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Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 3, Interesting) 950

This isn't insightful, it's the opposite in fact. That's one selected quote from summary. I know it's not fashionable to RTFA or the study itself but trying to criticise it based on that one line is beyond ridiculous.

Obviously it's part of a wider pattern of behaviour, selected (badly) to illustrate it.

Slashdot used to provide insight. Now people who knee-jerk react to one line in the summary get modded up. I think the lower readership now has made the race to comment first worse as the period where stuff gets modded much is shorter.

Comment Re:Feminist bullshit (Score 1, Insightful) 950

Of do shut up, the pair of you.

This is clearly damaging behaviour. Like many addictions it screws up your life. It's not normal or healthy to be that obsessed with something. Most guys don't think about porn when they are with their girlfriends. Most people don't spend thousands of hours on a game, to the detriment of the rest of their lives.

This masculinist bullshit where everything men do must automatically be fine and dandy is stopping people who need help from getting it. It's as bad as the people who promote anorexia as being a good thing. Maybe you just really hate feminists and see conspiracies everywhere, or maybe you are just trying to justify your own self destructive behaviour, but either way it's wrong.

Comment Re:What a load of utter shite. (Score 0) 950

Boys behaving like boys is a "problem", apparently.

So... being completely addicted to videogames is a stereotypical male behaviour?

I think we can explain it in evoloutionary terms. You see men evolved to hunt mammoths and WoW raids are like hunting mammoths[citation needed] so it's entirely natural for men to be addicted to video games. Thus it we can determine that it is an essentially male characteristic and possibly defining of the male gender (we shall ignore the last 100,000 years in which video games didn't exist, because video games didn't exist then so clearly say nothing about how games are definitively a male thing).

Therefore anyone trying to prevent people getting dangerously addicted to videogames to the point where they abandon most of life including nutrition, hygene, work and social contact is an SJW attacking the core of what it is to be male.

Comment Re:Feminist bullshit (Score 5, Insightful) 950

Claiming normal male behaviour is a disease.

Da fuq?

How did *that* get modded insightful. Being completely addicted to anything, no matter how harmless in moderation (games, porn, alcohol, other drugs) etc is generally considered to be a bad thing.

It's certainly not "normal male behaviour".

I think the only reason this post got modded informative is because anything that takes a dig at feminists on slashdot gets modded up no matter how batshit crazy.

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