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Comment Encounter (Score 5, Funny) 336

Don't think he was a duck. From the fact that he was about to give us a list of real languages but then failed to do so, I can only assume the last "ducks" was him exclaiming at being overwhelmed by a wave of ducks, that subsequently ate him.

Yes, I am quite sure the real problem is he was a victim of.... fowl play.

Comment Someone Please Provide a Better Explanation (Score 3, Interesting) 392

IMO all of the reporting on this is ambiguous and expects us to know what stuff like "City-safe" means, without defining it.

Surely the vehicle already has to avoid obstacles to park?* Why does avoiding pedestrians cost extra?

It would be very helpful if someone who truly understand this could clear it up. Is the driver really a dumbass who should have known better, or is Volvo insanely treating "not plowing through human beings" as an optional extra?

* Or does it? I admit I have no experience with self-parking cars. How much preparation/setup (i.e. like "pre-washing" for a dishwasher) is required on the part of the driver? Is the driver expected to position the car in a certain way, and make sure certain obstacles aren't present?

Comment Radiation not a problem, an opportunity (Score 2) 278

I forget where but recently I read a really good point - the radiation shielding someone on Mars might want to wear a lot (especially outside) is actually quite useful, because it adds weight that puts stress on your bones to the same degree Earth gravity would, thus reducing the problem of bone loss through everyday movement instead of just exercise periods.

As mentioned though, it seems like any mars settlement could make good use of the canyons there to help with shielding.

Comment Re:"What happened to the dinosaurs?" (Score 5, Informative) 445

Dinosaurs, the ones related to lizards

Uhh...wut? Just because they looked like overgrown lizards in Jurassic Park, doesn't mean they're related to lizards.

Here's Jur ass has had it Park's raptor:


Here's what a raptor probably looked like IRL:


Now what modern animal does the likely IRL version of a raptor resemble? If you guessed lizard, then I'm sorry.

Comment Re:US rail system (Score 1) 294

I'm sorry, what? We're too busy laughing at the USA! USA! stuff we see on TV.

Exactly, because where you come from, the proof for every answer to every question can be backed with "I saw it on TV" and everybody instantly knows its true, making your country the smartest in the world. And every time somebody mentions something that Americans do, you reply with "well in the rest of the world, we do it this way" as if your country itself is the rest of the world, and that combined with the knowledge that you're better than Americans in every way instantly makes you proud to be from wherever it is you're from.

Comment Re:US rail system (Score 2) 294

Probably because we don't want to spend 7 days going from LA to NY with 19th century technology when we can do it in less than 0.5 days using 20th century technology.

Or if it's only 300 miles away we still prefer a car because we can depart and return on whatever schedule we want, and when we get there we have our own self provided means of transportation that we can use on-demand instead of paying up the ass for a taxi or a rental car.

It's called being practical, and that's why we don't give a shit about passenger rails.

Comment Re: And I'm the feminist deity (Score 1) 446

Not everyone is a fit parent.

See, that's the problem. There is disagreement among large numbers of people on exactly what the definition of "fit parent" is, who gets to decide what that definition is, and how it is interpreted/implemented/enforced, and if government even has the power under the Constitution to be involved at all.


Comment No they aren't (Score 1) 147

Most links on slashdot are underlined to me.

Poke around with a mouse sometime over many of the two lines of text above each post... many things are clickable, and are not underlined until you hover over them.

In IOS the indicator that something could be interacted with was meant to be similar to an underline, in that buttons took on the tint color for the app - so when you saw that color you would know you could press.

I personally prefer outlines either, but it's not Ive's fault if some designers did not follow those guidelines in UI designs with textual buttons.

Comment It is the same rule (Score 1) 201

If you want fair competition, you have to do it under the same rules as everyone else.

Uber is under the same rules - might makes right.

Both taxis and Uber have drivers working for a large organization with lots of money trying to compete. It's just that governments fight competition through fear and intimidation; companies like Uber fight competition through better service.

If you like fear and oppressive rule, by all means cheer the taxis on.

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