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Comment Re:Advanced users do not use Apple products (Score 1) 360

If you don't use iTunes, and admit to this level of ignorance about how it works, then please stop providing your baseless opinions about it.

Is false.

I was talking about my experience as an advanced user and the lack of problems I have managing my music collection, I never claimed to be talking about itunes.

All your purchased and ripped music is stored in a nice folder called 'Music', helpfully organised by artist. The files within are un-protected AAC or MP3 files.

Great - has someone told Bruce Willis?

I will say that streaming music is a very bad deal for artists though, so I think I'll stick to CDs.

True that!

Comment Re:Advanced users do not use Apple products (Score 1) 360

Don't know what the hell you are talking about. I have an iPhone and nothing is streamed. Any music I listen is stored on the device.

I don't use itunes so I wouldn't know how the music gets on the device, I thought it was streamed AAC, my mistake. I don't understand what the complaints are about however I do like to maintain control over my music collection.

So as long as you have an itunes to manage it, I don't think it is so easy to step out of the walled garden once you step into it.

Comment Factory ships (Score 1, Interesting) 92

All you have to do is look at the Factory ships and ask yourself just how much fish is left for the sharks to eat. Do we really need a scientific study to tell us that if there is no food for the sharks to eat they will try to survive on whatever they can find in the water.

Meanwhile the factory ship goes on destroying more in its by-catch leaving a corridor of nothing behind. Of course the solution will be to kill the remaining sharks and let the fucktory ships go about their business.

We are clearly a race navel gazing it's way to extinction.

Comment Re: Advanced users do not use Apple products (Score 2) 360

And now we know why Linux will never be more then a blip on the desktop radar. That superiority complex drives everyone away. Enjoy your crappy buggy software. The OS is just there so we can run the applications, and all your applications are amateurish and shitty.

You're a great example of the parasites every great endeavour attracts.

Comment Re:Advanced users do not use Apple products (Score 1, Troll) 360

No, but seriously, many advance users do not care to have advanced control over their music library.

And you base your opinion on?

When I see an 'advanced' apple user going into a tunnel on the train I just chuckle and turn my cheap mp3 player up a bit more to drown out their complaints. They made their choice.

I still have control over my music collection and it still grows. Advanced users don't do use itunes, they use whatever they damn well please because they don't need Apples software. As far as 'control over your music organization' goes a few regular expressions and a 5 line shell script are enough to sort any mess.


First Human Colonies Should Be Among Venus' Clouds 256

StartsWithABang writes: When we talk about humans existing on worlds other than Earth, the first choice of a planet to do so on is usually Mars, a world that may have been extremely Earth-like for the first billion years of our Solar System or so. Perhaps, with enough ingenuity and resources, we could terraform it to be more like Earth is today. But the most Earth-like conditions in the Solar System don't occur on the surface of Mars, but rather in the high altitudes of Venus' atmosphere, some 50-65 km up. Despite its harsh conditions, this may be the best location for the first human colonies, for a myriad of good, scientific reasons. NASA proposed something similar last year and released a report on the subject.

Comment Re:New internet explorer (Score 4, Insightful) 311

If only enough people that mattered used Safari.

You mean other than CxOs and VPs that carry an iPhone and/or iPad?

No I mean accountants and ERP users that actually use applications in the enterprise. C-levels and VPs are a very small group of users, important, but only if you are managing stakeholder expectations.

Oh and I can see the fanbois are out modding again and taking everything personally.

Comment Re:just let it go (Score 1) 843

I would rather like to know why the tax payer is on the hook for a failed project from a contractor? The US government needs to stop negotiating these one-sided contracts where we the buyer take all the liability. If the contractor fails, we don't pay, period.

There just aren't enough mod points for this comment.

Comment Re:New internet explorer (Score 0) 311

If Safari is the new internet explorer then that's not bad. If Safari is the old internet explorer then that's really bad.

If only enough people that mattered used Safari. Deploying an enterprise based web application using Safari the way dependency on IE6 was created is unlikely to happen again.

Comment Re:Um.. we don't see it as advancing our career (Score 1) 125

Why should it be any other way?

Well, I think some people do the work do it because they want to be good at it and, they enjoy it. They pursue challenges for the skill sets and visa versa. So being genuinely productive is a way to acquire new skill sets for yourself so everything is under control.

That's why the best IT professionals rarely work big hours, they don't need to.

Time and again experience shows there's more profit in looking productive than actually being productive -and arguably, being experienced in looking productive more than being productive will help you climbing the corporate ladder once you go into management.

I've noticed. For me though, I'm not doing a role just so they can get something out of me, I have my own objectives otherwise I wouldn't even be there. Acquiring talent with technology is still a discipline with difficult and interesting challenges - why else would you put up with the crap.

Management is a different set of skill sets where softer skills are important. Any programmer who wants to become a management person should focus on developing their people skills.

Actually, programmers should do that anyway, however it is impossible to become a good manager without having good people skills. Project management, budgeting, negotiating, and more to become a good manager.

The programmers path to management lays in developing emotional intelligence, empathy and awareness of others, reading body language, especially for leadership roles. So in some respect, it's not so much the path to management but what will you do to change so that you can accommodate those soft skills.

Comment Re:Um.. we don't see it as advancing our career (Score 1) 125

Unfortunately there are plenty of managers around who think that the person who knocks off at 5.30 is not a "team player", regardless of whether they get their work done. And they'll reflect this moronic point of view in their review of the employee.

So true, they don't take into account that some people know when it is time to go home instead of become a hollow shell of a being.

Comment Re:Um.. we don't see it as advancing our career (Score 1) 125

They don't care that you're old, they care that you either can't or won't put in tons of overtime they don't pay you for.

Since people work for free the expectation is there but it can't be put into a contract, so ultimately it is still a choice. At issue is whether or not someone can maintain their productivity if they consistently work back.

I think it is the social norm that should change. People seen staying back and working overtime used to be seen as the 'go-getters' when people worked a normal 8 hour day. Now most people do it for no other reason than they are too spineless to buck the trend and actually *be* productive as opposed to looking productive.

The idea that repetitive (as opposed to transient) overtime is a jerk move that steal employment opportunities from your peers needs to permeates our culture. It's the same behavior as the asshole that comes into work with the flu to be a hero and a week later the rest of the office has to suffer it.

No needs that person around.

Comment Re:Obligatory reading (Score 1) 419

Besides I'm unclear if the RTG was justified for this mission mass or duration wise.

It would have massed about 1/10th the solar panels and lasted longer.

That looks like a guess. Are you able to cite the mass of the solar cells and rtg vs the power requirements of the lander?

"Justified" doesn't enter the equation.

Yes it does. The availability of pu238 (IIRC) used in the rtg is scarce. The duration of the mission isn't multiple decades in deep space where you have to keep electronics warm and supply electricity.

Additionally the rtg degrades and the lander was in storage while the rtg produced it's peak power output. That means the characteristics of the mission would defeat the need of the lander to have an rtg.

So it doesn't make sense to put the mission planning through the additional logistics for a craft that is going to be destroyed anyway.

I think this whole rtg discussion is a case of Captain Hindsight not really knowing the situation.

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