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Comment Re:Competition is good. (Score 2) 211

"Spaceflight" technology goes back to 1926.

And the 747 still burns kerosene. Progress in that respect has remained static since the first steam engine. However, think about the fact that man spent thousands of years on horseback, makes the present rate of progress look pretty good.

Comment Re:"Reagan's leadership" (Score 1) 72

Again, you're trying to be funny, talking about "morality" in politics, after your idol turned out to be one of the most corrupt ever to occupy the office. Blind eye indeed!! And why do you want to go to war against your own mercenaries? That makes no sense.

And dude! You really went all Rush Limbaugh (feminazis, thanks for keeping that one alive)-Jerry Falwell there. Are you taking what he's taking? Don't do drugs, man...

Comment Re:Why start now? (Score 1) 51

Nope, you haven't said any of that. Your focus, more like obsession, is on the one person, regardless of his ability to control anything. You are on a bandwagon. And you'll jump off just as soon as your "party" #ReoccupiesResoluteDesk (or however you put it). You are fooling no one except yourself.

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