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Comment Re:Don't say don't say don't say don't say gay (Score 1) 227

Yeah I know every single religion has pedophile sex scandals. All of them even the Buddhists. Gandhi used to sleep with young girls supposedly as a test to keep himself chaste but let's not kid ourselves.

Extremist religions need to have warped views about sex because that creates a guilt feedback loop that keeps you coming to the church for absolution so that they can hit you up for money. This and the 4 to 14 pipeline are two of the most gruesome examples of how the sausage is made among the religiously extreme.

Comment No but good job putting words in my mouth (Score 1) 227

I said people who are heavily repressed and emotionally broken by a false religious teaching put forward by right-wing extremists can be broken in other ways especially when they're worse impulses are actively being encouraged and protected by those extremist religious organizations.

Or to put it more bluntly religious extremism encourages pedophilia.

Comment Always on the wrong side of history (Score 1) 227

I'm just reminded that we had all this with gay men.

Ha, I often think this nowadays about this issue.

Before it was gays it was racial minorities too. It really makes me wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of being on the wrong side of history when it comes to cultural issues like this.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 223

The funniest part is that you and your ilk keep telling on yourself without ever realising it. And since your religion is about strict thought control and totalizing morality at societal level, you all have exact same carbon copy arguments.

Look around this exact thread. You'll find so many carbon copies of yourself, all making the exact same error because of your totalized far left morality and how it breaks your cognitive systems on this topic in this exact same way. Making you utterly incapable of understanding the argument made, and instead projecting utterly insane claims upon me instead to maintain mental balance.

Comment Re:wow, really? (Score 2) 50

It's entropy, plain and simple. Sooner or later, no matter how secure an organization may be at any given point, skip ahead a few cycles, and attention to detail wanes. Managers stop asking questions, project leaders reprioritize thinking the problem is solved, staff do a "monkey see, monkey do", and then new gaps open up, get taken advantage of, management go into a state of denial, project leaders can't get their teams to give a damn, and then the inevitable breach or audit reveals the extent of the vulnerabilities, and management sends out the big press release that's always "We're reprioritizing security because we take security SERIOUSLY!"

Rinse, repeat, endlessly until the heat death of the universe shows entropy is always king.

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"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." -- Bertrand Russell
