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Submission + - Nine Months And GM Can't Supply A Bumper (battleswarmblog.com)

schwit1 writes: In December 2023, Levan Azrumelashvili bought a Cadillac EV Lyriq, an all-electric vehicle that cost nearly $86,000. It would be the heart of his brand-new limousine business.

He invested in livery plates and limousine insurance, which is more costly than insurance for a personal car.

The Fair Lawn man’s new venture was off to a solid start. But in April, he had what appeared to be a relatively minor accident — Azrumelashvili said his insurance company agreed it was not his fault — but the damage was more than cosmetic.

The car couldn’t be driven.

And now, nine months later — that’s 279 days as of Sunday since the accident — the vehicle remains at the body shop. Cadillac and its parent company General Motors (GM) haven’t been able to get one of the parts needed for the repairs — a bumper — despite multiple promises.

“At this point, my business is destroyed, I have not been able to drive my limousine for nine months, and I am told by GM that they can’t get my parts, yet they continue to build the cars, which obviously contain the parts my car needs,” Azrumelashvili said, noting that he’s still paying $1,100 a month for insurance and $1,437 a month on the vehicle loan.

“It seems unconscionable that a company would sell cars for which they cannot get parts within the first year,” he said.

Comment It will be used in 2 years when they invade Taiwan (Score 1, Informative) 106

2027 is the expected invasion of Taiwan.


"Communist China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) celebrates its centenary in 2027, the same year the CCP has indicated it will be ready to take Taiwan by force — and new satellite photos show that it could be prepared to cross the straits in force before then.

Before you accuse me of being a crazy person for somehow just knowing that Beijing — Xi Jinping, to be more exact — wants war in 2027, it isn't me. Two months ago, milblogger and retired Navy officer CDR Salamander wrote about this strange, perhaps unprecedented phenomenon where both sides know more or less when the invasion is coming. "

"Yes, the demographics of 2027. Yes, the passing intersection of military and economic power ~2027," Sal warned. "Yes, yes to all the other lights that are blinking yellow to red later this decade from the South China Sea to the Arctic."

Everybody seems to know that war is coming, particularly China's shipbuilders. "Anyone wondering what an invasion of Taiwan might look like now has a fresh visual clue," Naval News reported on Friday.

"A number of special and unusual barges, at least 3 but likely 5 or more, have been observed in Guangzhou Shipyard in southern China," the report continues. "These have unusually long road bridges extending from their bows. This configuration makes them particularly relevant to any future landing of PRC (People’s Republic of China) forces on Taiwanese islands."

"Amateurs study strategy," the old saw goes, "but professionals study logistics."

Comment Re:Enforcement won't be easy or consequent-free (Score 1) 101

You don't need to block 100% to kill TikTok in the US

Remove bytedance apps from US app stores
Have US ISPs and US cloud providers blackhole DNS for bytedance domains
Have US ISPs and US cloud providers blackhole public IP spaces owned by bytedance


Comment Incompetence Is Why Insurance Companies Fled Calif (Score 1, Troll) 203


When it's all over and Los Angeles residents take stock of their losses, will they be able to build again? Will there be any insurance companies willing to write fire insurance policies in such a badly managed state as California after the Palisades fire?

Gavin Newsom became California's governor the year after a series of devastating wildfires in 2018, including the Camp Fire in Paradise that killed 85 people and destroyed 18,000 homes. Insurance companies say eight of the 10 top wildfire-insured losses have occurred since 2017. As a result, insurance companies have fled the state faster than illegal aliens have jumped over the border on Joe Biden's watch.

"Climate change" is the lazy excuse the Democrats have used to explain why there have been more fires and more damage from them. They claim that fires are more fiery these days. If that's true then why?

California has always suffered from Santa Ana winds, wildfires, and hot weather. Those things haven't changed. What has changed, however, is the state's management of resources and its response to fires. California is a state of 40 million people and the state has roughly the same water capacity as when Willam Mulholland oversaw the construction of the 233-mile-long L.A. Aqueduct back in 1913. Read more about this in my upcoming piece on Where's the Water, Gavin?

Comment Where's the Water, Gavin? (Score 4, Informative) 203


We thought it was terrible when Newsom and the previous Democrat tenant of the governor's mansion, Jerry Brown, forsook food and water for people to send millions of acre feet per day of fresh water into the salty ocean, during droughts and rainy days alike, to save a bait fish.

Per NY Times regarding LA County “The bulk of the roughly $1 billion collected from Los Angeles County taxpayers over the past four years to store more water has gone largely unspent.“ $1 billion taken, they dump water then we get placed on water restrictions.

Comment A cyberattack is not the only one (Score 1) 98


Sarah Adams, Former Targeter at The CIA

Shawn Ryan “I just wanna clarify. You are 100% certain that there are 1,000+ Al-Qaeda trained fighters within the United States borders”

The CIA “I think there's more than a thousand Al-Qaeda members in the United States — Well, Al-Qaeda says they trained and deployed a thousand for this attack”

Sarah Adams then goes on to explain how there actually will probably be even more

During this Shawn Ryan Show episode they were talking about 50,000 - 60,000 Americans lives being lost to these upcoming attacks

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