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Submission + - LABONFOIL: Portable Bond-Style Lab Promises Low-Cost Detection and Diagnosis (gizmag.com)

Zothecula writes: A European project coordinated by Ikerlan and CIC microGUNE is developing a James Bond-style automated laboratory called "LABoratory skin patches and smart cards based ON FOILs and compatible with a smartphone" (LABONFOIL). Using lab-on-a-chip technology and smart patches to detect a wide variety of substances and diagnose diseases, the goal of the project is to create a cheap, portable laboratory that can interact with smart devices.

Submission + - Slashdot to inflict users with autoplaying video ads. 2

dacullen writes: Apparently unsatisfied income from text based ads, Slashdot will not come with LOUD autoplaying video ads for your enjoyment. Kinda freaks me and my students out when they start to play. I tried to play nice and turn off AdBlock, but see what I get.

Submission + - Patented new implant stimulates orgasms in women (newscientist.com)

SpankiMonki writes: A US patent has been granted for a new machine that stimulates orgasms for women at the push of a button. The device, which is a little smaller than a packet of cigarettes, is designed as a medical implant that uses electrodes to trigger an orgasm. The device could help some women who suffer from orgasmic dysfunction.

Submission + - Free Software Foundation announces seminar on GPL Enforcement and Legal Ethics (fsf.org)

An anonymous reader writes: The FSF is hosting a half-day seminar with some big names in the free software movement, including authors of the GPLv3. This should be a great opportunity for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of free software licensing and policy issues.

Submission + - It's the End of (XP) Support as we Know It (microsoft.com)

X!0mbarg writes: We've all heard about the inevitability of it, but M$ has started sending out Downloaded Notifications of its End Of Support for Windows XP as part of Automatic Updates. Has anyone else seen these pop up on their XP systems? I certainly did.

(Apologies in advance for my poor code-fu here.)

Many links abound for reference here:
  • http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/end-support-help?locale=ja-jp
  • http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows/lifecycle
  • http://www.scmagazine.com/pop-ups-to-signal-the-coming-end-of-windows-xp-support/article/336777/
  • http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2014/03/windows-xp-will-now-notify-you-that-its-dying/
  • and the Google-it-for-you reference: https://www.google.ca/search?q=WinXP+End+Of+Support+Notice&num=100&source=univ&tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=mLoYU-7WJ4nTqgHEjoGgCw&ved=0CE4QqAI&biw=1173&bih=750

Anyone else see this as an attempt to scare users into upgrades directly from the desktop?

Yes, we all knew this day would be upon us, but surely we didn't see M$ being so downright aggressive, did we?

Ultimately, what is everyone's opinion on this effort and its' ultimate affect to their usage of the admittedly antiquated OS?

I for one, will still be chugging along on a few systems until the system finally just Dies on me.

Any theories on actual support and afterlife cycle predictions? Anyone still patching together their Win98 systems? Win3.11? What duties have they been relegated to and why? What plans does everyone have in the Upgrade department? Are you waiting for anything specific from M$ before taking the Win8.1 plunge, or planning on holding onto your Win7 systems 'till they pry the code from its cold, dead drive?

Submission + - Impact Crater Origin of Mars Meteorites Discovered (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: Out of the thousands of craters scarring the face of Mars, one has emerged as the likely source of most of the Martian meteorites that have been recovered on Earth, a new study shows. Researchers pinpoint Mojave Crater, a 34 mile (55 kilometer) wide basin on the planet’s equator, as the origin of the so-called “shergottites” meteorites, a family that includes about 75 percent of the roughly 150 known Martian meteorites. The crater is located slightly north and east of Meridian Planum, where NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity landed in January 2004.

Submission + - Sheryl Sandberg Odds of Becoming Microsoft CEO Slashed (ibtimes.co.uk)

DavidGilbert99 writes: Initially seen as an outsider, Sheryl Sandberg has seen her odds of replacing Steve Ballmer as only the third ever CEO of Microsoft slashed in the last few days. Initially listed at odds of 33/1 according to Ladbrokes on Friday, the Facebook CFO is now at odds of just 5/1 according to David Gilbert writing for International Business Times UK. While Nokia CEO Stephen Elop remains favourite for the job with odds of 2/1, Sandberg is clearly being backed strongly as the search continues for Ballmer's replacement.

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