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Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

After he bagged on Sarah Palin, I pointed out that his hypothetical idea could result in a Palin Administration.

And I responded she wouldn't have the big money, the cronies, or the time to back up her craziness, so again, you got it wrong. And without that money, it might turn out that she is a perfectly rational person, able to honor her contracts to completion.

It seems to be true, you chronically tell only half the story to fit your narrative. Don't take it personal, d_r does the same thing.

Under the present circumstances, there are more than two people on the ballot. If you vote for a republican or a democrat you are a close minded, fearful, timid, submissive fool, doomed to eternal repetition of your mistakes, and since you don't learn from them, mockery is all that's left, even though, with your brains on hold, that won't have much effect for the better either. In fact, as all the studies show, you just instinctively dig in your heels.... Or, in a perfectly natural biological reaction to your environment, you are simply appealing to authority to curry its favor for privilege and elevated status. You seek close proximity to the alpha male, and your denials of that will not make it any less true. The experiment is reproducible, and already has been many times over. This is why you can be correctly called 'reactionary'. You react... Your entire political system is purely Pavlovian, and... it still works, proof that you are not nearly so separate from nature as you claim to be.. Chimps with nuclear poo.

So, in short all your complaints about the people you elect and reelect are silly, much sillier than anything I have put forth so far. Expect more finger pointing and laughing. Be assured you earned it.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

How could you possibly support that notion when you haven't offered a single option yet?

I can because I have. You dismissed it as nonsense and forgot about it. Since you're not interested, repeating myself would be a total waste, so I won't. I would only suggest that you not vote for somebody you complain about and then reelect anyway, and stop playing the helpless victim card, in fact, stop being the helpless victim, you're doing it by choice. If you want to be their fool, then, by all means. You are only fooling yourself.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

It doesn't matter what I offer, your mind is set in stone, and you will continue to play your "lesser evil" charade, and we will hear the same old crap we heard in 2008, and in 2000, and in 1996, and in..., and I'm not interested. It deserves nothing but ridicule and mockery. The Party expects and welcomes your slavish and most submissive loyalty.

Grave diggers of the world, unite!

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