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User Journal

Journal Journal: The Sniffy Box 21

i like my therapist. she gives me homework assignments. this week's assignment has been to take with me a little tin box that contains something that has a distinctive scent to it. throughout the day i'm supposed take a minute, small the contents, without worrying what it is, and then carefully concentrate on how that scent makes me feel, what it reminds me of, i then scribble that down.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Shuttle Bus: ~6, Blinder: 0 7

so, i've been having all sorts of fun with the shuttle bus that i take from harvard square to watertown (where i work).

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Notice To All IT Managers 8

this is really a public service announcement.

if you, in your capacity as an IT manager (one with purchasing/decision-making authority) decide that it might be a good idea for your company to purchase interwoven's teamsite product, i will fucking find you, hunt you down like the dog that you are and, well, do something really bad, like maybe ring your door bell in the middle of the night and then run and hide in the shrubs - over and over again. yeah, so there!

User Journal

Journal Journal: [SFB] A Simple Restart 10

lately i've been going through old songs i recorded, and after the initial disgust subsides, i'll usually pick one out to "re-do."

i can't play drums where we live (too loud) so i've been tinkering with other parts of the songs, since the drums, for the most part, i can live with. but i've been re-doing guitar parts, tweaking limiting/compression and eq here and there.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Took The Survey 4

i just took the slashdot "do you like our new design" survey. here are my essay question answers:

7. What one thing would you most like to change about Slashdot's layout?
i'd move every element up, down or over 2 pixels. why? because i have nothing else to offer.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Darn It, They've Done It Again 7

for any of my regular readers (/waves to all three of you) you probably know i fancy the band samiam (pronounced: "sam i am"). about three or so years ago they went on "hiatus." anyone who's remotely interested in music knows that "hiatus" is usually latin for "broke up but don't want to actually use those two words."

User Journal

Journal Journal: [DYPG] The First Batch (UPDATED) 28

under the threat of being terminated for cause by our esteemed ellem, i have put up the first batch of DYPG (Do You Play Guitar?) entries.

Use this journal entry to comment, and please do comment. or not.

i'm still waiting on a few, and will hopefully get solemn's recorded within the next 48 hours or so (when she feels up to it - she's got a lot on her plate).

User Journal

Journal Journal: [DYPG] More Update 10

alrighty, i've gotten some good submissions. still waiting for rk (are you in my good man?)

i set up a little website and have it all stubbed out. i do NOT have the mp3s linked up in that i want to make sure all of the submissions are in before i do that.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Got Mod Points? 2

I know its an old joke but damnit, it is still damn funny. so, if you've got the funny points, please give. only pennies a day can help save this comment.

Wii to Launch Nov. 19th for $250 495

PygmySurfer writes "According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Nintendo is going to announce today that the Wii will go on sale on November 19th in North and South America, at a cost of $250. It will come bundled with Wii Sports and channels for such things as viewing photos, as well as news and weather. Finally, Wii will also make it possible to browse the web on your television. Nintendo will also announce that 25-30 games will be published this year, as well as about 30 classic games available on the virtual console, costing about $5-10."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Best Song Title, Evar? 10

i haven't been listening to much music lately, in fact i haven't been *playing* much music lately (i did, however, have something ready for [DYPG], which i'll mix down probably tonight, and get it uploaded, then i'll make a quick widdle html page for everyone's entry, you included zed).

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Quiet Dragon 9

just a little notice... SolemnDragon is going to be a bit quiet during the weekdays now. here work place has decided to come down pretty hard on surfing and she doesn't want to make trouble by posting on slashdot. also, she'll be checking her gmail when she gets home, so if you send her mails during the day, don't expect a response till the evening at the earliest.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [DYPG] Update 15

alright, i've been getting a decent response. i've got a few from talinom, stb and rg (thanks guys!), but i've been wack-crazy busy with teh day job. i've uploaded the one's i have to my server, but i don't have a url quite yet (meaning, i just need to move the files to one of the web sites).


Journal Journal: Introducing HMtB 7

so solemn and i went out to grab a quick iced (decaf) mocha (please) and then dashed over to the store. we get home and find this sleeping on our sofa.

many of you have heard us speak about her magesty the bibbitt, few have actually seen her, but now, we are proud to introduce her to you in all her furry majesty.

Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: On Order 17

i must admit, occassionally our "to-do" lists can be, well, lets just say, odd, from time to time. yesterday's list had things like "start laundry," "clean kitchen," "go to grocery" but it also had "buy car."

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