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Comment You all miss the obvious reason NK agreed to this (Score 3, Funny) 234

Why would NK ever agree to do anything to help South Korea? They didn't care about paying bak the money anyway, so it's not that.

No, the real reason NK agreed to have a pipeline built through the country is they plan to insert NK frogmen spies into the pipeline to infiltrate the south. The beauty of the plan is, they cannot be spied upon the other way due to the pipe flow!


Comment Re:Porsche Boxster E (Score 1) 360

The sad thing is that there's an easy way to save weight on wiring. It's called moving to a higher voltage. Audi is already unafraid to make your battery expensive. A simple regulator provides 12V power to systems that require it, and moving literally all of the lighting to LED solves the lamp availability problem and is long overdue in any case, on any vehicle where it is not present.

Another way would be to distribute networked controllers more throughout the car. This just doesn't have to be expensive any more. It does complicate repairs, but Audi is unafraid to complicate repairs, as well.

Comment Nuh-uh! (Score 4, Insightful) 183

"In return for getting a license and being regarded with respect, you're supposed to be self-sacrificing and look beyond the interests of yourself and your client to society as a whole."

No way! This is America! You're supposed to extract as much wealth as you can for yourself! Society as a whole doesn't exist!

So what if the building blows over and kills thousands - I guess we won't buy another building from those guys will we! The market takes care of that sort of thing - it's like magic!


Comment CD playing Alarm clock (Score 1) 702

model AJ3935 by Philips/Magnavox. Wife and I bought it in 1995. Almost 20 years later it still plays CDs when we want to wake up. We have a habit of rarely changing the CDs. For the past 10 years we've been waking up to Apollo by Brian Eno. Before that it was the Carmelite Nun of Lucon's hammer dulcimer record, and before that it was Music for Airports.
Best alarm clock EVER.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 188

But we were talking about mitigating measures. That is almost never patch and recompile, it's things like turning off a service, changing the firewall rules

But we're talking about this in the context of Heartbleed, where pre-patch mitigation involved disabling critical services... A patch is what was needed here, and nothing else would suit.

Comment Re:Porsche Boxster E (Score 1) 360

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Audi's recent decision to save weight by switching from copper to aluminum wiring? Every instinct I have tells me not to trust it.

I have found a shitpot of broken COPPER wires on my 1997 A8, in places like the wiring leading to the left side knock sensor which doesn't even flex much since it's attached to the fuel rail. I guarantee you that it will go badly.

Comment Re:Google Latitude (Score 1) 61

yeah it's pretty old hat as a feature. ..and really, if you don't want to be stalked by some dude, don't enable the nearby friends feature for that dude. simple as that, no?

it's getting to the point with fb that if they add ANY feature that adds any connectivity possibility or something then someone will quickly write about how it enables stalking, surveillance or something else.

Comment Re:Why do these people always have something to hi (Score 1) 348

Not so. For example here is the privacy statement from a well-known university:

Privacy of Information
Information stored on a computer system or sent electronically over a network is the property of the individual who created it. Examination, collection, or dissemination of that information without authorization from the owner is a violation of the ownerâ(TM)s rights to control his or her own property. Systems administrators, however, may gain access to usersâ(TM) data or programs when it is necessary to maintain or prevent damage to systems or to ensure compliance with other University rules.

Comment Re:All publicly funded research needs public relea (Score 0) 348

OK with which part? Trying to repress work of scientists for political ends or trying to preserve their work for future study?

One is the despicable work of slimeballs trying to supress scientific inquiry or just simply punish people who have ideas they don't like, and the other is the work of archivists and libraries.

Clearly we have the former going right now. Fortunately the courts came to the right conclusion.

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