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Comment Re:Mesh networking (Score 1) 141

RaDAR - Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio.

we make a game out of it by having impromptu events where a large group goes out and tries to get to a hard to reach location without power or anything else, erects antennas and then tries to contact as many other members on that event. It's great fun.

That game Saves peoples arses during emergencies.

Submission + - Ham Radio Fills Communication Gaps in Nepal Rescue Effort (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: Amateur radio has stepped in to fill communication gaps in Nepal, which is struggling with power outages and a flaky Internet after a devastating earthquake on Saturday killed over 5,000 people. Though 99 persons have ham licenses in Kathmandu, about eight use high-frequency (HF) radios that can transmit long distances, while another 30 have very high frequency and ultra high frequency sets for local traffic, said Satish Kharel, a lawyer in Kathmandu, who uses the ham call signal 9N1AA. The hobbyist radio operators are working round-the-clock to help people get in touch with relatives, pass on information and alert about developing crises.

Submission + - Music Industry 'Shuts Down' Top Torrent Trackers (torrentfreak.com)

An anonymous reader writes: A regional court in Hamburg has ordered a hosting company to shut down three iconic BitTorrent trackers that together coordinated dozens of millions of transfers per day. The order is the result of a complaint from German music group BVMI, but is a bit late since the trackers have been offline for a while.

OpenBitTorrent, PublicBT and Istole.it have long been the three largest BitTorrent trackers on the Internet, coordinating the downloads of 30 million people at any given point in time.

This means that these non-commercial services, powered by the open source Opentracker software, handled a staggering three billion connections per day – each.

We say handled, because the trackers have been offline since mid-January. The trio mysteriously disappeared and as a result of a court ruling in Germany they’re not coming back either. At least not at their German hosting provider.

Comment Re:Freeciv? (Score 5, Interesting) 38

I guess that's a free video game like "Civilisation"...?

yes, FreeCiv was an open source project to make a Civilization II type game.

I haven't played nor checked it out in a long time, so I don't know what improvements have been made on it in the last 10 years, but much like nethack, it was a must install. And much like nethack I haven't played it 10 years...

Comment Re:This is about money (Score 2) 314

Handling of the HYDROFLUOROSILICIC ACID is difficult. It eats through everything, even glass eventually. Tanks need replacement regularly, you have to wear hazmat suits when working around it... Go ahead get a little bit on you... it burns like hell and cant be neutralized.

This is the primary reason coupled with the fact that most kids have easy access to fluoride rinses and toothpaste. No reason to go with a preventative dones and scale back to a maintenance dosage.

Plus the crap is getting expensive to buy and truck. When I worked at a water filtration plant a semi truck load delivery was an expensive event, and that was 15 years ago. Today it's worse with the OMG WE ALL GONNA DIE OSHA standards for safety.

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