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Comment Re: What is market value? (Score 0) 234

Therefore it is impossible to overpay for something, as long as you're willing! :)

Indeed! Now, it is possible for a buyer to have a "remorse" — realizing, his willingness was in error. In that case, he will no longer be willing and will have had overpaid...

"Market value" in this meaning only applies in aggregate given the prior assumption of a liquid market.

It is always better, when the market is liquid, but it is not a requirement for there being a market value. The definition I gave usually applies to houses, for example — which are all unique. Painting or other work of art, for another example, can still have market value — often determined by an auction — whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.

What good is going to do any of us if these guys end up [...]

Bzzzz! Stop that Collectivist talk right there — none of "us" is a party to the transaction discussed (unless you are one of them or an Uber stock-holder). It is entirely between Uber and the engineers in question. To assert any right to control, regulate or even criticize their decision is to make a first step towards slavery (and there aren't many steps to it)...

It is simply none of our business.

It makes no sense to speak of market value when someone has so much money they can simply buy the best of everything and let it burn just to deny the other barons (er, capitalists) the prize.

Why does not it make sense? I can't even figure out, whether you are envious of Uber over their having so much money, or the engineers over their getting paid so well. But some sort of envy is dripping off my screen right now and I need to wipe it...

When somebody is getting paid "too little", Collectivists get upset. When somebody is paid "too much", they get upset too. Clearly, the idea, that "we the people" must be controlling prices, remains alive and well...

Comment Re:No thanks. (Score 1) 95

So is the pancreas, it's a reactive system to external demands as well. So I guess it needs a sugar either dampens or allows glucose production by the liver as needed. Seriously, do you know how this stuff works? I suppose that could be a problem of course if you don't have a liver...but then again, if you don't have a liver you're going to have more serious problems anyway.

Comment Re:Blockland! (Score 1) 108

I don't recall the details, but there's a company out there -- somewhere -- that offers, or offered at one time, to take your minecraft "thing" and give you a 3D print of it. Make it real, sort of.

It's be interesting to see the same thing with the lego software. An opportunity, perhaps.

Comment Re:Obviously (Score 3, Interesting) 265

I wonder if they've weighed the sponges. One possibility is that the sponges are deteriorating in a particular direction, thus engaging in conventional "stuff out one end makes you go the other way" propulsion. And also becoming traditional "will get used up" style fuel in the process. :)

Though it'd be all kinds of awesome if it was creating coherent motion out of energy delivered by photons without wearing out. Now *that* could be a space drive.

Comment Re:Crookes Radiometer (Score 1) 265

Does this mean we'll finally get a version of the Crookes Radiometer [] that works as a light pressure engine and not just a heat engine? All this space nonsense is abstract to me, I want something I can hold in my own damn hands!

And I also want a pony!

Seriously, as long as we're speculating, can we all please admit that this is finally the breakthrough we need to reach warpgate technology?

Comment Re:Apples and Oranges (Score 1) 74

And that's ignoring the fact that computer security is nearly intractable to begin with. Even if you have an air-gap, it can still be breached.

So if the companies aren't even trying (which they aren't......increased liability can help with that, though), there's no way they'll succeed.

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