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Comment Re:Okay (Score 1) 29

I see. So the story, which would normally be very easy to verify if one is interested, is false then? More than one group was denied during the time in question? Or what?

What I'm trying to find out here is if the IRS is acting in any way different than it has in the past, aside from the fact that it was they who came forward in the first place this time around. So far, all indications are negative. Everybody is following the roles they were given when the universe came into being.

BTW, Walker is a republican. His nose ring is chained to the same big money. From his position he can say many things he can't possibly do. You keep on saying you learned something over the last five fears. When are you going to start showing it? You're still pimping the republican party. It only goes to show you're not against big government, only the people presently running it because you feel left out. I think it's not the concentration of power that bothers you, it's the proximity, or lack thereof in this case.

Comment Re:Interstate Commerce Clause (Score 1) 397

... when does someone in the military realize their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic basically requires them to nuke Washington DC?

Oh please. They would have had to attack Washington during the Whiskey Rebellion, or at least when the Aliens and Sedition Act was signed. The constitution didn't make it even four years before it was shredded.

Comment Re:Okay (Score 1) 29

Can you cite a specific, past example of the IRS going after whole groups of people in support of a President?

Oh yeah, I heard about that. I guess the democrats eat their young also...

In the past you want.. Maybe this headline can provide a hint: Obama Goes Full Nixon..(Yes, I think Obama is worse than Nixon, but I'm not worried, the next person will be worse still) What do you think the real purpose of the IRS is?

I also noticed that the people doing all the whining (including the one in the second link) about being singled out are full of it. Again, you are trying to pull the ideology BS over our eyes, when it was just some keywords in the names, and chances are they should lose their special status, as they all should.

Comment Re:Okay (Score 1) 29

I guess if we're comfortable with the IRS turning into a third-world thug outfit instead of trying to reform it...

Well you must be, since you aren't voting, or even looking for anybody that acts sanely and rationally that would reform it. And the only way it can be reformed is if it is dissolved, abolished, because it is functioning nominally. There is nothing "wrong" with it. It certainly isn't acting any differently than it has since its inception. It has no credibility to lose. This is only a front page story now because of the person currently occupying the oval office.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

No single republican or democrat can screw things up without lots of help, even somebody like Palin, Cruz, Lieberman, Pelosi, or Reid. I would prefer incompetent over crazy myself, but that doesn't mean I would ever vote for either. The "lesser evil" still only gives you evil. I don't knowingly vote for evil, lesser or greater. "Lesser evil" is true moral relativism, of a kind that even I find offensive. It illustrates the true meaning of hypocrisy and arrogance. And notably it is the democratic faction that makes the most use of it. You know, I never did like the bastards. It is unfortunate that nobody sees them for what they are. They are all wagging the dog about the republicans, which is, of course, exactly how the democrats like it. Evil evil, all of them.

You know, with the Greens or the libbies, you will need a lot of them in congress for them to actually accomplish anything.

Comment Okay (Score 1) 29

So, where are these "emails"?

Oh, here's a juicy one:
"an email to top IRS staff wrote that “folks from the FEC world,” were pressing for “tax-fraud prosecutions” for nonprofit organizations accused of lying about not conducting political activity."

Hmm, where's the word "conservative"? Ah yes, Washington Times, a replica of the Washington Post, but much more believable, where "he said-she said" is fact, right? Hey, if it's good for higher ad rates, what the hell...

I already know that the IRS is the worst of the worst, but if you are looking for a meaningful scandal, you will have better luck finding a "black book" of Afghan opium farmers and politicians and generals who are dealing with Allied forces to secure and move their product... Or even better, go after the 83 billion a month being fed to Wall Street. If you want to find the real corruption of the democratic faction (well actually both) and the big union bosses, look into our stolen pensions. The games you all are playing now will not even dent the Hillary juggernaut.

FYI: Non-profit == scam, tax evasion, and money laundering. There's no reason we can't skim off some of the money they move like everybody else. Why should they care? It would be less paperwork.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

After he bagged on Sarah Palin, I pointed out that his hypothetical idea could result in a Palin Administration.

And I responded she wouldn't have the big money, the cronies, or the time to back up her craziness, so again, you got it wrong. And without that money, it might turn out that she is a perfectly rational person, able to honor her contracts to completion.

It seems to be true, you chronically tell only half the story to fit your narrative. Don't take it personal, d_r does the same thing.

Under the present circumstances, there are more than two people on the ballot. If you vote for a republican or a democrat you are a close minded, fearful, timid, submissive fool, doomed to eternal repetition of your mistakes, and since you don't learn from them, mockery is all that's left, even though, with your brains on hold, that won't have much effect for the better either. In fact, as all the studies show, you just instinctively dig in your heels.... Or, in a perfectly natural biological reaction to your environment, you are simply appealing to authority to curry its favor for privilege and elevated status. You seek close proximity to the alpha male, and your denials of that will not make it any less true. The experiment is reproducible, and already has been many times over. This is why you can be correctly called 'reactionary'. You react... Your entire political system is purely Pavlovian, and... it still works, proof that you are not nearly so separate from nature as you claim to be.. Chimps with nuclear poo.

So, in short all your complaints about the people you elect and reelect are silly, much sillier than anything I have put forth so far. Expect more finger pointing and laughing. Be assured you earned it.

Comment Re:McArdle is astute (Score 1) 29

How could you possibly support that notion when you haven't offered a single option yet?

I can because I have. You dismissed it as nonsense and forgot about it. Since you're not interested, repeating myself would be a total waste, so I won't. I would only suggest that you not vote for somebody you complain about and then reelect anyway, and stop playing the helpless victim card, in fact, stop being the helpless victim, you're doing it by choice. If you want to be their fool, then, by all means. You are only fooling yourself.

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