin board favorite, with the obvious comparisons to 'They Saved Hitler's Brain' (that great B-movie). I understand the Office was embarrassed and may have withdrawn it from issue (apparently not - ed.). The copies in the shoes were stamped 'do not cite as reference.' 'Fleming's' book is 'If We Can Keep A Severed Head Alive...,' published by Polinym Press (ISBN 0-942287-02-9). A friend of mine knew 'Fleming,' who is an engineer and patent attorney (and is probably reading this). I'd love to meet him." - RB].
And the URL: http://www.perpendicular.com/becker/craig/patents. html
PORN! (Score:2)
Now, normal people porn may or may not do it for Pandas. I don't know, but I think it will. mmmmmm, Porn for Pandas. POP
If that doesn't work, we have to hire Bill Gates CGI Inc to make Panda Porn. I'm sure that will get then aroused to mate
On the other hand, if the panda normally mates for 20 seconds and now 20 minutes due to viagra. That means 60x performance increase. It normally takes me 30 minutes, that means by sex sessions will now list, mmm, 30 hours?
Oh Baby
Concentric spinning circle illusion. (Score:2)
Pretty freaky!
The rest [illusionworks.com] of the site is pretty cool.
You should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about.
Cockroach Lawsuit (Score:2)
Re:That optical Illusion (Score:4)
They've got the illusion posted as well (the Scintillating Grid illusion [illusionworks.com]), but all they say is that 'the underlying mechanism behind it is not yet fully understood.'
Still gives me a headache though. Ouch.
Can anyone find that illusion with the concentric rings that rotate in opposite directions?
Rocket Car... (Score:2)