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Journal blinder's Journal: A Notice To All IT Managers 8

this is really a public service announcement.

if you, in your capacity as an IT manager (one with purchasing/decision-making authority) decide that it might be a good idea for your company to purchase interwoven's teamsite product, i will fucking find you, hunt you down like the dog that you are and, well, do something really bad, like maybe ring your door bell in the middle of the night and then run and hide in the shrubs - over and over again. yeah, so there!

i've been "working" with teamsite off and on for nearly a year, even spent a week in chicago last fall getting "training" and i still haven't found a single redeeming characteristic, feature or option this hacked together, bloated, inflexible piece of shit has to offer.

websites, many would point out, are often structured as hierarchies. teamsite, being a website content management system (costing well north of six-figures for a license) cannot actually work in a hierarchical fasion!!!

holy dear god!

so, my dear IT manager, just say "get the fuck out of my office you scum sucking pig!" when interwoven comes around pitching their crap.

thank you, you may now go about your day.

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

A Notice To All IT Managers

Comments Filter:
    • No, the violence of ringing door bells and hiding is more indicative of rap. Seriously Sam, that's some cold shit. You feel strongly about this I can tell. ;-)

      PS, how was buring man, sulli?

  • It appears that my covert investment in Interwoven has paid off handsomely. Another fine product for your use. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your buddy, Bernard
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      curse you mr liautaud!!!! /shakey fist

      damn you and your investments! you won't get me! you'll see!
  • Do they use really attractive female sales staff or do they go with the time-honored 'incentives' to the CEO/CFO/CIO of liquor, golf vacations, and hookers?

    FWIW all content management systems I've seen suck. The open-source ones for the most part happen to suck less than the commercial ones.

    For some reason there seems to be an inverse correlation between price and quality/usablity with CMS products. The most expensive products tend to be the biggest steaming piles.
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      i have a theory. interwoven has dirty pictures of every cio in every fortune 1000 company.

      anyway, content management is a very very tough nut to crack. everyone does stuff their own way, and everyone has unique problems that require specialized solutions. content management systems, by nature, can't possibly take these things into account. oh sure, they try and make outlandish claims to be the "end all" of everyone's content problem.

      that being said, i really like opencms. i mean, i think its a damn good pro
      • by rk ( 6314 ) *

        I have an Interwoven pen from trade show swag and even it didn't work right.

  • I haven't been approached by them yet, but then again I don't talk to sales people. I just tell them I'm not interested and hang up.

    If I need something I'll look it up or have the appropriate person find out what we need. I hate sales calls.

    Interwoven is now on the "Be wary" list.

    Sean D.

"The medium is the massage." -- Crazy Nigel
