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Comment Re:A sane supreme court decision? (Score 1) 409

The dog sniffing around your car is not considered a search of the car (because it's searching the area around the car that is not part of your personal property.

How is that any different than an X-ray/millimeter-wave/infrared device being used to determine the contents of the vehicles?

In both cases (sniffing-dog and machine) a tool outside of the officer's five senses is being used.

Does having fur make using a dog permissible legally while a scanning device is not permissible short of some sort of probable cause?

If someone is stopped by an officer with a dog, the dog is legally allowed to sniff around the vehicle, but even if the officer has a scanning device with him he's not allowed to use it short of a probable cause existing.

A search is a search, regardless of whether it uses scent molecules or infrared/millimeter-wave/x-ray/ultrasonic energy, and it's also a search regardless of whether or not the "detector" has fur and a collar.


Comment Re:From courts to no telco needed (Score 1) 83

Classic court allowed telco support would be for one cell number, account or person.
The cellular phone surveillance device becomes a cell tower like device in a community and collects all calls in that area.
The cell site simulator has total access as it forces all mobile phones in the area to connect to it.
Collect it all is how a cell site simulator works for cellular phone surveillance.
A change to bulk collection.

Are these devices attended by actual humans, or, as is likely, it's set up and left recording in some nearby convenient location like the back of a parked van, motel room, or abandoned building, etc?

If so, they should be easy to radio-locate, like the old CB radio 'rabbit hunts'. How upset would they be to find their expensive toy missing when they returned?

If it *is* attended, surround the location and start protesting and out them. Don't forget to video record.

If police don't need a warrant, then does that mean that anyone can run a Stingray? It's not that hard. A little sauce for the gander.

You can even pick up the essentials to "roll your own" "Stingray" type device at a bargain, used/refurbished.


Park one in a van in Washington D.C. on K St. or near the WH, and/or certain parts of Alexandria VA for extra lulz.


Comment Re:You no longer own a car (Score 1) 649

If so it might well completely collapse the economy.

You say that as if some in power don't see that ideologically as a feature, rather than a bug. Many in positions of power/wealth have set themselves up so that they would benefit hugely in various ways such as politically/ideologically and financially from such a disaster, and in fact use it as a catapult into total authoritarian takeover.

George Soros, as one example, has made a pastime of profiting, and many say working to cause, national currencies and economies to collapse. There are many others who would stand to benefit enormously in various ways both inside and outside the US from it's economic/political collapse.

Bottom up, top down, inside-out.


Comment Bad news for a lot of people (Score 4, Interesting) 649

I'm not Joe Mechanic or anything like that, but I know enough to change my air, fuel & oil filters, add fluids, etc. I've even done tune-ups on my older cars, but what about the real grease monkeys who can fix anything on a vehicle? Wouldn't this type of law put the Auto-Zones, Napas & the like out of business? I don't know where they get the majority of their sales, but I know a sizeable amount has to come from home car repair/tuning enthusiasts.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Think about your circuits class.
1)You have a battery and some lights. Then someone else starts attaching more power to your system. Your bulbs start popping because you can't stop them from attaching more power than your grid can hold.
2) You are now a lineman. Go to replace a light on your circuit board. You turn off the power and grab the bulb, BUT someone has hooked up another power to your board without you knowing. ZAP!.
This is a safety issue for the linemen as well.

How dare you bring logic and facts into this political/ideological low-info Donnybrook!


Comment Re:Fair Use (Score 1) 301

When I read the article it didn't seem like the normal excepts you find in a biography. The excerpts have been described as "extensive", and I think Random House could have went beyond Fair Use and into copyright violation.

Orthogonal to the copyright issue is that I don't understand why Goebbels has an estate to make a claim against Random House. It should never have been permitted to allow a convicted war criminal to pass property onto heirs or relatives and all of his property ought to have reverted to the state and have been sold at auction. So what the heck happened?

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