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Comment Re:Developing Story (Score 1) 275

Have you forgotten your basic stick and rudder? Angle of attack is everything. It applies to the biguns as much as any Piper Cub out there. Personally, nothing would make me feel more secure than having a direct readout, as opposed to deducing it from airspeed and density and wing loading. If I keep the wing below a specific angle of attack, I can be certain it will not stall regardless the speed or altitude, just want to keep enough of both to reach the runway :-)

Comment Re:Again... (Score 2) 278

I doubt there is any readily available encryption that can protect you at this point.

No, there isn't. I've been saying that for years (to no effect of course), and the entire subject has become tiresome, aside from the object of cracking theirs :-)

Privacy is a fantasy. Everything going through their wire is being recorded.

Comment Re:Developing Story (Score 1) 275

Why is this on Slashdot?

Because Airbus makes shitty Angle Of Attack probes (caution:pdf). And if I remember right, they don't even provide an indicator for the pilots! Angle of attack is one of the most basic and most important things to know.

Oh, did you mean computer nerds? Well, unfortunately Airbus (and probably the newest Boeings) is controlled by a computer that can't be overridden when it suffers from bad data input.

Comment Re:They only store them for us to read (Score 1) 32

Me? insinuate? Ohhhh no, never! It's just an observation of what invariably happens when people reelect corrupt politicians to 40 year careers in the expectation they will bring home some serious pork. It's what keeps the Great American Boondoggle alive. As far as democracies go we have nothing new here. The whole ordeal has become quite ordinary.

Comment Re:Prediction: (Score 1) 206

...Merely a response to the OP. I would say Samsung and LG are far more significant than NK and media fantasy 'hackers' if we are going to ask 'cui bono'. If you want to narrow down your targets as quickly as possible, follow the money, not the politics (and certainly not the tabloid press!), unless there's family involved, that's a whole 'nother bucket of worms.

Comment Re:Prediction: (Score 1) 206

Well of course! I exclude nobody. I just think the sentimental 'morality' play is just a bit silly. On the other hand, it always does draw a crowd. The big story to me is the reaction to the initial incident. It reveals the animal, and all the emotion clouds the judgement. The audience does not know and/or care that it is being played. They have become the movie.

Comment Re:Not again... (Score 1) 206

Topic over, now lets turn and face infinity and eternity, as they are lying in front of us, waiting.

BAH! You're swimming in it.

And remember, folks, Korea is a democratic republic, and not only that, it's a peoples republic, says right there in the name. Words have meaning, right? Everybody tells me that all the time. Now, excuse me while I go take another Valium so I don't feel the heat

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